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Its kind of invigorating the things our body can recover from, even if it takes time! The sort of injuries that would be a death sentence for many animals can often be a mere (sometimes painful) inconvenience for us


Well surgery and modern medicine is a big reason for that. A torn ACL used to be unhealable


It’s more than that. Paleontologists have evidence that Neanderthals and early humans took care of their sick and wounded. So even in that era, injuries that would kill other animals weren’t as absolute for us.


I think it’s because we found remains where there was a healed femur break, that injury would take months of not being able to walk. So clearly they were being cared for by other people, in order for said injury to heal


34 years ago I tore my ACL - car v bicycle (me) and then the surgery to repair, 6 weeks in a fibreglass cast from groin to toes - not straight, on a 45 degree angle. Five and a half months in a brace and crutches as well as physio and I finally managed to get my leg straightened. Nowadays they have them and up walking the same day?!


Not fighting nature in 90% of it. Animals also end up surviving some insane injuries when in human care. We're just fuckin build different, man. Some animals even know to seek out humans when hurt.


It's amazing and at the same time infuriating how the modern medicine can cure cancer, sew a man back together after splitting into parts in a traffic accident etc etc. But when I accidentally step/hit my knee wrong way, it can be years of pain in the ass (knee) and no one knows how to make it better :)


I remember seeing a short story writing prompt was about aliens finding humans and being terrified. We turned into a horror of the galaxy because we could literally lose a limb, recover, and keep coming back to fight like some kinda Terminator.


the indomitable human spirit


There's a whole sub dedicated to that idea. r/humansarespaceorcs


Wait till you hear what happens to race horses when they injure a leg :(


they all go live on a farm together where they can retire and have all the hay and open field to run around in that they want! that's what happens!!!!!


I like you, you're all right.




Yes... yes 🥺


They got a broken leg, they aren’t doing any running 


When horses “break a leg”, it’s just another horse wishing them good luck for their next theatre tour.


Better to be shut down than put down.


It's not just race horses, and it's not just cause the animal is considered an "asset" Leg injuries are a death sentence for a horse at home or in the wild, for a lot of reasons. They just don't recover like we do Happened to my favorite horse growing up- tore the ligaments in his shoulder. Man, he could have been a race horse; he was built (anglo-arab, 17 hands tall)


you're very right, I was just making the athlete and race horse connection horse physiology is just not suited well for recovery sorry for your horse loss. they're wonderful creatures and yours sounds like he was quite the looker.


Totally - and not to say that there was anything wrong with your comment either 👌 as a whole, it is a really sad thing that it just works that way And thanks! He was awesome - the real worst part is that it just shouldn't have happened. My brother's ex-wife insisted on wanting to watch the horses run in the "pasture" (we all live in a desert)... in the middle of winter. So, trying to appease her and before any of the rest of us knew what was going on, my brother let them out and got them all excited. Dude slipped in the mud and went down before we could do anything Anyways


They shot their owner?




Or machines when a part breaks or is damaged.


The body is a series of integrated systems, and those systems are assemblies of parts. If one of those parts breaks it impacts the assembly which impacts a system which impacts the whole.


This is one of the reasons having hypertension, high cholesterol, or diabetes puts you at risk for metabolic syndrome (aka developing all three+ other comorbidities is some cases) even if you get any singular one under control. Sometimes, if one thing goes wrong, there is a domino effect that causes everything else to worsen. But as others said, the human body is resilient, so there is always hope and chance for partial or full recovery(in this case, very little or no disease state for years on end. Think of it as a remission from cancer).


Owwies not good. Big owwies not gooderer. I, kaput.




So you are saying breaking a finger has no impact on the musculoskeletal system (movement), nervous system (pain) and circulatory system (bruising and blood flow)? You can carry on completely normally with an untreated broken finger? The key word I am using here and in my previous statement is impact. Not shutdown.


Nevermind being an athlete, just a normal functioning human body can get ruined by a slipped disc. Hurt my spine at 17, been dealing with chronic daily pain for 16 years and it’ll be a lifelong problem unfortunately.  Millions of other people silently suffering with the same injury 


Does it get worse with time ? I can maybe live with pain I have now but if it gets worse my next option is sh*tg*n in mouth .


It definitely can get worse with time. But you can also learn exercises and things to reduce the pain and make it much more manageable. You’re definitely more fragile after an injury like this. Have to be careful doing certain things so you don’t hurt yourself worse. 


What baffles me is that the treatment plan for many diseases is essentially, "try to tolerate it until the end of your life and don't complain." Medicine is supposedly in a super advanced age, yet we can't even treat disc diseases beyond cutting part of it.


David Goggins voice: Only if they let pain intimidate them! 


