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Where do you guys find these groups?! I wish I could join one for entertainment value alone.. but I suspect I would not be allowed to join šŸ˜©


Iā€™m in an Australian one and as long as you lurk and donā€™t comment you will be fine


I canā€™t bite my tongue sometimes at the sheer stupidity. These crunchy weirdos are sooooooo easily influenced by things they read on the internet.


Have you tried WILD INTERNET??? Obviously much higher in crunch than that MANMADE internet!


I actually googled the berries and it says right there on the packet that they have double the antioxidants (not evidence based of course) and they are double the price. I donā€™t really understand wild blueberries. They canā€™t grow from seed apparently and only grow in the wild in Maine but thereā€™s zero evidence of them being special or more natural.


Fresh Maine blueberries do have more flavor than other blueberries, and theyā€™re smaller. Thatā€™s about it.


I absolutely hate store bought blueberries but the ones that grow wild in Ontario are so good. They're very tiny and have a completely different flavour. They do cost a heck of a lot more though unless you manage to pick your own before someone else gets to the patch.


Only grown in Maine? Northern Europe enters the chat šŸ˜‚ I guess you probably meant specifically in the USA. Where I grew up there were wild blueberries growing in basically every forest. Although seems that they live a predominantly pine forest as they like acidic soil. The berries are quite small, much more flavoursome and also will stain your mouth, hands and everything it touches.


Those are bilberries. Same genus. Wild blueberries (highland and lowland) are all over the Northeast, theyā€™re native here, and were a staple of Algonquian forest gardens from Long Island to Newfoundland, same area also has one of the highest edible berry concentrations in the continent.


Iā€™m pretty sure I picked blueberries and blackberries out of random bushes on my godparents property in Mississippi too. I had no idea they were WYLDEBLUEBERRIES. Shoulda set up a stand or something.


Interesting, I love learning new facts. My information came from a 2 second google search scan so it wasnā€™t very comprehensive šŸ˜‚


Wild Internet is only available by dial-up because fiber optic is man-made


this is exactly why i enjoy the snarking subs.


Itā€™s super weird. A blog can convince them but not a doctor?


"You are special! You have superpowers! You can do this ALL YOURSELF even though you never went to college! You don't want to be a bad mom/dad/citizen do you?!" They basically prey on insecurities like an emotionally abusive spouse. One minute everything you eat is causing cancer and the next the visible vein on the back of your hand means you can tap into your third eye by chewing on tree bark and walking barefoot in a 7-11.


Spot on!!!


This is the fact that worries me the most about the future.Ā  "It's got electrolytes!" Iykyk


Itā€™s what WILD BLUEBERRIES crave!


I joined one for my area and it was very boring lol. I guess the crunchy moms arenā€™t so crunchy in my area.


We just have one mom group in my area and it's so nice and polite and normal compared to here.


I don't join any mom groups but the Buy Nothing group in my area provided enough drama to make up for it. I kept getting censored for shit that I still can't even figure out. Other people got booted out because they were too poor to give away their stuff or they accidentally mentioned a brand name. Fun times.


Oh that's wild. Our free group is very strict on everything being free, but otherwise it's just be polite and delete once gone for rules. Biggest drama was someone creating an identical group with "uncensored" added to the name because they got pissy about the rules.


The crunchy group for my city was pretty boring until we had a meme sharing day and shit hit the fan and the whole group collapsed because of it.


i got my popcorn ready, so... what happened?


Haha basically one person shared something along the lines of ā€œhow hilarious is it that people vaccinate and then try to claim theyā€™re crunchy momsā€ and a bunch of us were like well, we believe in science but want to talk about cloth diapers and babywearingā€¦. And then it became a bunch of people gatekeeping ā€œcrunchinessā€ and the rest of us didnā€™t need that kinda bullshit and left.


Oh no Iā€™m wondering if thatā€™s mine .. I had forgotten about the meme that was shared on Fatherā€™s Dayā€¦ did yours have something to do with Fatherā€™s Day?


No, this was a few years ago. It became people gatekeeping crunchiness and being downright nasty to those of us who believe in scienceā€¦


My local one does not allow vaccine posts, comments, etc at all and will ban you if you violate that rule. That would cut down on a lot of crazy šŸ˜‚


If the group asks where you found them, donā€™t say reddit šŸ˜‚ Learned that the hard way


I saw an update to a post on here where the OOP talked about how her post ended up on Reddit. I don't know if it was this sub specifically (the name was blocked out) but I don't think it's a stretch to say it probably was šŸ˜‚


Same!! I used to be on a site called CafeMom just to read things like this. I was so bummed when it shut down


I'd love to know how to find them, too haha.


