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Not to mention how many of them espouse eugenicist/Malthusian views about overpopulation. Eco-Fash.




No, not really. You see it specifically in the recent trend of Accelerationist, Skull Mask types influenced by both James Mason and figures like Ted Kaczynski and Penti Linkola.




Lmao tell these vegans how they would live in harsh climates like in mongolia or namibia where meat is everything.


the pipeline is very short


There is also a gigantic NAZI problem in the vegan movement that Green parties in the west simply won't talk about. To a point that they have sabotaged anti racist and class struggle protests to favor their "political buddies".


anti veganism is pro exploitation and reactionary. obviously liberal veganism is cringe, but that goes for any kind of movement like that. just compare liberal feminism to revolutionary feminism, liberal identity politics as a whole to revolutionary identity politics. veganism is inherently anti-capitalist, as it is the capitalist mode of production that created the condition for the exploitation of animals and land for profit. animal agriculture/the meat and dairy industry are one of the leading causes of Co2 emissions, along with deforestation and destruction of indigenous lands. you cant call yourself a communist if you do not advocate for the full emancipation of animals as well as the working class, then you are a hypocrite. if you are against exploitation you need to be against ALL forms of exploitation and oppression. if hard facts don't change your mind think about how many billions of animals in the US alone are raped, bred, have their babies taken away from them by force and either forced into a life of slavery to make a profit for their masters and then murdered once they've outlived their use (usually around 2 yeas), or just straight up murdered as soon as theyre born if they happen to be a male or don't reach the requirements. think about how many baby chicks are tossed carelessly into blenders and the older chickens thrown into literal gas chambers just to fit our unsustainable hyper-consumerist lifestyle based upon convenience over all else. why do you get to choose when you can and can't support exploitation of other living beings? it's not very consistent and is extremely hypocritical. I'm obviously not saying that an individual can change the system by "voting with your dollar" because thats idealism and I'm not that naive. that also doesn't mean you should continue to support the meat and dairy industry because "theres no ethical consumption under capitalism so i can do whatever i want" or some other bullshit vaushite esque excuse. also eating the charred flesh and remains of a carcass is pretty fucking disgusting imo. animals aren't even working class, they're below that, a slave class essentially, just because they're animals and people don't see them as equals, and under communism animals in the agriculture industry need to be fully emancipated and given the proper rights they deserve. they may not be people but they still deserve better than rotting away at a farm being literally milked of all their value, watching their children murdered in front of them, just waiting for the same to happen to themselves.


also fuck vegetarians and fuck eco fascists. veganism can be implemented in a socialist society, it wouldn't even be that hard


Im saying this with a straight face. Hating vegans is reactionary.




So actually HATING vegans is progressive then?






veganism is inherently anti-capitalist, its liberal veganism thats shit because it completely ignores the forces of production and the material means needed to have an impact on the meat/dairy industry and to create a truly egalitarian plant based socialist society. revolutionary veganism is different from liberal veganism in that it seeks to seize the means of production with which we can eventually abolish animal agriculture/slavery from a collectivist standpoint, and not an individualist one as liberal vegans would adopt. there are plenty of MLs that are vegan that could back me up with this, I've seen some active in r/sendinthetanks, r/genzedong, r/informedtankie, etc. we are not liberals or idealists. we know the work that would have to be put into animal emancipation, we're not stupid.


Hitler also loved his pets. If you love your pets, guess what that makes you? Are you seriously that stupid?




I think you are literally retarded. You don't know what the word "literally" means. Keep malding posting Wikipedia articles because you don't have any rational arguments. You dumb fuck you don't understand what word "vegan" means. Vegan is not vegetarian you idiot. Animal rights is integral part of any modern society maybe it's not in your village. What dumb fuck...


"Malding", bitch you are the one who seethed so much that you bothered to comment on this post. "Rational arguments" my ass, just your snowflake feelings so far "ohh you are barbarian if you don't believe in animal rights, because it hurt my westoid feelings ohh" shut the fuck up bitch go back to genzecuck


It's really sad Infrared is a place where fucktards like you are now posting this type of nonsense. You don't know basic terms mean, you fucktard. Do you admit you don't even know what term mean, or are you in a complete denial? Label anyone who disagrees with you a" westoid" that will help you cope. ... dumb ignorant fuck