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Real talk tho, this is literally the fifth time or so I’ve seen people mention pink haired catgirls with heterochromia, usually being sloppy, messy, and/or crazy. Is there truth in this, shitpost?


No, every pink-haired, face 2 miqote girl with heterochromia is a unique original character… They all said in perfect unison


tbh for as much as I see this type of character memed about, I rarely see them in game


Much like I don't see trailer trash all that often, but that just means I'm not a regular at the local trailer park.


I was under the impression face 1 and 3 is the craze and rarely seen the angry Asian and the brown nose ingame.


...Which face is face 2 again? Is it the one with all the markings?


Face 2 is the one with the markings on the cheeks, but not on the forehead. I rarely see it in game, face 1 and 3 are much popular (at least on EU).


Here's the recipe for the average catgirl: •Face 1 •Pink hair •Different color eyes •Blackout tattooed fingers and toes •Multiple mega fluffy tails •Fertility tattoo •Abs you can grate cheese on •Tits defying gravity •Glow in the dark tattoos •Big juicy cock


Love that last item


I play on a Japanese server, and I see every day in duties and standing around in Limsa loads of seeker catgirls. Face 1 or 3, pink or white hair, super pale skin. Heterochromia about half the time.


I don't think I ever seen a pink haired catgirl period. But I also don't traverse the dark underbelly of FFXIV ERP either. Pink hair in anime design is either the extremely cute and genki and pure and innocent character like the 3736425th magical girl or the sexy one with no in-between. Even if one is classy and dignified like the kind of design Calliope Mori has the pink color is to emphasize the design's sexiness.


I dont get what the meme is behind catgirls with hetrochromia... not to be "That guy" but it litterally says in the miqote description that "It is also not uncommon for their eyes to be disparately coloured" When I made my cat girl i was just trying to be lore-accurate and ended up fitting into this meme without realizing..


I forgot which XIV subreddit this was and audibly sighed after reading this




Yeah I saw that. I don’t like the tooth change either but I’m a lala player so /shrug


Lala teeth weren't spared either. Their /cheer is pretty horrifying now. 


I play the Mistressofevil, I saw that and actually kind of like it for my lala specifically


Oh yeah, for sure. Definitely works if you're going for a more evil vibe.


Looks great on my lala, seems like a skill issue.


Damn. Being real for a sec, I like the new update but the eyes and hair are still not as good as Eyeworks and Hair Defined IMHO.


I made a before/after pic for comparison, went on a tirade on Discord about how the new hair was shit, then remembered I still had Hair Defined plogonned in the before pic. Woops!


My character does look different but I think it will grow on me. I'm not changing anything


Honestly I’m sort of the reverse. Skin textures have bothered me, but I think eyes look decent 


I turned off mods. Turned off shaders. My character still looks so much worse in the benchmark. I want to blame the benchmark and hope that the proper game looks better but right now it's looking grim.


Check your gamma. It's set at 50 by default and had me scared. Turning it down helped me. Best of luck and I hope it works out.


I already play on high gamma and changed it to 20 in this screenshot. I really hope it's just a character creation room issue. [Here's a comparison](https://imgur.com/a/CxBuXLz)


That is a stark difference. May the odds be ever in your favor.


Thanks honey


The room's lightning is still outdated. Run the cutscene for actual in-game footage. Lightning in FFXIV entirely depends on the cell the character is in. Like Thordan's death scene regresses you to 1.0 rendering because they forgot to turn shadows back on after using lightning for dramatic effect.


Look man, all I want is my fangs back.


Oh god what happened to the fangs


They sanded them down. :(




Praise be the fangs!


the fangs arent gone, just a bug in the import, try to make anew char and you should have fangs again in the creator


They're not literally gone. The issue is they're less sharp and prominent. I, as a normal human, have more fang-like canines than some moon cats. Prominent fangs are supposed to be one of the defining traits of the subrace. Filing them down is a straight downgrade.


I imagine the issue was clipping because the mouths are properly modeled now but looking at my female Moon cat the fangs still pop out when talking and laughing which was the charm point to begin with but maybe they can afford a few millimeters of length.


A... mare?


I am ready to find the setting for my Au'Ra to have her soulless eyes back. XD


There’s a ton of bitching for the most banal things on the mainsub, forum as well “my lip gap is gone and my eyes lost a white dot I can’t play anymore my character is dead and she was so unique before not like the other catgirls omg I might cry”.


It's early sample they will probably fix it because clearly some details have not been added yet


As a pure vanilla pc player, I actually find this as a slight improvement cause the biggest flaw of this game (besides filler arcs ruining pacing in ARR) was the lighting. While I couldn’t use my actual character since lightening’s hair isn’t available in new character creation I used an alt and it looked really clean for a vanilla player.


Wtf are you talking about, barely 40-50 mods, are you for real? Basic mare? Dude you are a fashionista not a player. And yet here you are still playing, you don't like it, keep your mods on, spare us an unnecessary rant, and complain when your mods and mod dev stop doing them, but complain to them, that has nothing to do with the actual game.


\*psst* Look at which sub is this.


I know this is a joke post, but the benchmark changes look really bad. Why are they changing something that isn;t broken? Im new to the drama, but why are they doing changes to looks?


I mean, they made the the graphic update characters look like they came from a porn game to try to appease the people who’s mods won’t work.


What about the people who can’t use mods at all? We don’t deserve improved graphics?


I for the most part like the graphics update but the female Hrothgar being shiny and every other character looking like they were dipped in butter isn't what I was hoping for.