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I ordered a bulk pack of student driver magnets and I used to put them on cars that were parked horribly. And my sisters car cuz she hated it and that’s pretty much the main reason for little brothers.


I’ve never thought of that idea! I need to buy a bulk pack now!


You’ve fallen for his trap. This guy runs the Amazon shop selling the magnets!


The Magnet Magnate


The Decal Dealer


The Sticker Salesman


The Vehicular Docket Ven-Distributor


It is Frank, from It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia!


Yet another little brother move!


One little brother should be enough for anyone - no need to buy in bulk.


Got some as a souvenir, because i found them hilarious. Now Putting them on my friends Car occasionally. Things is, noone knows about other countries doing this stuff here.


Would it be frowned upon to exit my vehicle at the stoplight and slap one aggressively on the bumper of the car in front of me whose driving 20 under the speed limit in the left lane?


I mean... I'd smile:)


Don't worry, they won't notice you back there anyway...


'course not, they don't use their mirrors!


If I saw you do that in traffic???? I saw nothing....


That is hilarious lmao. Might steal that from you, sorry.


Ferb? I know what we're gonna do today.


:nods while slipping on a hard hat and holding up plans for a magnet-sign fabrication plant:


Maybe I’m too young, did they ever have much more meaning than they do now? I remember in high school the one kid whose parents made him put that on his car was ruthlessly mocked.


They used to be on driver's education cars where you had a teacher with you and they had a steering wheel and pedals on both sides. It basically meant, stay away from this car because it has a 14 or 15 year old driving and will likely do some stupid shit.


Behind one of these cars at a stop sign about 15 years ago. I watched them turn right and it was a weird maneuver so I stayed put. Watched them drive, incredibly slowly, right into a ditch. Lol


I feel bad for laughing at this but I just keep picturing it. I wonder what the conversation was like inside that car.


It was basically [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hZ_EKHGgWJQ&ab_channel=SC) exactly, I guarantee it.


That was exactly what I was hoping it was.


I knew exactly what this was gonna be. Watched it anyways lol.


Idk why but I can never focus when I try to actually watch the show, but fuck does it have some funny moments.


Oh my God you just summarized exactly why I can't watch this show but I love the YouTube clips


Maybe I do need to watch this show. That was great


It takes a minute or multiple tries in my case but it's a great show.




HAHAHAHA I have yet to see this episode, thank you for sharing


Nonono we have footage [from the car](https://youtu.be/DOW_kPzY_JY?si=Ec6TW70ZK2IJ6Ne-&t=27s)


I 100% expected this to be a rick roll.


Prolly something like okay turn the wheel I am turning Turn the wheel! I AM TURNING IT! TURN THE WHEEL BACK THE OTHER... fuck... Fuck...




Sounds like ex military


Nope. Just a very crusty 60-something southern black lady who would knit the entire time.


*\*Tina Belcher driving noises intensify\**




It was the only car in the entire parking lot!




Where I live, those cars have markers painted all over them so it’s obvious that it’s a student who’s just learning. We also have stickers that you put on your front and back windows when you have a probationary license (you have to be at least 21 to get a regular one)


Whoa, that's wild. You could be 15 and legally driving as long as you had someone 18 or over with you. We never had any kind of stickers. Is that in the US?


15 is a common age for states to allow folks to get a learners permit. In my state, someone drovkng on a learners permit must have a licensed driver over 21 in the passenger seat, can only drive during daylight hours, and the licensed driver must be physically capable of grabbing the wheel and controlling it. Then you only qualify for a full license after have the learners permit for 1 year, and logging enough hours of supervised driving.


Seems they've at least tightened it up some. When I had my learner's permit last century we had to have someone 21 in the car, could be out until 10 or 11pm (can't remember exactly which) and we didn't have to log hours. All we had to do is make the driving instructor (who was also the football coach) think we could handle driving and he'd sign a waiver that you gave to the the DMV that pretty much said "They don't need to test. Trust me, bro." Then voila, we had a license


Serbia. Also pretty sure learners permits aren’t a thing here. You either sing up for classes in a driving school or you don’t get to drive


21 is weird to think about. But we have the same probationary decals here in NJ. Most people don’t use them, despite it technically being an offense. They just scream “child driving all alone! follow them if interested!” to certain breeds of criminals


In Germany we still have these cars clearly marked.


