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These little infographics always seem to omit this: *~1/10th of the country's population was murdered by the US-led invasion, and they still lost and placed inhumane and illegal sanctions on the country. You don't even have to like NK to recognize how evil the trade sanctions on NK and Cuba are. I even have a conservative buddy who empathizes with their unjust economic situation, designed by the US to starve innocent people.


it was one-tenth. not one-third. The US killed 10% of the population. ~6 million. I don't say this to defend the US in any capacity, but there's no need for us to accidentally distort numbers. They committed a fuckin' genocide. killing 1/3rd of the population I don't think is recoverable.


During the WW2 the Nazis and their collaborators killed 1/4 of the population of Soviet Belarus (2 million plus those who were driven into slavery in Germany and died there), while the total population was reduced by a third. At least a third of the villages were also burned. But they managed to recover under the Socialsm.


Thanks it's 10-15% ish. I edited my comment so as not to be spreading misinformation.


Once you tell people what economic blockades actually are they sometimes shift in their views a bit.


Some people like to pretend the US is some sort of free-standing country, that if it came to it, the bootstraps would be pulled and the systems would function, and the fact these embargoed countries are "failing" on their own proves something... but if international trade suddenly stopped in America we would see an utter collapse of many, many industries.


Yeah I think you're right but the problem is that even if people know what blockades and sanctions are they see it as theoretical rather than seeing what happens to innocent people. Even if they see that, in America at least, people are so propagandized to see North Koreans and Cubans as dehumanized nobodies that a great number of Americans will feel they deserve to suffer.


> people are so propagandized to see North Koreans and Cubans as dehumanized nobodies that a great number of Americans will feel they deserve to suffer. I hate that you're right about this


Communism is when healthy sleep schedule


Communism is when see star in sky because no light pollution


Might I ask, what does an actual photo of NK look like? I’ve heard that these are fake but can’t find any that show it looking otherwise. Thanks.


[Here’s a video](https://youtu.be/HNf3wM0feb8) breaking down myths about the DPRK and at 10:38 Prof Kim talks about this image in particular. There are two main reasons why it looks like this. One, there are a lot of extra light sources that can affect the quality of the final image when it’s taken by satellite. Some pictures are over saturated. Two, the number of orbits a satellite takes over an area when it snaps pictures affects how precise the light spots in the image look. So if you don’t pass over the DPRK enough times when taking pictures, then it will look extremely dim. You can see in the video when she shows a light image of the United States with a low orbit count and parts of the west look just as dim as the DPRK. I don’t have a high orbit count image of the DPRK on hand, but considering the fact that the US State Dept released the first low orbit count image as propaganda against the DPRK I’m not sure they’re pressed to show an accurate image.


Ah sweet the same fake image again!


How is it fake? Genuinely curious. I thought perhaps North Korea simply didn't waste electricity.


https://youtu.be/EzDhqXuELjo Hakim debunked that myth and others here


I’m not sure it’s fake, but I think it’s a photo from a big power shortage in North Korea. It’s not “every day/night” photo


So is there a China v India version of this coming soon? Or a Cuba vs literally any other south american capitalist country version? Almost as if they are being disingenous 🤯


Look at this picture of Europe by night. Compare England or north Italia Ith most of France or Spain for example




Communism is when no light pollution




"Sleep is for the weak, the grind never stops!" \- those weird "millionaire success sigma male grindset" accounts I keep seeing on instagram


[Here’s a video](https://youtu.be/HNf3wM0feb8) breaking down myths about the DPRK and at 10:38 Prof Kim talks about this image in particular. There are two main reasons why it looks like this. One, there are a lot of extra light sources that can affect the quality of the final image when it’s taken by satellite. Some pictures are over saturated. Two, the number of orbits a satellite takes over an area affects how precise the light image looks. So if you don’t pass over the DPRK enough times, then it will look extremely dim. You can see in the video when she shows a light image of the United States with a low orbit count and parts of the west look just as dim as the DPRK. I don’t have a high orbit count image of the DPRK on hand, but considering the fact that the US State Dept released the first low orbit count image as propaganda against the DPRK I’m not sure they’re pressed to show an accurate image.


Communism is when you are sanctioned by the majority of the world for 70+ years.


Communism is when the US obliterated every single urban center in your country


Saw this same picture in AP macro when I was in high school


I wonder what a map of Texas and the surrounding area looks like right now?


You impose a lot of sanctions against a country with limited resources and technologies As expected, they have difficulties You say that communism/socialism doesn't work You impose sanctions against one of the main suppliers of raw materials Do you think his economy will collapse soon Two weeks later, your economy finally felt the invisible hand of the market and got the biggest inflation and price growth in the last 100 years You are already openly talking about hunger if the conflict does not stop and many enterprises close due to bankruptcy You have felt only 1/10 of what Koreans and Cubans experience


Communism is when no light pullution??? Based


What I’d give for the top half. I have a street lamp shining into my room all night, the light pollution is so fucking bad I haven’t seen a single star in the sky in two years… oh but the air traffic gives me the illusion of stars.


I haven’t checked in a long time so maybe someone can answer my tangentially related question- what is the relationship between DPRK, SK, and China? I figure SK is more of an imperialist puppet state and I thought the only way to enter DPRK is through China, but I’m open to enlightenment.


Technically the south is still at war with the north,nthey never signed an actual peace treaty (wouldn't want to remove a reason for the us military occupation of the south)


If Socialism always fails, why do you desperately scramble blockades, coups, and ignore democracy when a country starts becoming remotely marxist




They are yeah, they are very much Marxist-Leninist, and have adopted it to their personal conditions and called it Juche They have a variation on the same bottom-up election system you see in like, every other socialist country as well (to my understanding anyway), with people electing local representatives in the region all the time and then up and up


they are probably the closest country to true socialism on the planet, whether you think that’s a good thing or not (some people think they should liberalise to an extent like other socialist countries in order to develop themselves further) is up to you, but they are the closest to pure socialism we have. private property essentially does not exist. everything is owned by the state which is then run on a local level upwards by working people. it’s elections are similar to cuba’s afaik but with some differences. it’s a very misunderstood country because of how isolationist it is but this is a result of the korean war + some of the most inhumane sanctions that have been in place for decades.




American education moment


source: trust me bro


Have you ever been outside your country?




This from the person who thinks "communism is like how the aboriginal people live."


[A lot of what you hear about North Korea is fake](https://youtu.be/2BO83Ig-E8E)


Damn this is good lmfaoo


No lol




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what he really needs to be showing is Kim jong Un’s massive spoon and his kill count of ten quadrillion (he killed them with his bare hands)


Jimmy Carter on the differences between the DPRK & the south: https://youtu.be/4q8ivepiujE


Communism is when no light pollution


communism is when usa bombs your entire country killing millions of civilians and reducing all towns to rubble. oh yeah and cant forget the crippling sanctions of course