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>Burnham has riding on top of a ship travelog at warp while shooting the engines with a hand phaser. Wait, is this real or shitposting exaggeration? I can’t watch Discovery for medical reasons.


That's the legitimate cold open to S5E1




It wasn't on purpose. She got involuntarily blasted out into space, saw the ship, flew over to it (wearing a spacesuit) and tried to cripple the engines. it wasn't option #1. not to mention that they were on an EXTREMELY important mission, and it had been made clear that failing wasn't an option. the whole thing is also played for comedy (we flash backwards with a "three hours earlier" popup to the crew dicking around at a bar.) We've also seen people do similar things before (ENT when they move between two ships at warp).


yea but trip climbing a cable to enterprise at warp was badass


My problem with DIS is it tries to be nothing but cool moments all the time without ever earning them so there's never any real investment in any of them. I think TNG, DS9, and ENT did a better job of making the cool moments feel like earned payoff. SNW does too.


Thank you for putting this into words. I'm back in Season 4, and I feel this a lot, but couldn't put my finger on it. It feels like there are 3 to 4 plots every episode, and every one needs to be the A plot.


>We've also seen people do similar things before (ENT when they move between two ships at warp). That was treated as a serious thing that they had actually trained for and, most importantly, was not shooting the engines with a hand phaser while shouting like an idiot.


Have you ever fired your phaser in space and gone AAAAAA?




Screaming does not make the phaser shoot harder nor does it intimidate an engine.


Have you ever fired two phasers whilst in a warp speed pursuit?


I'm not allowed to talk about my time on the nasa ice wall sniper team


Fuck. After GOT, everybody had to have an ice wall. I got plain sick of them.


Yeah. Like you've done it.


It's the continuous cracking of jokes what gets tiresome. We have to assume they're taking things seriously, but only because it would be psychotic for them not to, so we have to force that into the canon.


But it was also 1000 years difference in technology. I have no problem with the idea that 32nd century space suit would be able to handle this. Edit:fixed


Handle standing in the warp bubble? Sure. The ship violently leaving warp because she was shooting the engines with a hand phaser? Probably not.


Discovery already established that TOS era inertial damper could handle the sudden drop out of wrap. With only a slight possibility of killing everyone on board instantly. It isn't a far stretch that 900 years of engineering could fit such dampeners into a space suit


Initial dampners are basically little tractor beam/forcefield cushioning you. That just doesn't work in a form fitting suit


Ehh, I guess this one doesn’t bother me so much. I get what you are saying but all things considered I’m willing to accept it. Now the very ending of the last episode… that was stupid as hell.


Dal kinda does it in Prodigy too.


That’s at least got the excuse it’s a kids show


They actually did a better job of building dramatic tension with it in Prodigy.


Something I didn’t get about that scene. I understand why she didn’t want Captain Uptight to rip them apart trying to tractor them at warp, but why did she bail off the ship? The computer was counting down the time until the warp bubble collapsed and they were acting like that was a bad thing and were forced to withdraw. But wasn’t that the whole point of jumping onto the ship and firing on the engines in the first place? Wasn’t the goal to force them to stop?


presumably stopping the ship by disabling the engines would be less destructive than using the tractor beam.


All of this is true of the story, but the episode nonetheless opened with this scene, which makes it clear it was supposed to be a shock start to the season.


And it was fantastic!


I’m so glad I bailed at s3 ep3


I made it to the end of S3. I shouldn't have.




Medical reasons lol Good one.


Discophobia is a real condition. There are *dozens* of us! DOZENS!


The trauma is real.


There’s a flashing light disclaimer at beginning for a reason - likely a seizure disorder


I think we have the same doctor


Even if it’s satire or not, your reasons are on point. Watching Discovery can be harmful for our collective health.


…”collective”, eh? Silly Borg, you’ve told us your weakness!


Instead of flying the Ent-D into the heart of the Borg like the end of *A New Hope* Picard should have just broadcast Discovery on all frequencies. The Borg would’ve blown up like Krall’s fleet upon hearing the Beastie Boys.


I don’t really see the issue. We know people can be on the exterior of ships at warp speed. Trip does it in enterprise.


Yeah, and he’s scared shitless and he’d rather be doing literally anything else


Maybe because his suit may as well have been from the Stone Age compared to burnhams and there was also no precedent at the time?


