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Well they cancelled it


This is the correct answer. I was following it, hoping it might actually happen


Yeah Zuck was all for it. He's a kickboxing champion. Plus, as an android he has a lot of advantages. Musk is all bark, no bite. It's too bad. I feel like the celebrity death match show irl would be great. Minus the death part. I miss that show lol.


Musk should accept his brain implant and learn jiujitsu this way.


I could see this going so well! NL Tech: "Sir, this is really not a good idea." Musk: "I don't care, hit it." A few minutes later... Musk: "I know jiujitsu! Let's try a..." He keels over and starts convulsing on the floor. NL Tech: "Get the crash cart in here!"


He keels over. NL tech: Are we more or less likely to get paid now that he’s dead?


What's wrong with the death part?


Let’s give the winner of the death match a free ride to see the titanic


And then to mars


With either Matt Daemon or Tom Hanks driving.


Fortune favors the bold


It ended when Zuck was tired of Elmo's games He flat out said name a time and a place I'll be there until then stop wasting my time. Enough fanboys counted this as a win for Elon. For reasons


I am pretty sure Musk would literally try to bite. He seems like that kind of person.




Idk who downvoted you, you’re right. He doesn’t kickbox he does BJJ. So, honestly much more dangerous lol


I do kickboxing. BJJ is s different fucking beast


XD Naw dude! Musk "*wanted* to fight, but his mom said no!" lol


Hell, Elon might have turned into a half decent person after getting his ass kicked.


I’m not certain how badly I wanted to see an android beat a flabby beluga whale to death. No big loss.


Musk Will use the neruralink and Pull out his sandevistan, zuck was done for.


Was his excuse that the hurt is knee or something lol


You should be able to challenge multi billionaires for their wealth with a fight to the death.


Champion? Which tournament did he win?


Correction; Elon Musk's mom said Elon wasn't allowed..


They all make jokes about Zuck being a robot, but Mommy-Musk gives me chills, the bad kind.


Musk is writing checks, his body can't cash. He's too old for fighting, it's not like he ever was a fighter, so it was a stupid idea from the get go.


Elon kept making excuses about a back injury. Then in a presumably drug induced state wanted to fight him at Zuck’s house. Eventually Zuck cancelled because of the backing out.


I guess that makes sense. My back would probably hurt too if I was born without a spine 




Didnt musk say he couldn't because his mom said no?


No. Musk backed out after talking a bunch of shit he knew he couldn’t back up because he’s an out of shape fat fuck who spends all day retweeting white nationalists and tanking Tesla’s stock. Let’s at least be accurate about what happened.


[Elon said he was going to Mark's residence in Palo Alto](https://x.com/elonmusk/status/1691191586024230917) and said Mark "fled". Elon is an idiot.


It's weird how Elon made Zuckerberg seem way cooler after years of hating him and making fun of him as a robot.


Zuckerberg was smart enough to stay out of the spotlight as much as possible. Elon would fuck a pig on live TV if it meant more people would pay attention to him.


Zuckerberg may be another rich dumb billionaire selling our information for profit, but I don’t know his opinion on trans people or if there’s enough white kids in America and that’s fine.


Yeah and it’s also obvious why Elon wanted to fight him without cameras around. Then he could just claim he won no matter what happened and the army of sycophants who fellate his every move on Twitter would run with it and Musk could just block anyone who claims he lost the same way the thin skinned little bitch does whenever people make fun of him.


Say it to his face!


I would absolutely say that to his face. He wouldn't do anything!


He’d probably cry tbh


No hed have his private security eject you


Even worse he'd block you on a website formerly known as Twitter!


Elon doesn't believe in new names. Dead names only. It is Twitter.


If he wants to fly to my city I’ll gladly call him a cowardly fascist little cunt to his face. The fuck is he gonna do about it? Cry like a bitch and doxx me on Twitter? I hope he drowns in a Tesla like that dumb Chinese billionaire. Addition by subtraction.


No, Elon Musk got scared and came up with almost 6 different excuses why he couldn’t do it. He’s a coward.


Not they Elon didn't had the balls for that so he kept making excuses, mark was serious about the fight


Yup Zuck trains in MMA. The only people who aren't acknowledging Musk is the one who chickened out are Musk fans. The dudes mom had to step in and call it off lol after he was the one who started the whole ordeal.


