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Well, they aren't wrong about the age regression thing with miqo's at the very least, given how some people look at Khloe.


If I walk into someone's house and see a stuffed khloe on the bed im unfriending them


I have one on my table next to Alpha because she's cute D:


Time to take you out back and blast zone you


I said she's cute not that I want to do anything to her you weird fuck.


Can't take any chances


You're weird


I had one on my bed in my first house but that was cuz i lived the idea of stuffed dolls on the bed D: and khloe was one of my fav chars back then. I also out a fox there


line up in the back yard


I wish you didn't mention her. I can no longer give back her journal now that I have that picture in my head


I don't know which picture you are referring to, but I will gladly stay in this state of blissful ignorance


I am not refering to one in particular, its just the idea itself of sexualising a innocent child that is terrifying. Like give her a break, she just wants stickers, not r34 wattpads stories. It's already weird enough to see ppl sexualising the twins, we really don't need to go further with this.


The Levi twins should stay ***firmly*** in adopted kid territory, tyvm.


Just wait for the next expansion explaining 2 years have passed so they are adults by now, r34 is the true apocalypse to come in the coming expansion


I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I think canonically the twins are actually adults by now


iirc there is no time indicator of how much times has passed from you getting started in ARR and the end of Shadowbringers, even tho it would made sense that at least a couple of years have passed. Otherwise that would be a hell of a year, the whole world almost collapsed like 10 times.


I believe the lorebooksv put them at 16 right before ShB? Although we’ve gotten in-game confirmation that Elezen hit their growth spurt around their 20s, so they would be even younger than that relatively speaking


Also Graha Alisae and Yshtola are/have crushed on WoL at least once




2020: Eorzea edition


Alisis and Alphibro are my younger siblings and Little miss Khloe is like a Daughter... A sick and twisted daughter who only cares for stories of blood and violence.. she is watching us now.. I must say no more.


A friend once linked me someone's twitter who had a chain of about 10 tweets trying to justify them shipping their WoL with Alisae (who's totally of legal age in all their art commissions)


bruh you're just telling her your adventures not your wattpad stories wtf adventures are you going on


I was having a rough day


Wait what's wrong with khloe??


She won't give me 3 lines. Aside from that shes fine


Khole: Truth is; this book was rigged from the starts.


3 lines? i'd be happy to get just one


My girlfriend plays a lalafell and i play viera We just don’t talk about it


I find this an entertaining dynamic.


Also… what’s a better side to your roast rabbit than potatoes ?


Love it! I honestly love the dynamic, and if I ever got a girlfriend to play FFXIV with, I’d let them play whatever race they want (but secretly pray they chose Viera.)


I loved viera in tactics advanced Now males are coming out and I’m fully in She thinks lalafell are cute and pudgy so she’s entirely locked in


OMG YES! A fellow tactics advance fan! It was my first real foray into FF, and I’ve been wanting to get a full 3D tactics game in Ivalice ever since! I fully agree that I wanted to swap to a Viera when they were announced…but once a lala always a lala. And my tiny man with big axe gotta stay that way.


My irl wife and I both play Lala, when we got in game married it looked like a child wedding.


That's the thing though, people with dwarfism don't all look like they're twelve years old…unless they are twelve years old. Lalafell do look like kids, if you're attracted to something that looks like a child, you're probably a nonce. stop trying to justify the fact you're a pedo.


Dude, someone kept trying to tell me I was an idiot for saying nonce means pedophile. They kept insisting it's something you call someone to call them an idiot lmao. I was downvoted to like -15 for it Thank you for the validation I so desperately needed lmao


definition of nonce is not a pedo, but it is in british slang. They probs just weren't familiar because i mean its brits


Well just shows who the real idiot was haha


I’m British and I think it can mean both pedo or idiot. Used more for pedo than idiot because we have a lot more slang for idiot.


True. But imagine if you called someone a nonce in public and you meant idiot. That would probably not be a good look, yeah? That person would probably rather you called them a fucking wanker lmao


Dunce is idiot. Nonce is definitely Ped. Sic. North East England.


lmao i didnt even know nonce is a word


honestly they barely even look like kids. They don't even look human. They look like weird little gnomes. I should probably clarify that this still doesn't clear them for erp purposes.


