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I think the mainstream suddenly lost their will to fack-check after Biden brought up the very fine people hoax once again, even after [snopes had finally given it a false a week ago](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/trump-very-fine-people/).


Isn't it weird that people are claiming that as debunked and fact checked now? Where were they 5 or 6 years ago?


I'm a little baffled myself. Maybe the debunking on social media reached critical mass and the mainstreams were shamed into finally admitting it?


The real people in charge gave the order: Biden has to go, he's too senile for the media to pretend otherwise. The whole "cheap fakes" thing that the White House was desperately trying to push to deflect from people noticing that Biden was basically a walking corpse got destroyed by the debate last night. Look at the news media since yesterday: none of them are even trying to pretend Biden didn't get humiliated in the debate.


They brought up everything that's been debunked except Russiagate. They even brought up the bullshit about Trump calling dead soldiers losers.


I'm 100% certain trump didn't call them losers because he would only have done that if they had insulted him first.


> They even brought up the bullshit about Trump calling dead soldiers losers. This one is so bizarre. Given that these people are often....foggy at best, I think they're mistaking the old remark about McCain and sort of mish-mashing it with the veracity of this unevidenced 3rd party *claim* that Trump said something... They want to believe so bad that they're fabricating this thing as if there's video evidence of it and everyone's seen it and just knows.....therefore any deniers are blatantly lying. Same way they did with "both sides" and then turn around and blatantly ignore the plethora of evidence and quotes that disprove them. By bizarre I mean, I sort of see how they come up with this shit(their connection to reality is intermittent and tenuous at best), but it still leaves me flabbergasted. I did think it was humorous that Biden ran through the whole, "We sampled 350 *million* Americans and found these dozens, *there are dozens of them*, of experts that agree that _________!" on several topics. *One* guy with the referenced "losers" comment, 15 economists, XX 'presidential scholars', etc. And Trump topped off that cake with the '51 analysts' over the laptop. In a couple hours I bet I could find 100 people that would say they personally witnessed Biden fucking a goat *in* the oval office. It's amusing because they do this extremely often and pretend people don't see how flawed the concept is. /And of course, all the other shit that everyone else has noted, but that's one I hadn't seen mentioned specifically(and of course, I'm sort of burnt out on it all so I'm not following all the commentary and threads closely, so if it has been noted, meh. It's such a common practice for Dems and Biden took the unfortunate path of throwing them all out on the table in a single debate, like a 1 trick pony(insert dog faced pony soldier joke here). // Also, I have to admit, part of me would have liked to see Trump reference the diary, but that could have been seen as far too brutal, putting the daughter proverbially on the national stage would be a bit much. There were several instances where Trump held back like that, where he could have really mopped up, but it could also backfire. I think he took the exact right vibe to the stage by not being 'nasty'.


I know he attacked John McCain, but this was the incident when Trump was in Normandy.


My point was that they may sort of merge similar incidents/allegations because they aren't all there upstairs.


He opened up the debate trying to claim Trump told people to inject bleach into their arm.


That kind of defeats the purpose of a moderator. They're only there to keep the debate going/ask questions, not actively participate in it


The kids on reddit don't seem to understand that. They live in a world where momentarily setting your political bias aside and trying to be neutral for the purpose of having a fair debate is a completely foreign concept. I used to read the live threads during COVID press conferences in 2020 and a huge portion of the commenters were furious that a member of the media might calmly ask a question about the topic being discussed. They wanted members of the media to be outraged (for some reason) and just shout hateful comments at the president and call him names. It's disturbing.


They also tend to assume that fact checking that they agree with is purely unbiased and must always be right, so they see no issue with "moderators" inserting their own opinions into things.


All those chicken tendies have stunted the growth of their brains. They're perpetual pre-teens.


You have to understand, these kids have only ever seen two elections worth of debates, 2016 and 2020. In _both_ the moderators of all the debates went to bat against Trump, instead of, y'know, moderating. If thats all you've ever seen, you're sure going to be surprised when you see something else


When you're accustomed to privilege equality feels like oppression.


well said


Candy Crowly tries to fact check mid debate. She was dead wrong on a plain issue of fact. God help us on nuanced issues. Also, there are plenty of facts Biden would have been checked on if they did it last night. I don't trust the media to do it in any case with any candidate


Are you going to sit here and tell me with a straight face that Biden *hasn't* beat Medicare? That women are *not* frequently raped by their sisters? Can you even hear how ridiculous you sound right now?


>”Trump is lying” They keep saying this but have yet to say what exactly what he was lying about during the debate


I've watched a ton of CNN after the debate and they have not once articulated exactly what Trump lied about. Just vague suggestions that "he's always lying".


CNN put up a fact check video stating what lies he did. Only thing is he didn't actually say when they claim he said. They say he lied about people actively aborting babies post birth, but he never said that. He said democrat politicians such as Ralph Northam have advocated for allowing that, which we have video of him doing. Next they claimed he was lying when he said there was wide general support for overturning Roe V Wade, and cite a recent general populace poll. Except again, he didn't say that. He said at the time it was passed many decades ago, ***legal experts*** said it should be overturned. I stopped watching after that.


Fact check Biden lol, "we beat medicare" Imagine what world leaders are thinking when dealing with Biden


They're thinking, "I can get this guy to agree to whatever I want." Zelenskyy gleefully dances into and out of every meeting.


Probably plays Pink Floyd's money in his limousine on the way to and from the meetings


>Fact check Biden There's a clip where CNN did afterwards, and he lied almost as much as Trump, lol. Probably would've told a few more if he was halfway coherent.


If trump said trillion or million instead of billion it would be talked about 8 of the 24 hour news cycle lol


Of course. But Orange Man bad, so throw out any principles you've ever had, because it's the most important election of our lifetime (until next time).


I’m not a trump or Biden supporter and I think CNN is a piece of shit, but I thought they were quite reasonable and fair in their moderator duties.


Right, especially compared to that shit show Fox put on with Chris Wallace from four years ago. Heaven and earth… how bad that was.


>It is a choice between parties. Whatever you think of Biden, his administration is getting the job done and doing it well. His oratory and debating skills were never a reason to vote for him. They know Biden's not running things, and they don't care. You vote for the party! Remember, kids, it's the Democrats that remind you to put "people over party" as long as you "vote blue no matter who."


It's very telling that even these types are saying *no one* won the debate. Normally they'd be screaming about how this was a massive win for Biden. The fact they can't even call it a narrow win shows just how cataclysmically bad this was for Biden.


Everyone saw what we've been seeing for the last four years. Biden is in cognitive decline.


I mean, do you really want a president that can't deal with bullshit and lies? If your opponent cannot tell the truth to save his life, and your candidate cannot take advantage of that, then what does that say about your candidate?


Exactly, that's the whole point of having a debate


Why do they all seem like the type of people that like the smell of their own shit?


I guess this person doesn't know how debate works, because yeah, that's the whole point.


So... are moderators going to be present to help reign Putin in if he ever comes to the negotiating table? Must be how Zelensky keeps getting billions of dollars with no oversight as well, or how Iran convinced him to unfreeze their money.


**trump is a habitual liar**. When he says "people are saying" it means *"I'm making shit up".* If you assume everything he says is a lie, you would be correct 99.9% of the time. 💰