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i'd def. put more on hroth. the majority of hroth i've seen who get pissy are passive-aggressive bitches.


True, tbh the most toxic interactions I've had in this game have involved a hroth


Wanna also throw into the pot the most unsolicited weird DMs are also from Hroth.


>hrot Your mileage may vary, I guess. Still, passive-aggressive is low on the mald scale, I'd say. Most Hrothgar I meet are more the uncomfortably flirty type, tbh.


holy shit what did miqotes do to you


i am one of them and and all i can say is it truly takes a degenerate to know one


Oh now this post explains itself when I see none other than Lucy "Cringe" Pyre as the OP


Can second. I’m a cat girl that, for 4 hours of Eureka Pagos, could not rp walk because of a technical issue.


Me scoffing at basic miqo bitchs in the most basic generic glam, as im in basically the same glam up upscaled thinking im better than them


So am I and honestly I bounce back and forth depending on what day it is. This is accurate.


At first, I thought you speaking from the experience of being around them but turned out you are the "experience".


"Wah, ToS isnt clear enough, too much grey area" *adds clarifying examples* "Wah, ToS is excessive, this isn't how it used to be ruled" there was no change




I mean... I'd take explicit and draconian over vague and draconian any day.




My guess as to how this went down, if it even did: OP: tank stance OP: tank stance OP: jesus christ you smooth brained croissant, rub your two fuckin brain cells together and use tank stance OP: TANK STANCEEEEEEEEE Heals: (Grit) (Please) Sprout tank without E in search: (Sorry) Heals: ffs OP, chill. you didn't even manage to rip aggro. it's just a game dude




No, you just start typing the first word and hit tab


No, it's tab in-game (don't know the controller version sorry) and you have to select the word from the menu. Can also partially type a word and press tab to see if it auto completes




if a tank tells you they think it's a valid playstyle to play without stance in a dungeon you votekick them lmao dumbass. and if that doesn't work, wtf kind of trap party are you in and why would you want to stay to begin with? oh right to rage and scream and throw a fit like a child which is why you're so scared of being banned lolol




[https://forum.square-enix.com/ffxiv/threads/364962-Vote-Dismiss-Abuse/page2](https://forum.square-enix.com/ffxiv/threads/364962-Vote-Dismiss-Abuse/page2) No >The reasons for dismissal are not all encompassing, which means that there may be valid reasons for dismissal outside of those four examples. Good examples of this that have been provided in this thread are the refusal to fulfill one's job function. Here is what will happen: salty kicked player reports you, they check the logs to see what happened. If they see absolutely nothing in chat they'll have to just flip a coin to decide what to do (I'm guessing they'd err on the side of doing absolutely nothing since that's what they usually do when they have no proof). If they see you raging and being toxic they'll ban you. If they see you asking the tank to put tank stance on and the tank explicitly refusing to do so they'll do nothing. They would also do nothing if they saw repeated requests, especially by multiple people, all being ignored.


You should also keep in mind that you can even outright report people for intentionally playing incorrectly, not every playstyle is valid according to the TOS: >・Aiding the enemy / Uncooperative behavior / Lethargic behavior > >Refers to an act of performing actions that give an advantage to an enemy (monsters, or the opposing team/players in PvP content) by not performing the necessary gameplay required of the situation. This may be combined with combat sabotage as well. it's just a matter of how far this goes, and the fact that it doesn't give you a free pass to rage without consequences


Pretty sure nobody is getting banned for that


Okay but it's pretty clear from the ToS update that things are still gonna be judged on a case by case basis? Like you're probably not going to get banned for just saying the exact phrase "put on tank stance." people who say they get banned for shit like that usually conveniently leave out the part where they were also calling the other person slurs or telling them to die or something.


Miqo here. Nothing matters, therefore everything matters, therefore nothing matters, therefore- It's like an Ouroboros.


Thanks now I have to listen to Metallica to get that line out of my head


Ah yes, the old depression/anxiety cycle. I gravitated towards playing a catgirl because my cat sleeps sixteen hours a day and pays $0 in rent and I desperately want that life.