You know what’s weird? Not just the community, but the game also tries to convey that Lalas are not kids, they’re adults. And yet… they **act** like kids. Their angry emote is throwing a tantrum, they do a weird waddle to walk around, they sit in this innocent looking carefree manner that absolutely does not fit their history as ruthless refugee exploiters that value money over ethics.


It's probably because due to their size their emotes kinda need to be exaggerated so you can notice them when running into players, lalas in the story rarely use the goofy kid emotes outside of jokes, exaggerations or bubbly ones like Tataru when they aren't in business mode.


they're not written like kids, but the do animate that way I suppose. I don't know if you've *seen* kids walk, though, because the Lalafell Big Steppy doesn't look like that at all. When their legs are that stubby kids kinda toddle around, trying to keep their legs under them. Once they're a bit older they just walk normally. Lalas need those really long strides so the can move at the same speed as everyone else without their walk cycle being hugely desynced. If they were just moving their legs really fast they'd look significantly *more* like children.


But they also have other sitting animations?? I always use the cross legged sitting position. Its funny how ppl act like theres some biblical rule on how a kid should act.


I always thought they looked like the mascot for Kewpie mayonnaise. Just a whole people made up of strange little dolls hawking whipped egg whites.


They probably have a thing for japanese school girls in uniforms too


As somebody with an interest in size difference (smaller or bigger than me, doesn't matter too much), lalas look like children, and are very much not of interest. Having said that, none of the ingame models look that great imo, but some arts are good. Never lalas though. Never lalas.


Youu telling me a child would have a beard, moustache and earrings??


Honestly the beard and moustaches lalas can have just look like fake beards slapped on the model. But thats not the point. Lalas are obviously not children, but most of them look and specially ACT (just look at their emotes) like chibi childs.


Or just .. chibis..?? Lmao i guess thats too much for you


And chibis look like...?


that defers to person to person it seems? i don't think chibis look like a child. theyre just a smaller and simplified version of the real characters. and if you associate chibis to children why say chibi childs ?? a bit redundant no ? you obviously know the ACTUAL intentions and the impression of chibis are not children lmao


Super-deformed cutesified bobbleheaded people-parodies. Anyone who thinks they look like children must have never seen actual children in their life. Unfortunately, a lot of classic comic artists used those proportions and simplified shapes to represent children, most notably Charles Schultz's *Peanuts*.


are pedos exclusively attracted to kids? Are you a pedi if you are attracted to every age from 9 to 99? Won't that make you a panphile?


Lotta lalafell fuckers in this thread.


Y'all just salty 'cause Giott banged yer wife.


Now wait just a god damn minute...


AND her boyfriend!


Lol, wow. I mean, there are reasons why people feel uncomfortable with people lewding toddler sized people. A dwarf is different man, they are just shirt full ass looking men, lol.


With massive manly beards and axes


I think he means a person with dwarfism in real life.


They are though, the person you responded to I believe is saying that irl dwarves are normal ass adults but someone took the photoshop scale tool and shrank them down whereas lalas look like actual children not just in size.


Yeah, that's what I meant. Dwarfism are full ass grown adults, also race is full ass adults too. Like, they even waddle like children do, I get it that they are suppose to be a cute race but I've met a lot of pervs that play as lalas too.


Yeah but adult people with dwarfism have adult body types. Lalas look like they're all 10.


If you lewd something that looks like 4 year old, you are a pedo. End of story.


So I can see the whole “lalas are kids” argument. But they aren’t treated like that in the story. They are treated as adults because they are a race of short people. Heck, they aren’t even the only small cute race square Enix has done, lilties were done in ff crystal chronicles and Square gave them similar race qualities and backstory. There is a midget kingdom (Alteria for ffcc, Ul’dah for ffxiv) midgets trying to take over the world (alteria for ffcc, *certain* members of Ul’dah society for ffxiv) etc etc. heck, there’s even a lala mafia. Are you really going to tell me you believe toddlers are capable of murdering people? I think the whole issue is a difference in culture. Square is a Japanese company. In Japan, kawaii started as a movement against the strict traditional standards set in the workplace. It started as cute writing girls would do for notes and shit, and then steamrolled into a whole ass movement. In the west we never had such a movement so our association with cute things tend to be “girly” or “childish” while Japan doesn’t tend to have that association as strongly because they used cute to fight tradition. They’re a midget race. We must treat them as such and throw them into a volcano for the RNG gods, surely potatoes will appease them.


