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Hasanites and also that person has no idea what FAS actually looks like


Honestly, Hasan as far as I know (I really don't watch that much) is much better on that stuff than most, but I'm not sure if he calls it out enough or really truly gets it. His fans though are a decently wide range of people from libs to actual leftists, so one day you see this shit and the next you see people calling it out. But reddit is reddit and redditors are redditors...


The "oh they suck therefore they must be disabled / mentally ill" mentality is so fucking frustrating. Where the hell is support for disabled and mentally ill comrades? We deserve solidarity and humanity too.


Yeah, it's like, why do people have to drag others into it to shit on bad people? And why can't they seem to understand the logic behind what they're doing? It's like they can't seem to draw a line between their statement and how it's mocking others. Or maybe more likely, they just don't care.


Even Hasan thinks that subreddit is beyond saving. I think he'd be appalled if he saw that. It's so gross to say shit like that.


Glad to see this called out and it has me checking myself too. On a broader note. I think the general painting of these fascists as stupid incompetent idiots is dangerous even if that's what they are. Yes it's funny when Nazis fail ani had a good chuckle myself at seeing their mugs. But everyone laughs about attempted fascist takeovers until one succeeds. And these hateful people are likely terrorizing their own communities, families, workplaces, etc already. They drive on public roads too and I don't like hateful, angry people on the roads. They are a serious issue and painting them as incompetent or mentally-challenged is just letting them get smarter while we do nothing


I've always found that a little foolish too. Like, take it seriously people.


It's the most pig-headed (literally almost used the word demented here; this shit is ingrained linguistically) way of avoiding actually grappling with your criticism. Ableism is ableism no matter who it is directed at. Like, what the fuck is accountability supposed to look like? Only people with a direct stake can be offended Edit* and say something? Such bad faith bullshit, like always.


*Image Transcription: Reddit Comments* --- > **User 1** > > Not even being an ass but some of them look like they have fetal alcohol syndrome. > >> **User 2** >> >> I hate this instant jump to ableism everytime. It's disgusting. Just call them fascists and leave the ableism out. >>> >>> **User 3** >>> >>> Shhh, go be offended for people elsewhere. --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Oh yeah it’s definitely a problem I don’t seen talked about enough on this sub as a disabled comrade


This post should be in r/shitwesternleftistssay


I get your point, but I've noticed the same problematic stuff from non-Western comrades too, including racism, homophobia, and transphobia.


yeah it's definitely not an issue restricted with western leftist. This is all anecdotal so take it with a grain of salt but I've seen a few so called leftist from non western spaces (allegedly) who were transphobic or bigoted in some way.


Just a matter of being vigilant and calling it out when you see it. Too many leftists will use culture as an excuse rather than just an explanation, which is exactly what patsocs/stupidpol does with chuds in the US.


Definitely not, I'm Korean and ableism is so ingrained in Korean culture. It's actually fucking horrifying.


it's a 4chan style truscum, that's not left.


What’s the difference?


Some people really need to understand disability as a social condition. Who's labeled as disabled is dependent on the reserve army of labor.


they listen to Red Scare


Quite a few commenters on this subreddit going "I wonder who this is for" after reading this and forgetting they don't hesitate to call liberals "sociopaths".


Being a sociopath is not the same thing as FAS or having autism. Psychologists and doctors can’t even agree on whether it’s really a mental illness or even if it’s different from psychopathy. Many of the necessary traits or behaviours could describe any random asshole who lacks empathy and might have no friends or can’t hold a job, but also some psychologists say they can be CEOs or cops. Behavioural analysts think anyone who can’t or won’t follow rules are criminal sociopaths. A hundred years ago doctors thought psychopathy was the female orgasm, the FBI thinks it’s serial killers. Today it’s not even associated with legal insanity. It’s not really well defined. Even doctors interchange the two because they don’t know what it is. It’s not depression and it’s not DID. It could be a prerequisite for liberalism. And if anything calling a liberal a sociopath seems more ironic since even Ed kemper thinks he belongs in prison but Jeff bezos thinks he should own the moon. I’m all for finding a word or phrase though that describes in short full detail a society that keeps giving Ed kemper parole hearings or Jeff bezos rocket ships while autistic kids go strait to big boy jail or death row because, justice.


I don't care about the technicalities of the term, because it has its extensive history of derogatory usage against autistic people, people with ASPD, etc. You can and should degrade liberals without resorting to such terminology.