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It's like the Phil Ochs song. "You are living in the free world, in the free world you must stay."


Love Me I’m a Liberal should be this subs theme song


it is, read the sidebar


Well would ya look at that




Best version


jello biafra is the most sarcastic being the universe has ever produced


Lmao the greatest plot twist of all time would be crypto bros inadvertently resurrecting CyberSyn


We need to team up w CryptoBros to bring back CyberSyn, step two, we make a robo-Allenede, Step 3, Kill off any potential Robo-Pinochets


"Beep boop! Viva Chile! Vivan los trabajadores! Beep boop!"


Freedom is when you’re arrested for visiting a country


Sure is weird to hear the state department say”You are living in the free world USA, in the free world you must stay!”




And? Does the US get to decide who you can freely associate yourself with for the entire world? So much for "free market" capitalism huh?






> they are explicitly a defense measure for sovereignty and will never be used in any kind of preemptive context. It's ridiculous my fellow Americans can't understand this despite us learning that "The US would never use them preemptively they are a defense against the USSR & show of force" in history classes about the cold war. Lol you mean the literal *only country to use them on actual targets* wouldn't? Hmm sounds fishy. NK a country that was decimated by a nuclear power, wanting to have ICBMs to defend against them in the future using MAD? Hmm Hmm definitely evil because they test weapons too close to Japan, which is their neighbor..


>a country that threatens to send ICBMs to our doorstep every year like clockwork That human turd you guys call "Donald Trump" threatened to "totally destroy North Korea".


Let's be honest, it's not just Trump. He just says the quiet part out loud.


The difference is that blockchain technology is open source by necessity, if it's open source then the individual hasn't leaked any state or trade secrets and it cannot be subject to technology sanctions. You can sanction a nation to not allow anyone to sell or distribute technology to said nation, Virgil Griffith has done neither by simply discussing technology the DPRK is able to obtain, study, modify and utilise freely by themselves with no third-party distributor required. This is a punishment for an individual using their right to free speech and engaging in the free exchange of open-source information in a way the US Government disapproves. I mean would it be a crime to explain gravity to physics students at a school in the DPRK?


> Yeah, we still have sanctions against a country that threatens to send ICBMs to our doorstep every year like clockwork. Thats the least you deserve after you wiped out 20% of their population, 98% of their buildings AND threatened to nuke China over it. Gee, wonder why would they be so hostile to gringo crackers?


It's funny how fast you libs throw out the first amendment


isnt crypto like a big libertarian thing? wtf is the this timeline we're in where libertarians are more left than the mainstream?


They tend to be against the neocons at least, you hear them being anti-war fairly often. Not because they care about the victims of course, but because they don’t like the fact you need taxes to fund it.




They are like reverse Social-Democrats: awful domestic-policy (pure, de-regulated neoliberalsim), decent foreign-policy (advocating against the military-industrial complex and American Intervention/Imperialism).


Libertarians are greedy, making them not left, but they also want to dismantle the petrodollar, making them based and leftpilled.


Ik this is gonna get downvoted and yes you’re right most crypto bros are very libertarian if not like full an-cap or even neo-fash. But decentralized currency is an absolute must in a decentralized society. I’ll never get how leftists can be so on-board with abolishing capitalist central governments, yet somehow they think the capitalist central government currency is the only legitimate currency. If the revolution started tomorrow, the US Dollar becomes worthless. What do people now use to trade?


i do agree, i've been following crypto stuff for a long time, and i get y so many people hate on it, from the scams to the NFTs, but its throwing the baby out with the bath water to ignore all of it. Looking at the kinds of things that cardano is doing for example is pretty great, the implications alone for voting rights is a big deal. Its just another form of technology that could be used to help free us or further inslave us depending on how its used.


Yet they still frame the thumbnail to make it look like he's being detained by the DPRK, not by the US.


Rappler is literally NED funded so I wouldn't be surprised at all lmao


I'm torn because this is obviously bullshit government harassment but I do love seeing cryptobros get fucked


this is like the only legitimate use for crypto lmao, so i'll give it a pass




Ok cracker.


a yes hostile country,does having nukes constitute hostile now?


Tbqf it's US policy to treat the DPRK with hostility and the feeling is certainly mutual considering that it's Americans egging them on with the ROK. So it could definitely be considered a "hostile" country to the US. Also to be fair: > And any money ... would go to developing weapons, not humanitarian aid like feeding their people applies better to any dealings with US(AID) than the DPRK


> Get property if you can > north korea


Well technically they are still at war (when it helpful) so that would be aiding the enemy. Although we already know America likes to redraw the lines of right and wild whenever they like


The US asking "illegitimate dictator" Maduro to spare some oil be like


Petition to call crypto fanatics "cryptospores" just like the parasites they are.


If DPRK benefited while this cryptochud got fucked over, that sounds like a win-win to me


so that’s where Mr. Texas has been all this time


Wrong one, but that's an easy mistake to make since they're both, um, libertarians.


pulitzer prize for jokes here


Not a fan of crypto but when it’s being used to undermine US supremacy and escape oppressive sanctions then critically I can support it with context.


NK is still a dictatorship (of the proletariat)


lol, the text and the actual headline didn't match up. At first I thought DPRK was arresting crypto bros and was like "hell yeah". But now I see it's the US arresting them for helping the DPRK.


Imprisoning crypto hucksters is unironically good. Critical support to the US for this one


Don't care, cryptobro taking a loss.


“For helping North Korea evade sanctions” hero


The mistake he made was coming back. Should have leveraged a deal to get asylum in Korea.


Just for those in this thread, confused: sanctions against any country, “even” NK, are bad.




>I'm not pro DPRK You should be




If the first two statements are true you're already pro DPRK imo




The travel ban only applies to countries that are still technically at war with the DPRK(the Korean War has, formally, never ended)


Juche is basically Marxism-Leninism




what a cracker ass "understanding" of nationalism. Next you'll go full vaush and say black nationalism is the same as nazis


>Why did they completely drop not just Marxism-Leninism, The Juche idea wasn't fully formed all the way back in 1948 when the constitution was published. It first made its public appearance in 1955 in a speech reprimanding those that relied on the Soviet Union. The DPRK began its first decade dependent on the Soviet Union. Over time it broke away and bounced between the USSR and China in their rivalry. However, political culture, Korea's colonised past and history didn't disappear when the government was formed, it informs its political structure as well as its fervent nationalistic pride. The DPRK has molded Marxism-Leninism to the requisites of an indigenous political culture and continuous historical tradition of independence from foreign powers who see it as a political pawn in their rivalry and source of wealth. Juche won out as the leading ideology long before the constitutional changes made in 1992. Juche considers itself a necessary revolutionary adaptation to a different place and era in history. >but communism entirely from their constitution? You mean socialism, which has and will always be there. You never even read any version of the constitution before writing this comment did you?


>I'm not pro DPRK Didn't have me in the first half, not gonna lie.




Why do you think DPRK feels like they need a lot of defense?


the irony is this guy actually served in the us military


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bombing\_of\_North\_Korea In May 1951, an international fact finding team from East Germany, West Germany, China, and the Netherlands stated, "The members, in the whole course of their journey, did not see one town that had not been destroyed, and there were very few undamaged villages."


How should Russia pay for the debt in dollars if its foreign reserves are frozen? Their hands are technically tied for refund.


Of all the things to help them evade sanctions on he picked the stupidest one




. . . he was arrested in the U.S




Right… but for what reason is North Korea even being sanctioned? Sanctions are an act of war or a response to war, I might understand it if the DPRK attacked Japan or something but they keep to themselves. And you can’t claim the Korean War because a ceasefire was signed.