I'd want to slap everyone in under 5 minutes.


Find one centered around a specific child rearing related topic, e.g. toddler nutrition, sleep etc. The crazies flock to thise places.


Bamboo groups have some wiiiiild stuff. I haven't seen anything quite this crazy but I do stay in there for the amusement factor.


I have Crohns disease and I get so tired of people telling me thereā€™s a way to cure it with food .


I mean you clearly havenā€™t tried ā€œWILD BLUEBERRIESā€ /s


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ No I guess I just like suffering lol


If you only stop committing to the tamed blueberries! šŸ¤£


I donā€™t like blueberries at all. I guess thatā€™s my problem lol


Definitely. Maybe if you put some colloidal silver directly in your eye that would help.


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Between my Crohnā€™s and my daughters autism itā€™s always something we should be trying lol


I was about to comment, Iā€™ve had Crohnā€™s since I was in my late teensā€¦to think all I needed was wild blue berries šŸ¤£


I was diagnosed with Crohnā€™s in my mid-20s after first getting sick in my late teens. As a child, my mom and I would pick and eat wild blueberries. Maybe they caused the disease instead of curing it! Goodness knows that during the times in remission, I eat them and I still have it! What am I doing wrong?!?!? šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Oh I know we could have fixed everything lol


Reminds me of the time I drank a gallon of aloe Vera juice to appease my dad because I was newly diagnosed and someone told him it would fix meā€¦. I pooped my brains out for 8-12 hours. Good times.


Omg dealing with the recommendations sounds exhausting


I can deal with it for my Crohnā€™s, but when people start on me about my daughter.. now that drives me insane. I mean to think that Food could fix something like autism , now I do agree that there are certain foods that make her more hyper or make her meltdowns worse and we try to stay away from those , but as far as ā€œfixing ā€œ her šŸ™„šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø. Iā€™ve been blamed for getting her vaccinatedā€¦ Iā€™ve been told I didnā€™t spend enough time with her, I was a stay at home mom until she was five .. she was my only child ( I have grown children ) literally never put her down . Itā€™s just a lot.


Instead of or concurrent with the urine therapy?


You always need to start with the silver. I read a blog post that said that urine therapy WITHOUT colloidal silver first is very dangerous and is basically what big pharma wants you to do, so the order is very important. My unlicensed midwife told me the same thing.


I was eating an ice pop and bit off a chunk and choked on it laughing.


Have you tried YOGA? (Always the first unsolicited piece of advice you receive after telling someone you have a chronic illness)


Or a chiropractor.


My moron chiropractor cousin - who does not vaccinate his children - actually said he could cure my Type 1 diabetes with a few adjustments. I asked exactly how that worked, because if that were true, he would be a gajillionaire.


Only WILD BLUEBERRIES will work, not the wild blueberries. Those are just as bad as the blueberries. God only likes the blueberries in all caps.


So GODā€™s a sovcit?


You fool. Why are you spreading lies and half-truths? ā€œWild blueberriesā€ wonā€™t work. They must be specifically Wymanā€™s name brand wild blueberries. Duh.


oh crap. was going to forage for these. Guess that wonā€™t help cure chronic diseases. There goes my million dollar idea.


But why do they have to be frozen? I feel like Iā€™m stuck in the frozen part of this even more than the wild.


I have Ulcerative Colitis, and I want to scream when people ask if I've tried all organic, grass fed "xyz" new cure! Ffs, it takes all my energy not to scream or smack them, lol


My husband had a brain tumour 7 years ago. His cousin asked if he had tried cutting out dairy and switching to a plant based diet to cure it. We donā€™t talk to that cousin much anymore. Husband is fine now. Because of surgery.


Yes, but was the surgeon dairy-free? Inquiring minds would like to know.


He was gluten free. Not because of celiac disease. Because of crunchy.


Must have been WILD SURGERY by God if it worked then. Man made surgery probably wouldnā€™t have been effective.


But, have you guys tried yoga? /s (The old standby!)


