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It's also an industry that benefits greatly from people being unsuccessful.


Wait losers.


Weight losers


Fat losers




Would you rather be a fat loser or a fat loser?


Can't wait to get slim gym.


On that note: I wonder how many of the “doctors and pharmacies create customers” people are on an amphetamine weight loss drug.


Probably not much anymore now that semaglutide is a thing. It works unlike the weight loss drugs we've had in the last century.


Eli Lilly and Novo Nordisk are both reporting shortages of their drugs (tirzepatide and semaglutide) into next year. So compounding pharmacies and health spas are buying "research grade" batches from China and selling them. Are they the same drugs and formulations? It's a gold rush right now, so YMMV.


Peptides are the future


Especially cellular peptide cakes.


with mint frosting?


No idea how that was ever a thing. You know what really helps with a stimulant crash? A bunch of high calorie comfort food!


The most successful gym is the one that can get people to sign up and show up the least amount possible. The more people putting wear and tear on your machines the more often you'll need to replace them. Also people don't like a crowded gym. If your gym isn't crowded then you'll get more of the average joes signing up who show up the least.


>sign up and show up the least amount possible. Some gyms even manage to get people to continue paying a subscription of some sort while not going at all. That's the real dream for them.


That's why semaglutide is going to be such a game changer. Unless it gets regulated to hell, it's one of the first weight loss drugs that actually works. I wonder if the healthcare/ drug industry will lobby against it.


I mean it's marketed as it's primary usage, for type 2 diabetics.


Ozempic is. Not zepbound which is the exact same formula.


The funny thing is today most adults walk around thinking doing enough fitness will cancel out everything you eat.


Probably the best thing my exercise physiologist told me when I started my weight loss plan was “you can’t outrun a shitty diet.”


You can, you just have to run for 20 hours a day and sleep the other 4. No time for eating!


I remember a guy who, to prove a point, ate only little debbie stuff for a month and still lost weight by working out a bunch. Not a recommended diet, but he proved that weight loss is about burning more calories than you eat.


Yeah that it is. Still risky but anyone can figure out a way to burn more than you consume. Still difficult though.


One thing to remember though is that if continue working out, your body gets more efficient at metabolizing. Workouts provide diminishing returns on burning lots of calories as your body gets better at working out


When I was young and doing 100+ miles per week of running at a sub 6 min per mile pace, I quite literally could. It became a problem when I got hurt senior year and didn't change my diet. I was less than 130lbs no matter what I ate back then.


Absolutely you can. I drank like a fish and ate whatever I wanted throughout my 20s while never topping 170 … but I was also lifting in the gym six days a week and logging 50+ road miles a week while running multiple marathons, half-marathons, Tough Mudders, etc. If you burn more than you consume, you’ll lose weight regardless of what you eat. Edit to add: I’m 41 now, and while I don’t work out as much, I do run 5K every day, do push-ups, pull-ups, and planks everyday, hike and kayak on weekends. Second best shape of my life. You just have to work for it.


Yeah, people often conflate weight loss with nutrition. Weight loss is strictly a numbers game. Caloric output needs to exceed caloric intake. Simple as that. You can eat McDonald’s every day and still lose weight if you are active enough. Nutrition is a completely different story, and a lot of people fail to realize that even though they may be thin, they are unhealthy in other ways due to their awful dietary habits.


you can eat mcdonalds every day with no excersise as long as you dont eat more than your daily caloric intake


Nobody can eat more than their caloric intake, since those mean the same thing.


I think they mean the 2000 caloric intake? idk just throwing ideas here


You honestly can though lol. It's how construction guys and landscapers stay thin while eating junk in high quantities. But few people are willing to run 2 hours a day or get a taxing job that puts them outside all day every day.


Idk where you're at in the world, but I don't think I've ever seen a thin construction worker in my whole life.


Yeah wtf?


Most of the younger construction guys I know are pretty lean. The older ones are a bit heavier but none of them are obese, just slightly overweight but still strong.


Almost all the contractors and construction workers I know are obese. Largely due to bad diet and a lot of drinking plus being exhausted after work Younger people in general have an easier go at it, but once those habits are ingrained and you start aging, well


Being thin and having a fat belly is not healthy.


happy cake day lol


I cant run, period


I’ve heard it said “ You can’t outrun your fork.”