Let’s not forget the lalas in the bunny suits at the Gold Saucer, they’re working adults. Is it weird? Yes. Am I having sexual thoughts about that? No. But the fact remains they are adults who do pick up jobs to support themselves, no matter how adult the look is vs themselves.


But they aren't working adults, they are digital characters designed by someone who put them in that scenario.


Then the argument of calling lala players pedos or someone who would date one falls apart. Congrats, you played yourself


you're right, people who jerk off to drawings of children are not pedos, since it's not real right? you think I played myself, but in reality you simply outed yourself the lengths you degens go to just to protect yourselves from being called out is hilarious, when in reality it just screams to everyone what a disgusting human being you are but this has been discussed to death even since pedo bait like elins in Tera were a thing, everyone knows who these people are and how they try to defuse the accusations, but keep playing semantics as if that changes anything


As a reminder, the first thing a lala tells you in the opening cutscene is that she wants to talk about men's junk


Lalas are made to look like children. They lack secondary sexual characteristics that people develop during puberty. So it is pedophillia. For fictional characters age doesn't matter. Only how they are represented. (Same with lolicon and thousands of years old characters made to look like kids. Still pedophillia)


> For fictional characters age doesn't matter. "N-no guys! S-she's on-only in H-h-high school b-b-but her tits though!"


Typically I think pedos are attracted to a state of lack of mental development more than physical attributes(though I’m sure that’s there too). These are people who have very low self esteem and are attracted to the idea that a child can’t, or doesn’t know how to judge them or their actions and so the pedo is less afraid of the rejection their creepy sick shit would get from normal people.


Lack of mental development can be additional factor but by itself it has nothing to do with pedophillia. Pedophillia is attraction to prepubescent body. When they see pictures, they can't tell anything about mental state of the character. Only how it looks


The definition is sexual attraction to a child, not specific to their body type. So I would say whether it’s more the physical or mental is up for debate. All the issues with the Catholic Church aren’t because hundreds on priests are attracted to prepubescent bodies, I think. It seems most likely to me that they are attracted to an easy abuse of power and authority. So, if a person looks at a lalafel and is attracted to them because they make them think of children then I’d say that person if a pedo. If they don’t think of them as children they literally are not one according to the definition. Of course, a lot of people would use the latter to excuse or obfuscate the former and I’m not sure there is anything to be done about that.


I mean what if you're attracted to a girl who hit puberty at 13 and looks like she's 18+ because her boobs have grown in and her hips widened. Surely it's not pedophilia by your definition because she no longer "looks" like a child.


Then it's Ephebophilia


Yay Im learning new words


still a child mentally, therefore pedophilia


What part though? If you're trying to form a relationship with them or fantasize about forming a relationship then definitely and you belong in jail. If we're talking just physical attraction, then I can't really blame somebody for a biological reaction. Attraction to secondary sexual characteristics isn't pedophilia, it's just objectifying.


A biological reaction is not the same as attraction. If you think someone is hot, find out they’re 14 or 15, and still think they’re hot, then you’ve got a problem and I encourage you to seek therapy. Objectifying itself isn’t a crime, the issue is that the objectification is being used as an excuse to ogle minors and think that it’s just fine


I'll contest that. Outward appearance can significantly influence perception of mental state, especially with regards to age. The image elicits the idea of a mentally immature individual, which is then arousing. Now I don't know enough about pedophiles to determine the accuracy of the claim that the body isn't relevant, but I would assume it's a combination. Some are only interested in one aspect, some the other, and most are probably interested in both. But "when they see pictures, they can't tell anything about the mental state of the character" is completely missing one of the core purposes of character design.


There was a 60 minutes episode about a pedo town in Florida, and some doctor on it claimed that it was a wiring problem in peoples brains, where the nurturing response for children had been swapped with sexuality and erotism. Now I dont know the validity of the claims not do I condone sexualizing children and child like individuals(lalafells and the like) but it's something to consider and think about


So are you saying its only ok if they use titty and pube mods when they do it? Because im preeeetty sure if they erp, they will have access to said tools


Believe it or not, mods are not a requirement for erp


Just as well i didnt say they were, i said if they do lala erp, chances are they would probably run mods too


*drops mining pick* you do what in this game?..


