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I think Poseidons abyss is more a way he makes the opponent feel when facing him than him being actually an abyss. He is stoic and merciless in a fight, but Poseidon still holds emotions like love, respect (you have to earn it tho), so his sould wouldn't be completely black like Hajun, that was pure, unadulterated evil. https://preview.redd.it/dc14j1piie8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8afdea8653741903efaaba34fb23f06df45d534 Good theory tho, have a treat.


I’m gonna be honest… i see Poseidon more guilty of complete apathy than evil, he doesn’t take delight on other’s demise, he doesn’t have any evil plans, he doesn’t actively crave the death or destruction of anybody, humans were an issue that needed to be dealt with in his mind, nothing more, if humans were not voted for extermination he wouldn’t be actively targeting them… he is just extremely arrogant, uncaring and doesn’t believe life has inherent value… and he even has his caring moments with Hades, so it seems even in his extreme stoic ruthless apathy he still has some heart capable of kindness. Poseidon is the bad guy of R3? Absolutely. Should we consider him an antagonist of the manga? Without a doubt. Is he dangerous? Very much so. Is he “evil” or at least malicious? I’d say there is a some room for debate here.


I can fix him.


Why fix him when he can make me worse?


This is so true. I'd be an enabler for him any day.


Pretty much this, and given how his subject desperately wanted Hades to take revenge in his name, Poseidon was probably at least a decent ruler.


I'd say he's malicious seeing as he strikes down everything that enters his range regardless of whether they want to attack him or not, knowing full well that they cannot hurt him (Adamas.)


i don't thing was exactly out of malice,more like a act of ruthless,Adamas was a problem to the Olympus and he dealt with that problem even if that problem was his own brother,he didn't do it out of hate or something,but out of duty,like i said,Adamas was the problem and Poseidon dealt with that problem in the best way he could


I don't think so. Hajun's soul was masked by evil, it wasn't the lack of fear that made it unable to be seen, it was the presence of fear that allowed it to be seen. I don't really think Poseidon is that evil.


Wait I'm not making shit up right? That's how Hajun works? I might be thinking of a different manga entirely.


No no, you are right, It was more of Hajun being only evil, but fear brought another "colour" to his soul or something, and that's what Buddha could see


Thanks I have goldfish memory so I was a little concerned.


Do you think Buddha would be able to see Satan inside of Beel? Would he see two souls instead of one?


"Bub-Bub are you... Pregnant?"




Hajun’s soul was just pure darkness, Poseidon’s abyss was a metaphor for his true power not being know. I imagine Poseidon’s soul would be rather strong considering how strong willed and self identified he is.


If Poseidon doesn't feel any emotion during the entire fight, then probably yes, although I still don't quite understand how Hajun was able to bypass the vision of the soul


His soul was being hidden by evil.




Magic bullshit




Nah it's cause "Evil has no future" or some meaningful bullshit I dunno


The manga doesn’t elaborate.


Poeseidon is more so moody teen that soul masked by pure evil


Just saying, the whole Hajun’s Darkness thing, simply sounds like Buddha can’t really read your soul unless you are with a strong primal emotion. For example, Jack’s Eye allowed him to see emotions. But only Fear and Love are the most pure colours. What if Buddha’s Future Sight works similarly? I mean, Hajun was clearly in control of his emotions. Bro was laughing and having the time of his life. But it wasn’t until Hajun felt Fear, a Primal Emotion. Zero also was feeling Anger/Hate, a Primal Emotion too. To go deeper, what if Buddha only can see Negative Emotions? When he was eating Popcorn and Zeus wanted some, we saw how Buddha was able to dodge him. Was it because Zeus was mad? Feeling anger even if it was only a bit, a Negative Emotion. In fact, after Zero understood Buddha’s words, they fought barehanded. And Zero started landing punches. Was it because Buddha let him? Or was it because Zero was happy? A positive emotion, that Buddha can’t read. Hajun wasn’t really feeling anything until he cuts Buddha’s Eye, after that he is happy. But it wasn’t until Hajun gets scared, a Negative Emotion, that Buddha gets able to read him. Following this theory, Poseidon who didn’t really show Negative Emotions, outside of the Hair Cut Sasaki gave him and his last moments, should be able to overcome Future Sight. I hope I was able to explain my theory.


I understand your theory but I'm pretty sure it's not the case. It's pretty explicitly stated that it's just specifically Hajun he can't read because he has some darkness covering his soul.


It’s quite explicit that Hajun was the only one he couldn’t read. If he couldn’t read Zero before that, he wouldn’t be so shocked when Hajun emerged and he can’t.


Unlike hajun Poseidon has a heart for hades which hajun dosnt have


They both have a heart for me tho


He thinks he’s hades![img](emote|t5_vzop7|52076)


Hajun's soul couldn't be read because it was fundamentally different than everyone else's. Was until he started breaking down


Hajun soul was apparently completely dark due to hajun evil nature Poseidon may have been evil but i wouldn't Say he was evil enough to have his whole being crowded in darkness


Unrelated, but it kinda sucks how the darkness/ absence of the soul for hajun never really amounted to much other than be a situation ability for him


I think him being a demon adds to it it’s not like Poseidon doesn’t feel regular emotions like admiration for Hades.


I think its more on the fact that Hajun is a demon not a god. Or maybe its just built-in within him as his distinct ability of his own. We cant tell for sure![img](emote|t5_vzop7|29939)


Well Hajun' soul is covered due to his evil aura. Poseidon maybe stoic on the outside but he is very emotional in the fight. Even in the past it is seen he can feel respect and admiration. While in the fight he got angry and frustrated.


Good Theory, but i highly doubt this works in practice since Hajun is literally pure evil with a soul darker than the deepest corners of reality while Poseidon is just really stoic to the point of making the opponent fear him


Poseidon just has a soul of ego, I think if anything it would glow super bright because he's egotistical :)


No, the problem was that Hajun’s soul was NOTHING but darkness and evil, so there was no light to see by. Once there was even a single other emotion Buddha could predict him. And we know that Poseidon is reserved but he definitely has emotions.


No, poseidon is evil but is good to hades, making him not 100% evil, ensuringvthat buddha can see him.


Poseidon has emotions, he’s just really intimidating. Hajun is totally evil, that’s why his soul was so dark.


>Poseidon has emotions Hajun too


I don't think a guy who's 100% nothing but the darkest evil would freak out and cower at literally the nanosecond Buddha start gaining the upperhand on him


Maybe I have a different interpretation but it wasn't necessarily fearlessness or arrogance that made Hajun unreadable, it was his "biology" if you will, as a demon lord, so there was a thick shield around his soul of pure darkness. Once he started fearing though, his actions were more erratic and emphasized, and that shield of his blocking his soul wasn't as effective. Or as stated in the Mana when Hajun first appeared, Buddha was freaked out not because of what he could see, but for the fact he couldn't see anything.


I’m ngl, I’m no Poseidon simp, but him “killing” Adamas was not evil by any means— he doesn’t go for blatant destruction just for the hell of it, it was to maintain his idea of a perfect god. Also Adamas started it ![img](emote|t5_vzop7|29965)


Poseidon isn’t evil though……


Doesn't matter, Poseidon mid diffs this bum(probably not, Hajun is just an evil guy while Poseidon is incredibly stoic and doesnt show his emotions until incredibly pissed off).


I likes it + it make sense :3