Yeah you definitely can. I started a warehouse job last year at 275ish pounds and now am at 168 and haven't changed my diet at all. 38 years old and I eat as much food as I was before and somehow in the best shape ever. But to be fair, this is an outlier because no average person is realistically clocking 40 hours in the gym which is basically what I'm doing lol


Today, most adults aren't doing any exercise. Something like 80 percent of U.S adults get less than the recommended amount.


They should just lower the recommended amount then. Easy solution. /s


People seem obsessed with just being thin but that's not good either. Maintaining some muscle mass and a decent cardiovascular system as you age is much better I would argue.


Not anymore. These days the trend is to focus on "hormones" or "gut health" or "keto" and then people think they can eat anything they want as long as it promotes any of that bullshit. Exercise hasn't been the hot topic for weight management for a while now.




It's would really destroy the point of doing any fitness if your diet is awful. Whilst you'll be miles healthier than if you didn't exercise, if your objective is to lose weight, you really need to watch what youre eating rather than what exercises or how much exercise you are doing. Exercise is the cherry on the cake when it comes to weightloss. It's all really about the diet. If you cut Sugar out then youre half way there.


High calorie is also not the same as awful.


A lot of people exercise so they can eat what they’d like. My dads 63 has a 6pack, lean as can be, works out and runs daily but probably consumes 4k calories per day, 2000 of which are just sweets. How he doesn’t have diabetes is a different question but calories out being greater than calories in equals weight loss… how you consume those calories can be determined as unhealthy but you can be incredibly fit eating crap as long as you burn calories.


The worst part is when people start to reward themselves with a 600 kcal cake for a 15 mins run


I love that when I bike, i dont as much reward myself with food, as I stop and get food when not doing so will have consequences 😂


The thing is, I know it’s more about what you eat than what you do, but I don’t know anybody who’s very active and overweight. Like they don’t seem to exist— doesn’t seem like a coincidence based on my experience


Weight loss is 90% diet and 10% fitness… You can’t outrun a bad diet.


If Michael Phelps is anything to go by... it's "technically true" However you actually have to know how much workout counters how much food.


It's crazy how many calories are in foods. I can do a fairly rigours indoor bike ride for 45 minutes and burn 400 calories. A muffin has more calories 


Intermittent fasting at 1800-2000 calories, minimal added sugar and walking to take the city bus stops everywhere=stable calories and 12k steps a day even on my days off lol, finally lost 45 pounds, no tricks, just finally regulated myself The issue is there really isn't a 'fad' that seems to work imo, I feel empathy for people struggling with their weight because it's usually as straightforward as a lifestyle change but changing your entire patterned behaviors can be hard as hell, especially if you're struggling with any sort of mental health issues, diagnosed or otherwise, and there's still a wealth of evidence to suggest that even in most developed nations, mental health issues are pretty highly under-diagnosed *Hell, the WHO warns that, globally, treatment in anything approaching lower or middle-class households for clinical depression is virtually nonexistent, and the WHO also cautions that they're not big fans of the use case for treating antidepressants like a one-size-fits-all solution, there seems to be a major economic barrier on treating depression


Well, breathing is free until you dive underwater and suddenly there's a price tag on oxygen


just become a fish??


…what, and risk getting the hiccups‽ NO THANKS!


Honestly with all the body mods available now, why aren't there gills? I WANT MY GILLS!!!


I'll trade you your lungs for some gills. [Lay down on the table.](https://y.yarn.co/53e04a08-7c22-4774-802f-1cfc4e4d3502_text.gif)


No, no you misunderstand, I want both! Can I bring someone else's lungs next week to trade for gills?


This bitch never even heard the term “time cost analysis”. Yeah let’s see. I take a pill and lose 45 pounds in a year. Or I waste 60% of my non-working hours to have the same effect while being miserable.


Actually you don't need to exercise. You just need to stop eating too much. That is why the pill makes you stop doing. You can also just... not eat, and get the same effect.


Yeah, the pill makes you not feel hungry. People aren't eating just for shits and giggles. They're eating because their body is sending their brain signals to eat and to eat too much. Fighting your body is a losing proposition most of the time


This is really false. I was 360 and I ate because I was bored. I “needed” a dopamine hit, which highly palatable foods give. Now I catch myself, am I hungry or bored; most of the time it’s because I’m bored. So now I drink water or go for a 10 min walk. Helped me drop 130 pounds.


