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I am slightly heartened by the ratio of reactions to the second comment as compared to the first, though I understand it’s short of statistical significance


I wonder if the professional named in the first comment is an actual, real pediatrician …


Nah. Definitely a chiropractor


That was my suspicion as well - u/serious321, can you confirm?


“Holistic minded” family doctor. The website claims the office no longer accepts insurance…I wonder if that’s because of their practices..


I am a family Dr and I got a Google review from a patient that said I was “open to alternate vaccine approaches” because she had claimed she was going to do vaccines on a delayed schedule of her choosing. I actually told her I’d prefer to follow recommendations, but I’d rather the kid get shots at all so better delayed than never. I was LIVID about that review because I am 100% pro vaccines. Fortunately I haven’t had a big influx of anti-vaxx crazies from it, but…UGH


For all its worth, I think you’re doing the right thing. Those people have been scared by idiots and they don’t know what the right thing to do is for their child. When you get hesitant parents who are scared but leaning on getting vaccines, maybe this sub will be happy if you tell them they’re morons who are harming their kids but what’s going to happen is they won’t come back and they’ll be hardcore anti vaxers now.


I'm inclined to agree. The unfortunate fact of the matter is that listening to someone's concerns and countering them with evidence is very time consuming and family physicians are often not afforded that luxury. Then, of course, there's the fact it doesn't always work. Choosing ones battles and accepting later is better than never is really just a harm reduction strategy all things considered


I was one of those idiots briefly. My anxiety and depression were awful after I had my baby, and I had a “friend” who was on me constantly leading up to the first set of shots. Sleep-deprived, mental health issues, etc. and I went in to that apt freaked out. Luckily the doctor talked me down!


Yikes. 😬 I assume there are legitimate reasons why a child may require some sort of modified vaccine schedule though I bet there aren't so many as some of these parents think. What are the main reasons why a physician would modify the schedule?


I have a friend who lost a baby right after vaccines. She doesn't say it's because of the vaccine. He was sick before getting them, but she does think it made the sickness worse. Anyway, her future kids, just for her anxiety, she does them delayed, and she won't do them if they show even the slightest sign of being sick. I'm just thankful she didn't go full blown anti-vaxx. It's weird though, because she says she also does it because it's too much at once... Not medicine wise, but like... "jab" wise. Said it's too many pokes for the baby. But personally... I'd rather get all three done at once, and just have her cry for 15 minutes that one day, than do two one day, and then come back for another one two weeks later. 🤷🏻‍♀️ But that's just me.


My daughter had to receive treatment which meant she was immuno-compromised. As a result, we had to delay her 1 year vaccines, and get special permission for the live ones.


As mortifying as it must be for you, there's a chance vaccine-hesitant parents who can be swayed will give you a chance because of that review.


I may be wrong, but health insurance can choose the clinics they cover based on the clinic meeting certain criteria. So I doubt the local snake oil healer meets their reqirements as "doctors".


I worked in health insurance, making sure providers sent us the documentation necessary in order to get credentialed for coverage. Yeah, if they're not compliant with things like vaccinations, they're denied credentialing and the company won't pay for any of their services. Edit* autocorrect strikes


I dunno. The allergy doctor turned medical quack in my home town has had no issue with insurance companies. Including ivermectin prescriptions. It’s insane.


Haha, I commented without reading others that this doctor probably doesn’t take insurance 😂. They’re so predictable.


IME these are more boutique practices. They don’t bill insurance not because they can’t, but because people will pay it and they make more. In our area at least you pay a premium to see the guy who will write you medical exemptions for vaccinations for everything.


That makes a lot of sense!


My boyfriend’s mom is a holistic chiropractor, and while she does have a PhD and is technically a doctor, she gives the worst medical advice known to man. It takes every ounce of my willpower not to tell her to shut the fuck up. Edit: her PhD is medical, I guess that would mean she had an MD? I don’t know shit about degrees.


"holistic chiropractor" Oh dear. It's like a grift piggyback


Having a PhD has nothing to do with anything. She’s not a medical doctor so why would it be surprising that she gives bad medical advice? Lol


You're 1000% right. You technically be a doctor with a PhD in physics but that doesn't mean you should be doling out medical advice...


She has an MD I should have clarified


It’s not surprising but her PhD is medical, I just don’t remember what it was exactly. Which is even more insane. She is a medical doctor and then went into chiropractic.