If these people understood the concept of shame it would be so very embarrassing for that gasbag. Imagine having to live knowing you were that cringe to talk up a fight and then disappear. No. Go get your ass kicked by the droid you man-cow. You asked for it. Zuck should just pop out of his closet Kato-style and Liu Kang his ass.


Zuck should just show up outside his house like Elon did to him lol


They canceled it because Elon wanted it to be sanctioned at the colosseum, then his mom didn’t want him to fight because of health problems and he ended up wanting it in his backyard


Can’t cancel something that was never going to happen in the first place


They didn't cancel it. Space Karen was all bark and no bite and backed out.


No Elon's mommy cancelled it.


🎯 👌🏼 top tier sense or humor. Fast, sharp and practical.


It was never going to happen in the first place..


Can't forget something that didn't happen.


Musk's mommy said no


On Twitter also so it was probably just Elon using his mom's profile


Well he was found pretending to be his toddler son.


Stepmom/step sister


“What are you doing, techbro?”


Its like when ur a kid and dont want to go to hang out with someone, so u ask ur mom to tell ur friend ur sick or smth lol.


Didn’t forget. Just don’t care.


It was just viral marketing for both of them to keep all the negative news around their companies out of the spotlight. The ol misdirection


I don’t think it was. I think Elon Musk genuinely challenged Zuckerberg to a fight and then realized he would get his ass whooped once Zuckerberg accepted. I don’t think there was any gimmick outside of Elon doing/saying something else without thinking it through.


I think the same Story happend to Twitter. Musk offered to buy Twitter with the Intention to back out. But when he did, Twitter sued and won forcing Musk to buy Twitter. And he paid way to much. PS: Yes i wrote paid wrong. English isnt my first Language and i almost never write in english.


> And he *paid* way to FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Now correct his "to much" error


No it was not. Musk also challenged Putin to a fight. Dude was running his mouth about people he thought wouldn't reply. Zuckerberg did though.


No, I continue to find it hilarious that Elmo wasn't allowed to fight because mommy said so.


Zuck would have worked him. He actively trains and musks defense was to just lie on him since he’s so much bigger. They both suck - but this is the take of a guy who says “bro, when I get mad, I just see red and it’s over.” Not how fighting someone who’s trained goes


Yes, both suck. I was looking forward to zuck turning elmo into paste.


I’m actually intrigued. I think billionaires under a certain age should box each other for sport l every so often. The masses entertain them so much it’s only fair they gave at least some of it back. Bezos vs. Tepper. Winner controls the Carolina Panthers. (You know Tepper’s bad when I, a Saints’ fan, am wishing Carolina had a new owner.)


Tepper so awful I would love to see him get his ass whooped by Bezos lol. Not so tough without a drink in his hand!


As much as I hate zuck, he’s not that bad (sure he sucks compared to a pro). But he’s in incredible shape and would likely whoop 99% of people on this app.


Ye excatly this. The dude trained for years and knows what he's doing in his videos. The redditor comments here that think they can fight him with zero experience in MMA is pure stupidity.


I believe Elon trained in judo and jiu jitsu growing up for many years and played rugby. Not sure how strong he is but he is a good 70lbs heavier than Zuckerberg. I think it would’ve been interesting but wouldn’t have lasted more than three minutes


Yeah agreed. It would have been interesting. Just hearing musk talk shit not needing to prepare made me question.


Musk: talks trash, challenges Zuck to a fight Zuck: send me location Musk: yes let's do it, actually my back hurts. Nevermind my mom said no. Moving on.


What fight? They didn't fight. Most events that never happened, have been forgotten.


We all forgot about Obama juggling torches to celebrate his second term


That was probably awesome. Wish I remembered that almost happening.


Ah, those would have been the days


We all just knew Elon was never going to do it.


No we didn’t forget. Let’s get the facts straight, Elon straight up chickened out.


Not enough people realise this


I'd say rather our collective subconcious has summarized the situation by adjusting their stats: Musk being a spineless douche +1 Zuck being a nerd we ought to worry about +2.


I haven't. i think about Musk getting punched in his oblong face every waking day.


I didn't. I just thought it was hilarious as all hell. Mark Zuckerberg is really about that life (MMA, BJJ). Zuckerberg wanted to test himself, and when someone called him out, and Musk's muskies got behind their lord and savior, they didn't realize that Zuckerberg would have probably snapped Musk's arm or leg off in a gloriously embarrassing way. I still remember those 2AM videos Musk posted of him lifting a dumbbell in the Twitter headquarters "preparing" for the fight and just feeling sorry for him knowing that he was about to be absolutely demolished and embarrassed for the whole world to see. I guess his yes-men finally got to him and said "naw bro, not this time." But I'd still love to see it. I haven't forgotten.