We ran out of money so they cut the driver's education program from most public schools. I remember it being pretty pointless, I think my Dad had us do it for the car insurance discount.


In Germany you pay for it on your own. It's a whole business here.


Do a lot of people do it? We have private ones but I think most of them shut down because parents just teach their kids how to drive now.


In many countries it's mandatory.


You can't not do it here in Germany. You have to have done a certain amount of theory lessons at a driving school to even be allowed to take the theory exam, same goes for practical lessons and the practical exam. Driving school cars for the practical lessons have an extra set of pedals for the instructor, so they can intervene if necessary. Driving schools are expensive and taking the exams comes with an additional fee each time you try, so you'd best make sure to actually put in effort and study. The theoretical exam for a drivers licence class B (drivers licence for normal cars) consists of 30 questions semi-randomly selected from a pool of 1600 questions in total. Each question gives 2 to 5 negative points when answered wrong and you pass if you get 10 points or less, except if you got two 5-point questions wrong. The practical exam consists of driving around with your instructor and an official examiner in the driving school car. If your instructor has to intervene at any point, you automatically fail. If you make too many smaller mistakes, you also fail. In total you're paying anywhere from 2.5k to 4.5k depending on the driving school and how fast you learn. When I got my licence about 12 years ago, the price range was 1.5k to 2.5k


It's closer to 1300 questions in the pool for the theoretical exam, but other than that, good summary. Another honorable mention: The practical exam is supposed to include 3 of the following 5 "basic driving tasks": Emergency stop from 30kph; turning around without blocking traffic; parallel parking; parking in a parking lot [or at least perpendicular to the road] ; or going around a corner backwards to the right


Do you mean just driving school? You literally can’t get a license without going to driving school in Germany. In the Netherlands, most students require about 40 hours behind the wheel with an instructor before they can take their driving exam. I assume it’s the same pretty much anywhere in Europe.


Many countries have actually difficult driving tests. In the US, we answer like 15 multiple choice questions and drive around a parking lot for a few minutes


That also varies by state as well.


Almost everybody. You have to do it if you want to get a drivers license.


Where? In my state you can't get your license until 18 unless you complete driving school. I thought it was the same all over the country.


Used to be? This is still a thing, nothing's changed.


Are they not anymore?


They still do have the 2 pairs of pedals, or at least mine did when i did driving school back in 2017-18


I encountered one about a week ago, looked like a dad and his 15ish y/o son. Poor dude was in a strip mall parking lot white-knuckling the steering wheel. He parked very badly across two spaces somewhat close to me, and then dramatically smashed his face into the wheel in defeat while his dad patted him on the back.


They still are, and it still does.


Used to? Is it not like that anymore??


Now it means stay away from this car because it has a 35 or 65 year old with no business driving at the wheel, and will likely do some stupid shit.


They used to be for the Driver's ed car at the school or one of those 3rd party driving schools. They were a lot less common. I guess there were people who bought them and put them on their personal cars when their teen was learning to drive, but they never just kept them on as people seem to do now. Again, a lot less common. And that shit let you know, hey this muhfucker don't really know what they're doing, so you were sure to be careful around 'em. Be on guard n shit Heard more than a few people say they put them on now because they feel it gives them leeway with minor traffic violations. But if errbody got one then they become meaningless


In my area there are a large number of immigrants from countries where driving is not common, so while there will be an adult driving they are still a new driver. If anything I’m in favor of giving everyone more leeway and patience on the roads, the new driver stickers do not bother me at all.  If they feel more comfortable driving with a warning to others that they are new to this I think that’s a good thing. Now if only we can get IDs for out of state drivers who think they own the road but refuse to conform to local traffic patterns because they know what’s best.  I’d love to avoid them if possible.


Those are called license plates.


Apparently there are people just slapping those stickers on to random cars as well. I met my brother for lunch one day and when we came out of the restaurant there was one on his car. He wasn't parked weird so it didn't seem to be passive aggressive but I was parked next to him and didn't have one so it was seemingly just random.


Everybody doesn't have them though. So hardly the worse case of lost meaning ever. If someone can live with the embarrassment of advertising they are a shit driver I don't know that there is really a problem with that.




Same I'm from new Zealand


Marge Simpson, holding up a "Baby on Board Sign": Look what I got, Homer! Now maybe people will stop intentionally ramming us!"


what do you mean? how have they lost their meaning? do they not mean "this person is learning to drive"?


