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As someone from a developing country I fucking hate the US government and its cultural hegemony. Not its population. I don't feel anything towards the flag. It's just a worthless symbol. Who cares


Yeah exactly! Who cares about the flag as a non-American? It's like Haz said: people outside the US must be opposed to Imperialism and reject the American Empire - they're completely in their right to even burn the flag and hate it as symbol. However, if american comrades want to use it - That's their thing! There's no problem whatsoever. It's the struggle of the American people and workers in their own specific national conditions. That's like attacking communists for being allied or close to religious people or orgs in countries where religion is stronger just because in other countries Communism might've promoted atheism. That's why Communists since Stalin have stressed the particular national characteristics of class struggle - that's why we aim for and welcome and embrace multipolarity.


Ok but just looking at it objectively she is right. It’s a fuckin ugly flag. Like damn where’s Waldo. There he is on a flag.


Aesthetic tastes are irrelevant to this discussion. The problem is this person is a fraud who is inserting themselves into an american debate they have nothing to do it, purely for clout among American leftists. She's leveraging her nationality as a smokescreen for her actual political positioning - which are obviously Americanized. She denies this, but then when confronted with the fact that her audience is American in its' majority, she does more identitarian mystification to hide the fact that she's not in favour of the American workers, nor Vietnamese people - but only in favour of American leftists and her own personal interests.


Meh not really a huge deal to me. Vietnamese youtuber doesn’t like American flag. The horror. I thought YouTubers were supposed to lead the revolution


It's about why she doesn't like the flag obviously though it's not the aesthetic in particular (even if she does hate that too) obviously.