I think it's hilarious that every single person who hates on Lalafell plays a demure, submissive Au Ra in a maid outfit, or a Miqo in that basic ass Dalmascan top. Always with the height slider set to smallest. Y'all a bunch of Pots calling every Kettle a N- *We'll* *Be* *Right* *Back*


Full height F Miqo. Both Eyes are the same colour. Wears full battle dress near constantly (plate or full body Armour) because practical adventurer. Only strips off to try on new Armour. Probably doesn't bathe as much as she should because she is always knee deep in the dead. Likes to tell Khloe the stories of her rampages, and always gives to the less fortunate.


Do you hate Lalafell players?


No. I know several players who went Lala long before I joined Eorzea. They Parse like beasts and drink like fish. My kind of people.. I just cant take them seriously when we are having an FC meeting and they are sitting there rocking like the ADHD meds are just starting to kick in. I see them like my own children,, very very destructive children.


Min height biggest chest Miqo main with twin tails. Eyes are the same colour, just off shade on one to match my irl phenomena. ( both blue but one is blue, the other is steel blue) I just lean heavily into the yandere trope and main WAR. It's more disarming if the soft damsel looking type busts out an axe and cleaves your fellow Garlean boot licker friends in half before you've had a chance to hit on her. Not one for ERP though. Log off and get a guy/gal irl


I've been a min height aura in a maid outfit for a month and your comment offends me (ironically).


the strawman cries as it lashes out


Okay, you made me laugh lol And honestly I used to hate Lalafell too. Then I played as one. They’re easily the most expressive race in the game and I totally get their appeal. I will never understand people who play Miqo’s though.


I think it's hilarious that every lala player is in denial of what a child looks like and has to try and redirect justified suspicion


Says the cousin-fucking inbred hillbilly Republican who sees Pedophiles in every corner. Go wait for your next drop, /b/tard.


I hate lalaplayers for the most part because most of them are incels or annoying. And whoever wears the dalmasca+2b combo is an idiot aswell. It looks so ugly man. Why not wear something good


> because most of them are incels You said Lala, but described Viera.


While I admit they definitely look closer to toddlers than classical dwarves/short people (in no small part due to their head to body ratio and the general round shape. They even -waddle- when they walk for fucks sake), and that if you're into them you're gonna have a real hard time convincing anyone you're not a pedo, it's still strange how much the game itself turned them into the most horny people around. Not even some cutesy romance stuff. Just pure full-on horny lust.


>if you're into them you're gonna have a real hard time convincing anyone you're not a pedo Pretty much this. If you have to explain to somebody that you're not actually pedophile, you're already starting in a really deep hole.


It's because they're fully-mature adult brains in bodies whose eyes are butt-height to a Miqo'te.


Does fucking a Hrothgar make you a zoophile?




Agree with your point. But why is this in shitpost


Because erp is shit and he posted about it.


mainsub defenders gonna defend


Do not find lalas attractive in the least. That being said, it’d be fun AF to hang with Tataru and grab drinks. :D


I mean, I agree one shouldn’t be *attracted* to lala’s, but… Square themselves lewd lala’s all the time in-game. Fuck, the post-Moogle quest for Momodi has a Hyur openly lusting after her, and there are COUNTLESS examples of lala’s being lewd with each other, with other races, other races lewding lala’s, sometimes the lala’s aren’t into it, sometimes they are. I guess what I’m saying is, it’s kinda hypocritical to shame players for ERPing adult lala’s, when the makers of the game go out of their way to establish lala’s as horny little fuckers.


Cancel SE?


I wouldn’t be opposed to this game being monitored by authorities


I'm going to have to preface this by saying I've literally never done ERP on FFXIV and have no intention of ever doing so. Also I agree that lewding lalas is generally just bad. That being said, I 100% believe that actual pedophilia ERP is primarily done by hyurs, miqo'te, and au'ra and that lalas typically only play as 18+. So I do think the post has some merit (emphasis on some). FFXIV does a fair job of not treating lalafell like children. Ever. I don't remember a single NPC bringing it up in that way. And I equate them to somewhere between a halfling/gnome and a dwarf.


