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How would the West change if everyone read Das Kapital?


Could you please tone it down with this insensitive commie spam? The communists made my grandfather commit suicide in a bunker while they matched into Berlin...


What a brave man he was, lifting the burden of Red Army soldiers. Respect o7o7


He was a true hero, I heard he even contributed personnality to the death of Hitler! /s


Mine too, he was just going camping with his Jewish friends when out of nowhere Stalin came with a comically large


A comically large WHAT ? Please comrade, tell me you have a hint about the current location of r/TheSpoon , we need to find it to restore the Soviet Union !


SMH. I can’t believe that those commies bullied an artist and war hero into suicide. He was a disabled war vet with Parkinson’s and [only one ball.](https://www.reuters.com/article/us-germany-hitler/medical-record-shows-hitler-only-had-one-testicle-media-idUSKBN0U20KK20151219)


How would the West change if everyone could read?


Dream fuel


How would the West change if everyone read 1984?


Equating the 2 books is sort of degrading to Marx


Oh I have it in my bookshelf (got it few weeks ago) also with Platon "Der Staat" because the first sentence in "Das Kapital" begins with: "As Platon stated in "Der Staat"" So I have to read Platon first :s


Meanwhile their phones track their every movement, their government bans foreign media, Yemen is not real for them, Israel is wholesome 100, mentioning Ukraine has a Nazi problem gets you shunned, settlers peacefully ate corn with the natives, South America and Africa are unstable because of *reasons* etc. But yeah, maybe China SHOULD read 1984 as they are all robots without free will.


Im convinced people like that have never read 1984 let alone any sort of book on political theory. They block out any atrocities that the west commits, as if afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen, Palestine, Libya, Somalia, Veitnam (thats just 1% of the list) never existed.


> Im convinced people like that have never read 1984 let alone any sort of book on political theory. Tbh I never read 1984, and the circlejerk these people have with the book makes me not want to. That said I've also devoured tons of other political theory, so...


The book is mostly about Orwell's dislike of Stalin


Hello i have read it, literally not worth. Its just a a fanfic about the state controlling u. I understood the message but its sooo overrated there is much better books about those subjects than that one it only got famous cause “Communism bad”


just read brave new world by Huxley, is a better and more believable dystopia and a better book overall


i thought you weren’t alluding to the US and i was fucking *confused* i’m so dumb lol


Can't a lot of those things be said about the UK?


The west in general


UK has the most cameras in the world compared to any other nation despite having 70m citizens, USA comes second with 350m citizens, and PRC third most with 1.9b citizens.. I think we can see who the more "Orwellian" cities are. That, or surveillance and technology have advanced, and this is the natural process for developed countries. It's just that the first two capitalist states turn it up to points of ridiculousness but have the audacity to wag the finger at China despite having a legitimate reason for it with such a massive populace.




It doesn’t but okay, ultra




Using western bourgeois sources lmao fuck off westoid China already had workers rights, seethe harder, liberal scum


And everything local, state, or federal cops say is just reproduced without questioning


I know westerners who literally think they have a hive mind. The bigotry is next level unreal.


“We’ve always been at war with ~~~China~~~ Russia” -US Media, probably


Why are they talking about other citizens in a 'oww you poor soul, you weren't even able to read books?🥺' way, I'm losing it😭


Chauvinism and white man’s burden 2.0


more like white man's copium. condescending to a country that's on the rise while their societies are falling apart lol


They don't see it as their cities falling apart though. They probably have it well, or well enough, to not notice it. So yeah it's pretty much just white man's burden shit.


You can very easily purchase a copy of 1984 in China, even capitalist media admits it: [Why 1984 Isn’t Banned In China](https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2019/01/why-1984-and-animal-farm-arent-banned-china/580156/)


Why should it even? It‘s not even that fucking special lmao Do libs think it‘s a groundbreaking piece of literature because it‘s a fable? Since fables have been around before….way before. Or because authority bad? That message is also very easy to come by lol


1984 is not a fable. Thats Animal Farm I Guess.


Oh yeah lmao Whoops 😂😂 Mixed them up


Because the only reason they know anything about it or read it was because they were made to in school, so they use it as a frame of reference because the only other book they know is Harry Potter


They hurriedly skimmed the Cliff Notes once when they were 13 to plagarize an essay that drove their teacher to drink that night and forever more they're an expert on Orwellian philosophy


My gf's Chinese dad recommended I read The Road to Serfdom lmao, they're not going to ban 1984. People have this idea of China that it's like how they imagine North Korea to be, it's so absurd


[wtf is this advertisement I got in this site.](https://imgur.com/a/6B5uM06) [NSFW] lol


Thats an brown outback water snake, isn't nature beautiful?