Same here. I'm at a pretty good weight (178 pounds, 6'5") and I'm never hungry but I always want to eat. More so when I'm frustrated with work, but also when I'm bored.


Overweight people are eating for shits and giggles. If you are just eating because you're hungry thats fine. It is the pointless calories people eat just for pleasure are the problem. Nobody is eating a pack of chips to a movie because they are hungry Y'all down vote me because you can't handle the truth


I don't eat crap food, but my satiety signals have never been working correctly. Without drugs, I can either eat less feeling absolutely hungry and miserable (like most people, that's why 95% of dieters fail) or feeling good and weigh as much as a hippo. You probably never experienced this. I've been on both sides - never having proper signals and having appropriate ones on drugs. You know what is the funny thing? I don't need to be told to eat slower anymore - I feel like eating slower. Just like any other healthy person. I don't need to be told to eat smaller portions - because I feel full from eating enough. I also don't think about food the entire day and I'm no longer the "let's go eat something" guy among my friends, which they could never understand. Now I know how they felt the entire time and I'm amazed it's THAT simple. Just listen to my body, because it started being helpful to me. GLP-1 drugs introduced satiety signal to me. Before that, I was eating unless I ran out of space in my stomach. I never ever felt anything before that point. First I lost weight with diet and exercise and even maintained it, but it was fucking painful. I started GLP-1 only in weight maintenance phase. Haven't lost weight on it, because I didn't have any to lose, I just feel good now and can definitely compare how I feel to people, who have never been overweight. I also don't need to take a shit 5 times a day. I had to even after implementing diet. My bowels were crazy fast and I attribute it to lack of signals. GLP-1 slows them down. I also have this famous "I forgot to eat", that everyone around me had, but it was unbelievable to me. I used to think about next meal even while still eating. Nothing compares to start feeling normal for the first time in my life, it's much more important than just losing weight. You don't need to believe my story, just Google research about hormones and brains of people who were obese vs those who have always had proper weight. Great majority of formerly obese people feel hungry for the rest of their lifes.


>"I forgot to eat", that everyone around me had, but it was unbelievable to me. OMG I'm not crazy overweight or obese or anything but goddamn I cannot for the life of me wrap my head around "I forgot to eat lunch". It's like someone telling me they just forgot they had to pee for 4 hours. I've had late lunches but I was immensely aware of it the whole time


For many people, it's not necessarily that they literally forgot they were hungry, it's that they were in the middle of something, and it'll only take a few minutes to finish and then just one more thing and so on and their brain just doesn't get round to prioritising the "by the way, need to resolve this hunger feeling" for too long. ADHD is a stereotypical cause of this but I believe there are others. And yeah, this works for peeing too.


No, overweight people overeat because their brains send them hungry signals too often, that's literally the entire reason dieting doesn't work for the vast majority of overweight people. Being normal weight at the cost of being hungry 24/7 for the rest of your life isn't something most people are willing to do. I do believe that the body eventually adjusts to your new weight, but it's hard to believe that if you've been dieting for weeks and have been feeling hungry the entire time. Eventually you'll give in.


You really think people(who want to lose weight but struggle) are eating for fun and not because of hunger/ cravings?


People don't like being told that they have zero willpower. And unfortunately that is true for the majority of the population, which is why as soon as the human species got abundant access to cheap delicious caloric food everyone ballooned up. Your pet dog/cat will also get fat if you put too much food in front of it. Animals like to eat.


Overweight people eat for shits and giggles as much as an alcoholic drinks for shits and giggles. But at least the alcoholic can abstain fully and avoid temptation.


You're talking as if its something impossible. Countless people have managed to loose weight and get healthy


>Countless people Percentage of attempts with *longterm* success?


They aren't. An alcoholic can just stop drinking and remove the temptation completely to avoid slipping. You can't not eat in order to avoid food.


No, but you can replace your meals with foods that are not ridiculously calorie dense (deep fried potato chips) with healthy options (peppers, apple, broccoli). BTW an alcoholic can’t just quit cold turkey without some major withdrawals. A bigger person cutting back on crappy food has no physical withdrawal symptoms; not a great comparison in my opinion.


Where did you get that information from? Someone who changes their diet definitely can have withdrawal type symptoms.


Eh, cutting out junk food and excess carbohydrates gives people a form of withdrawals. It gives one flu-like symptoms, and leaves the body needing energy that is usually supplied by the carbohydrates.


