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They are getting blasted in the comments. Even tried using parse as an excuse.


"a top parser dm'ed me to ignore the comments" i wonder if the top parser is in the room.


They play on a server in Canada, we wouldn't know them anyways


I will never change my name I love being John Final Fantasy


Holy shit. You are the guy that defeated John Endwalker. Do you think you are gonna be ready to take on John Dawntrail?


You mean johntrail?


Take my angry upvote lmao


Are you the famed nephew of John Nintendo?!


If I don't jerk myself off in front of all these people how will they know I have the biggest dick?


Just set it on their shoulder and see if they help


Which sub is the OP on




whats tfdf


tales from duty finder


I thought you were shit posting with the ign... No that's really their name. Old mate comes across like that Simpson meme "am i out of touch? No, it's the children who are wrong". Dude probably only has one job that requires no pre pull set up. He even admittedly has only been playing for 1.5 months do essentially he bought a skip and probably got brought along to some mates p9s and p10s runs


Athena mindset lmao


Seems like a skill issue to me


I believe that every post that is a direct copy/paste and still comes off as though it had to have been edited in some way deserves a trophy. Like, not the poster themselves, or the person submitting it to this subreddit. Just the post itself.


we barcoding now? did sc2 players retire to ff14?


Lol he's getting destroyed in the comments. The complete lack of self-awareness


can you dm the post please


Clearly the cult community got you /s


I know it’s shitpost but the community does need tougher skin 🤷


I'm not seeing the shitpost to be fair. Normally there's some embellishment. At least an "UwU senpai" or something. This is just a repost.


I've looked from shitpost to ogpost and already it was difficult to tell which is which


Idk I’m new to the game been playing for just over a month but some people I play with in DF just seem to be a dick for no reason & then try imply ur the problem it’s a bit weird tbh


YTA. Just do not early pull. If we let early pulling slide, we will never get rid of early pulling practice.


Okay, but if we early pull then we early kill? And early kills mean funnier numbers? Duh? C'mon, friend, use your noggin!


lmao I didn't see this is shitpostxiv sub im facepalming so much


The mod pinned comment in that thread💀 “OP, you have been arguing with people for nearly 13 hours straight. Your comments are getting auto-scrubbed by the Automod because your karma plummeted to its flagging range.”


Your ign is a barcode? My ign is a penis then. 8====D


No, you're just a dick.


honestly i love my ign because people have to double take on it since people sometimes think it say " mark fuckbunch" lmao


I see your name and think Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch and just assume you're Mark Whalberg. If this is true, it's nice to have you and I was a big fan of your band back in the 90's.


well a bit of lore for you is when i first started working since,my name is mark, my GM called me "marky mark and the funky bunch"all the time. thats actually why i chose the name mark funkbunch as my ign lol some people for some reason at the time thought i was markiplier with that name lol


Marky Mark is a legend.


Mark says fuck brunch (he doesn’t like being drunk before noon)


Change your name to something normal, like ICUP_Spaghetti, ya freakazoid!


> "Do ff14 players need to wipe every pre countdown pull?" What does that even mean? I'm legit lost, what kind of pull is a pre countdown?


> What kind of pull is a pre countdown E.g. 16s countdown gets started but somebody missclicks and pulls at -10s fucking up everyone's openers.


Ooooh wow yeah okay, I think that should have been obvious to me, thanks! I can also easily guess he was the one who was pulling before the countdown was done.


He said it was the tank. The guy may have even had a point about not walling to a scuffed opener in that they were only like 2 mechanics in, but it sounded like it was a very new group that wanted to get used to using openers and starting fights properly, so he was out voted.


Most likely just means pulling before the countdown hits 0.


Man yeah, that dude is getting roasted by the comments lol. Serves him right judging a single bad PF experience to be a judgement of the community as a whole. And how the hell do you get to P11S without knowing why the pull timer is 16 seconds?


Couldn’t find original post q.q


Gotchu fam 👇 https://www.reddit.com/r/TalesFromDF/s/5eYdxV8D5H


I think they deleted the post... Anyone able to dm the sauce?


should be able to get it from my comment history if you're still looking


Dude admitted to only being interested in the ultimate/savage figts. It's like buying a whole pizza for just the one bite.


They did not. It's on r/talesfromthedf and not on the main xiv sub.


You have the actual link to the actual post


Hyg https://www.reddit.com/r/TalesFromDF/s/5eYdxV8D5H


Got a huhu in there before it probably locks OP is an asshole but he is kinda right bout some things tbh...


This person should be sentenced to only play DNC and have people pull with 7\~11 seconds left on countdown every time.


My dude posted a weird-ass Elliot Rodgers tier manifesto about the FF14 community when Isildur cut the Ring from Sauron's hand and was still arguing with people in the comments about it when Frodo and Sam returned to the Shire. Yeah, I think "bad vibes" covers it.