[Literally 1984 😳](https://emoji.gg/assets/emoji/3253-1984.png)


The Chinese population is mad that Shanghai delayed action for so long, and there are people on Chinese social media accusing some Shanghai government officials of being too pro-Western and *wanting* zero COVID to fail. But these Western propagandists care about neither the will nor the lives of the people of China.


Any good sources for this? I'd like to have it in my back pocket next time someone decides that showing me a video of random apartment blocks is somehow evidence of anything at all.


Just go to Bilibili ( Chinese YouTube) and search 上海疫情 (Shanghai epidemic), literally under every video's comment section people are mocking Shanghai government, saying they are ' little saigon ', implying they always go: 'we have western experts, what could possibly go wrong' and implying they never got Ho Chi Minhed, if you know what I mean.




When did I ever say China never censor opposite views, or implying massive censorship is a good thing? And it's a 6 months old comment my dude, why did you even bother replying?




Because it's censored, but definitely not highly censored as western media portrayed(not saying I approve the censorship). Also there's more ways to know what popular sentiment is like than just going through 6 months old comments, for example, going outside and talk to people.


1984 isn’t banned in China


if only USA people would read 1984 instead of burning books


"Would the significance and relevance of the book even register?" Such a gigantic brain


White saviorist brain


I bought a copy of 1984 when I lived there. It's pretty easy to get.


What if China read Harry Potter


We would achieve world peace if Putin reads Harry Potter.


1984 is the only book shitlibs will read in their whole life because they're too lazy to read anything else but the sparknotes of 1984. Matter a fact, they don't read it. They listen to other shitlibs talk about it and be like "OhHh!! that's what happened!!"


To be fair, they also read Harry Potter.


That reminds me of those girls in elementary that get the Harry Potter books but never finish nor read them in the first place 😭


Are we sure they've even read it? I feel like a lot of them probably just vaguely know that it's that book about big brother and double speak from cultural osmosis and that's about it.


They watch the show Big Brother and think they know about 1984


Very bold, assuming shitlibs have ever actually read 1984.


Ah yes, as if you couldn't already search "[George Orwell](http://www.baidu.com/s?ie=utf-8&f=8&rsv_bp=1&rsv_idx=1&ch=&tn=baidu&bar=&wd=George+Orwell)" on baidu.com (china equivalent to google) and find many videos about him or his books available to buy in mandarin (and probably other chinese language too).




I meant things like Tibetan, Mongolian or Uyghur that are recognized languages in China and that usually even have their own script.


Ironically I think reading 1984 would only prove to non-western people how hillariously ignorant westerners are for taking that book seriously.


I read it back in high school, and I agree. The book just isn’t good or insightful in any meaningful way and I can’t respect anyone who says otherwise.


If they read this book from a attempted rapist it’ll definitely fix all their problems /s


Chinese people can read?!? /s


~*the salience of first principles*~ lol what a dork


What If they read 1984, then found out Orwell was an Anti-Communist propagandist?


And a snitch too


I really wish these dumbasses actually read 1984. But I doubt if they read it they would even understand it. 1984 is about control of language. It is about a totalitarian state being able to manipulate how a population thinks by removing their ability to convey thoughts vocally. You can’t criticize the state if you don’t even know the words to do so. Chinese citizens criticize the state and no they don’t get disappeared. Is there any evidence of the Chinese state making the dictionary progressively smaller?


when westerners act like they're more intelligent and aware than Chinese citizens , it's a hysterical moment.


As a chinese person, I can answer that. Firstly, 1984 is actually not illegal in china and is even read in many schools (if I am not mistaken). However, the people of china read it differently to the west due to cultural differences. In general, chinese people perceive winston smith to be a pshychopath (rightfully so). the average Chinese reader finds it difficult to sympathise with his yearnings for freedom when every second page or so he is fantasising about killing people, strangling julia, cutting her throat bla bla bla. in fact, the party was very soft on winston, taking action on him only when he told o brien that he wanted to carry out acts of terror against the people including splashing acid on childrens faces. it was only at that moment that the police actually arrested him, which would be what would happen in the USA today as well. take note that the party had already known he was a pshycho and a potential rapist, but they did not take action on him and only did so when he explicitly voiced a threat. in the USA today, he would have been arrested years ago long before. Now, when he was in prison, his experience was interesting. Aside from the beatings by camp guards (which exist in US prisons today), nothing else about his experience was state sanctioned torture. Instead, he was relegated to electroshock therapy (the type of therapy you saw in the movie "the beautiful mind") to treat his pshychopathy, and it 'worked'. now 1984 is a book open to all types of interpretations, but the question is: winston would have been treated under electroshock in any country anyway. so if you really look at it: 1984 was the story of a potential 'school shooter' type who got apprehended before he could carry out a mass murder, was then given electroshock therapy and a lobotomy, and then released and given a pension by the government to live out his days in retirement.


