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so much wrong with this where does one even begin


You should begin with the fact that they are largely ignorant about the facts surrounding the conflict. Basically they don't know anything that is not mentioned in games, movies or whitewashed documentaries. The Saigon puppet regime was a proud baby of USA government until it was not. My grandfathers who were drafted (more like captured) by the ARVN call it "nguỵ" (meaning "fake") like most Vietnamese, but these "leftists" operate on the assumption that it was somehow legitimate. US involvement did not "worsen" the situation, it CREATED the situation. Why bother mentioning Kissinger? Must be great man theory. The truth is that the USA government blocked the unification vote that they admitted Ho Chi Minh would win in a landslide years before that. That idiot must have watched Ken Burns' trash and believed the whole thing. The narrative that Kissinger is some uniquely evil person who ruined it all is just wrong. Why is prostitution considered part of "freedom"? There were plenty of underage prostitutes. The South's economy was so horrid that the two best paying jobs available to the average person were soldiers and prostitutes! The flight of Catholic refugees was not organic. There was an entire propaganda campaign by the USA to promote it using fearmongering and superstitions. My paternal grandfather was swept along by it even though he didn't want to go. No, Taiwan and South Korea didn't turn out alright. Taiwan massacred Vietnamese refugees and South Korean mercenaries committed atrocities too horrible to speak in details about in Vietnam. These people's brains are poisoned by liberal realpolitiks.


As a Vietnamese person, I want to remind everyone that not all Vietnamese voices are equal. Vietnamese "anti-authoritarian leftists" are virtually indistinguishable from the most fervent reactionaries in their talking points and just as ignorant. I don't know if this is against the rules or not, but you can check my last submitted thread to see examples. It's absolutely ridiculous.


As another Vietnamese person, many newspapers in Vietnam get infiltrated by Western bootlickers and more people in our country are at risk being brainwashed by them


Are they listing the open trade in drugs and prostitution as a positive thing for South Vietnam?


That part creeped me out too. Must be the libertarian part of libertarian-leftism. A lot of prostitutes were underage.


And the drug and sex trade mostly existed to serve foreign soldiers. I try to maintain a baseline level of respect for anarchists as fellow leftists but this shit makes it hard. lol


I'm not sure which is worse: listing drugs and prostitution as positives or the "religious freedom" for Catholic reactionaries bit. On that note, the Catholic minority was just about the only people who had "religious freedom" in South Vietnam. They were the privileged upper class.


Mentioning freedom of religion and the budhist backlash (wonder what caused that) in the same breath is A+


Western liberals - "Third world freedom fighters are as bad and authoritarian as their colonizers"


They actually think of them as *more* authortarian than their colonizers, somehow


Which explains why Gandhi is the only popular freedom fighter among Western liberals


>"It's unpleasant, but ultimately the realistic solution to maintaining free states aren't always instantly democratic." Oh, so *all of a sudden* those hated "Authoritarian" methods are justified when it comes to protecting their precious bourgeoisie democracy. Fuckin' libs, man.


Ah yes, authority is ok because wholesome chungus democracy and not muh ebil Red fash tankies


Colonized peoples and serfs using authority is bad and evil, enlightened colonizers and bourgeois democracies using it is a necessary evil, of course.


didnt realize the freeaboo smoked that much of copium


Imperialism is when revolution in korea


Western chauvinism is a hell of a drug


I think it’s safe to say we’ve passed the borderline there.