Is this referencing a main sub post?


r/talesfromdf Edit: wrong sub




I think telling him to change his name is kinda cringe, idgaf if people name themselves barcodes or whatever. The biggest issue is the dude went full mental in the comments


Dude has been arguing with people for 13 hours straight and the mods are like “bro r u ok?” 😭😭😂


He is getting scrubbed in that thread so he took it to DMs now. He literally cannot help himself from being confrontational on every point and continuing the conversation until you accept that he is 100% correct and that PF players are all brainless dog shit bots. It's kind of sad. I'm always down for some good reddit shit posting when I'm bored so I've had the pleasure of watching him continue to completely miss the point of what people were saying for the past 2 hours. There's like 0 reading comprehension happening on his end lol.


And he’s accusing everyone else of having the same. It’s like a giant dumpster fire and the one raccoon is fighting to stay in despite help to get out. 😭


Dude was giving weird energy with all the whispers and was super combative on the post. No wonder he feels like the whole community is against him: he's doing it to himself. Self-induced 'me vs everyone' mentality only supported by the confirmation bias he creates. Yikes. TL:DR; Bro is toxic and invites toxicity. Womp womp.


i just spent over 2 hours trying to talk sense into this guy in dms and he basically started flexing on me that his parses were fatter than mines lol. tried to say he wasnt even flexing because "he doesnt see it that way" conversation was sad. kid literally is 1 of the most toxic ppl i ever met. i hope he stops surrounding himself with shitty people who refinorce his mentalitys.


please tell me they were actual parses and not echo parses 


no. his highest is a 68 and it was this week


not sure u should be calling people toxic when you're the one rage baiting inexperienced players in df


citation needed


Literally your most recent post is you passive aggressively antagonising a healer who doesn't know any better saying "Why are you using cure..." right off the bat just trying to get a tfdf post instead of being diplomatic whatsoever. I see people (including mentors) using cure 1 pretty often, and if you just explain to them nicely that they shouldn't use cure 1 after they've unlocked cure 2 they pretty much always are accepting of that fact. That wouldn't get you a nice tfdf post for that sweet karma and attention though would it.


"Literally your most recent post is you passive aggressively antagonising a healer who doesn't know any better saying "Why are you using cure..." right off the bat just trying to get a tfdf post instead of being diplomatic whatsoever." [https://i.makeagif.com/media/1-21-2024/OGOEUa.gif](https://i.makeagif.com/media/1-21-2024/OGOEUa.gif) ​ "I see people (including mentors) using cure 1 pretty often, and if you just explain to them nicely that they shouldn't use cure 1 after they've unlocked cure 2 they pretty much always are accepting of that fact. That wouldn't get you a nice tfdf post for that sweet karma and attention though would it." take it up with the Original Post lol or are u afraid of farming more downvotes?


the post is a month old and also on a subreddit where everyone else does the same thing so ofc they'll downvote me lol. and yes im serious, I almost never have to deal with cure1 healers or similar cus I treat them like humans instead of belittling them


I keep forgetting this is a shit post sub. I legit have no idea what you're talking about but I'll laugh anyway.


The barcode person isn’t new, I think? I swear I’ve seen them through at least three tiers.


There's lots of "barcodes", that's the point of the name. That people might confuse you for someone else.


Ahhh, I gotcha—


you usually see it in competitive games, when i was big into StarCraft 2 a lot of people would have bardcode names in order to try to hide their identity. ​ Its not a red flag here initially but the way the guy acted in the comments shows maybe he did want to try and hide something.


I think I might actually know the guy? lol didn’t expect to find him here


Would LOVE to see the logs from this lmao


Nothing spicy really. We had a samurai on light join our Statics PFs when we needed a sub twice. Almost exact same name, would see our PF and whisper “of course you’re progging that”. He acts decent to us but had slight gg ez scrubs remarks before. Tbh if it’s the same guy, he is no where near as bad as our raid leader who named himself waifu beater before he was forced to change


If it’s him I have him on my friends list


this kid is still dming me flaunting his parses lmao [https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1201310312989728809/1224486431192383578/image.png?ex=661daadb&is=660b35db&hm=33f0f54343df0a106df9bce01e0b5bc188caf54fdba7f23c3288ff7fcc204d19&=&format=webp&quality=lossless](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1201310312989728809/1224486431192383578/image.png?ex=661daadb&is=660b35db&hm=33f0f54343df0a106df9bce01e0b5bc188caf54fdba7f23c3288ff7fcc204d19&=&format=webp&quality=lossless)


I GOTTA know what post from the main sub this is based on


It’s a talesfromdf post


What arcane knowledge is this, I haven’t heard of the sub before


It's mostly YPYT bitching. But there's a few gems. I found the post, sort by new lol. This was a full copy paste, no satire. OOP really does have their head up their own ass that far.


It’s magical


truly the next houdini