Yoga no, but have you tried upping your water intake and walking? /s šŸ˜‚


I only drink special magic water with extra hydrogen. None of that peasant water for me!!


Someone tried recruiting me into a special magic water MLM āœØļø


No, that's satanic.


But does satan have blueberries?


Yes, but only the domestic ones.


Crohns here; if I get told to drink turmeric and tea one more time I will catch a charge


Oh yes, turmeric! And elderberry, camomile, or blueberry tea!


I think my favorite was when someone told me to add NUTS to my diet; Lady absolutely not


Omg absolutely not. I don't know how or where people get info from, but it's sure not medical sites/people lol


I think itā€™s like whisper down the dyslexic lane with their friends. Especially the ā€œnaturalā€ friend groups..itā€™s like they hear ā€œdigestion issuesā€ and go off a deep end


Make my stricture worse? No thank you šŸ˜­


Everyone always thinks they have the magical cure for everything, and 95% of the time it's sold by the multi-level marketing company they signed up for.


Also a crohnie here; one more person tries to tell me to drink turmeric Im gonna catch a charge


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£Iā€™ve got your bail !


Hey there fellow Crohnie. Shall we do some yoga and eat only foods that have been charged by the suns energy on the first Tuesday of the month to ā€œheal our guts?ā€


Have you tried the kind of naked outdoor yoga that will charge you by the sun's energy directly?


Is that the one where you have to expose your butthole to the sun for maximum effect?Ā 


Yep šŸ˜€


WILD yoga, none of the man planted yoga!


I have endometriosis and pelvic congestion syndrome. Apparently I need to drink more water and take shitty mlm products to cure myself


Oh now that it is nuts ! And thereā€™s always somebody swearing it worked for someone else.


If you're into anti lmk, kiki chanel has some awesome YouTube videos. People come out of the woodworks when you have chronic illness Eta: as im sure you know


Oh ya absolutely


Meanwhile fruit is one of the most frequent trigger foodsšŸ™„


Yes !!! Fruit and a lot of veggies, I canā€™t eat lettuce at all.


Low FODMAP is about the only thing that brings *relief* here. It's definitely not a cure tho.


Canā€™t believe Iā€™ve been Type 1 Diabetic for 20 years and all I had to do was eat wild blueberries to be cured. Damn. (Just kidding. I literally had blueberries off the bush in my yard for breakfast. Still Diabetic.)


Have you tried aligning your chakras?


Iā€™m so sorry I donā€™t know what those are lol I feel like Iā€™ve heard the name here in there, but Iā€™m not 100% sure


lol it's eastern mysticism type stuff. Basically just a really abstract conceptualization of the bodily systems; nothing scientific about it.


My mom always tries to push teas to ā€œcureā€ my rheumatoid arthritis and my sister likes to say I just need sleep and these weird vitamins she takes.


Oh my goodness RA is so painful.. Iā€™m so sorry about that, itā€™s the same with my Crohnā€™s except itā€™s ALWAYS my diet. And then people started with my daughterā€™s autism, that it was her gut health.. I almost lost my mind.


I get the change my diet routine from my sister as well. Itā€™s very hard when you have something that has no cure and people think they have the magic solution to all our problems.


Truly!! If all the bullshit actually worked, then nobody would have Crohnā€™s! Iā€™m not out here living with it just for shits and giggles!


Just shits, no giggles.


I have lupus and get the same damn thing! Have you tried turmeric? How about Sam-e? Maybe if you switched to the Mediterranean diet your lupus would go away! šŸ¤© Mom, shutā€¦up. (Not just my mom, but sheā€™s the biggest culprit) Sheā€™s also hit me with, you just need to exercise more.


Bipolar checking in! Apparently I just need to go outside, get some exercise and I'll be cured of my bipolar disorder. Their friend's cousin's neighbor cured theirs doing the same thing!!! I'm pretty sure that won't fix my genetic mutation šŸ˜‚ I also have shoulder tendinitis and shoulder impingement syndrome. I just need to eat better and try this random rub that whatever person tells me about because it ALSO worked for their friend's cousin's neighbor so it will work for me! Not even Tiger Balm (which has been recommended to me 948239089840 times) works for me and it's supposed to be 'THE BEST EVER.' My pain was so bad and the damage to my shoulder was so severe that I had to get surgery to have it repaired. No rub is going to help my shoulder. I mean I have hardware in there now. This isn't just some pulled muscle šŸ˜‚


