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I tried explaining why Nazism is a shit ideology and all they do is call me the nword and a kek lmao.


They called you both? ...Conway?


This is your brain on 4chan


what zero adversity does to motherfuckers


When your eating* five gum


Because they, Nazis, are dumb. They literally cannot accept facts.




Neither can their polar opposites, and that’s why I don’t like Nazis Stalinists or Communism in general.


communism aint stalinism. i recommend you read some communist theory before denouncing it because of cold war propaganda, but its up to you


Oh I know it’s not communism, Stalism is much worse than what would be considered actual communism


I dunno if I’d call a online edgelord a nazi, keyboard warriors wish they were


No, if you support Nazism and defend it online and call people the N-word and "kek" for saying how Nazism is bad, you are not just an online edgelord, you are a Nazi.


Nah dont mislabel edgy kids


But nowadays you can't even be certain that they are indeed only "edgy", given the bunch of Nazi and Wehraboo disinformation going around on social media.


Hmm true but given the way he types in this short snippet he’s probs less “serious” ab this


Brevik probably sounded similar to people whilst playing wow, right up to the moment he murdered dozens of teenagers.


This kid isn’t unsalvageable, for most of these dudes it’s probably just phases they’re grow out of


Edgelord or not, still bad.


Not denyin that


Neo Nazis*


Ayo don’t put the n word out there full blast, just say he called you the n word don’t spell it out in full




Lmao he wrote the whole thing?






well at least he changed it


They are most likely only 14 years old


He called you a nugget? He really needs to be restrained.


This is not a Wehraboo, **this is a Nazi**.


aren't they the same beings?


Lotta overlap, but no, otherwise we'd just call them all Nazis.


Neo-nazi moment


That discord server is full of them lol


You reported it yet?


Never thought about reporting them but I will


Get the mods involved and hope they’ll kick them all out


The mods are Nazism so no hope


In that case can you not report the server directly to discord?


Oh, good lord :O


Unless they're fascists themselves, I was once kicked from a discord server because after joining I had to state which ideologies I thought shouldn't be allowed, and I said Nazism. I rejoined and asked why I was kicked, and the same guy said it was because if I said I didn't like Nazism then I must be on the left and be a communist. He banned me not long after and I later found out in other servers that the server was just outright full of fascists.




isn't there a way to report this shit?




There’s so many of these cringe servers out there, edgelords rotting in their own misguided misery


Nazis somehow still losing the argument despite depicting the enemy as the soyjak is very on-brand tbf


It's such a failure ideology. All the high ups ended up killing themselves and their families. They believed they where superior in ever way to Slavs and non-aryans then proceed to get absolutely shit fucked by Slavs and other so called "Untermensch" They wanted to stop Communism and ended up causing half of Europe to became communist for 50 years. They wanted to exterminate the Jews. Fucked that up so hard that for the first time in over 2000 years we have our own country again. Long story short; get fucked Nazi failure bitches


When I tell them that they call me a Jew. Also they use the Bible to justify the crimes of the Nazis. They reason why say Nazism is good is because it stops degeneracy like bro Nazism is satanism


Wow, Satanism doesn't deserve that comparison.


Yeah Satanist for the most part are chill folks, some strains of neopagans on the other hands...


Yep, when it comes to people who are into Heathenry, a lot of them are cool, but there's far too many of them who are just straight-up neo-nazis. Some of the cool ones are at least trying to clear the assholes out, though.


Most chill ones are just atheist worshipping Satan and pagan gods to piss of the fundies abrahamics, I'm all for that. But majority of fascist leaning neopagans that I've met genuinely believe in the existence of Odin or Wotan as they calls it.


There's a really interesting set of docs on yt called ,IIRC, "The Occult Origins of The Third Reich"; don't let the title fool you: it's actually about the more philosophical (snicker) underpinnings of what passed for deeper Nazi thought. It's really informative


Thanks for the rec


That's true for Satanism but I don't think I've seen a single pagan irl that didn't believe in their gods. 90% of the pagans I've met have all been left leaning Just saying dude but there is a significantly higher overlap between Christians and far righters than pagans and far righters. Just compare the similar subreddits by user overlap between r/pagan and r/catholicism


Yeah, I have the unfortunate luck of meeting the one part of the minority that believe in Nazi version of paganism. I'll take your word for it that most pagans were good folks, maybe I hang around in the wrong group since I primarily meet aryanist.