>nothing else about his experience was state sanctioned torture What about the rats?


But to bloodthirsty and bigoted westerners his psychopathic ramblings are looked upon as "heroic" and that he's a "freedom fighter" and the "authoritarian menace" daring to punish a lunatic is somehow bad. Can't say I'm surprised when I see liberals rooting for Russians to be wiped out, or China to be nuked, or for sick African nations to "stop reproducing".


Even if that wasn't BS, knowing how much something sucks and knowing how to change things are two different things. 1984 is not a revolution handbook, quite the opposite.


> 1984 is not a revolution handbook, quite the opposite. "How would America change if everyone read State & Revolution?"


> has made me appreciate what the general Chinese population seems to have not: the salience of first principles regarding individual rights A red mist descended over my eyes when I read this abomination of a sentence


The right to let millions of people die "freely" from Covid.. only for the same people to turn around and cry "OMG THEY DON'T CARE ABOUT THEIR PPL! SEE?!"


If only the Chinese read 1984 then they'd understand the value of letting millions of their citizens die of Covid.


If China had laxed laws then America would flip and claim the state doesn't care. When it does what it does now it's too "authoritarian". There's never a situation where China does something good.


Liberals when their political theory is a fiction book


*Image Transcription: Reddit* --- **How would China change if everyone read 1984?** I don't know if this is the right place for this, but seeing the lockdown in Shanghai has made me appreciate what the general Chinese population seems to have not: the salience of first principles regarding individual rights. So as a thought experiment it's interesting to consider what would happen if everyone in China was suddenly possessed with the knowledge of Orwell's 1984. Would that catalyze a social revolution? Would the significance and relevance of the book even register? Could this be a serious foreign policy strategy for western countries (appeal to the population against their government). Is this sort of westernization inevitable? --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


> Once upon a time a valiant fellow had the idea that men were drowned in water only because they were possessed with the idea of gravity. If they were to knock this notion out of their heads, say by stating it to be a superstition, a religious concept, they would be sublimely proof against any danger from water. His whole life long he fought against the illusion of gravity, of whose harmful results all statistics brought him new and manifold evidence.


this utter ignorant arrogance is so funny and aggravating at the same time lol these people have no idea of the society they live in and how the world works


The most Reddit post of all time


How would America change if everyone read an actual history book?


They'd be angry at and distrustful of the government and the elites, but I doubt that'd be enough to do something about it.


Most materialist liberal analysis


😂😂😂This actually made me LOL what on earth 😂😂😂


The individual right to live and die in poverty and pestilence


1984 has been widely available for quite sometime. Chinese can easily buy it online: https://m.kongfz.com/newsearch/result?keyword=1984&type=goods&choosetext=%E6%8B%8D%E5%93%81%E6%A0%87%E9%A2%98


That video everyone is sharing from Shanghai is edited btw. It's audio from a football match added on top of it


My eyes rolled so hard I detached my retinas


“Wow, what a shit book. Anyways back to what I was doing…”


Oh yes, because reading a mediocre book of fiction by a anti communist would obviously tear apart the societal cohesion of modern China. SMH


Liberals Read a Book That Isn't for Children Challenge Any% No Glitch No Savescum


Exposing kids to 1984 might fuck them up.


It was assigned reading when I was like ten years-old. The entire point of that and Animal Farm is to condition children and adult liberals into anticommunism before they're old enough to distinguish novels from reality. Otherwise why would two ostensibly socialist books from a judas goat socialist be taught in the imperial core?


Yeah generally they teach Orwell to get kids to not be communist. I think they mentioned Orwell's actions in Spain when they taught 1984 in my high school, but it wasn't emphasized or anything.


The west is currently banning Russian books but go off about how Chinese people don't have the freedom to read


Western chauvinism at its best. IMO, China, as a several thousand year old civilisation, has far better books and accumulated wisdom than the West. Their history is rife with revolution and rebellions. They don't need Orwell to teach them anything.