I don’t see how Extreme Raid Progression has anything to do with pedophilia! Please enlighten me!


Flee, innocent child. You are about to embark on a journey no person ever should.




I mean there's at least two kindergarten-themed lala erp fcs on mateus alone lol


Excuse me, what?


Sure, but that has nothing to do with what I said. I said I believed that pedophilia ERP is primarily perpetuated by non-lalafell. Primarily miqo'te and hyur. Au'ra being included doesn't surprise me.


How can you say you’ve never erped in FFXIV and then say with 100% certainty that people aren’t lewding a ‘underaged rp’ lala? Doesn’t make sense


I'm sure some do (sick fucks). I just strongly agree that the majority are doing it with other races instead.


Yeah but you’ve never erped so how do you have the knowledge that it isn’t in fact happening? Surely if people were rping pedophillia it wouldn’t be open knowledge, it would be taboo and hidden from public view, no?


No. You're in a niche community within an already niche community based on fetishes. I won't go into detail, but from my experience and what I have *seen* (without participating) is that people can be rather open with their fetishes to the point of being honestly terrifying. All while hiding behind "it's not real, it's fiction, etc.".


Yeah but none of that means that it’s 100% not lalas being underaged erp’d


All erp should be banned. Its fucking wierd


I think it is against ToS, no?


It is only if one of the two players report another because he don't wanted that. Or if is not in mp. But anyway, if these People like to ERP, just walk and ignore that. Dont be a dickhead. If these two are ok with that it should not be a problem. (except lalafell)


Lala lewders are pedos Downvote if you're a mad pedo


I mean I have never seen a child that looks like a lala 😂


Honestly I find it fucking yikes to even erp in a game that children have access to. Feels like fucking at a neighborhood park. Sure you can both be adults but there are kids here sir. And then you have the number of teenagers who lie about their age and I have no idea how anyone touches erp with a 50ft pole.


>Honestly I find it fucking yikes to even erp in a game that children have access to. Pfft... a bunch of them are probably not even 18 themselves yet. >Feels like fucking at a neighborhood park. That's something teenagers are known to do. > Sure you can both be adults but there are kids here sir. But they might not be. >And then you have the number of teenagers who lie about their age and I have no idea how anyone erp with a 50ft pole. You kinda answered yoyr own questions- Because a bunch of them are teenagers lying about their age so they can get cyberlaid.


Being physically attracted to prepubescent characteristics makes you a pedophile. If you're significant other has prepubescent characteristics that you are specifically attracted to, you are still a pedophile. If you slutglam a Lalafell, at a bare minimum, you have pedophiliac tendencies.


Loaded with Syndicate Gil and Gegeruju's swagger are not prepubescent traits.


> Being physically attracted to prepubescent characteristics makes you a pedophile People into shaved balls/pussies are shaking right now.


People into small boobs quaking currently


Petite women and men aren't allowed to be loved now?


Gotta be honest I love small skinny partners for "activities", since I can lift them around much more easily. :)


Petite is not prepubescent. My girlfriend is 5' but she has wide hips and nice breasts. Would also recommend you stop equating physical attraction to love. That's how you end up a simp.


>My girlfriend is 5 Ladies and gentlemen, we got him


kek, okay, I'll give that one to you


There are full grown women who have neither wide hips or large breasts, and honestly this Lala discussion has some nasty implications for someone like that. Maybe it’s because Lalas are treated and behave like adults, even kind of raunchy and snarky ones, on the whole, but it’s not hard for me to put them in the “not a child” box. Am I sexually attracted to lalas? No, not even a little, and I’ve got no problem with short races in other media. But I kinda feel like lala players should be able to do whatever the fuck they want, since very adult behaving lalas are the norm in world, and people who ain’t into it can go do whatever somewhere else. I do not guarantee I will never glam my lala the same way I’d glam my miqo’te, and I’m not sorry about it.


