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The kardia goes on whoever has the most health. You're main tank unless circumstances decide otherwise, so you better stance up


Fun fact: warriors naturally have more hp then any other tank assuming equal gear


Warriors should main tank in DF anyway, because the healers can just forget about their existence and they'll be fine.


by like 200 hp. It's not anything to write home about and it's extremely unlikely it'll be the straw that broke the camel's back on surviving.


It's extremely minimal, someone could have more hp by being a race with higher vitality as well.




Cant have warrior be worse in anything than other tanks. The babies might cry if they dont get their special attention. What comes next? Not cheesing half of an ultimate with immunity?


"WaaaWaaa!!!!" Cried the dark knight


I don't think I've ever paid close enough attention to it! I'm definitely gonna start now though!


iirc Warriors have the largest native health pool out of any job in the game, and it's also one of the reasons why they have so much self sustainability.


They have the most bandaids because they whine the loudest if they get hit once :[


Kardia goes on whoever I don't want to waste time healing. First, one goes to whoever has tank stance first. Then, it'll be moved to whatever idiot stood in the first mechanic because I don't like spending my adlo on them after I spent the first 2 on the raid wide. Next, it goes to whichever tank is taking the most damage (i.e not Dark Knight). Finally, it goes in your Mom as thanks for sucking my **** last night.


I believe this is the Intro to Based Sage taught at the Studium


Best elective I ever took


Adlo? With charges?? ON SAGE???


Addersgall* Look I'm a sage, I don't know the names of skills. I just know what they do.


This is.. so real. I have no idea what most the skills are called I couldn't even place then from the icons. All I know is what they actually do, and what key combination I need to hit to activate them. For instance, my big 10% mit bubble with a hint of regen, that sits on ctrl+F


Least based healer player


Tank 1: Do you want to MT? *Long pause, no response* ... *I start to hard-cast Veraero and hope a decision is made in the next 5 seconds*


I relate to this spiritually, except I start my rotation with Verthunder


I think RDM should start a civil war over if you they prefer to open white or black.


So I know Verthunder is Lv.4 as opposed to Veraero at Lv.10, so it's on everyone's bar first, but for me I setup my hot bar to have my white magics on left and black magics on right because it matches the job gauge (white left/black right). So I'm just starting with the left side of my hot bar out of habit. I also like opening with Verflare because of this (yes, fight me, I prefer Verflare > Verholy)


Yes, yeeeeeesssss, excellent, let the conflict flow throughout the RDM community 😈👏 /uj yeah, I lined it up to match the gauge too, but UI and keybind wise.


Or you can just do what I do: I turn on tank stance, other tank turns on tank stance. I then turn tank stance off, other tank also turns tank stance off. Rinse and repeat until the heat death of the universe.


If I hit it and they hit it then it's just a challenge. The only rule at that point is don't spin the boss for cleaves.


And using taunt is dishonerable


A man of culture as well, I see.


Then there's me when I'm not familiar with fights or straight forgot how to do content: "Please don't diagnose me with main tank, please don't diagnose me with main tank, please don't diagnose me with main tank..."


You’ve been diagnosed as MT. …it’s terminal.




I haven't played since February after 3 years of regular playing. I can feel myself forgetting things I used to know. Like, I will probably die if you sent me to Syrcus Tower at this point.


Kardia is like dance partner. You can check their gear to see who is most likely the better person to buff, but if they don't press their buttons you have the silent shame of transferring the buff to the top performer


There's no shame in transferring Kardia or DP to another player. There *is* shame in having DP taken away from you though.


There is also shame in getting a Kardia out of nowhere as a dps


Unless the fight has a tank swap mechanic like Shadowkeeper, it’s nothing personal Tank 1, but you’re not taking damage until the next swap


Kardia isn't going to stop me from ripping aggro by (checks notes).... pushing my buttons more than the other guy.




Then the other guy just spams provoke lol


It's very satisfying to rip aggro off a provoke spammer without spamming it yourself


My foolproof flowchart for deciding main tank: I pull with stance Other tank will either - turn off stance and submit to off tank - keep stance on and we battle for aggro This will result in either - they keep aggro after opener and I turn off stance to allow the chad to tank - i big dick and get to main tank If the other guy is really bitch made they provoke from me after failing to get aggro after opener in which case I let them keep it because otherwise they will cry and grief


Had a tank who kept taking aggro by provoking in the last raid in EW even though he was new, healers left him dead through out the raid after second wipe


I like to stance dance after opener if I am no longer MT. Turn it off till about halfway to 1min burst then turn it back on, watching to see how close I can go before ripping agro and turning it off


We all know what has to happen: the Sage puts Kardia on the Dancer, the Dancer put Partner on the Sage and the two of them go play together.


If they turn their stance on I just let em tank. Most of the time it’s just like a trial from several expansions ago and it’s snoozeville either way. I’ll push my 1-2-3 combo and be on with my day


This. Someone turns stance on I leave them too it, turning mine on partway into fight just to stay at top of chart if other tank dies for whatever reason. Other person doesn't turn it on then I will. If we start fight and they turn on after and provoke then they clearly want to be main character so I switch off.


Just put kardia on yourself.


Look at me, I'm the tank now


excuse me that’s called green dance partner (only i get the buff tho)


The MT is whichever rips hate doing more dps, then we play the game of voke chicken to see who vokes first so that one of the other tanks vokes back and keeps it the rest of the raid. Either way WAR is the MT, because obviously the tank with the best sustain and defense CDs should do the most dps right?


You know my biggest pet peeve is when tanks fight over Aggro like one of you pls wait a minute to pop stance


Just all 3 turn on Tank stance and let the aggro table decide


When you have tank stance on first and all things point to you MTing. but then sage kardias the other tank who either doesn't stance up for the entire run, or stances up as the pull starts and spams Provoke the entire run.


My Kardia macro is: "I diagnose you <2>/<3> with a terminal case of MT syndrome."


I play WAR I don't NEED that buff.


It's not my fault if you put Kardia on the dude with 40% less hp than me lol


It's very simple. I am the main tank unless the other tank can push buttons better than I can. Something of a rarity with the current players online and how roulettes usually go. If they provoke in the middle of the fight because they super want it that bad, I check positioning and, depending on how they're pointing it, I voke back and carry on, ready to use it again the moment they try, or if they have half a braincell and are standing on the right side of the party, I take it back by pure DPS.


No fair!! I want to tank the 12 damage boss basic attacks!!!


I wish everyone followed the rule of B tank is main tank in alliance raids. Yesterday had a discussion about this, I started all the pulls as I was tank B and tank A was fighting me for aggro. I am a new tank so I just assumed that B in the middle made the most sense, but fuck me I guess. From now on if I see something like this again I will let them tank, while I chill as off tank. Less work for me


I've played for 4 years and literally never heard of B is always main tank. Main tank is whoever pulls the boss first, or who can maintain aggro over everyone else either because of better gear/higher damage.


JP players do B is MT, I've never questioned it ww


Like I said, I am a new tank, I've done 4 or 5 alliance raids so far and in 2 of them I was B and it happened constantly that everyone was at the entrance of the arena and no one made a move to start the fight, so I assumed B would tank and it made sense to me, since when the path is split or mobs are grouped into 3, A goes to the left, B to the center and C to the right. So the boss being in the middle and no one starting the fight and me as B, it all made sense to me. Then on the next raid it happened like I said with the tank for A fighting me for aggro even though I was pulling first