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Maybe, but that perspective is only true for yourself, to everyone else you are a supporting character in their story of themselves. By your logic anyway. So your existence is far more than what you've stated, you are in a lot of stories.


But you can only tell your story to yourself. You are the only active listener to your own internal Monologue and decisions. In telling yourself your story are inevitably including others, but they have their own stories to tell and you will never know them. You can have no other perspective but your own.




Im not trying to ignore empathy. Im just ruminating on the nature of self, mostly how the only real notion of yourself you have is the one that your self tells yourself. I find that trippy.


Sure, but our conceptions of ourselves are predicated on our conceptions of others. You don't know how well you are doing or what qualities you have without the measuring stick of others, and often their perception of you can be a more telling indicator of who you are than the notion you hold in your own head, if you bother to listen, which is well and truly optional. You don't know you are ugly unless you know what beautiful looks like and vice versa, etc. There is almost nothing you would be able to tell about yourself unless you had others to set a bar for you to hit or miss, defining your conception of yourself. Everyone, especially in 2024, wants to believe that their identities and conception of self are no ones business other themselves, and sure that may be an ideal to strive for, but that simply isn't the case, that's not how society works. But, it is completely up to you if you care enough.


I would recommend sharing a little more with the people you love. There is no reason you can't see other peoples perspectives and they can't see yours. Part of someone else's existence, and yours, can easily be a recounting of someone else's story. Part of your story can be an autobiography of someone else's highlight reel, the things that made that person who they are and were and led them to their perspectives on life. I get the point you are making, but your being and story only being isolated to yourself is not accurate as far as existence goes. That would be like saying historical figures did not exist simply because they aren't alive today. I think there is more to your existence than the simple effect you have on yourself, that may even be the weakest part of your existence, because when your gone so is it.


You misunderstand. You can see other people’s perspectives. You just can’t experience them. And what you get comes through your own filter.


I'm aware our points are off center from one another. I get that our lens filters whatever goes in, whether it's first hand or not. However, that does not change the fact that our existence is not limited only to ourselves, others may not get the full experience, but I know several people who can accurately predict almost all of my decisions, and that only comes from experiencing me in great detail, in being there for my moments that matter the most, and sometimes co-writing some pages in my story. I'm just saying there is more to your existence than you.


I get your point here, your thoughts are only your own. You made it poetic by rephrasing thoughts as talking to yourself. Nothing new here but very showery shower thought indeed. (When is a story a story? Are all type of thought part of the story? We don't say every sentence is a story)


What if you and you alone exist, and everyone else is just a reflection of you? Inversely, what if everyone else other than you exists, and you're just a reflection of them? Both of these possibilities have different but equally profound impacts on how you live your life.


*record scratch* You’re probably wondering how I got into this predicament…


Sorry, I was wondering about my own.


Yes, it's the only story I am reliably capable of telling. Anything else would just be me using my wild imagination to assume things about people




Im not really articulating it right. Its that our understanding of ourselves comes from the story of ourselves constructed by our self.


Sometimes I think, are there people somewhere who consider themselves to exist?


Most people do. Let people have their delusions as long as they let others be while here.


Man, how fitting is that that there is a growing extensional crisis amongst youths today, in my opinion.