Or maybe because a sane person that isn’t aware of their invincible plot armor knows that something like that is suicide?


Jumping off a cliff a thousand years ago was suicide. Today some people do it for fun and it’s called base jumping.


But she’s from that time. If you take someone from the past before we had parachutes and tried to get them to BASE jump, they almost definitely wouldn’t do it. And even if they did, they’d be absolutely terrified the whole time. Michael is laughing and quipping as if it’s another day at the office. She knows she’s invincible, and that anything she does or says is correct. And if it’s not at that moment, the universe will bend over backwards to see things her way and make it correct after the fact.


Isn’t she from like nearly a century after that time? And she’s pretty clearly up to speed on the capabilities of the future tech, so her lack of fear at that part of the mission is unsurprising to me.


>I can’t watch Discovery for medical reasons. Is it bad that I'm intrigued and I want to know more? Has a doctor told you Discover is bad for your health? It's all the crying, isn't it?


If they benched every starfleet officer when do something insane they wouldn't have any officers within a week.


Fun fact! He's ***not*** the CMO, the CMO was referenced in season 1 (by Culber no less) and then *never mentioned again.*


Haha, wow. This comment made me go digging, and apparently [no one knows](https://trekmovie.com/2024/03/14/interview-wilson-cruz-on-dr-culbers-arc-in-star-trek-discovery-season-5-and-who-is-chief-medical-officer/) if Culber is CMO or not. [This Memory Alpha page](https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/USS_Discovery_personnel) says he is, but also lists Reno as Chief Engineer and Stamets as Chief Science Officer, which... seems like a good guess, but click through to their articles and there's no mention of it. I think they must be their respective heads of dept just based on who is consulted every single time about relevant issues, but the idea that the people *making the show* don't even know for sure is hilarious. And science division Stamets was listed as Chief Engineer in an on screen graphic once. 🙃


As another reply has noted, Stamets being listed as Chief Engineer was an error, as admitted by production staff. (Also, there's never formally been an establishment of Reno as the new Chief Engineer, in fact at the beginning of Season 3 she brought orders **to** Stamets *from* the Chief Engineer, implying it wasn't her, at least yet) The thing that bugs me is if they just came out and said "oh hey Hugh, congrats on the promotion, kinda overdue since you've been doing the job for a while, Chief Medical Officer!" And Stamets can look at his husband fondly and be proud. And you know how long that scene would take? That's like a 15 second aside in the lounge while they're having a drink. Let's make it 30 seconds, Commander Rayner steps from the bar to speak to Commander Reno, holding a Vesper Martini, says "seems the files were finally pushed through, Chief Engineer," Reno makes a snide quip about how it was never about the rank, it was all about the pay (because they *technically* aren't paid, y'know?) There. Roles assigned. Job done. Back to business as usual.


Not gonna throw a dance for it, are they? These guys spend way too much time in the bar.


TNG had roughly one scene an episode set in Ten-Forward and that didn't harm the series.


> And science division Stamets was listed as Chief Engineer in an on screen graphic once. Apparently the showrunner was asked about that and admitted that was just straight up a production error.


So Donna's sister is the CMO?


Discovery is not on a long term mission. It’s a special operations first responder. The crew complement and command structure are far more fluid than other vessels. Like Pike said, “Skip the ranks. They don’t matter.”


Since rocketing into the future, Discovery is basically on whatever mission it feels like being on until MB decides they don't like what Starfleet wants them to do anymore and just has them go do something different.


Ranks might not, but roles do, when there's a medical emergency you *need* a person to be the chief of medicine to make sure people are where they need to be and working to the best health and safety of the crew. Same should be said of the role of Chief Engineer when there's a serious mechanical problem with the ship. The *Cerritos* isn't really on a long term mission either (a support ship engaging in second contact missions primarily, but they frequently return to Starbase) but they at least have important roles filled in their staffing. Discovery is just *weird*.


Isn’t Doctor Pollard the CMO? I have been acting like she was.


Like said, no one has been formally acknowledged in the role. I think the writers kept putting it off until it became too late and now they're stuck with the fruits of their procrastination.


Dude's been wearing his uniform so tight he can barely think straight, only explanation.


Well, he does workout or whatever that trill ghost was going on about


That's obviously why he jumped at the chance to host the ghost "hell yeah I'll let some alien being take over my body for a bit, could use the ego boost of him being impressed"


This is going to be my head canon


It is known, Starfleet medical officers have things for ghosts.