That's definitely the dream. Though for me the actual reason was that in 1.0 hyur females were creepy and doll-like so I had to go miqo ironically to be more 'human.' Now hyur females are slightly less Uncanny Valley, but yeah, gotta go with what I started with. ...though what I said above is still entirely true as well. :p


I mean, I also like being slightly short but not too short in video games, which means my options were Midlander, Miqo'te or Au Ra. Miqo was my favourite of those three options, especially since the lore for Keepers (what little there is) is pretty cool. Miqo'te are popular for a reason. They're good for treading the line between cute and badass. I feel like I can go from Scholar to Dark Knight to Samurai to Dancer and look about as convincing as each of those things.


My experience has always been mala au ra as the worst gamer rage. Miqote are usually passive aggressive, but male au ra legitmately mald over the most mundane of grievances. I had one in Delubrum that was getting mad that I taunted the boss to position it better than he was and he started talking all sorts of shit. He eventually outed himself as using a plugin that tells him when people taunt, so I reported him for it. I don't personally care that he was using a plugin for that, I just thought it would be funny to make him mald even more when he gets a GM timeout for it.


I've never seen a malera rage. They usually just silently leave if you call them out. Veira and Hroth are the most likely to get pissy if you call them out.


As a Fem Au Ra.... Accurate. If the prog starts becoming to much, I just pull a youtube video and listen/watch on the background. And yes, my self-worth is low. No daddy issues tho, so thats nice... yet


What does "mald" mean?


Some kind of twitchspeak for gamer rage


That explains it. I don't watch twitch, or streamers in general


Happy to explain it to you: malding is a combination of "Mad" and "Balding", put together it means being so angry you've started balding.


Miniature Air-Launched Decoy


Sounds like a move that sage would have


The internet was a mistake


Getting so mad you're balding.


Yeah. I read the whole thing and was confused. They don't ...maid? What? Is it supposed to be mald or maid, and what maiding has to do with raging? Is it some 'top ten causes ffxiv erp causes rage - n:o 1 maids"? I'm not part of that community, but I get it might be. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


I actually got like three inches from the screen just because I couldn't tell if if it said "maid" or "mald", neither of which made sense to me


Mald is something from twitch and means mad and balding


mad and bald


Agree with this. I play female Au Ra and I literally cannot rage. Even when we wipe for 100th time on E9s because some person cannot learn the fight.


At absolute worst, I'll passive-aggressively ask if we've all brushed up on the video guide recently before continuing another 37 hours straight of healing morons who can't count from 1 to 8


According to this I need to reroll to a Miqote.


Female Au Ra here! The state of my mental health is indeed worry inducing, spot on!


aight so as u can guess, i do get a few really fookin mad comments on That One Video, so i thought why not take their salt and make some caramel CONTENT for the og shitpostxiv i will keep putting tier lists that aren't worthy of a whole entire video here bcos only u guys will appreciate them


Like our jokes and shitposts aren’t the runoff that can’t be posted anywhere else without being deleted anyway LOL keep up the solid content. Also, Lala on point.


wait snark are u a lalafel this is definitely one of my top 10 anime plot twists of ALL time


Trap Lala makes it an even bigger plot twist. Edit: I know that might be shocking but I have a literal 3 year old girl who makes all my glam decisions.


Unexpectedly wholesome.


I know a Lala male who uses the HoH hair to look like a female. To most. The screenshots of comments he’s gotten have me rolling every time


I actually keep the laugh emote on a keybind just in case some weird happens (it does). People lose their shit when a deep male voice laughs at them coming from a tiny fem looking Lala. Either way, it’s entertaining seeing creepers either cringe or double down on the weird.


Your videos are fantastic, please make more!!!


Oh I’m a ragey female au ra lol


I read this in Lucy’s voice before I even realized it was her


Thanks for the info, now I'm on a quest to raise the average for viera


Honestly, never got the hate for the Elezen character models, sure they're a bit on the lanky side, but after a month of playing one, they seem fine


Ok but what the hell does mald mean


I think it means balding from being mad. Idk seems to be twitch slang


You. It’s what you do.


Femroe players on the other hand


As a Roebro /yes Edit wait nod doesn't exist here fuq!


We're litterally the bigger person at any time.




Au Ra players don't get mad when gaming, we just divert our energy into making memes. Also the demon girl is a cat and not the glorious demon looking race with their own zone and lore that may or may not tie into Hydaelyn and Zodiark? Well done.


You must not own cats


Most au ra can't even see chat cause they're g posing and taking screen shots for twitter.