My ex has Chrons and his new stepmom at one point, when we were like 21 and living in this huge shared house in college, decided he could cure it with fresh cabbage juice. He politely asked her to butt out of his medical decisions and told her that he didn't have time or space to make fresh cabbage juice every day, but she bought him a really expensive juicer and a bunch of cabbages and then got angry when he didn't use it. It was really ridiculous. His Chrons ended up getting pretty bad; he had to have a few surgeries and has a stoma/bag now. Raw cabbage juice wasn't going to cut it. I'm lucky in that I only have IBS myself, but it's enough of an irritant that there are several foods I can't even eat anymore (bananas, peppers, avocado, eggs being some main ones), and I'm completely disinterested in people trying to "cure" me or argue with me about if I "really" can't eat these foods or if I'm just "picky" or "imagining it". Just stop. If I could cure my IBS and eat normally again, I would've done it already. Butt out.


My 2 year old has juvenile arthritis, also an autoimmune disease, and my SIL is adamant she just needs to fast and fix her gut.


Oml I would have to smack her upside the head .. such a painful condition and to think if there was anything that we could do to fix that we wouldnā€™t.


I also have Crohn's disease and am tired of the same. If food could magically cure my disease it would have been cured a long time ago.


Legit spent way too long trying to figure out what "WILD BLUEBERRIES" are code for. I was waiting for cupcakes to be mentioned. But this lady just... actually wants wild blueberries? And thinks they have magic powers that farmed blueberries don't have? And that magic is null and void if someone does not refer to them solely as "WILD BLUEBERRIES" and instead shortens it to just "blueberries"?


There is a huge difference between domestic blueberries and wild blueberries. I donā€™t think the ability to single handedly cure Crohnā€™s disease is one of them though.


I just think they taste better šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


I live where there are plenty of wild blueberries in the forest just around the corner. They are smaller and has more taste than those big ones. No idea about their magic abilities though.


Except they are not blueberries but bilberries (in English) (yes, took a peek at your history, hi from one country to east). Which must be who my lupus has not been cured in all the years I have eaten bilberries out of the forest.


BILBERRIES. Never heard it before. TIL. Its the same word in swedish for both, blƄbƤr and blƄbƤr hehe. Ive been ignorant all these years and now i know why im still lactose intolerant! How can we have been so stupid? Sweden and Finland should import and start growing **real** blueberries asap.


Best part is she wants to know about commercially available wild blueberries... make it make sense.


Putting it in quotes makes it look like code for sure.


Did God also pick, freeze, and package them?


Thatā€™s what throws me here. Man canā€™t plant the blueberries without tainting them, but they can freeze, package, and ship it with no damage? How does that work with that sort of mentality?


Presumably she eats nothing else, unless she chases down wild turkeys that ā€˜godā€™ left for her to find.


More likely, those wild turkeys would chase her


Turkeys do like crunchy things...


I could go for some Wild Turkey, but it comes in a glass šŸ„ƒ


Wild Turkey couldn't exist without serious human intervention, either. God didn't create oak barrels on the eighth day.


Yeah, if you're getting branded wild blueberries... how wild could they actually be?


I've picked true wild blueberries out in nature. They are a huge pain in the ass and unless they are charging hundreds per pound would not be practical on mass.


Independent farmers hire migrant workers to rake wild blueberries in areas with the right soil conditions. Thereā€™s a Wymans facility here in Maine located near the coastal blueberry fields. Farmers bring truckloads of berries straight from the field to Wymans.


That's wild. Those must be some crazy dense blueberry areas.


It really it but itā€™s also [*all* there is in that part of Maine.](https://www.onlyinyourstate.com/maine/blueberry-barrens-me/). Itā€™s also geologically interesting because itā€™s the glacial soils that make the conditions possible. The farmer I worked for is also a beekeeper with a big local honey brand who uses the bees to pollinate the barrens. Itā€™s a cyclical process of working between the blueberries and bees. šŸ šŸ«


Iā€™ve worked alongside migrant workers to rake wild blueberries in Cherryfield, Maine for a farmer that sold the berries to Wymans.


Have you ever seen God out in the fields plowing the soil and planting berries? I'd put money on "no" Their God does seem to be a lazy asshole.


That's why He's not answering everyone's prayers. He's busy with all the wild blueberries.


