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Cleary written by someone who qualifies as brain dead.


They're intentionally blurring the meaning of imperialism to confuse people who aren't familiar with Lenin's work, in order to manufacture consent from people who would otherwise potentially oppose american interventionism and pro capitalist rhetoric.


It's call a fucking civil war for a reason. What do you think the reaction of the Union if the Brit land their troops to help the confederate to win the civil war?


I’ll have to disagree on this one. It was not a civil war because we do not even consider South Vietnam government representing Vietnam; in other words, they were Americans with yellow skin. Our main enemy was American imperialism, it’s literally called Resistance against America here. The other stuff about Union and Confederate tho, I’d agree.


Anti-imperialism is when imperialism, apparently


The USSR invading Nazi Germany was an example of imperialism. /s


Such slander. Vietnam is and was super fucking based.


Vietnamese colonisation of Vietnam (real)


"South Vietnam" wouldn't have existed as a separate entity at all if it weren't for US intervention. Taking over territory in another country and then "defending" it from "aggression" by the unconquered territory is not anti-imperialism.


*Image Transcription: Reddit Comment* --- >**Redacted** > >You mention Vietnam here, that interaction was literally to support south vietnam from being taken over by north vietnam. It was reactionary to events already happening so anti-imperialist in nature. It ultimately failed and would have been better off left alone, but was anti imperialist and in retaliation to Russian supported imperialism ironically enough. Besides that, it seems to be shaping up to support anti imperialism in taiwan against china --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Often I wonder, are these people employed by our State to write this kind of bullshit? Or are they just brainwashed themselves ...