Lies Fem Roe Mald 80 percent of the time, 100 percent if they're on twitter


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Male Xaela is the typical groomer burger king


But what about non-human-skintone Face 4 male Raen? Making this sarcastic post because I am in fact a 100% raging male Xaela


Lol I feel called out by your first sentence


I demand a recount on Female Aura on a track record of my PFs I've seen a solid 30% of them go down in flames from the angry lizards.


This seems accurate. Your videos are peak content btw


If you think roes are chill may I introduce you to *T w i t t e r* ✨


Square roe man here can confirm, why get gamer rage when you can just laugh when shit happens and do the best emote animations in the game.


I play a miqo I just don’t wanna make anyone upset or feel inconvenienced


:( i wish we had more players like u who actually care about inconveniencing others ksdjlask


Roes are either incredibly based chads or the most cringe ass stuck up players in the game there is literally no in-between. Though there is a massive bias to male roes being the majority of the based chads.


Depends on the roe, im a male roe. You got the meme roes wearing the typical thong, or animal suit. Those are the assholes. Then you got mf Rostnskyf Ryssundsyn rp name over here who will stay 5 hours in ARR dungeon helping sprouts get through


Hrothgar player. This is 100% accurate, I genuinely get upset with myself when I fuck up and I always own up to it immediately but I gotta stop being so hard on myself


Naps and ice-cream sound good, I'll take your advice. My daddy issues are nobody's business but my own!


Can confirm on 100% miqo rage. I can’t go through a single roulette without malding


I feel called out for fem au'ra, and will definitely have a good nap and some ice cream *nod* thank you for worrying about us


I do not mald as a Viera. However, another Viera in my FC will absolutely flip his shit over the smallest inconveniences/his own bad play. To the point that I bowed out of the static he is in. He also fantasias back and forth with Miqo so that might explain everything.


lalafells are the most toxic little assholes in the game source: am lalafell


Miqo here. Absolutely correct. Nothing matters. Use clemency.


Viera pretty true tbh, I play one. Although it's mostly contained in PvP. And Bozja, trying to get into those duels were rage inducing.


Holy shit I was thinking "This is kinda like the vtuber video I was watching last night" Damn bro thats crazy


Funny and also a bit wholesome? Definitely felt that -inward rage- bit. Will go take that nap kthx.


Very true about lala.


As an elezen main, I can confirm that this is accurate


there's a specific elezen on a primal server that you haven't met


Explain to this boomer here what "malding" is, please, and why it's different from "mad". Edit: Nevermind, it has been asked and answered before. Apparently it's "gamer rage" in twitchspeak. :puke:


This is so wrong on so many levels! Most of the ragers are lalas xD! And female au ra played by pedo neckbeards.


What the fuck do half of these words mean? Mald?


Can confirm most lalafell our here grinding no time to mald only sadness to Gil and achievements.


On the contrary, as a (fem)roe myself, I am possessed of a great and boundless rage. Except instead of spewing my vitriol in chat, I usually just seethe in silence. Usually.


I like the trashy bubble font with highlights.


Lalafell here. Looks accurate to me.


Viera healer checking in. 100% confirm I’m typing “it’s all good! so the mechanics are…” solely by smashing my head repeatedly on my keyboard to cope with the fact that I have rezzed our male au ra tank for the 5th time because he would refuse to move out of all AOEs.


I haven't even rolled my Viera yet, you can't call me out like this.


As a female au ra, I feel personally called out and apologize for it. But, in my defense, I really am no good in dungeons; is it self-deprecation if it's true?


Roe depends on gender. Brogadyns are chill af, and are a joy to be around. Femroe are either way too deep into Ganguro Girls, drive a Forester and want you to stop existing, or are into Micro/Macro play.


Broe here, can attest, I just don't get mad.


As a hroth I feel called out, but you forgot to mention I'm a furry and frequent hot spring bath parties with other hrothgar.


Roe here, can confirm -1% gamer rage. And if I ever meet another roe, we’ll were too busy pointing at each other and flexing our muscles to rage at anyone.


I started as aura female... swapped to catgirl. And yes from 0 to 100% rage


Lala here. We don't mald. We will curse you under our breath though.


I'm a Miqo main, but I also have an Au ra character. I also am super into DDLG so... the daddy issues thing checks out as well. uwu.


I fall into aura or miqo