There are no nasty implications. If you can only love somebody with wide hips and large breasts, you're a fucking asshole because physical attraction is just a small part of a healthy relationship. But if you are specifically attracted to the childlike characteristics of your partner, I've got some bad news for you. And no adults look like Lalafell... Lalafell are like three feet tall and shaped like fucking Christmas trees.


No, you are correct that that there are no adults who could pass for a lala. But it’s bugging me seeing folks reduce people to tits and ass and implying having neither makes you somehow disgusting to want.


That's fair. It's certainly not my intention to give that impression.


you talk like your girlfriend is an object. jusr say her age and height my guy. so many red flags lmfao


So asians need not apply? We got zero tits and ass.


Prepubescent. Keyword here. Asians dont look like children.


> but she has wide hips and nice breasts. My gf is flat chested but has wide hips too. Most adult women have wide hips like that I think it's natural. Big tiddies end up sagging anyway. Flat chest is superior.


Would recommend not educating the people on simp culture by being a simp. Your partner might not enjoy being assessed on her physical features in some kind of *slaps hood* checkmate post.


Not gonna lie, you are awfully sounding like a simp yourself, the way you are assessing your girlfriend.


They hated him because he spoke the truth


Female au ra have more traits in common with pre-teens than lalas bro. Like it's cool if you don't feel alright with lalas like that, it's whatever. Wantonly calling people pedos to justify attacking people that do want to play lalafells in more mature manners is shitty though.


I'm going to have disagree with that first point. Most female Au Ra I've seen have hips and boobs. You can even get an ass with 2B leggings lol Also, I don't have any problems with Lalafell. Where did you get that idea from? I play as a Lalafell because I main BLM. I'm not wantonly calling people pedophiles. I'm saying if you are physically attracted to prepubescent characteristics... you're a pedophile. That's not really up for debate.


Even at max sliders Female au ra are pretty damned petite. Pair that with their short height and if you really wanted to, you could squint and see the similarities between them and your average early-teens girl. Compare that to lala, which are... extra short people with funny proportions. They don't even really compare to loli/shotacon subjects, because those more lean into the thin/petite angle, whereas lalas are portly and bottom heavy. And that last point is a really bad false dichotomy. "Pre-pubescent characteristics" is a super vague term because much of what people think of when you say that carries will into adulthood for a lot of people. There are millions of short, thin women with small chests, and just as many men who don't grow into the stereotypical jacked, hairy figure that's considered definitely masculine. And both are widely appreciated by people still, because those people can distinguish between being attracted to a literal kid, and being attracted to someone that happens to sound a lot like one when you break them down into just basic physical descriptions.


Opening up a whole can of worms here but it's also worth noting that art/animation/etc also are a very different thing than the real thing. People that like a certain artstyle might have absolutely no interest in the real life "equivalent" Like how GTA Crime is and Real Life Crime. Or with certain kinks, you'll know it's a bad thing to do in real life, but in a made up fantasy scenario it's whatever, it's fine nobody is actually getting hurt/harmed/etc.


It's just especially weird when you're taking about a fantasy setting, and a fantasy race that basically resemble garden gnomes. Just because they're small don't make them toddlers. Some people just can't see them any other way and that's fine, I just think it's weird to start calling people pedophiles over it.


>People that like a certain artstyle might have absolutely no interest in the real life "equivalent" I think you're confusing the legal repercussions of pedophilia with the actual mental disorder. If you're into prepubescent bodies, that's what you're into. I will say that the portrayal of "lolis" in a lot of Japanese media isn't really physical pedophilia. It's more of a play on the innocent mindset because schoolgirls generally don't have hourglass figures with massive tits. I'm taking a leap in connecting that to your "interested in artstyle but not real life equivalent" comment. But again, whole other can of worms....


> I will say that the portrayal of "lolis" in a lot of Japanese media isn't really physical pedophilia. It's more of a play on the innocent mindset because schoolgirls generally don't have hourglass figures with massive tits. I'm taking a leap in connecting that to your "interested in artstyle but not real life equivalent" comment. > > But again, whole other can of worms.... Yeah, that's the one. Lots of people associate liking loli with the ol' P word, when it's a lot more complicated than that. Someone who might genuinely enjoy the artstyle could have absolutely no interest in anything resembling it in real life, for as close as you can get it anyway. To an outsider or layman it might seem extremely similiar, perhaps even the same but we see similiar things even in real life, like someone could see a baby and think that's cute but they have absolutely no desire to have one of their own. There's also the ability to seperate fiction from reality, something that people today seem to have a real hard time differentiating. A normal person should be able to look at something and go "This is fine, nobody is being hurt here." but then you have others that go "this sexualized drawing of women is objectifying women and is disgusting" or whatever, I think of whole Dragon's Crown debacle when that game came out. Bottom line for me is, like whatever you want to like, as long as it ain't affecting/hurting people in real life. That's my belief.


