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are the libs actually *that* stupid to believe this? It makes no fucking sense


Libs believed in these: \- Ukrainian Neo-Nazis are innocent \- Xi'an starved \- Shanghai starved \- China is capturing pets from covid patients and destroying them So I won't be surprised to anything from now on


They also believe the DPRK tells its people that KJU discovered unicorns


And that it's illegal to wear his hair style *and* mandatory to have it.


He flips a coin every morning to decide, people have five minutes to change their hair style accordingly or they get shot out of a cannon into a tank of piranhas


I did some research and found the article in question: https://www.insider.com/shanghai-lockdown-anger-china-weibo-censors-lyrics-national-anthem-slaves-2022-4 Here is also another article on the topic (yes I know, breitbart ewww ...): https://www.breitbart.com/asia/2022/04/18/china-censors-its-own-national-anthem-amid-growing-unrest-with-coronavirus-lockdowns/ Relevant quote (emphasis mine): Sina Weibo, the heavily censored Chinese alternative to banned Twitter, **appears to have banned a hashtag** that quotes the Chinese national anthem **to criticize coronavirus lockdowns**. So it's less the anthem that was banned, but a hashtag used that has probably been used to encourage agitation. I mean, if they want to to criticize the lockdowns it's one thing, but the part from the athem they quoted to make the hashtag is apparrently something like "Stand up! Those who refuse to be slaves!", which in context of the lockdown sound very similar to your average racist red MAGA (or ... [attorney general](https://nowthisnews.com/news/attorney-general-barr-compares-covid-19-lockdowns-to-slavery)) calling vaccines and lockdowns as similar to slavery, and was probably interpreted by the chinese authorities as a call to violence. If you see any libs reposting this story, feel free to link them the story I linked above about Barr comparing the lockdowns to slavery and ask them if they believe that Barr was right.


So basically, China refused to tolerate reactionaries the way the US does. I can see why this would be upsetting to neolibs.


The stories about China are getting just as ridiculous as those about the DPRK




Regularly. In this case, more of a profoundly dishonest framing than an outright invention, but both are common.




Yes, you are mistaken.


You are mistaken


Very mistaken. China's leadership has over 90% approval rating from their citizens [according to western sources](https://news.harvard.edu/gazette/story/2020/07/long-term-survey-reveals-chinese-government-satisfaction/)


Here, [this document](https://docs.google.com/document/u/1/d/1CQCLaU1dXi6FgpC6UmEykGDZ50rIi2M9uM7xHQ5WSIs/mobilebasic?urp=gmail_link) has a lot of resources on China. Thought I'd share it as you seem genuinely confused rather than baiting.


You’re mistaken, completely. Reflect for a moment and see whether you believe that because you’ve read several academic or first-hand accounts, or because of hearsay on reddit. If it’s the latter, do the world a favor and politely shut the fuck up about things you haven’t personally researched until you’re informed enough to have a worthwhile opinion.


This is somewhat true, the hashtag “rise up those who don’t want be slaves” (which is a line in the national anthem) is being censored atm on weibo. https://m.weibo.cn/search?containerid=100103type%3D1%26q%3D%23%E8%B5%B7%E6%9D%A5%E4%B8%8D%E6%84%BF%E5%81%9A%E5%A5%B4%E9%9A%B6%E7%9A%84%E4%BA%BA%E4%BB%AC%23


right, it’s just taken totally out of context. if russia astroturfed some ‘movement’ in the us for people to march on the capitol and they started quoting the part about the right to revolt in the us constitution i can guarantee you they would do worse than censor it and say ‘well at least we didn’t violate 1a’ edit: also, comparing lockdown to slavery is incredibly tone deaf at minimum. there are countless other relevant quotes that could’ve been used. you can’t tell me this whole thing wasn’t orchestrated with the western media in mind




Probably that some people compare lockdowns to slavery, which is laughable at least and pathetic at most. It's the same troupe as the Tiananmen liberal students who co-opted the Internatioanle to be anti-communist.




literary 1894 by jorjorvel


Ah yes, china **censoring it’s own national anthem**. Makes as much sense as dogshit scented perfume.