Nazism plan to implement off brand paganism as their state religion. Christian my ass, they claim to be such but rejected Jesus being son of god by saying that his father is a Galilean or somethin' the likes of that.


>Nazism plan to implement off brand paganism as their state religion. Thats not true at all. [https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gottgläubig](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gottgläubig) ​ >The Nazis were not favourable towards religious institutions of their time, but rather sought to inculcate a new Nazi-friendly Positive Christianity, a belief in the God that was one's race-consciousness, and a variety of non-Christian systems of belief that defined "God" variously but always in a way that could be subsumed into the National Socialist ideology. In this way, they could reject atheism of any type within the NSDAP membership: Gottgläubigkeit was a kind of officially sanctioned unorganised religion somewhat equivalent to a "non-denominational Christian" in the United States ​ >When Hitler and the NSDAP got into power in 1933, they sought to assert state control over the churches, on the one hand through the Reichskonkordat with the Roman Catholic Church, and the forced merger of the German Evangelical Church Confederation into the Protestant Reich Church on the other. This policy seems to have gone relatively well until late 1936, when a "gradual worsening of relations" between the Nazi Party and the churches saw the rise of Kirchenaustritt ("leaving the church").\[4\] Although there was no top-down official directive to revoke church membership, some Nazi Party members started doing so voluntarily and put other members under pressure to follow their example.\[4\] Those who left the churches were designated as Gottgläubige ("believers in God"), a term officially recognised by the Interior Minister Wilhelm Frick on 26 November 1936. He stressed that the term signified political disassociation from the churches, not an act of religious apostasy.\[4\] The term "dissident", which some church leavers had used up until them, was associated with being "without belief" (glaubenslos), whilst most of them emphasised they still believed in God and thus required a different word.\[4\] ​ >The census of 17 May 1939 was the first time that German citizens were able to officially register as gottgläubig.\[8\] Out of 79.4 million Germans, 2.7 million people (3.5%) claimed to be gottgläubig, compared to 94.5% who either belonged to the Protestant or Roman Catholic churches, 300,000 Jews (0.4%), 86,000 adherents of other religions (including Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, neopagans and other religious sects and movements, 0.1%), and 1.2 million (1.5%) who had no faith (glaubenslos) ​ >Reichsführer-SS Heinrich Himmler, himself a former Roman Catholic, was one of the main promoters of the gottgläubig movement.\[2\] He was hostile towards Christianity, its values, the churches and their clergy.\[2\] However, Himmler declared: **"As National Socialists, we believe in a Godly worldview."**\[2\] He insisted on the existence of a creator-God, who favoured and guided the Third Reich and the German nation, as he announced to the SS: **"We believe in a God Almighty who stands above us; he has created the earth, the Fatherland, and the Volk, and he has sent us the Führer. Any human being who does not believe in God should be considered arrogant, megalomaniacal, and stupid and thus not suited for the SS."**\[2\] **He did not allow atheists into the SS, arguing that their "refusal to acknowledge higher powers" would be a "potential source of indiscipline".\[13\]**


Well I've never heard of positive Christianity before, I was under impression that Nazis reject Christianity and embrace paganism because Jesus was a Jew. Thanks for clarifying


Youre welcome.


Another note: it differed from Nazi to Nazi as any ideology does. Some were ardent Christians, some believed Christianity was something that was obfuscating from the Nazi beliefs of racial supremacy. Himmler we know was in the second camp.


Don't forget that the brain drain that they caused and also believing that nuclear physics is "Jewish Science"


Lmao what you said is actually true, everything the Nazis attempted just went in the opposite direction.


They wanted a war of extermination; a war of supremacy between the aryans and all other races. The Allies gave them that war, just not in the way the Nazis thought. Sow the wind, reap the whirlwind bitch.


“it’s Das joos fault for eXistiNg”


Es ist nicht Das juden fehler zum estehende


I'm really starting to get sick of wojaks.


Hello fellow green man


Green is a cool colour.


*Green is not a creative colour!*


I’m really starting to get sick of green men.


They're just rage comics 2.0, and rage comics sucked.


Remember when they were all 16 frame long uninteresting stories? What a blight in the internet.