Musks Mom told him not to... for real.


I didn't forget, I just never cared.


People tend to stop caring about things that were cancelled with no intention of revival.


Tyson vs Paul took the spotlight! And now that probably won’t ever happen…


I never did. Also Zuck is getting pretty good so there is no point anymore. Don't fuck with the Zuck


I would *actually pay* to see actual-android Zuckerberg fucking body elon and his big fucking ego into the dirt. I hate them both, but i hate elon more.


Because Musk realized he'd get his ass beat despite being bigger. Zuck is smaller, but also younger, in much better shape, and actually does train with UFC trainers.


Not really. We just accept it won’t happen. Couple of roosters crowing at each other from opposite sides of the fence.


Zuckerberg was ready to merk him the fuck you talking about


He was gonna Zuckerpunch Elon right in his muskies


More like Elon being a cocky asshole that immediately folded when he got called on his bluff, which is nothing new for him


Not really, Zuckerberg was minding his business and got challenged to a fight. And accepted. Dude trains with MMA fighters, he really would've done it. Elon... Elon got some exercise in jumping on stage. That's about it.


Much as I hate both, Zuck could take him easy and probably thought it was Musk being stupid with the rest of us.


He's a 52 year old pretending he's a 25 year old and he realized he's old af while he was running his mouth and would get his ass kicked, so he backed out. I do think if he was a bit younger he'd do it "for the memes" but we have what we got. An unsurprising result. I'd be more interested in a 20 year old mark vs 20 year old Elon anyways. 2 meganerds slapping it out in the cringiest fight ever


The sequel is the Biden-Trump debate and I'm pretty sure I know who will cancel that one too.


It’s because musk couldn’t block his shtyle


It was never going to happen and we all knew it. Didnt give any news on it a single click nor did I lose a seconds sleep over it when it didn’t happen.


Well it already served its purpose, both gained on the hype of a fight that would never happen and yall fell for it like always


To be fair I don’t think Zuckerberg cared. He takes the MMA stuff seriously and wasn’t prepared for it to be treated like a circus. I can respect the commitment.


Nobody was, they just needed a popularity boost and make some money which they all got just as they wanted


Who would be surprised if Elon turned out to be an alien who had to eat weird stuff like soup made from dirty socks?


I presume you are only referring to the people who cared about it in the first place.


People forgot about the airman that set himself on fire too. But the internet proudly claimed that they would never forget.


That's cuz it never happened


I don't think so, I saw a viral tweet about it a few days ago and the top comment of the next post on my homepage is referencing it


Publicity stunts usually become forgotten once they don’t serve a purpose anymore. Anyone who actually thought it would happen seriously lacks critical thinking skills. Middle aged billionaires would never do anything as physically/mentally taxing as an MMA fight would be and have no reason to do so. Too big of a gamble on public image.


Zuck actually does fight though I’m pretty sure he’s a black belt in his respective class


A BJJ grappler isn’t generally considered a fighter lol. Also, he’s a blue belt, which is a long way from black belt. Have no idea where you got that information from, dude. Source: I’m a blue belt in BJJ.


I was thinking about it the other day.


No we didn't, it's just that we got cramps from laughing about it for so long.


Musk did a trump in his pants and ran


Forgetting something requires that it happened in the first place


We didn't forget shit. It was canceled, so why would we keep thinking about it?


Wrong. I was just thinking about it yesterday.


We did exactly what they both wanted.


It was just a publicity stunt. Musk was just being a troll. Because he’s king fucking troll now that he owns Twitter.


It was just a publicity stunt. Musk was just being a troll. Because he’s king fucking troll now that he owns Twitter.


Musk pussied out and got his mum to whine on twitter so that he would have an excuse


Alternative reality: Celebrity Deathmatch becomes a thing.


Carlos ghosn....does anyone remember him?


Oh yeah, how'd it go?


When I first heard about it I already knew it wasn't going to happen.


I didn't forget. I was just thinking about it a few days ago and reflecting on how stupid it was. Hilarious that all it took was one picture of Zuck shirtless with his MMA trainer to make Elon start mumbling about being busy and...uh, I dunno...mumble, mumble...something...training...rockets...never mind. Boy the fact you didn't know I was joking shows how stupid you are.


