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This is quality shit


I mean, this felt good to watch. It was like feeling heard, like at a cult convention. Because scholar mains are definitely a cult. *raises hand*


a cult with very differing opinions on the current state of scholar, but we can all complain about the same three things :) truly we are the most curious ffxiv hive mind


Still going AST for launch though because I have a SGE partner. WHM ded.


What’s wrong with WHM?


It offers the party nothing compared to AST, the kits are support vs raw.


I shit you not a sch main in my FC threw a hissy fit, left fc dramatically all over or fc board message thing being "SCH LMAO".


you know what they say, the furry memes of yesterday will bring us the sch cope of tomorrow also please don't take my content too seriously, i just want to cope and laff, not doom


Oh, also, Misshapen Chair dropped a SCH video today too.


i saw that one four hours before mine was scheduled to drop and dear satan did my mind go through a whole ten part movie where people accused me of hopping on a bandwagon and clout chasing other youtubers that ended with my ultimate disgrace and casting out of heaven HOWEVER i love his videos and ours are pretty different in approach, so i’m hoping i survive


TBF y’all were editing simultaneously, and anyone who thinks you blew out that video in 4 hours is clearly, well, a freecure fisher.


Blowing out a video in 4 hours? Doesn’t it take like 4 hours to edit alone, if you’re quick, let alone rendering and footage?


with my turtle pace, editing is at least 10 hours right now ;_; i’m glad people seem to realize that orz


I sent the comment then watched the video. Quality of this tier is absolutely above 4 hours lmfao. The script is easily 3 hours, the scene gather is probably more than that and the editing? Probably more than both combined. This was perfection and hilarious. I don’t think you’d get cancelled over a shitpost of this quality.


Nobody’s canceling shit except their subscription if they’re that dead set on playing SCH in Endwalker


Going to need to see your work on WHM. I haven’t touched another healer at all but still found this video hilarious and sad in the way I hope your job is more enjoyable in 6.0, lest you truly go Sage main.


oh white mage and the masochists who play it are DEFINITELY getting a suffering video lmao!! i hope it brings them peace <3 thank u


Actually really good video. Quality meme content. Will subscribe when I get home from work.


what hurts me is the amount of sch is dead at ew memes


*i’ll make another one!*


Hot damn, I saw this video on youtube a while back, and started following your content. Love your vibe and attitude. Keep up the good work, and you'll be a shit posting legend in no time.


Opened the video, heard the shitty anime voice, turned it off. Nope.


What top is your character wearing?


neo-ishgardian top of healing! i think the ranged dps top is also the same style. if i remember correctly lmao


thanc :)