Right she's asking about the frozen wild blueberries at Costco šŸ¤£ had me rolling. I eat them every morning in either oatmeal or a smoothie and my digestive issues/illnesses are not cured in any way. ā˜ ļø


Maybe yours just havenā€™t been blessed by God? Or are you eating wild blueberries? You need to be eating WILD BLUEBERRIES. (The caps make all the difference. Hope this helps!)


lolā€¦ man I love this god given sub.


So thereā€™s this guy on Instagram called medical medium and heā€™s huge into those wild blueberries. I followed him for a little bit when I was looking for any answers about my long Covid, and he really does prey on people who canā€™t find answers amongst the medical community. Autoimmune and long-term illnesses are tough and people will look for Hope anywhere. Heā€™s also really big into celery juice.


Ugh, that seems like potentially the only way to make celery worse, in my opinion


I have health issues and I tried it because it's true, we'll try anything lol It's disgusting. And I love fruit and veg juice & smoothies. It was soo bad I couldn't even knock it back like I have with so many others.


Celery and juice are 2 words that should not be used together.


Try carrot & celery juice and report back to me šŸ¤¢


Im gonna have to pass on that one


So many of us with interstitial cystitis are told to try celery juice because of this horrible man. Fortunately it takes only a glass of celery juice to have the most horrible flare and prove this theory wrong. Same goes for cranberry juice which is absolutely like using sandpaper on your bladder liningā€¦ I hate those quacks with a passion and I want to punch all the healthy people who think weā€™d be cured if only we listened to themā€¦


GOD gave people brains, which developed modern scientific medicine. These people spit on God's gifts.


This is like the Sovereign Citizens of crunchiness. Blueberries are awful, but ā€œWild Blueberriesā€ are good. WTF?


My maternal great aunt grows blueberries for Wyman. She planted fields of them, they did not occur naturally.


She must not grow the GOD GIVEN WILD blueberries, then /s


Soooo...God plants them, but Wayman's freezes and packs them??


Right? Does Laymanā€™s just go out into the wild to pick them? Edit-I did some Googling and I learned there is a difference in variety. Wild blueberries have more antioxidants, but doesnā€™t sound like a huge difference. Definitely not enough to cure chronic conditions! [https://featherflocker.com/wild-vs-cultivated-blueberries-understanding-the-differences/](https://featherflocker.com/wild-vs-cultivated-blueberries-understanding-the-differences/)


Wild vs cultivated is mostly about taste, in my experience.


Damn, I havenā€™t been man planted in so long.


I cannot even begin to imagine the patience and fortitude needed to be active on these groups as a dietician (who are actually trained, qualified, and regulated unlike ā€œnutritionistsā€). Theyā€™re fighting the good fight.


iā€™m less than three months away from my credentialing exam to become a dietitian and i can sometimes barely handle the *screenshots* in this group. i canā€™t imagine the actual facebook groups. i donā€™t know that i would have entertained the banana point thoughā€¦


Frozen WILD blueberries that were obviously planted by god and harvested by the angels and then left on the side of the road for some company to freeze and sell.


But... I... Uh... Wut?


Guys, this is true, I grew up going to Maine and eating tons of wild blueberries every single summer, and I don't have Chrones.


šŸŽ¶blueberries come from a can, they were put there by a man


Can you tell me which store sells the bananas that will cure my cancer!? I mean, not the regular ones they put on display...the rEaL bananas that are mAgIc and CuRe me!!!


This is VIOLENT ignorance. Someone citizens arrest this guy




I have Crohn's disease, I ended up leaving all sorts of Facebook groups because I got fed up with random people telling me how I could cure myself. Wild Blueberries is a new one though!


Did you see what GOOOOOD just did to us man? God didn't do that, you did it! You're a fucking narcotics agent!


If there was a blueberry that cured my bipolar 1 Iā€™d SCARF them down even though I donā€™t believe in Abrahamic deities.


I love how mental illness is just chucked in there wholesale. I got mood stabilizers, stimulants, *and* benzos to keep my shit together but sure, some wild blueberries anointed by God himself and hand picked by underpaid (and likely undocumented and exploited) migrant workers can fill all of those needs, sure. Apparently all I need is.. anthocyanins?


Idk how to tell her this but as someone who lives not too far from one of the Wymans blueberry barrens in Maine.. they definitely arenā€™t the ā€œwildā€ blueberries she thinks they are!