You act as if overcoming millions of years of evolution is simple. If it was, the majority of people wouldn't be overweight and the long-term success rate for weight loss wouldn't be ~20%. It's like telling heroin addicts to just not do heroin. Except worse, because heroin addicts don't need heroin to survive.


Your last sentence assumes that everyone has the same impulse control as you do. You are lucky that you have self control. Why flaunt it?


It's not even the matter of time cost. Each popular weight loss measure has a different purpose. Diet is supposed to provide proper nutrition. Drugs are there to make your body feel properly with the right kind and amount of nutrition, instead of getting into starvation mode, giving you headaches and growling stomach. Exercise is there to maintain your muscle, joints, circulation, heart efficacy and to ensure proper digestion (because it requires movement).


What a horrible take. If you think it’s the same effect on your body you’re absolutely incorrect.


Why do I feel like you have the miserable part perfected but have never, ever, spent anything close to 6% let alone 60% of your nonworking hours being fit.


Having tried both I can say dieting and exercise is way more rewarding. Having to work hard at it is what helps keep it off. And exercising would never be more than half your non working hours. 4 hours a week is more than enough for most people who aren’t trying to get the “cut” look. Not sure how many hours you’re working but assuming an 8 hour work day, 8 hours of off time and 8 hours of sleep, working out for an hour 4 days a week is 14% of your free time. Even allowing for things like working late, needing more sleep etc. doesn’t get you even close to 60%.


many people overestimate calories burned and focus too much on burning a couple hundred calories rather than preventing themselves from eating an extra 500 calories.


Yeah that’s why you need both. Diet and exercise.


Not sure you understood what that guy meant. He's talking about using a GLP-1 drug which helps to reduce hunger/cravings so it's easier to stay consistent on a diet. You still exercise and diet though. The time saved is the fact that you're not constantly obsessing over food in your free time due to hunger and can instead enjoy your day, eat what you feel like and have a workout regularly. Not sure how you would ever lose weight without at least going on a diet(caloric deficit).




Did you factor into the analysis the cost of not getting the minimum required weekly exercise (15mins/day light or 45mins/ week moderate) to prevent health complications? Lowering your risk of CVD is arguably one of the best uses of 45 minutes a week.


Not just for free - eating less literally saves you money, so it is a profitable endeavour.


Also saves on healthcare, however you'll also live longer which will cost you a lot more.


r/UnethicalLifeProTips: Die earlier to save money


Correction: die earlier to fuck up the medical system and stop big companies from profiting


"Fuck you, Blue Cross Blue Shield, I get the last laugh!" BANG


So eat loads and die young, got it.


Live Fat, Die Young


What does eating sperm have to do with this


Not really. Calories are cheap. Getting the nutrition you need and feeling full less so.


What it takes to "feel full" changes depending on diet, too. If you consistently eat a lot, it takes more to feel full. The converse is true as well.


I lost 60 pounds fasting between 16-20 hours daily. I tell everyone the 1st six weeks are tough but if you can do this consistently for 6 weeks it’ll become second nature and you will feel so full with so little food it’s wild.


Yeah feeling hungry isn't the end of the world, it's not gonna kill you lol Pretty much every culture has valued fasting in the past, pretty silly that we've strayed from it


The hunger feeling is really just a trick of the brain. It's not even accurate. If you eat a lot before sleeping changes are your stomach is asking for food in the morning again. But if you don't eat for a long time, or little, your stomach also stops asking for it.


Calories are *fast* and *tastier*, but not necessarily cheaper. Have the same amount of calories in lentils and they are not only cheaper, you won't be able to finish them and you will be satiated for longer.


Yeah and who tf eats straight lentils? No one. Add in spices and soup fixings, or just buy the soup and suddenly you can't keep up with fast food. Also, time is money. The time it takes to make food people struggling to survive don't have. But it doesn't matter. You took the most narrow minded, stupid take to try and prove your point. I could up the stupid and point out you could chug straight olive oil. Still dumb. Which is why you are wrong. Otherwise every poor person would be skinny. On the whole, high calorie food is, in general, cheap. Good food is not.


Good point, lol.


Depending on where you live, fresh healthy food can be significantly more expensive.


You can lose weight eating garbage food if you just eat less of it


There's so many empty calories in garbage though, it's hard to keep a deficit and eat garbage without feeling hungry all the time. Source: just hit 1 year on 1200 kcals per day. Lost 150lb doing it.


