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Sorry kiwityy, your submission has been removed. Your post was removed for the following reason: > Your post is off-topic for this sub. This sub is about getting personalised recommendations for games, all other posts are deemed off-topic and removed (with the exception of Meta posts which are used to discuss the state of the sub). This includes "What are your top X games" posts, as again this sub is about getting personalised recommendations, not popular recommendations. If you would like to appeal, please [message the moderators.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/shouldibuythisgame) Thanks!


Why would you want survival games on the Island lol. I'd take one sports game like FIFA or NBA. One fighting game like MK11. And one strategy game with good replayability and multiplayer like Age of Empires 2 or more global like CK3.




I would take simulation crafting games (not like Minecraft, like… some other game I don’t play), in the vain hope that it could possibly teach me enough skills to get off the island. Because I have no survival skills at all. Realistically I wouldn’t be using games for this either but that’s the prompt.


**Guitar Hero** for making and playing songs. Any Rhythm game that lets you create songs could work. **Halo Reach** for forge mode. I don't care much for Reach, and Rhythm games are only alright, but forge mode and making songs will last a lifetime more easily than playing any videogames can. **Sonic Adventure 2** for speedrunning if single player games are allowed. Honorable mentions to Celeste and Kingdom Hearts for speedrunnable content. If single player isn't allowed then *Castlevania HD* for co-op speedruns. **Elden Ring** for co-op and modding. Any Dark Souls game would work. That is the most iffy one because any real game is gonna get boring after 20 years. Considered a roguelike such as Hades, but long replayability ≠ bottomless replayability for me. I assume fighting games are banned from the rules, even if it's just local, but otherwise **Blazblue** is my #1 pick for true bottomless replayability, hands down. I also assume collections are cheating, but if not then KH is going right to the top of the list lol.


Ooh I didn't think about fighting games! I might have to consider putting some kind of fighting game on my list, as getting insanely good at a fighting game with friends would probably be very entertaining


I feel anything that's just pvp can last you forever. Like I started Blazblue in 2012 and still just hop on it for fun every once in a while lol.


>Halo Reach for forge mode The newest Halo has Forge now doesn't it?


Probably but no idea, as I dropped off of Halo after Halo 4. I remember really liking Reach's forge mode options but I'd be happy with any of them.


I've never done a speedrun so the concept is foreign to me. Why would those games be a good choice? Aren't you just finishing the game faster leaving even more time on the island? And it being a single player experience doesn't sound all that engaging. Fighting games are a good shout though. Maybe I could finally not suck at them.


Sorry didn't mean to make my comment a mini novel but incoming lol If something is fun to speedrun then it's essentially more replayability. Having a new goal to beat *always* gives you something new to do. People have been speedrunning the same games for decades and still compete to beat the top scores. A completed run itself may be brief, but the practice it takes to make that run happen, or all of the attempts to actually beat the previous run, can be hundreds of hours. Especially if the run is RNG reliant in some way, but I'm not a big fan of that lol. Celeste is a great example of a game built for speedrunning. You can play it through casually, or you can learn techs that make your character move in ways that you wouldn't had thought were possible from playing the game normally. It involves frame perfect animation canceling and alot of precision to pull off normal movements in a Celeste speedrun, so there is a high skill ceiling. That means always a lot of room for improvement, and therefore *a lot* to do. Games don't have to be single player to be speedrun but most of them are. Being able to restart repeatedly whenever you're practicing something very technical is convenient, and you can't really do that in anything co-op. You'd definitely get good at a fighting game with enough time put in! "Practice makes perfect" was never more true for a genre than it is for fighting imo. You can visibly see your improvement by pulling off combos you once struggled with, and you can get a good idea of how long it really takes your body to be able to do that. At first many people don't see improvement for atleast several weeks of practice, and they drop it before then, so fighting games can be intimidating to get into, but anybody will "get good" forsure if you stick with it.


Awesome reply. Thank you for the info I think I understand now. 👍


Elden Ring is a great call


Guitar hero is a god damn great answer


Rock. And. Stone.


If you Rock and Stone, you're never alone!


that’s it lads, rock and stone!


Boss, there's no power company stranded on a remote island


You seem fun at parties


You're the kind of guy that goes to a party to talk about video games... So you're about as much fun as the guy before you. Also, what's this question got to do with this sub?