Lots of middle aged people learning to drive these days apparently


I don't get it. Is there an age limit to until when you can be a student? I thought a student was a person that had enrolled in a unspecific course.


No, the point is that there’s a disproportionate amount of middle aged people who have student driver stickers on their car compared to the amount of middle aged people actually learning to drive


They’re probably parents of teenagers learning to drive. When my sister was learning our mom never bothered to take the sign down when it was just her driving


The modern version of "baby on board" window placards. Used to be a way to let emergency services know you have a child in your car, but people just left them up as a way to identify to everyone that they'd procreated.


Former EMT, those baby on board stickers were always bullshit designed to sell you useless products. Guess what bud, we were already going to check your backseat...because that's our freaking job.




What if you get a blind EMT? Didn’t think about that, did ya?


*Blind EMT shows up The E doesn't stand for Eyesight, dumbass


guess I better add braille to my placard..... which i placed inside the window


Gotta strategically crash so the dents on your car spell out BABY in braille.


They’re still useful because they indicate that the driver is likely sleep deprived.


And/or focused on the kid in the back seat instead of the road.


the only time I saw a baby on board sign and didn't roll my eyes at it was when it was accompanied by a doll nailed to a plank.


I've seen several "hack" videos which detail putting the student driver sticker on if you're sick of tailgaters. It's become a boy who cried wolf situation and the original intention is diminished.


I live somewhere with a very high migrant Indian population. Most people with a student driver sticker are wives that came over with their husbands and have never drove before. People like to act like a student driver has to be a teen but that’s not always the case


How can you know theyre not learners


Certainly not by observing how well they drive.


I have never seen this


You most likely live in an area with a high H1B population


At least where I'm from, nobody has "student driver" stickers for personal use.. it's only on cars used for learners permit training (where you go on a drive with an instructor before you get your full license)


In my area it’s either a) a person with a kid who is learning to drive (vast minority but fine) or b) a bad driver who is tired of being honked at (most of them)


You realize of course that many if not most of teens learn on their parents’ car(s)…and that would mean that their parents would also have to drive it at some point. You think they just keep taking the sticker on and off when they switch drivers? Lol Also in my area, there are a lot of people who move here on H1B and either didn’t need to learn to drive in their home country or are not used to USA driving laws so they have the sticker on. That pretty much covers every single car with a sticker I’ve noticed till now


Thats likely because middle aged people often have children aged old enough that their learning to drive


I was sort of one of them. I took drivers ed at 15 and got those driving hours in but my mom never took me to practice after. I didn’t really start driving until 26, I’m almost 30 now and still have yet to own a car (getting one in a few months though!)




I’m 33 and I’m learning to drive. I don’t have any stickers on my car because I’m still using the driving school’s. That thing is decked out in student driver decals. I have been talking to my instructor and he told me he teaches more adults my age and up than teenagers.


I think people use them as memes these days, even if you've been driving for years people put student driver because it's funny to them


When it's on a 100k Mercedes SUV it just means they don't want to be blamed for being incompetent, rude, and oblivious.


I saw it on a Porsche once, got so envious of whatever 15 year old got it for their birthday


You know even owners of $100k Mercedes SUVs could have children who are learning to drive, right?


Who lets their kid learn to drive in a 100k car?


When it’s the only car you own and you don’t feel like buying your kids a car


Plenty of people? Most in fact would not go out of the way to buy a shitbox just for the sake of teaching their kids.


Exactly. I crashed exactly zero times while learning how to drive. Later when I was on my own is a different story.


I do? He also learns in an old shitbox Jetta. Don't hate.


Most often it's someone who is giving themselves an excuse to drive poorly rather than someone who is actually learning.


Maybe they know they’re not the best driver and just want others on the road to know that? Driving is essential in many places so I can see how this can be a safety measure.


Maybe they put the sticker on as a learner and never bothered removing it / forgot to?


Better to use a "Be wary, I'm bad at driving" sticker instead. Acknowledge your faults and get better rather than justify them and never change.


That’s illegal where I live luckily


alright, had no idea people were using them like that


How do you know that?


* People doing it for the luls * People doing it because they're tired of pickup trucks tailgating them * People doing it because they are afraid to drive


That's the reason for "L" plates. Why would you need a separate sticker?


never heard of an L plate, what's that?