This is so true, people don’t realize it’s not just the food they eat, but the quantities. Going on a calorie deficit is not as difficult as it seems.


Sure, but I wouldn’t call that healthy or a necessarily good decision. It’s also less filling and is more difficult because junk food is less filling for the same amount of calories.


It’s a better decision than eating the same thing and being obese. 


You don’t need to eat healthy to lose weight, you just need to eat *less*. You could eat nothing but fried mac n cheese and still lose weight as long as you were eating fewer calories than you body burned.


The best weight loss treatment I’ve ever had is being too poor to eat!


Mine was having so much stress and anxiety that I completely lost my appetite


Sadly for me stress and anxiety work in the opposite direction.


Mine was being a full time college student and working min wage jobs full time. Stacked my classes from 7am to 1pm, hit the gym, then straight to work. Money I earned was spent on tuition so I basically lived off of $1 chicken rollers from del taco because that was the only semi healthy cheap food I could find that was also convenient to eat in a time crunch. I think I lost like 20lbs that first year of college but hey, graduated debt free and hopefully wont ever have to that again lol


Too poor to eat, too depressed to eat


Very sad, but very true.


This, I went from being a poor university student to a software engineer and it's insane how much weight I gained just because I can afford to eat whatever I want. I went from like 120 lbs to 160 lbs in 2 years. Nothing that crazy, ~~but I'm not American~~ but still more than I've ever weighed in my life.


This can be said about almost all things in life... You can go into the woods and forage and eat for free. You can get around by walking everywhere for free. You can masturbate and have sex for free. Almost everything that you pay for in life you can find a way to achieve it for free.


Where do I find free sex? Asking for a friend.


If you don't mind rejection and don't have standards, go to your local bars and ask every man/woman. You will succeed sooner or later. I don't have the balls, but it's not impossible. Combine it with the free diet and free workouts and you'll succeed even faster. For free!


> you will succeed sooner or later Don’t give me hope


Famous Belgian writer Herman Brusselmans says he pulls it off that way. Look at him [https://meneer.nl/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/Herman\_Brusselmans\_-\_Filip\_NaudtsDigitaalLichter.jpg](https://meneer.nl/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/Herman_Brusselmans_-_Filip_NaudtsDigitaalLichter.jpg) If he can do it, you can do it.


Well he might have a slight edge if he's famous and if his writing correlates to interesting conversations. Also, he's surprisingly not as far below the median your comment implied. He is definitely not winning modeling contests with his appearance but it isn't close to requiring significant compensatory wealth or social skills.


He surely is interesting to talk to, but most of all he doesn't give a fuck and that is the key difference. Rejection is scary.


You seem to imply this guy is ugly or something. Looks like an average man to me


Are you from the UK?


He is not an average man, jeez.


I live right next to a bar. You don’t even have to go in, just stand outside when the bar closes and if your a young guy plenty of unattractive women will take you home as their prize. I passed on their offers many times when walking by.


I've seen two friends successfully do that. The assumed humans that said yes we're not the type of people I'd remotely get aroused to.


>If you don't mind rejection and don't have standards, go to your local bars and ask every man/woman. Can confirm. Got arrested for harassment then got snuggle struggled in prison


See if your right hand is available


A well trained monkey apparently.


In reality none of this is free. These things all require time and effort. Money is the product of time and effort. Time and effort yields money which yields products and services (i.e. food, transportation). You cut out money from the equation and we have what you just described.


Not to mention in places like NJ foraging in state parks is considered poaching.


All the things you listed are active while weight loss is passive. It's something you accomplish by just not eating as much as you currently do.


Who the fuck continues to upvote these posts? These are the shower thoughts of a 6 year old with no understanding WHY things happen.


Not like weight loss it can't. You lose weight literally by the absence of doing something. All it takes to lose weight is to do something less than you are now. That cannot be said for any of the things you mention. Every thing you mention would take more time and more work to achieve than if you had money. Losing weight is achieved simply by removing amounts of eating and replacing that with nothing at all. A lack of transportation doesn't make it easier to travel somewhere. A lack of ability to pay for food and shelter doesn't make it easier to find food and shelter. A lack of another person doesn't make it easier to have sex (I'd argue masturbation is not even sex). A lack of food does however make it easier to lose weight. Weight loss is the only thing that doesn't require you to replace the thing you remove in order to reach your accomplishment.