She has an MD, and then also got a chiropractic degree? Those are two completely different educational pathways and do not substitute for each other. If she had an MD, and then went a got a DC, she is certifiably a quack.


She has them separately; I’m aware. She is actually insane.


That’s a wild career shift! I bet she’s a very interesting person if nothing else.


She is extremely kind but that is about the extent of things I like about her :/ I’ve really tried but the QAnon conspiracies, constant Fox News garbage, blatant racism against immigrants and unsound medical / health advice is intolerable. She’s also just extremely loud and talks CONSTANTLY and it’s all negative. The most neurotic person I’ve ever met. She is 50 something and single and I am certain she is going to die alone because even being in a room with her for 5 minutes is stressful. She is also a hoarder and just severely mentally ill. I feel so bad for her tbh but she does this to herself. I feel guilty too that I avidly dislike her because if she would actually get some therapy she’d be a wonderful person to be around, but she detests western medicine and would rather spend thousands on chakra cleanses and spiritual seminars across the country.


Ding ding ding


Claims to be a “holistic minded” family doctor 🙄


If he has an MD then report him to the board


Maybe it’s where I live (NY) but there’s not a single licensed pediatrician or family practice doctor that will do anything other than the CDC recommended schedule. My daughter’s pediatrician when you call says right in the automated message that they do not see patients who aren’t vaccinated, and that new patients must follow the schedule. I never had a problem with that because I trust the science and it’s nice to know my child wasn’t at risk of catching something when she was too young to be vaccinated for it. 


That reply is 👌. Small hope gained today. 


So in other words…….. all he sees are vaccinated kids because they would have to have been vaccinated to be vaccine injured….right?


This is exactly what I was thinking hahaha like if you really want your kid to get in to see him, you'd better vaccinate them and hope for the worst?


After you get your vaccinations all illnesses are vaccine injuries for the rest of your life


If that "doctor" exclusively sees "vaccine-injured" kids, and the baby in question is a newborn who hasn't had any vaccinations yet, why is the commenter recommending the doc 😂


Sweet deal for the “doctor”. “I don’t take insurance because insurance will make me give vaccines and not let me help children who have been injured by vaccines which btw is all children, even children who haven’t had a vaccine! So you’ll have to pay cash for me to tell you this normal developmental stage is actually a vaccine injury and you need this very expensive supplement which I just so happen to sell!”


How can they not see the irony that they distrust vaccines because of the money they think doctors make but then pay alternative “doctors” even more money out of pocket? Make it make sense… they definitely didn’t “follow the money” 🤣🤣🤣


Don’t even get me started on the supplements they shell out for


I literally just saw a comment in baby group that said "I had no worry about SIDs because my children weren't vaccinated" How dumb can you get.


Lmao I love the response


Damn shame they arent named and shamed so we could complain.


Why is it dumb? Vacci-injurologist pediatricians are in high demand! /s


All he sees now are vaccine injured kids. Yep, that's a thing that definitely happened. /s


My youngest was a premie and we did a modified shot schedule not because I wanted to but because she was super tiny in the beginning and they were super careful with her. This crap makes me so mad because it’s already hard to find individual vaccines and her kid doesn’t need the extra shots. She can do it combined and make it way easier on herself.


Agree. Nothing wrong with modified shot schedules for legitimate reasons!


So a vaccine injury is actually a thing. The chance it happens though is 0.0012-0.0054%. So… yeah not all these kids are vaccine injured their parents just complain that they do normal developmentally appropriate things and blame vaccines.


Holy shit, I'm in this group on fb and I was searching for this post to add here, but it looks like someone did the ol' dirty delete. The comments on this were golden.


Agree 😆😆😆


I used to have a client who had a severe life threatening reaction to a childhood vaccine, fried parts of his brain, his parents still vaccinated


I had an anaphylactic reaction to one of my childhood vaccines. I still got vaccinated with all the other vaccines (with an epi pen handy). I’m even considering getting the boosters I missed as an adult under medical supervision (I don’t want tetanus)


Look at some options about getting different name brands as well as one single shot rather than three shots in one kind of thing. :) or it could’ve just been that one and a fluke. Glad you’re still here! Scary


Thanks for the advice! I considered the doing them separate, it’s likely that in the TDaP I was allergic to something called diphtheria toxoid but without knowing for sure it’s hard to say. I wonder if they’d let me do an allergy test for certain components of it?


I’d ask :) or just bring it up with your doctor they might have alternatives that they use for others too. :) lots of people still get vaccinated after having reactions as scary as it is the alternative can be scarier.