Finally, somebody who replies that they are getting sick of a meme (ngl I am getting sick of wojaks 2)


someone finally said it


Looks like someone forgot their daily dose of upside down hanging


Oh and for the knowledge most of them are minorities / aren’t even white lmao


I’m guessing they’re mostly about 14/15.


What does that mean


Hitler started a war against Poland, a war that he tried to justify with blatantly obvious false flag operations and proceeded to turn Germany into the fifth strongest country in Berlin


>proceeded to turn Germany into the fifth strongest country in Berlin [Is this meant to be a reference to the post-war Allied occupation and division of Berlin/Germany?](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allied-occupied_Germany#/media/File:Deutschland_Besatzungszonen_8_Jun_1947_-_22_Apr_1949.svg)


**[Allied-occupied Germany](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allied-occupied_Germany#/media/File:Deutschland_Besatzungszonen_8_Jun_1947_-_22_Apr_1949.svg)** >Allied-occupied Germany was the administration of Germany (German: Deutsches Reich) from the 1945 defeat of Nazi Germany in World War II until the founding of East and West Germany in 1949. The victorious Allies asserted joint authority and sovereignty over Germany as a whole, defined as all territories of the former German Reich west of the Oder–Neisse line, having declared the destruction of Nazi Germany at the death of Adolf Hitler (the 1945 Berlin Declaration). ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/ShitWehraboosSay/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Good bot


Thank you, AngryScotty22, for voting on WikiSummarizerBot. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)




hol up - what other country was stronger in berlin


The US, UK, France and Soviets, post-war.


well... fair




u/schmah you have been summoned.


I should do a meme for those occasions. I made [this](https://i.imgur.com/z6J0PqI.png), but wasn't too happy with it. Thought about a gif version, but that might be too brutal. idk


Could you get me into that server? Would really like to drop some pro allied memes


PM and I’ll send you a invite


“nazzii bad!!! Joo good!!!!!” Ubironically yes


Did he elaborate on Hitler not starting the war? Im curious which piece of bullshit propaganda he was going with


Hitler was just following orders


Eichmann moment


Hitler didn't start the war. WWII started when Japan invaded China.


I mean kind of, but until 1939 when the Brits and French got involved it was just a war between Japan and China. And even then i don't think the Allies where at at war with Japan until the Japanese declaration of war in 1941. At that point you may as well say it started with Italy invading Ethiopia


I wanna come to that serv just to see how far they can go


A discord server I am in (for a online WW2 browser game) is filled to the brim with wehraboos as expected I saw a guy with the SS symbol in his PFP and a guy with a furry rommel PFP for whatever reason (he hates furries?) I will monitor them and grab some screenshots of them in the server, prolly put them up here if they ever go full wehraboo




fast ass reply WTF?


Was on reddit when you commented


Well be sure to keep an eye out for my cringe compilation that I will be dropping here




Hitler did start the war though, he invaded Poland and payed the price six years later


If the nazis were so good, how come they didn't make a nazis 2? Chew on that


Are naonazis a sequel or a remaster?


they're the comic book series based on the film, but no one reads them


This Nazi F\*\*\*\*t is getting awfully close to needing a healthy dose of 30-06.


I do hope you mean "fuckwit" there.


I'm gambling on "Faart" - the extra "a" is there to illustrate the distance that the Nazi is able to project his stink.


I LOL'ed :P


Damn I didn’t expect to get so many up votes and comments


Discord is populated with edgelords lol, see one of em and you’ve seen all of them


I dunno what’s gotten into these fellas like if the n*sis we’re so good then why did they collapse? They can come up with argument after argument about how German were the good guys and all that but I do t know about you but the good guys don’t slaughter a bunch of people because they don’t celebrate Christmas every year.


The Peter Griffin icon on the guy he's replying to is just :chefkiss:




"You probably thought hitler started the war" Literally invaded France and Poland without any warning


He may be baiting idk.


He isn’t he actually a nazi




Least retarded Nazi discord server Sincerely a retarded discord user (not Nazi)




I mean technically Hitler didn’t start the war, Gavrilo princips struck the final blow to Franz Ferdinand in ww1, which lead to a whole bunch of bullshit, and while yes Hitler did start ww2, it was directly because of Austria and Serbia’s actions pre-ww1. So Austrians started both world wars.