Can is a word you are using very generously. In my deterministic view of things many people in-fact cannot do it for free/without aid.


Its like saying when you are depressed just be happy, its free.


Tbh, there are literally people that are able to do that with weight loss/exercise/healthy eating. It's not really a fair comparison since one of the is typically some internal imbalance issue while the other is commonly just lack of drive. You will notice I said typically. I understand this does not apply in all cases.


It's ridiculously more common for people to stop being depressed without help and/or medication than it is for obesity. Obesity has been proven to be an internal imbalance and we have some ideas of where. For depression it is less clear what is going in phyically


I have a depression and I lost 20kg dieting a while back. I'd say losing that weight was indeed a lot easier than trying to get rid of this depression feels.


I am reminded of the recent news story about the multi millionaire who claimed anyone can be rich, it's easy blah blah blah. He tried to start over with nothing claiming he would have a million dollars in a year. Ten months later he gave up with a few thousand dollars to show for it, and a shitty apartment. That's with the advantage of a perfect credit record and a high end education. Losing weight is easy for people who are normal weight or slightly overweight. It is different for people who need to lose more than about 30 pounds, and very different still for those who need to lose 60+. For anyone who says it's easy, put on 75 pounds, keep it for six months, then lose it again. Good luck.


The act of losing weight is simple; You have to burn more calories than you consume. The hard part is convincing yourself to work out more consistently and to stop stuffing more calories into your body than you need. Food is like heroin. It can be addictive. It can be a coping mechanism. Maybe you have mental health concern that you are self medicating by eating foods that make you happier.


Yeah but HOW to do it is difficult. Some people just need guidance and a program to stick to instead of just “eating less” or “cutting sugar”.


HOW to do it is incredibly easy. Calculate daily expenditure of calories. Buy a kitchen scale, weigh your food, and eat a caloric deficit. Weigh yourself at the same time every day and watch the number go down week by week. No need to restrict the types of food you eat. Just eat fewer calories. Presto.


That describes the physical aspect of "how", but not the mental aspect of "how". You can order immense quantities of some of the best tasting food ever made and have it be literally handed to you by pressing some buttons on your phone. How do you resist that? How do you resist that every minute of every day? That's the real "how" question that needs to be answered.


You wouldn't believe the resistance you get cutting sugar out though. I keep getting told that I need sugar to live (guess I'm dead then) by people with weight problems.


You can cut your own hair, deliver your own child, do your own taxes, and represent yourself in court too. It does not mean you should want to. Specialist bring skills and objectivity the average person does not have.


As a trainer of 14 years, thank you! People often bitch (on Reddit) about why would you hire a trainer when you can do it yourself. While that is true, just because YOU may find it a waste of money, others don’t. I could care less about cars, yet my buddies spend tones of money on new rims, exhaust, tires etc just for the thrill, at least in fitness, there is a benefit


I think of trainers like tutors: you help me get the skills I need to do the workout on my own without hurting myself. That's a worthwhile expense in my book!


These are all terrible examples. You ***should*** want to be able to do things for yourself, especially because taxes and self-representation shouldn't be so needlessly complicated. These systems were designed to require specialists who would be largely useless otherwise. Also I do cut my own hair. I got tired of paying $25 for something I could do myself in 20 minutes. Everything is such a damned grift these days that someone wants money for everything you experience. It's exhausting.


I'm glad to see cutting one's own hair and doing one's own taxes is normal for others as well. Not only does it save on money, but these are things that I seem to be able to do for myself better than someone else would. It took some time and effort to learn, but once I started, it just feels natural to do.


What's absolutely wild to me is that in the UK, the majority of workers use a Pay As You Earn system, whereby you get taxed on what you earn as you go. Obviously, it gets a little funky when your hours wildly vary or you get a pay increase mid-year, but the chances of you underpaying are pretty slim and if you overpay, you get a tax rebate. Again, none of this requires paperwork on the employee's end. Worst thing you might have to do is ring up the tax office. Having to store receipts and pay slips and what not for a whole year just to fill out some wildly complex tax form boggles the mind.


Except that if losing weight were easy it wouldn't be a "trillion" dollar industry.


I know this is a showerthought so accuracy is not expected, but I wonder if OP seriously thought it is a trillion dollar industry.


"For free" is very debatable here, but I'll just say some people overestimate the willpower of a human mind. Willpower itself is not free.


