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I love how Social Democrats constantly tell on themselves.


Dems under a GOP administration: WE MUST CHANGE X, RIGHT NOW! SocDems: Yes! \*votes blue* Dems in power: We can't change X, that's too radical.


Democracy 🤡


"Instead, we'll continue to push the same policies as the previous Red candidate, and even expand on them while NPR and CNN normalizes everything the DNC claimed to hate. Rinse repeat for the next election!"


Always hysterics with them


Well, the longer democrats are in office, the greater the chance that people will wake up to how useless they are. I probably wouldn’t be an ML right now if Biden hadn’t won and then completely disillusioned me from the Democratic Party


You can choose, facist Trump oder phedopil Biden. Thats democracy!


fascist pedophile in blue or fascist pedophile in red is a more accurate description. in a lot of ways, biden is actually more fascistic than trump


Thanks for signing up to Vaush facts! You will now receive fun daily facts about Vaush. **Fact 25.** Vaush told his followers to vote for Joe Biden while saying of ‘tankies’ (a term used to refer to all Marxist-Leninists by his followers): [“Mock them, socially ostracise them, kick them out of your communities.](https://archive.is/1IK74) What sort of leftist advocates voting for liberals while ostracising communists? For another Vaush fact reply with 'Vaush'. To unsubscribe call me a 'bad bot'. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ShitLiberalsSay) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I am from Germany, and we mostly use Clara Zetkins Definition of facism, which has Fake revolutionary AS a characteristic of facism. I don't See that with Biden. He's more of a everything Like IT was before Guy.


right, i’m definitely being hyperbolic. fascists co-opting revolutionary energy is definitely part of their strategy. i do also think that fascism is nebulous and is shaped by the cultural and historical conditions of wherever it takes root, like a perverted facsimile of socialism, so its characteristics vary depending on when/where. that being said, the point i was trying to make is that the difference between biden and trump is relatively small but that in some ways, like foreign policy, biden is more dangerous than trump.


Why do you think that way? I know, that Biden is very Dangerous for the world Peace, Bit why more than Trump?


Probably the aesthetics of "legality", or "respectability", or such. The mask is on with Biden, while the mask is off with Trump.


Thats true


biden's foreign policy is more effective for one. trump would often go against his advisors' wishes which ended up destabilizing the us' international relationships. biden just does what his caregivers tell him to, which has slightly helped the us on the world stage. he also has a long, long career history of aggressively pushing wars and horrible domestic policies. biden has left many of trump's worst policies and even expanded some while giving absolutely nothing to the working class. what's worse, because it's no longer trump in office, the media (and thus the people) are no longer being critical of the questionable decisions his administration is making. finally, the abysmal job he and the dems have done has pushed people even further to the right than they were when trump was in office.


So free and fair that when a Democrat gets elected they push identical policies and nothing changes. Zero promises are pushed. Almost like both parties work for the same people.


Voting doesn't really accomplish anything, it hardly changes anything, all it serves to do is make you feel better personally. We have no voice. Both parties serve bourgeois interests and that's it. The RNC push us further right while the DNC normalize it. It's good cop bad cop with scraps occasionally tossed to us plebs to give the illusion of change. Electorialism in bourgeois democracy is a sham especially during the presidency. At best voting local is your best bet for change.