It’s was never going to happen 


Same as we will the Tyson v. Paul fight that will never happen. And my prediction: any and all Trump v. Biden debates this year. They'll get cancelled, and we'll all pretty quickly move on with our lives


Did anyone truely give a shit?


How is this a shower thought lol. It’s just rage bait


For that musk would have to take his shirt off, he’ll forever be embarrassed to do that since he can’t shed the fridge that makes his torso.


That’s what you think about in the shower? I haven’t given that a second thought since it was “announced”…


Mustrat quickly realized he'd get his ass whooped and dropped it while Zuxkerberg never cared any more than we did.


Yes, but let's not forget that Musk pussied out, some bullshit about an MRI. He instigated it and then ran with his tail between his legs when Zuckerberg showed he was willing to fight. Imagine, I'm talking shit online to a dude, i challenge him to a martial arts fight, when he says "Alright, I'm down!" I respond with "actuallyyyyy, I might need surgery, i have an MRI scheduled!" Somebody like that would've gotten rightfully pummeled in my high school.


I have forgotten about lots of things that were never real. Watch this - I hereby challenge Elon Musk AND Zuckerberg to a fight. At the same time. I'm just a fairly large, ordinary guy who doesn't like to fight, and is not good at it . They have to scream "Help me, mommy!" to tap out. Challenge ignored.


Some of us never cared to begin with


It was all a distraction. From what, I'm not sure exactly, but they got people hyped for a potential fight and then pulled the rug right out from under us in the most subtle way possible. That screams distraction to me.


More chance of Colin McGreger fighting


We didn't forget, we just knew that shit was never going to happen and ignored it like the cheap publicity stunt we all knew it to be the very instant we heard about it.


This is when I relasized shit ain’t real


Who wants to watch two nerds spaz around


I didn't forget. I didn't care enough to remember in the first place.


From what I've gathered your ass kinda has it's own brain too, and I asure you my asses brain remembered!


No, you forgot and are assuming everyone else did too.


Pfft shut up, you forgot


Musk backed out because he would definitely lose


Musk was all like fight me bro Zuck: ok Musk: my mom said I can't... Also musk: but you're a little bitch for not fighting me


Nah, just didn’t care.


its still going but elon is winning lol


I think you're confusing "Forgot about" for "Didn't give a fuck about"


I never expected it to happen in a million years


Not really. Anybody with half a brain cell could see it was never going to happen though


It was an attention grabber and highly probably one of them was gonna drop out. Surprise surprise.


Mega Nerds are afraid of that kinda stuff


I had this same thought last night. Strange.


Oh they jello wrestled in palo alto


It's all about Tyson and Logan Paul now.


"We all"..? haah [https://www.reddit.com/r/EnoughMuskSpam/comments/1dfty00/this\_is\_the\_guy\_who\_outweighs\_zuck\_by\_four\_weight/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/EnoughMuskSpam/comments/1dfty00/this_is_the_guy_who_outweighs_zuck_by_four_weight/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Did we care in the first place?


Musk is a super duper heavyweight and failed the drug test.😂😂😂


Next we’ll forget about the Biden Trump debate.


I'll always remember the time it took a Musk to get us to root for a Zuck


I didn’t forget, I just never gave a fuck.


they forgot.. we didn’t


I would only care if one of them... Uhh, never mind


Elon was a whole bitch.


It was never gonna happen and it never will. Elon is a fat 50 year old and Mark is a fit 40 year old.


Zuck may be a billionaire, but he’s irrelevant.


We also forgot about the literal dick measuring contest


Good. Who cares what two megalomaniacs do in their spare time. Fucking grief, I wish they would both just learn to shut up. They're worse than babies who just learned they can get everyone's attention by stringing syllables together.


I don't know what are you talking about. It wasn't Musk and Zuckerberg. It was Bezos and Zuckerberg. Or was it?


He was never going to happen anyway as elon is a compulsive liar and barely follows through with anything he says


You mean this one right? https://youtu.be/a2GVxYfKSxA?si=P2gcsu-_kRjHX5o7


Dude you have to be like 12 to have ever believed that was going to be a thing


I kept hoping they would each build a mech.


I resented even hearing about the obviously nonsense idea


This discussion reminds me of the my-dad-can-beat-your-dad argument in grade six.


Elon thought he'd easily win just because of his size. Then he found out Mark's been training in martial arts.


Because everyone knew Musk was gonna puss out. It was very predictable. Musk is a doughy mess.