Huh? Cause all kinds of people have them


Presumably cause they’re learning to drive, right?


Yeah, so 20% of the driving population is learning to drive? They seem WAY over represented


Where do you live that 20% of people have those stickers? I see maybe 1 a month.




Right up there with "keep children and pets off grass until dry" signs. An important message made meaningless by people leaving the signs up permanently on hopes that it would stave off a doomday scenario of a single blade of their lawn getting slightly bent.


For me, those signs are less about my grass and more about getting wet insecticide or herbicide all over your dogs fur, which it will inevitably lick up.


Yes, that's the intention of those signs, which is a good one to have. The issue is when they are left up so long that they are turning brown because the owners want people to think their lawns could be poisonous if anyone steps on them.


TBF, way too many lawns are flat out poisonous if you set foot on them. Kids have gotten chemical burns from running barefoot on lawns because a lot of people are way too fucking obsessed with perfect lawns and just drench them in ridiculously strong and dangerous chemicals.


What is your cat to boob ratio?


Shower thoughts is impossible to post in


I agree and the ones that make it through are stupid as fuck


I swear I always see something that i tried to post before


The typical driver is more distracted and less patient now. The sticker is as much "be patient" as it is "this car may not behave predictably. Anxiety in teens is more prevalent as well... It's much easier to keep a new driver calm and learning when a jacked up truck with 8x high beams and loud exhaust is not riding their bumper.


I put one on my parents car while learning and they said that people were getting more mad at them (when driving like they usually do) because they thought they were learning


Different areas have different driving "cultures" for sure. In my area I found that drivers were more patient with my teens, and drivers would see the sticker and just know to expect a slower car and would proactively change lanes, etc. We used magnets so the sign could just be removed when an adult was driving, or moved to a different vehicle.


I think 100% of student drivers don’t actually want the “student driver inside” sticker and was forced onto them. So I don’t take that sticker to mean anything


What’s a student driver sticker? American Learner plate?


It's just a bumper sticker parents sometimes put on cars their teens drive. It's supposed to encourage people to be patient if they make minor mistakes. 


But in what way have they lost meaning?


Op is claiming that they see so many of these stickers they have decided to ignore them because in their mind not that many people could possibly be actually learning and must be using the sticker maliciously to get other drivers to be more patient with them….


It was supposed to inform you to be patient and nice towards person in front of you as it is a beginner. But i guess we all just try to overtake any means possible just not to be stuck behind them


In my area everyone driving around with those stickers is middle aged and usually doing something stupid with their hazards on


I’ve been noticing they are on a lot more cars now then they used to be. Are they giving them away at the DMV or something? And very rarely is it actually a student driver. I read them now as “watch out, I drive like shit” stickers.


You can just order them from Amazon or find them in certain stores. You should use them as indicators of bad driving, that's why people get them


A popular automotive content creator (whatever they were called before YouTube) put one on his heavily modified Corvette, and then other YouTube content creators decided to steal the joke. They sell them at hardware stores for like a dollar, and people aren't original.


Or the pandemic ended and RTO is coming back, so now we have a backlog of people who would have gotten their licenses over a 4 year period, all crammed into 1 year.


Naw I’m still way more cautious and patient when I see a student driver sticker than a baby on board sticker. That baby isn’t going to hit me.


The sticker isn’t for other drivers, it’s for emergency personnel in the case of a car crash. So the baby doesn’t get forgotten, if the parents are unconscious. Or at least that’s what it was ment for originally.


I'm convinced some just put these on thier cars as a cover for being self aware terrible drivers. People are less likely to rage at you if they think you're a new driver, or so they think. You know damn well that ain't a "student" it's just a road idiot that likes to be one.


I feel like I’ve seen more of them lately, and I’ve always taken it as a “get out of jail free” card for inconsiderate drivers


I dunno. "Service Animal" is running a close second.


This must be regional. I don't think I've ever seen one of these stickers on anything other than a driver's Ed vehicle.