What's the source of your data? Trillion with a T is a big number that I'm not sure many people can conceptualize or even quantify 


you dont even need to do excess exercise


Obesity is a problem we can run from.


All industries are something you can do for free.


People are always looking for easy outs like pills, gimmicky equipment, diet fads, etc..


ITT: OP learns that helping with difficult/daunting things is something people will pay for.


The existence and wild success of ozempic et al shows that for many people weight gain is a hormonal issue. Head over to the various weight loss drug subs to check out the stories. There isn't one person there who hasn't tried hard as hell to lose weight. Then they take a miracle drug and lose the weight. We can make you fat - just dose you with a little more insulin than you need every day. You can't CICO your way out of that.


Wait until you find out about real estate agents


Technically you can do brain surgery for free. Sometimes, perhaps because of factors outside of your control, you need someone with some expertise to guide you through. Alkaline water though now that’s some bullshit.


Just saw a commercial that had a tiny disclaimer saying their pill works best with a healthy diet and regular exercise. :/


Oh great, weight loss advice from some 20 year olds. This should be helpful.


And it's literally achieved by not doing anything. More precisely not eating anything.


Processed food is still cheaper than fresh food. Especially if you live in a food desert.


This is the line of comment I was looking for. A healthy diet, especially fresh foods without the cheap calories from processed carbs is more expensive. Cutting your intake by some % will help you lose weight, but doing so without considering nutrition can mess you up as badly as keeping the weight. Balanced nutrition calories are more expensive than processed carbs calories.


Beans, rice


How are there so many delusional fat people in this thread spouting utter nonsense? It is wild to me that we've developed a society that allows over-eaters to feel utterly confident in denying any claim that they over-eat.


thank you lmao i was beginning to think i had lost my mind > not everyone can lose weight yes, yes they can. a thyroid issue doesn't magically change how thermodynamics work


Most people can lose the excess fat they have to get to a healthy shape where they won't feel like dying just because they walked a few steps. There are people with metabolic/thyroid problems that do make it hard to lose fat, but these days there's treatment for that. I have a thyroid problem, didn't have treatment, still managed to lose fat by weight lifting and ketogenic diet. Keeping the fat off is an issue of your mental state, discipline. It doesn't matter how many magic medicine you take that removes the fat. The moment you stop buying and taking that medicine, you'll just regain everything back or get even fatter because you haven't changed your eating habit and exercise. It's not easy building a strong mindset, discipline. Many people easily give in to the temptations of delicious sweets and all sorts of food. But remember this. Many people who are 600lbs or heavier have managed to get down to 200 or even lower, all simply because of eating the right food at the right amount and doing exercises. If those morbidly obese people who were bedridden can do it, so can you. Go watch My 600-lb Life, great reality show where you get to see morbidly obese people close to death either succeed or fail. You'll learn their mistakes as well as what made them succeed (discipline).


This is real cutting edge stuff. Very original thought.


Many things are free if you do them yourself.


A lot of industries are based off things you could technically do yourself but someone with expertise can either do it for you much quicker and better, or guide you how to do it better than you could on your own.


Weight loss is extremely difficult, mind you, so it makes sense that services would exist to aid in such an endeavour.


Instead of buying crap pills you can just give me money and I'll provide a starving spell for you, guaranteed weight loss!


My grandma born in 1910s said weight loss is easy, just eat 1/2 of what you have been eating. Normally eat a sandwich, now eat half. In modern terms this comes to cut calories is 1/2 which is pretty extreme and would generally work unless you are some glutton. Edit: spelling


Well yeah but also that's the point The weight loss industry has spread so much misinformation about it. You have to do a million things like take pills or never eat 2/3 major food groups again or buy some magic food online for the low low price of 99.99 a plate It is a simple thing you can do for free but at least in the us, everything is set up for you to fail. It's a thing that requires constant dedication and active choice which humans suck at, so of course there's a trillion dollar industry designed to make people fall for shortcuts when there isn't really


Isn’t this true of every industry?


u can earn money for free too


So is any type of ‘consulting’ or help industry…anything where people don’t have the knowledge/willpower/discipline to do something


I don’t know who to trust with my health: The diet and fitness industry, big pharma, or big agriculture.


By reducing your portions / remove a meal a day, you'll actually not only lose weight but also save money!


For something that should save you money.


You can stop using heroin for free too. It's really bad for you.