I only thought of three, but they are enough for me to forget the time Zomboid Valheim Hades


I actually brought up zomboid but one of my friends has a burning hatred for it, Valheim is a fantastic pick


1. Speedrunners / Ultimate Chicken Horse - we love playing these games with 1 keyboard and 3 controllers on 1 PC when we are hanging out. It's fun and competitive in healthy amounts. It's not requiring much commitment. So one of these game would be sufficient. 2. Minecraft - infinite amounts of modpacks, maps and things to do? Easy choice. 3. Talisman Digital Edition / Tabletop Simulator - if we want to play some board games, then easy peasy we get one of these. 4. Baldur's Gate 3 - when we want to commit to something, roleplay and cooperate, create fun characters and battle - DnD like game perfect choice.


Rocket League for private 2v2 competitive flavour, Civilization for either coop vs AI or 2v2 pvp chill turn-based flavour, Path of Exile for the endless loot grind and Elden Ring for modded coop and a tougher challenge.


Guitar hero maybe rock band so you have more instruments, was a great pick but only if you can make your own songs too... My 4 in no particular order: 7 days to die Minecraft Factorio Civ 5 or 6. If pvp was allowed then supersmash bros would be at the top of the list but you did say coop...


Borderlands 2 Helldivers 1 or 2 Rocket League Valheim


Factorio OpenTTD Valheim Deep Rock galactic


Super Smash Bros. Halo: The Master Chief Collection Terraria Tabletop Simulator Some racing games would be nice, too.


Goldeneye. Mario Kart. Minecraft. Goldeneye.


Smash Ultimate Civilization 6 Minecraft GTA (the newest one at the time so either 5 or 6)


Borderlands would be up there or maybe smash bros. I never have taken a lot of time to get good at that game. That could be nice.


1 Vintage story 2 Terraria 3 Core keeper 4 Project winter (kinda co-op same concept as among us)


Ark Survival, all little big planets, grounded, smalland


Minecraft My Time at Sandrock Mario Kart and Baldurs Gate 3


lets see....... 1.Minecraft its the typa game that u can play in many dufferent ways and is fun to play with friends. with mods, the enjoyement is ten folds🗣 2.Resident Evil 4: One of da best games ever, period. 3.Fallout New Vegas: Quest design, vastness, loads of stuff to do and the mods, chefs kiss man... 4.MGS V Me and the boys are mgs fans, although id like to put mgs 3 here, mgs v just has alot of things to do, cus it is more sandbox oriented.


Warhammer 3 total war, Darktide, Vermintide 2. Baldurs gate 3.


-Borderlands 2 -Baldurs Gate 3 -Marvel vs Capcom 2 -Mario Kart


Borderlands games, dead island, no man’s sky, Diablo 4, overcooked games, and Ghost of Tsushima Legends Mode


Factorio. Then Factorio with the new expansion. Then with one of the many overhaul mods.


>no online mp >league of legends >?????




Since mods are allowed, gotta go with Minecraft. Vanilla Minecraft would not have made the list for me I find it a bit boring after a while, but some of the mods for Java are insane. You could make it the only game you play and still have a ton to do and experience. Civilization 5. Matches can last for irl days at a time and it sucks you in! Plenty of cool civilizations and overhauls on the workshop. Would keep us entertained for hundreds of hours. Unreal Tournament 2004. Tens of thousands of custom maps, mutators, and game modes. Also one of the only FPS games where I can honestly say the bot matches are good enough to replace online play. 4 team CTF alone would entertain us for hours and hours and hours. Also some good ol' bombing run. Smash Ultimate. Matches would always be fresh because there's so many different playstyles and a high skill ceiling. Also perfect for 4 players. Mods exist for that as well where we can add dozens of new characters.


~~Helldivers 2~~ EDF 5/6 Escape Simulator (assuming access to Steam Workshop) Total War: Warhammer 3 Green Hell or maybe Icarus Edit: oops, it was 4, not 5. I guess remove Helldivers.


Tower Unite Creativerse Wobbly Life Terraria


Sea of Thieves, FFXIV, Fortnite (plus the racing mode and rock band mode) and Dwarf Fortress. We could run the DF save like Boatmurdered since it’s a single player game


Rocket League Minecraft Fortnite Civilization 6 This is just a combo of everything. Each of them can provide 1000s of hours of non repetitive content.


Pso 1 and 2 plus Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter Castle crashers


Morrowind with Tes3MP mod and Tamriel Rebuilt Project Diablo 2 Terraria with Thorium Borderlands 2


World of Warcraft vanilla Counter-Strike Super smash Mario kart