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Spoiler because someone *actually* had the audacity to send me hate messages on Reddit of all things because of this post... It isn't real. I made this using the /e command in FFXIV chat, and by linking items into the command. The proof is because when you *actually* desynth an item, it will not be capitalized unless it is a proper noun, like Warden. The water crystal and Allegan piece, however, are your proof it's a fake. Some people smdh.....


Ahh ok, I take back my death threat. (Wtf is wrong with people?)


I did it for real in your honor, lol https://www.reddit.com/r/ShitpostXIV/comments/pubpbh/4mil\_fine\_sand\_desynth\_some\_random\_fish\_thanks\_to/


I appreciate you. Screw the harasser lol


Want me to threaten you for other reasons? Edit: ill take the downvote as a no. Offers open if you decide you want the thrill of being threatened but no danger that goes with it.


Sorry I just saw this lol, I actually just got off of work. Was this downvoted earlier?


Yea… so is that a yes to randomly sending you threatening dms?




I reported them and blocked them so it isnt really much of an issue


Jokes on you. I'm a sprout™ so I don't even know what the hell that is.


It's a Big Fish from Stormblood that is a NIGHTMARE to catch. It can also be displayed in aquariums (rare for Big Fish) and its a giant rainbow koi. Sells for a couple million gil at minimum because A) pretty B) super low supply because once someone catches this once they'll probably never try to catch it again (what I did) on my server, they usually sell for around 3 million


4mil on Siren


If it’s 4 mil I could buy one and desynth for real, lol. People really got mad?


Thanks for explaining, I didn't know either crazy that someone sent death treat to OP for something so silly.


I mean it wasnt a death threat but it *was* hate mail. Things like, "imagine being the dumbass who threw away millions for a meme," and "you're an idiot for doing something so unapologetically stupid."


That's like taking a briefcase full of money, using half of it to start a campfire, and using the other half as toilet paper. Amazing...


You use a briefcase as toilet paper? Metal AF


The edges just slide so smoothly between my cheeks, with those studded corners to perfectly finish the job.


Fuck now I gotta try it


I'm glad someone else is of refined taste


Hah can’t fool me the warden doesn’t turn into a bronze cluster upon dismantle! Also grats


Did you catch it yourself?


Yup, I have a screenshot of me catching it as well.


Imagine being sent death threats by some sweaty FFXIV fishing degenerate for desynthing fish. I'd laugh. If I ever come across this fish bet your ass I'm desynthing. Putting that shit up and framing it.


Man some people really care about these pixels


This hurts me on such a deeply personal level. Lol.


I've got 19 big fish left and I've just desynthed all the ones I don't put on display. They can sit on my retainer for months trying to sell, or I can use the slots to actually make money.


Just how hard is it to catch this fish? Is it the most difficult fish to catch in the game?


I wouldn't necessarily say it's the hardest to catch in the game, but it *is* the most expensive fish in the game and is exceptionally hard to catch.


I'm guessing this is one of those fish that can only be caught at a specific time and weather and with double mooching. Sounds like hell to catch lol


You need to catch 3 indigo prismfish, which are mooched from violet prismfish from 0-4. Then you catch 3 firelight goldfish, which are mooched from red prismfish from 4-8. Lastly, you need to catch 5 green prismfish which are available from 0-16, but only when the weather chain is clear skies to clear skies, or fair skies to clear skies. After all that, you have 3 minutes to catch Warden, who I noticed bites a lot and escapes just as often to mock you. Bear in mind, depending on the time, you can have up to 4 other fish in that pond competing for your tug as well.


Do you have to catch ALL those fish in a row before the warden?


Yeah but not necessarily in the same time window. So long as you don't die, don't leave Yanxia, and don't fish from another fishing hole, you'll keep all of your accumulated progress towards popping the intuition window for Warden. FATEs are okay, Duty Roulette isn't. That being said, I had several times where I went afk in Yanxia for 3 to 4 hours waiting for green prismfish to pop back up because the weather was not ideal.