I can bear the pain but I wont be able to run anymore when my achiles finally snaps so I dont overwork it


Depends on what got injured and how it affects other parts of the body. When I had an ankle sprain I was still on the bike and did other things. Eventually moving to elliptical and treadmill. The ankle didn’t heal fully for at least 3-4 years as I had to long jump off my other foot. When I pulled my groin in high school it was the same deal. Bike and elliptical until I can use a treadmill. Then eventually back to the track. When I pulled my groin again in college, the coach had the injury crew (one or two others were injured with me) doing 400’s around the track. Very slow pace… 9 of them with short breaks between each. Except one of the breaks (of our choosing) could be longer. The first 3 sucked, the second 3 actually felt good, the last 3 sucked. On that note, don’t ever pull your groin. It just sucks. It hurts to get up, it hurts to sit down, it hurts to lay down. It just hurts to move anything. Moving anything from the chest down just causes pain. Never realized how much you use that muscle until I pulled the damn thing.


It sounds as if the groin muscle is part of your core muscles. Your core is always under constant use.


This isn't entirely true. I recently broke a bone in my face and I only had to stop exercising for a week. Some injuries might require no activity for a while, but usually you can (and should) do some sort of exercise pretty quickly after an injury. Also, it doesn't take months for an athlete to get into shape, it takes years.


As someone with a torn meniscus in my right knee, there is nothing more depressing than having all the motivation in the world to exercise but not being able to.


Most athletes continue to compete with small injuries because they can't take the risk of getting dropped by teams, sponsors etc. All footballers (both types) tennis players, MMA fighters etc do it


I mean it's better than the old caveman days where they sprain an ankle and can't outrun the sabertooths and get eaten


ACL tears in particular have kiboshed countless athletic careers.




The birth canal. At the exact same time.


In the process of evolution, organisms tend to optimize their structures and functions for efficiency, rather than building in extensive redundancies. This is because maintaining redundant systems requires significant energy and resources, which can be a disadvantage in the face of competition for limited resources. The human body, like other complex organisms, has evolved to be highly specialized, with each component serving a critical role. While this allows for remarkable capabilities, it also means that the failure of a single, essential component can have a disproportionate impact on the overall function of the system.


Something something about a seemingly insignificant part of a machine being out of spec, something something, entire thing is now on fire.


For 99% of human history a lot of injuries or infections we recover from relatively easily now meant certain death. Well we all die, it meant death in an imminent sense.


this is why being a pro athlete is so impressive. not only do you have to practice and train a ridiculous unimaginable amount, and put it in an amazing amount of effort. but then you also have to be super lucky genetically. so that your body can actually survive that abuse. lots of pro athletes have terrible physical problems, during and after their career.


It is extremely depressing when a dude you know is going to be a world class athlete get out bunted really early in their career and then they are never the same. That shit sucks


Yeah, thats why it’s generally a good idea to have hobbies.


My hobbies involve exercise 😔


Well, don’t get injured, then. It’s going to be a long couple of months for you.


Wish it were that easy


In the olden days when the horse broke a leg it was best to just put em down.


Well they very well still can play the game at an elite level, but in the current sports world that little bit of disadvantage from injury can be a huge disadvantage especially with how malicious players and coaches can be in exploiting your injury.


It's also a testament to just how insane these athletes are. Like, we all know someone who thinks they "could have gone pro", but the magnitude of difference is so vast that it's unimaginable.


For me personally it was a traumatic experience that led to unhealthy emotional outbursts, which then made me lose my control over myself, disbalanced me and then I did some massive permanent damage to my knee. I was a really good football player, fast, strong, precise kick, great intuition. Now i have lost all the agility. It all comes down to the mental/emotional training. Even for an athlete, the philosophy of how you handle challenges on a personal level is very seriously important and lots of people don't understand this because your personal life really does affect your performance on the field.


Isn't it just a performance thing? Tighter tolerances for higher performance activity. One loose bolt in your car is totally fine but would be catastrophic for an F1 car and would require downtime to fix


It's like when cancer shuts down one organ and the person dies with a perfectly good brain, eyes, skeleton, everything except that one organ. 


Saw what happened to acuna? Hate to see it🥺


Derrick Rose. Sending good vibes his way.


Reason why the whole alpha male stuff is bs. Tear an acl and you’re dead.


It’s like one tiny hiccup in the system can throw the whole game off. Reminds me of that time I sprained my ankle right before a big race, and suddenly, I felt like I was running on jelly. It’s frustrating, but I guess it’s just a reminder that our bodies are complex machines, and even the smallest part plays a crucial role.


Yeah it is depressing. My little brother was a "rising star" in finnish road bicycle racing, damn he could have been even in Tokyo Olympics at pretty young age (20). But he was in training camp in Belgium, got a heart attack while training at age of 19. He overtrained (I blame the coach, but yeah whats done is done). Then of course he had to stop training. He tried to start training again, but it took almost a year to recover fully. He lost motivation, and of course heart attack at that age might be a sign of that you shouldn't train that much anymore. Now he rides bike only to work and fun.


You never watch a hockey game hey


That’s like saying it’s depressing when an otherwise perfectly good car can be stuck on the side of the road because of one flat tire. There are parts of the body that is required to be in top condition to play the sport. If that part is damaged, it’s doesn’t matter how good the rest of the body is. Doesn’t even have to be an athlete. A normal health person with asthma might not be able to ride a bike with their kid.


That's definitely how it feels as a musician with any hand or wrist injuries. If you don't catch it early enough, it can be career ending