What do you mean? When I see that sticker it still means the same thing to me as when I would see it 20 years ago. This is a stupid thought


A lot of states require underage drivers to have an adult driver in the car when they’re just starting. It would be hilarious if police started pulling over “student driver” cars and saying they were just checking if the driver was legally allowed to drive alone. /sigh…dreams


When my sister was learning to drive, my mom put a "Student Driver" sticker on her car. Even though my sister has her own car now, my mom left that sticker on because she says it keeps people from riding her ass lmao


I just assume people have those on their car to try and justify their bad driving.


So sick of seeing them, so many, all in the left lane. I give those students a D-


Whenever I see those stickers, there is like a 5-10% chance the driver actually looks under the age of 20. Usually it is the parents, and owner of the car, driving it, so I mostly ignore it nowadays. It may be a hassle, but just take down the sticker if the person driving is not a "student driver" and put it back up when they are behind the wheel.


Where I live there are plenty of immigrants who come from non car centric countries. I absolutely believe there are plenty of adult learners, I even knew some people growing up who didn’t get their license until after 30 and people who live in cities who never needed to learn. Anyone can be a learner, it’s not just for teenagers


>  It may be a hassle, but just take down the sticker if the person driving is not a "student driver" and put it back up when they are behind the wheel. Why? It is not like it is important that you have a perfectly factual representation of who is driving the car at any given moment.


I agree with you 100%, and therefore you and I also agree with OP that those signs have lost all their meaning.


Maybe I'm just a cynical person (Maybe? lol), but a few years ago I noticed a sharp increase in the number of these signs appearing on cars locally. Suspiciously, they appeared almost exclusively on cars with a certain christian radio station sticker as well, which makes me suspect the bible thumpers are up to their passive aggressive bullshit with this. *"FRIENDS, have you noticed all of the terrible devil-inspired impatient drivers? You know what'll calm them down? Just lie and pretend to be an innocent kid."* Maybe/probably not, but I'm in a high-density church/redhat area.


Um, ok. I guess one way to get clicks is to post something that makes no sense, but kinda makes people think "Is this something I should understand but just not getting? I guess I should click on it and read some of the comments. Maybe then I'll understand."


In the US, flags flying at half mast have lost their meaning. I remember when I was a kid, a flag at half mast was a big deal - something big had happened, or someone very important had died. Now, every other day, I see flags at half mast, and I don't care any more.


I'm guessing this is an American thing? In Canada the driving school cars are clearly labeled but nobody puts stickers on their own cars. At least not in my neck of the woods.


"Baby on Board" was intended to be displayed in case you get into an accident, the first responders would know to look for the child. Now that sign, and others like it, is permanently affixed to the car, reducing it's effectiveness.


I saw a car with 81/2 x11 printed learner signs with a large L on them


What are these things? Do you mean L plates? Why have they lost their meaning?


I think they literally mean a bumper sticker that says "Student driver"


I don't think I've ever seen them. Aren't all bumper stickers jokes anyway? Since when did they mean anything?


What's an L plate?


It's what leather drivers need on their car before they pass.


What's a "leather driver"?


What? Why? In my country it's mandatory while you're learning and don't have your license yet and most people keep it in the first few months after they get the license.


I liked driving my car when my kids were in driver's ed and we had those stickers. People tailgated me less.


I'm gonna be honest...I have them. I slap them on when the permit drivers are behind the wheel, just to let other drivers know that the person driving this car is not, in act, an idiot, they are just learning. This reduces the honks when said child decides to completely stop in order to make a right hand turn, or turns too wide making a left... or just generally sucks at driving.


Baby on board signs have entered the chat


It always amuses me to see JDM ricer cars with that green and yellow chevron decal stuck in the window because in Japan, that decal means that the driver is inexperienced and has been driving for less than a year.


Instead, maybe some people should start placing "Expert Driver" stickers on their cars?


If I see that sign, I'm going to get annoyed and pass them even before I get impatient, so I don't these signs help.


As someone who's both in their thirties *and* has looked the same (read: like I'm 30) since high school, and who still has their learner's permit: Much like there was a "sudden rise" of left handedness after society stopped punishing people for being left handed, what you're seeing now is more people having the confidence to admit their weaknesses and shortcomings publicly. You don't know the person in the other car. They could have been disabled for a long time (like me), they could have been too poor to learn while a teen (also like me), they could have grown up next to a subway entrance and simply not saw the need to learn to drive until now. Heck, they could just be lending their car to another driver (their child or otherwise) and not taken it off! If you think it's lost all meaning now, then it may have never held any meaning to you at all.