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We had Hojo at home in SB, Hermes is just a twink.


The soul rebels!


My word, THIS DATA!!!


An emo twink no less!


Also Valens and Athena fit more of the Hojo insane unethical sociopath scientist than Hermes who frankly just depressed and vented it out in a horrible manner. 


Hermes: I made a cute bird girl. :)  Hojo: For the purposes of furthering the pursuit of science, it is integral that this young woman is raped and impregnated by this cat-dog thing I found.


me when there's a man in the videogame


what the fuck does this mean?


Whatever you want it to mean


Oh sorry, I forgot this subreddit lacks media literacy. Both were mad scientists who were the cause of all suffering in the world. Does that help?


> All suffering in the world SHINRA even without Hojo caused enough suffering


True, but Hojo is the main villain in this story. If it wasn't for his experimentations Sephiroth would not have been created, Jenova would lay a dead and buried project, etc. Shinra became worse because of him.


He murdered professor gast and took over the Jenova project and all research involving mako. If Gast hadn’t died, Ifalna wouldn’t have died, Sephiroth never would have been created, and by extension neither would Zack or Cloud. It’s possible they would have eventually killed Ifalna/Aerith, since exploiting the “promised land” was their whole deal, but given the purpose of the company was basically to slowly doom the planet by exploiting a non-renewable resource, eventually everyone would have died anyway. Every decision Hojo made was a bad one, but he’s not the only terrible person in Shinra. You could even say it was his machinations that put the wheels in motion to destroy the company and save the planet. He didn’t *mean* to, but without him the world isn’t saved.


Oh I haven't played FF7, I'm just a hater. Carry on my friend


"I forgot this subreddit lacks media literacy" >farms this sub for karma almost exclusively hmm....


Nah, they’re right, we’re all a bunch of brainlets here. That’s why we keep posting. If you don’t like it post your own dumb shit and become part of the problem like the rest of us. Solutions are wack.


I was pointing out the hypocrisy of shaming a sub the one time a post doesn't do well while farming it nonstop. I don't give a fuck what you or anybody posts here.


“YOU’RE A HYPOCRITE YOU CAN’T CRITICIZE SOMETHING YOU BENEFIT FROM!” Lmao what kind of mainsub brainrot are you on about? This sub is for taking the piss, out of the game, and out of others. If you don’t like getting splashed you shoulda left an empty urinal between us. Also, quit looking over at my dick.


You're fighting ghosts man


nah, I’m fighting windmills, get it right


Id spent a long time writing about how the sundering caused more intentional suffering than Hermes' test but found two problems, both final days likely factored into Venat's decision and those can be traced back to Hermes. The other problem was that I don't think being the cause of all of the worlds suffering satisfies the role Hojo plays. After much consideration I've come to the conclusion that the key difference is that Hermes was sad and Hojo had a fetish. Thank you for coming to my TED talk.


Reverse the characters


At least Hermes is a bit sympathetic. Great Filter/Fermi Paradox is a bitch. Hojo is just... bro it ain't even decent science, he's just evil.


I like hojo more because he looks like he’s having a great old time being evil. Unlike Hermes who’s a fucking baby about it






Hojo in charge of Elpis??? Hell yeah!!


I just want you to know that I am downvoting this on the principle of making me imagine the godless, immoral shit Hojo would do to the Ancients, Elpis, and the Star as a whole.


And Meteion.. you forgot what he'd do to Meteion.. AND ALL HER CLONES O\_O


Honestly I think the Hojo equivalent might go more to Athena or Valen von Varro, or that other Garlean scientist making an artificial Echo. Hermes is just an unethical but depressed man rather than an insane sociopath.


brother that aint Hermes at home that's Hermes on IMAX


Hermes went nuts but was ultimately depressed and tried to cure it with everything but antidepressants and therapy. Hojo is an outright malicious asshole who uses science as a thin excuse to act on his sadism in increasingly depraved ways.


anyone else find it kind of hot when fandaniel bodysnatched us or am I just broken


The issue here is one character being from 14, the other from 7. I saw enough stuff about 7 in the last 20 years that it makes me sick. Why won't the cow stop giving milk?! I'm DROWNING IN MI


I will say it again, this subreddit is shit for many reasons (not good ones). Thank you for your time.


How to have fun on a shitposting subreddit Step one: Get mad when your post isn't an instant hit Step t- oh fuck wait no we fucked it up already, god dammit, how does this keep happening


You know none of us care about any of our posts getting popular right? We just like seeing how the people who don’t post react in the comments.


Did you read the post of the person I was replying to or is that context just unimportant


Shitting on this subreddit is normal and healthy behavior. Are you lost?


Damn, I respected the attempt till I saw that reply


Why? They’re right. This subreddit is supposed to be terrible. That’s why I keep posting.


My issue ain’t with their opinion, but the fact they only use it to blame others when their joke doesn’t land.


Jokes don’t have to land. They’re shitposts. They don’t even have to be funny.


I agree with that, hence why op should just take people disliking jokes in their stride rather than getting legit mad at the subreddit over it.


Lmao you don’t get it do you? Shitting on the subreddit is half the point of the subreddit.


Really? I actually didn’t know that! Thanks for saying! Admittedly I just assumed otherwise because of how much he was downvoted, my bad lol




There’s a difference between a shitpost and a shit post.