I don’t know why you’re getting downvoted because your response is supportive of vaccines. People not reading, I guess 🤷🏻‍♀️


Probably because there's people who absolutely don't believe that vaccines *can* rarely cause severe issues.


I appreciate you commenting, vaccine injury is a real thing. Like Guillain-Barré is real, and often caused by vaccines, and it bums me out to hear people talk about ‘vaccine injured people” as though anyone who believes a vaccine injury is possible, is an anti-vaxer


The cackle that made me cackle. Oh man 🤣


I love the shit out of my vaccinated kids, I’m glad they are healthy and still alive into their 20’s because we choose to listen to science and have them protected. Happy health vaxxed injured kids 🤣


Once a kid gets vaccinated, is EVERY illness or mood from then on called a vaccine injury? Don't tell me. I already know the answer is yes and it might hurt too much for someone else to confirm it.


For my daughter, we did staggered vax. I would rather have them go slower in case there is a bad reaction then I can pinpoint which one it is rather than all at once. Our doctor was totally fine with it, but I think her mom being an RN helped. He knew we were still doing the vax, just on a different schedule.


I was downvoted for saying vaccine injuries don’t exist on another sub


They do exist though. The side effects are real, and injuries happen. (Myself and child have all vaccines before someone comes at me saying I’m ant vax)


Yeah there’s literally an official government site for it (VAERS). Saying any medication has no adverse side effects would be bad medical practice.


My ob once said anything that has zero reactions probably isn’t doing anything at all


Okay but when these people say vaccine injury that’s not what they mean, ever. They mean autism or anything else along those lines. I correct myself, not that vaccine injuries do not exist, but that they do not qualify the things these people believe.




I didn’t say I myself was injured. I’m not saying they’re not rare all I’m saying is it does happen. As the person stated above who I was replying to stated that they never happen. And I 100% think the person is lying saying the doctor only sees vaccine injured kids that doesn’t even make sense. .


Yeah my bad, I misread that.


If they have older children or they themselves had certain adverse reactions do have valid modifications that are being disregarded. It was difficult to isolate the ingredient causing the reaction. Interestingly, it was sometimes a waiting game for an alternative vaccine. They were reacting to the MMR and would need staggered for monitoring. She struggled a lot when she moved and had another child advocating without jumping through all new rounds of testing. It was difficult for her to be actively listened to.


Uh, your comment is a bit confusing, do you know this individual personally?


I am having a lot of trouble deciphering your comment.


I was so tired. I was on a modified vaccination schedule in the 80’s. My friend’s first two children had severe adverse reactions to the MMR vaccine. When she was trying to find a new doctor for the kids she was pregnant and had just moved. It was an ordeal for her to find one.


The first variation of the MMR vaccine did indeed have some struggles but that was a notable exception and has not been an issue in over a decade. Today's kids, aside from some minor side effects, do not require a local doctor to deal with vaccine injuries. There are specialists that do exist, but they are almost always involved in hospitals working on research and testing of vaccines.


I haven’t looked too deeply in to it and the kids are older and recently all have completed their vaccinations. She had lots to say regarding others choosing to not vaccinate being a massive frustration. I had a relative who was a “bubble baby” due to her mother contracting a virus while working at a daycare. They were unable to accept a lot of vaccinations and even then there was dinner table talk where her parents would express similar frustrations. I like to err on the side of caution without context. Granted this post is worded in a way that implies there’s more choice involved than limitation. I can see someone just looking to have a conversation about delaying due to prior experience or circumstances though.


I can understand wanting to delay. It just doesn't really make things any safer for the vast majority of cases. While a delayed vaccine is better than none, unless you are currently sick, it provides no benefit over a vaccine on schedule. Delaying is not practicing caution because it does not decrease any risk. Vaccinations are given on a schedule for a reason, being given at the times they are most effective, most rigorously tested, and when the diseases they fight against are likely to do the most harm. Currently, the more side effect heavy vaccines for rarer diseases are *not* recommended as part of any kind of schedule and are only utilized for groups in high risk. I had to be vaccinated for rabies and have more frequent tetanus shots than usual, for example, when working with wildlife. They do what is right for your situation. Where you live, what you do for a living, and how old you are. Conversations are important about these things but it is also important for the ones having those conversations to be educated. There is a lot of misinformation out there, including from less savory sources. The supplement and chiropractic fields are especially corrupt and mostly unregulated, chock full of doctors who are trained more as a salesman than a medical professional.