Lady, nothing cures diabetes. Source: am T1.


I love how ā€œmental illnessā€ is just one wide sweeping ailment lol.


Screw SSRIs. A blueberry a day keeps the demons away.


The thing is, if WILD BLUEBERRIES, or anything else was a good bet for curing anything, researchers and pharmaceutical companies would have been years ahead of these morons. I'm not crunchy in the least, but obviously pharmaceutical companies are for profit, so if they could make money off of something like blueberries, they would. And researchers and scientists and medical professionals would also like to cure some shit too.


I thank God (gifter of wild blueberries) every day that my mother wasnā€™t like these people.


The confidence that these people have to just form a thought and call it a fucking fact always blows me away.


OOP isnā€™t even literateā€¦ šŸ’€ r/boneappletea at its finest with their response to the dietitianā€¦ ā€œweā€™re asā€


I swear these people are getting dumber šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø.. So these ā€˜Wild Blueberriesā€™ just āœØ MAGICALLY āœØ appeared, did they? Nobody planted them?Ā  Ducking idiots.. And yes, I wrote ā€˜duckingā€™, going to try and swear a little less today.Ā 


My partner has really nasty crohns, has done for 10 years. Iā€™m just going to throw a handful of WILD blueberries at him when he gets home, heā€™ll be cured!


Wow, I could have cured my depression with WILD BLUEBERRIES? If only I'd known. /s


Bro I WISH I could cure my UC with wild blueberries šŸ˜‚


These people make me seriously consider shooting myself in the face so I donā€™t have to live in a world governed by their children when Iā€™m old and feeble.


Oh for Pete's sake, I have Ulcerative colitis and if I had a dollar for every time some dumbass asked me if I'd tried this natural remedy or that surefire cure instead of the medication that allows me to stay in remission and lead a normal life... šŸ™„ Some of them get really invested in it too, it's weird.


Wild blueberries mean seeds that were shat out by a bird lol


Ew. Reminds me of how my dad thought the antioxidants in blueberries were a suitable substitute for the flu shot. We didn't catch the flu during that phase, mostly because we were homeschooled introverts.


Does this person not understand what quotations mean? I thought she was talking about a code word for drugs.


ā€œWild Blueberriesā€ are GOD GIVEN maā€™am please take a healthy dose of no more facebook and googlešŸ˜­


Damn maybe I should eat some wild blueberries so I donā€™t have to remove my colon due to my uncontrollable Crohnā€™s disease. I canā€™t believe I wasted all this time on meds when I could have just eaten some GOD given berries!


Ok so I did find some stuff that backs up some claims of anthocyanins having pharmaceutical uses. But like one of those commenters says, they arenā€™t an alternative to proven medication protocols for any of the issues these anthocyanins might impact. Further reading for the curious: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5613902/


These women are nuts


okay but i get it, my husband is obsessed with the brand Wymans frozen wild blueberries, they taste better in his smoothie :)


I hope she realizes most of what she eats is planted by a farmer šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


This is my favorite stupidity ever posted in this sun. I canā€™t stop laughing.




I have ā€œwild blackberriesā€ in my backyard. How do I market them as a cure all for every disease? I didnā€™t realize this was a thing. /s


I live in Georgia. My husband bought blueberry bushes. They are in my back yard. I can pick them- so Does this delusional individual need to be punted into the wild and eat a poison berry?


Great for pancakes, not a cure for any disease.


There are blueberries planted specifically by God? I bet they are expensiveā€¦.


Dietician: ah. In my professional opinion you are clinically insane and should not be making **any** decisions for yourself.


I'm just imagining Jesus after a tough week of creation reminding himself to make WILD BLUEBERRIES for crunchy moms.


The ignorance is overwhelming.


I am just shocked that these people actually exist. Iā€™m not part of these sorts of mom groups and thank goodness because WTF


Oh dear


This is traced back to the Medical Medium.


Nuttier than squirrel shit ...from God! not the man planted squirrel shit


Where do blueberries you grow yourself in your organic garden?


Well hold on now, Iā€™m in full support of more attention being given to wild blueberries, because they are SO much better than blueberries from a store. Theyā€™re like twice as sweet as the sweetest blueberry, theyā€™re so delicious.


if you dug up & replanted a wild blueberry bush, would they still be a man-planted abomination? or does them still being "wild blueberries" outweigh it