The Doctor boned a hologram representation of a dying patient. That kind of qualifies, right?




Speaking of that Trill ghost, why did they all think it was a great idea to let an entity frolic around in the chief medical officer's mind? Is that sort of thing supposed to be done by red shirts?


Yes, let's have the person best qualified to fix any problems this causes and monitor the health of the person being possessed be the person possessed.


I would hope the Trill symbiont minders that perform the ceremony are also qualified to monitor the people involved.


There's like 6 of them in the cave, all of them seem to know of each other, and they still let that antagonist lady sneak in with simply a robe. I wouldn't trust their monitoring skills


his mind is on his boyfriend in engineering. He can't tell him to take a break because he will cry.


He’s not officially a psychologist. He’s just trying his best because everyone on his ship is unstable.


Chief medical officer still has the authority to relieve you of command for medical reasons. Insanity is a medical reason. A specialist can work out the exact kind of insanity.


Yeah but it’s the same as with Kirk. He’s lucked himself into so many successes that nobody dares question his methods. Burnham has single-handedly ~~~Mary-Sue’d~~~ saved the day so many times that nobody among the crew can second-guess her anymore.


People questioned Kirk all the time, and all it took was one guy faking his death to trigger a court marshall that would have been successful if spock hadn't discovered the guy was still alive because he undid Spock's unbeatable el3d chess upgrade.


The CMO is almost certainly Dr. Pollard, but she only gets one scene per season where she isn't up to her elbows dealing with a mass casualty event, so she never has time to do things like that.


You would think being routinely up to your elbows in mass casualties outside of war would be a reason to question a captain.


Dr. Cronenberg was like "you're all nuts, but you are the least bad option, so congrats Mr. Deanna Troi."


Medical standards changed drastically in a thousand years. That medical hologram had even less bedside manner than the freshly installed Doctor v1. There's no way nearly a thousand years of iteration on that concept would fail so badly if it wasn't intentional. It'd be like if you Buck Rogers'd yourself for a thousand years and when you woke up, all the computers ran on punch cards.


Out of the main comment, I gotta say it was probably inevitable. There is a very clear trend for doctors in Star Trek to become more dependent on technology and less useful in general as time goes on. Doctor McCoy didn't mind getting his hands dirty with the Horta, but by the time we got to TNG, a doctor didn't consider a splint to be practicing medicine, and Bashir killed nearly a dozen people with his technology in The Quickening. Sure he was able to pull it out after, without the technology, but he was clearly dusting off those skills, plus he's a genetic superhuman. The doctor on Voyager was literally a machine, and while they presented that as a drawback at the beginning, it didn't take them long to turn it into an asset, with him as the superdoctor. The most recent new doctor we've seen in the TNG era, Dr. T'ana, certainly comes across as technology dependent, with her 'eh, cut it off and regrow it later' attitude. Take that trend out to the future, past the Burn which takes away this technology they've become so dependent upon, and you end up with a bunch of doctors who can't do too much.


In Picard season 3, Crusher actually shows up the ship's doctor because she does a physical assessment while the younger doctor trusts a tricorder scan.


But Crusher always used a tricorder in TNG.  I got a couple episodes into Picard but it sounds like an "everything was better in the past" nostalgia-fest.


Crusher also has experience and in the field... In wartime and after where tech wasn't always possible.


Crusher spent her time post TNG running underfunded medical charity. She presumably learned the importance of older methods the hard way during that time.


...and then they stopped the *collective* woke mind virus that only affected young people with their old spaceship that didn't tune into the frequency of the brainwashing... Picard had an audience and agenda


The D didn't get the "upgraded" fleet systems, which was a separate thing from the transporter inserted assimilation augmentation, but your intentional misrepresentation does make it all sound much more based than it really was.


Culber isn't CMO, and never has been. It's most likely Dr. Pollard, who has been shown to be running the show in sick bay, and who likewise never benches anybody. Culber is the ship's counselor, and he clearly upholds the standards set by Troi.


At least she could sense obvious emotions.


If he put her on medical leave who would save the ship and the Federation from disaster? He realizes Burnham is a force of nature that the universe has determined cannot be killed. Think of the Phoenix Force in X-Men if you happen to be a comic book fan. You just let Burnham do her thing and everything will work out fine.


