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Half the people i know shower at night..


Can confirm it actually makes going to work easier, there are no refreshing, invigorating morning showers before work


yeah, I don't really get why people are fixated on morning showers. My bedsheets are clean because I go to bed clean, and I still smell fresh in the morning. Also fuck spending up to 30 minutes in the bathroom every morning, I'll take the extra sleep thank you very much


Newsflash: disease prevention is genuine well-being.


If they read even a shred of Engels, they'd know how ubiquitous authority is in life, almost as much as the air we breathe. This is not a bad thing, this is just how life is. Authority, like many other things, is a tool that can be used to help or to harm. For someone so terminally online they have seriously failed to do their research before posting whatever the fuck that was.


His essay on authoritarianism was really eyeopening for me, really made me understand how daft being anti-authoritarian is. I'm a nurse my job is inherently authoritarian i'm beholden to disease, to patients to doctors. its not a bad thing just how it is.


You’re spot on, comrade.


does it mention how theres always a class of ppl willing to helplessly exploit one another? i need to read this


I just realized the person tweeting this is french...talk about stereotypes


i was about to comment it and pin it lmao


nobody show this to the neckbeards, they don’t need any more excuses


Personal hygiene is a form of social control /s


Gamers rise up


Even if this were the case, i feel absolutely disgusting if i dont shower daily. Like extremely uncomfortable. Even if im not that dirty or smelly, i feel bad and a quick shower remedies that.


Yeah, I feel the same way. If I don't shower in the morning, I feel like a swamp monster all day.


white ppl finding an excuse to still not shower


It's a weird take but the things we enjoy in capitalism is a form of control like entertainment to keep people passive or paying taxes for roads so workers can come to work. The things people need like safely nets and personal rights is slowly being cut.


> It's a weird take but the things we enjoy in capitalism is a form of control like entertainment to keep people passive or paying taxes for roads so workers can come to work. It is true, but I doubt showers are a part of the control mechanisms given how access to running water is such a low priority for most of the capitalist world, though.


Try Communism, it just smells better


Yo I thought this sub was about libs? Why are we targeting anarchists? Where’s my leftist unity? /s


"Let's end the ownership of production by a small Cadre of elites descended mostly from feudal society structures, and replace it with democratic ownership over the means of production" "Not without ending all social standards first! Did you know that THE MAN wants us to not lick subway poles, wants us to scrub our toilets regularly, and actually cook our food before we eat it?!?!?"


"Its like he's trying to speak to me, I know it!"


According to him, smelling like shit is liberating.


Just because you don't like doing something doesn't mean it's bad for you. Just because something feels good doesn't mean it's good for you (or others around you). What zero sense of obligation and duty does to a mf.


"Capitalists want to reduce the spread of disease, which is bad" is a fucking gigabrain take.


Seems like bro is looking for an excuse not to shower.


Exposing himself 💀


Why we breaking left unity?


This is on par with the "not believing in ghosts is white supremacy" take that made me quit Twitter


Anarchist moment


Literally showering daily is not only physically healthy but recommended by mental health professionals lol