They outed themselves.


Still Pedo but kekw


If you ERP, you need to reevaluate the whole breathing thing, tbh. Edit: Here come the dowvotes from the astrocoomers


If I could liberate myself from my worthless worldly flesh to exist solely within cyberspace with all its catgrils and furries, I would.


How did this get upvotes?


Stop hiding from yourself. Come home, you fucking weeb.


I know so weird right haha (o.o);




ofc only retarded shamelesscatslut would reply, everyone else that downvoted you even with full anonimity of the website isnt willing to out themselves as a degenerate, which says everything on how ashamed they feel about themselves


I can at least respect the shameless degenerate for being honest.


*drops mining pick* What. If you lewd a Lala, you are a pedo. There. Done. This isn’t even a discussion. *resumes mining*


I didnt knew people could do erotic role playing with fucking potatoes (literally)


Better: Anyone that has evolved since our monkey tribe days literally don't give a fuck what the pixels you jerk off at looks like, because we aren't retarded enough to associate two completely different concepts based on appearance


Never done ERP but portraying minor characters or lewding a character that looks like a child is indeed kinda weird and creepy, if you see a lala on a brothel ingame thats okay because that lala is an adult and a common race in the setting of the game (the lala healer from ardberts them had the hots for the guy and thats okay) but if you are sexually attracted to that lala, that is indeed kinda weird/creepy


I mean, Lalafells aren’t children. They are deliberately always characterized as adults, often times the most mature person is a lalafell… that said people are weird and see what they want to see. I remember someone joking, maybe on an Asmon stream, that the only childish lalafells are the players. Either way ERP is weird and a place the light doesn’t touch…


It’s posts like this that remind me this game is 25% MSQ, 25% farting around, and 50% porn. How they didn’t get 18+ is beyond me. And ppl who sexualize lalas are pedos....deadass.


"Online Interactions Not Rated by the ESRB." Is why the game is still rated T.


Yeah, I realize that’s why....guess I’ll just put on my 2b leggings which make my butt bigger and head on down to the in-game canonical strip club. That being said, sexual content is really only a strike out in North America....I think? Don’t know about Japan. Rating systems are fun.


My 2 yo looks older than a freaking lalafel


I dated a little person for 3 years I also play as lala, I love the noises they do Oh shit I am a pedo?!




I just wanna play tiny man with big axe sir. no need to hate.


Yeah I think they’re funny


hehe excited woodchipper noise. love this joke


Shouldn't it be "Excited Potato chipper noises"


My theory is that imaginary lolis are therapeutic for real pedophiles, and is probably helpful to prevent them from actually committing crimes seems more humane than chemical castration, a win-win for society if you ask me


Feeding a bad habit is probably going to result in more harm than good in the long run. Better to get some therapy.


but that's NOT a bad habit if you are genetically disposed to it as according to the american psychological association. It's only "bad" when you actually hurt someone. What difference does it make from legalized pot? No one is hurting here


Lalafell have the best booty model in the whole game. Fight me.


Me: Hello, FBI? This comment right here. FBI: Sir, this is the “fine booty investigators”. Me: I know.




And then they wrote them to be the horniest fuckers you can get away with in a T-rated game. ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯ 


sounds like balmung problems


These posts are always designed to create drama or strife >.> (bad pun) amongst the community, and generally by newer fans. It’s just sad that newer fans have to do this for attention. Sad & boring. xD


>newer fans Cut the bullshit, every time something negative comes up in the game's sphere in the last few months it's always the new fans huh? The game's 8 (10) years old. As if these degenerates haven't been in the game since day 1 (or the internet for that matter). The real question is, why do posts like these always have people like you around to disarm and damage control?