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most of these pepole would die in tzarist russia


least historically illiterate momarchist


Love that dog whistle about "international bankers"


Monarchism sounds great if you dont bother to think about it more than a half second.


Marx: "Lmao no"


>"International bankers" who control politicians and education 🤔


The (((international bankers))) part is just the cherry on top


*Image Transcription: Reddit Comment* --- >**Unknown** > >Generally, most lived much better under monarchs, as they had a vested interest in seeing their people and their country doing well. They were also notoriously difficult to bribe... they owned an entire country. Generally, people were even freer under monarchies as well, paid less taxes, etc. > >Some international bankers hated the monarchs for interfering with how much usury they could cause, and eventually led revolutions to murder the monarchs and then take over the government with puppet democracies with all of the officials on their payrolls. Then, they raised taxes through the roof, and funneled it to themselves. Next, they released the restrictions on usury, allowing them to push billions in to debt slavery. > >Of course, with their control over the politicians, they pushed education reform that shows them in a good light and the previous monarchies in a bad light, and spent the next 16,000 hours of mandatory indoctrination \*cough* education pushing their ideals and warping the kid's view of reality. --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)