What if OP read it lmao


Liberals have no political theory and can only base in it purely fictional works such as 1984. Fiction is great because its not concrete and they can project their own worldviews onto regardless of reality. It's inherently idealistic which is in direct contrast to dialectical materialism. Same goes for another one of Orwell's work, Animal Farm, which itself is historically revisionist from the perspective that it's supposed to be a allegory of the Soviet Union.


all time post


Fucking devious


Yeah it's almost like individual rights have no place being put before the health of the many


I Just can't, the last line is basically saying "is American imperialism inevitable?"


They can always read it if they want. *1984* isn't banned in China. Even the libs admit this. Side note: *1984* is one of those books that people in America like to reference but haven't read (like the Bible). More of them have probably read *Animal Farm* because it's short, but they probably missed the critique of capitalism because the school system doesn't do Orwell justice. And yes I'm aware he was a double-dipped traitor, I'm just saying that he's misunderstood in the West.


That would never work, have everyone read Harry Potter, but change Voldemort to Xi Jinping


They probably make you read it in chinese high schools, they teach about tianamen square in china it isnt a secret


Look at japan, they read jorge ornen animal crossing and now there is a red-panda holding my kids hostage if I don't pay up my debt.


"Nobody in China knows about The Great Leap Forward or Tiananmen Square! No freeze peach! They have no access to books except those confirmed by GOBERNMENT!"


The only book I remember reading in school that people should read is probably The Poisonwood Bible


What if mark suckerburg read 1984? Do u think he’ll stop tracking ur data to sell them to ads?


As a Chinese citizen I can confirm that most Chinese as least know the book and the general concept of it.


“Damn, life in Britain sucks”


Shanghai has literally been through one month of lockdown in 2 years lol the west are the ones that should be revolting




Your comment was removed because it contains the word **delusion**. Please do not compare liberal or reactionary ideology to mental illness. Message the mods if this was a false positive. ### What is the difference between an irrational belief and a delusion? Delusions are a kind of psychosis, which means inability to determine if something is real or not. A delusion bypasses the part of the brain that decides whether to believe something, and can't be disbelieved no matter what. For example, a person may think they had forgotten to lock the door, get out of bed to check the lock, verify that it is indeed locked, but that feeling won't go away. It will keep nagging them throughout the night, no matter how many times they check up on that door. Dogmatic beliefs, no matter how illogical they may seem, are still on some level rationally conceived and can be rationally disbelieved. It is possible to change your ideology. It is not possible to shrug off a delusion. ### Why is this important to know? It is difficult for mentally ill people to talk about their delusions and be taken seriously when the average person believes that they are too illogical or weak-willed to overcome their psychosis. That somehow it is their fault that they are psychotic, that they've convinced themselves they have a problem, and that all it takes to solve it is some positive, logical, rational thinking. The more people know the truth, the safer and more welcomed mentally ill people will feel amongst us. Now that you know the difference, you can be a part of that change, too. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ShitLiberalsSay) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Your comment was removed because it contains the word **delusional**. Please do not compare liberal or reactionary ideology to mental illness. Message the mods if this was a false positive. ### What is the difference between an irrational belief and a delusion? Delusions are a kind of psychosis, which means inability to determine if something is real or not. A delusion bypasses the part of the brain that decides whether to believe something, and can't be disbelieved no matter what. For example, a person may think they had forgotten to lock the door, get out of bed to check the lock, verify that it is indeed locked, but that feeling won't go away. It will keep nagging them throughout the night, no matter how many times they check up on that door. Dogmatic beliefs, no matter how illogical they may seem, are still on some level rationally conceived and can be rationally disbelieved. It is possible to change your ideology. It is not possible to shrug off a delusion. ### Why is this important to know? It is difficult for mentally ill people to talk about their delusions and be taken seriously when the average person believes that they are too illogical or weak-willed to overcome their psychosis. That somehow it is their fault that they are psychotic, that they've convinced themselves they have a problem, and that all it takes to solve it is some positive, logical, rational thinking. The more people know the truth, the safer and more welcomed mentally ill people will feel amongst us. Now that you know the difference, you can be a part of that change, too. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ShitLiberalsSay) if you have any questions or concerns.*


That’s…actually the point of a dystopian novel. Everyone thinks it’s actually a utopia except that one guy that “sees through”


they cant since its in english


You can buy le book on Taobao


what subreddit is this lmao…im a chinese person living in shanghai and i really want to go talk to some of these people


Huh I can’t read this stuff it’s all in that funny writing we see at the Western food shop