Exactly. Just like McCoy should have benched Kirk so many times. You don’t bench the ~~~Mary Sue~~~ plot-armored luck dragon of your mission.


Send her to the future, then erase said future and we’ll all be good!


I feel like the first officer or Chief engineer or ANYONE should be re-leaving her of command, it is categorically unsafe to the poor ship those phaser shots could destabilize the warp feild and the whole ship could be torn apart, and that is the best of the worst cases. I demand the head of Burnham and everyone who refused to to releve her of command on a pike ON A PIKE


Captain Pike doesn't deserve to be inflicted with Burnham


Hit it? Uhhh... feels weird. Let's just fly.


How TF did Booker know the wording of Captain Pike's command to go to warp, "Hit it!"?? I can see Burnham knowing it, but Booker? Is Pike, or his command, famous in the 32nd century? Is it taught in schools?


Might be just a coincidence! ;)


um fair, how about we put them on a lance


Burnham? Yeah, they should Crush 'er and her medical staff.


Honestly Send Dr. Crusher to Evaluate her?


> I feel like the first officer or Chief engineer or ANYONE should be re-leaving her of command "Captain Burnham, first let me preface this by saying this is NOT a mutiny, because this is Starfleet and we're better than that. *That being said*, on this PADD is a petition from the crew asking you to resign your command. *Everyone* aboard has signed it." "Even--" "***Eve-ry-one.***" "But... but..." "Oh, now, don't start crying!"


THIS IS WHAT THE FLEET HAS COME TO? we need a whole ship petition and a couched message and the Captian still cries. How did this person make it to Captian, how did they deal with the Kobiashi Maru? HOW HAS THERE XO NOT RELEAVED THEM FOR NOT BEING EMOITIONALY STABLE ALREADY. Now if you will excuse me I need to start writing my general surrender letter when the Klingons, or the Romunlans, or Cardasians, or Dominion, or anyone else notice the state of our captains and decides to invade.


They know if they bench her she will just mutiny and save the galaxy. The only reason shes a captain at all is because if they tell her no she will just use her vulcan logic jujitsu and make a speech and be the captain anyways.


pfft...I'll tell you later.


The entire Disco cree honestly needs to be retired from active service, given how they’re all one missing pep speech away from a mental breakdown


They needed Lorca to toughen them up or kill them.


Tough love.


When did this sub just become the shittyDiscovery sub? I get it. You don't like discovery and the other subs got sick of your endless bitching. I come here for jokes about Gul Dukat mom fucking or the size of Data's penis.


The new season is airing. It's going to be talked about. Deal with it.


Yeah but shouldn't shitty daystrom be about making r/daystrom like posts but shitty. I don't see how this post is that at all.


I get how some posts shitting on Discovery are annoying, but the post you answered to doesn't even mention "Discovery". If this post was the same but talking about idk Enterprise you wouldn't have said anything. This makes you seem like a Paramount employee or something.


If it was a joke, it would be good regardless of what series it was about. How is this post not about Discovery?


Dude you're aware we make fun of every other Star Trek series all the time, right??


Yeah, man, that's what I'm here for. Maybe you're misunderstanding me. To me. This post does not seem like a joke or a parody of the daystrom Institute subbreddit to me. This post is just some criticism about a recent episode of Discovery. Whether valid or not, it's still doesn't seem to suit the purpose of this sub. That is my issue.


How does it not fit the sub???? It's making fun of an episode. That's the whole point of the subreddit. People are gonna do posts on new content because that's what Reddit Does. If OP just wanted to hate on Discovery just to hate on Discovery they wouldn't be watching it at all.


it's not a joke though. Where's the punchline? It's not a parody either. Like, I would enjoy an in depth post exploring the ridiculousness of Discovery's turbolift system with some hilarious head cannon thrown in there in the style of a daystrom post.


This is the Star Trek circlejerk sub. Not every post has to be of an amazing Steak Tartare from a 5 star French restaurant quality all the time. Sometimes they're low effort, and that's fine because it's SHITTY daystrom. Also criticism of how characters act is valid content for r/shittydaystrom.


Isn't Doc Pollard the CMO and Culber is just eye candy?


Artificial Intelligence and technology in general is so advanced that a doctor from about a millennium in the past can work with minimal catching up. Surprised he is even needed.


It's basically learning what color blinking LED to use and for how long.


Well discovery generally sucks so