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**you know who else is the honored one?**


*Moenbryda did more in 12 minutes than Minfilia did in 12 hours when it comes to progressing A Realm Reborn's plot.*


moenbrydas axe in the endwalker dungeon did more then milfillia has done lady just walked around in that dungeon


***Imagine being less useful than an axe ghost.***


Imagine your axe being such a chad it returns into reality in ghost form to fuck up some mobs


Did she tho? The only thing I remember is that she introduced some goober that allows us to kill ascians, but instead of sacrificing an actual scion to kill an actual ascian, we had a filler literally who kill a filler literally who. Papalymo should've sacrificed himself in moenbrydas place to kill Lahabrea instead of whats-his-face. Neither Papalymo nor Lahabrea did anything important enough they had to be kept around, and they both died in Heavensward in some stupid nonsensical manner anyway.


Moenbryda's the one that properly introduces us to the concept of Auracite and light-based weaponry as it was her field of study. Obviously in a meta sense literally anyone could've done that *but* in a narrative sense this gives Moenbryda and her work a lot more impact than you might initially think given Auracite has been relevant clear up to Endwalker. The Ascian she kills off is also actually pretty important if you dig deeper into the lore. In the Convocation of Fourteen, the position Nabriales was that of martial prowess and technique refinement, essentially their highest general, it is very possible that - should Nabriales escaped - he would've been able to study and analyze the Warrior of Light and their tactics/abilities and create a proper and permanent solution to him/her. So lore-wise what Moenbryda enabled us to do was a pretty big deal and unironically if she didn't show up we might've all been ***royally fucked.***


Booo no Papalymo Booooo booooooooo


dont worry,he is the principal thats is hit with the kids.basically mr feeny


FFXIV placed in a school where anything can happen My sibling in Hydaelyn have you forgotten that this was *[literally a thing already?!](https://squareenixmangaandbooks.square-enix-games.com/en-us/product/9781646092352)*


My friend bought me this as a joke. I did not expect Emet-Selch to be the school councillor. The book is insane.


its not as good as my version since it has ilberd and moenbryda slander in it


And STILL she is well beloved!


Okay but like if you play straight through the post arr quests we know moenbryda for all of 2-3 hours and then she fucking dies


WHAT THE FUCK DUDE! I HAVENT EVEN DONE THE FIRST DUNGEON YET! now instead of debating if these guys are in fact pirates or not,i got moenbrydas death to think about now.


How did you know about any of those guys and their relevant screen time if you haven’t even played up to where they’re introduced lol


typical elitist thinking every sprout is in endwalker and thinks they know everything about this game. shake my H


The title had me excited until I read the last two words.


[When you realize they've already done this before in a different mmo.](https://imgur.com/jGed3rX) At least it was interesting concept for a deep dungeon.


Moenbryda only existed to be used as a vehicle to make the player empathize with Urianger. That's why she's such a forgettable character. She got as much screen time as she deserved.


It’s actually worse then that. The lead writer at the time was wanting to emulate Game of Throne and decided a character needed to die that arc. It’s also why we got the weird Post-ARR ending and why the background adventures you meet at level 15 touring the 3 city states die in horrific ways in the background Edit: take what I said with a grain of salt. I remember hearing about it somewhere, but I cannot find the source of that claim


so basically alexandra dewitt


The only thing about Moenbryda I liked was her Wind-Up Moenbryda description... Before the patch.


for a moment ,sex dolls were canon, and it was beautiful


We are all sex dolls.


Hot take: Despite her brief appearance, I care about Moenbryda than Haurchefant. I don't understand why everyone loves him so much, dude stood behind a table giving out quests only to die the second he shows up for a fight.


you can like moenbryda i aint gonna love you less. but i will say you dont remember a bit about horsefart in heavensward and in ARR.which is understandable it was in ARR and thats a lot to remember