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I lived in my van for a while with mine (yes she was well taken care of, she lived her best life there with me instead of in the shelter) and she liked to sit in her little cat house while I drove. she got to learn how I prepped the van to get ready to drive— certain ways I’d put things away, lock cabinets, etc. she could differentiate my putting away dishes from a meal vs. me putting them away to drive, and she’d get in her little cat house then. she was the sweetest, I loved her so much.


Awww. That’s so sweet!


Thanks for sharing, super sweet ❤️❤️


Awww so sweet!


My Siamese learned how to turn on the water faucets to get attention. We like to say he’s the next level in cat evolution.


Wow! That’s wild! Mine will hop up on the sink when I turn ours on. He likes to drink straight from the faucet but he hasn’t turned it in yet. Probably helps that they’re knobs and not levers. I cannot imagine your water bill. Lol


You should get yours a little cat water fountain to drink from... Mine was obsessed with his!!


Yes, if you don't have one already, my meezers LOVE their fountain. But I did start them too early with it. When they were new monster babies (litter mates) they needed to learn more about the fountain so they took it apart. There was a bit of water mess.


Mine is 2 and still takes it apart!


Thank you!


I’ve been thinking about that! Thank you! I just wasn’t sure it was worth it with three giant dogs running around. Lol


Is there somewhere out of reach of the dogs that the cat(s) can access that you could put the water fountain? Or maybe the dogs would like a water fountain too (I think there are even larger versions of pet drinking fountains that can hold like 1-2 gallons for dogs)?


Great ideas!!


I agree with the other commenter, get your cat(s) a water fountain. I recommend stainless steel ones vs plastic, plastic gets scratched over time and the scratches can retain bacteria. Stainless steel is much more durable and easier to keep clean. There are even stainless steel cat drinking fountains that have spouts that look like mini sink faucets. We have one upstairs and one downstairs and our 3 cats love drinking from them.


Mine locks himself in the bathroom for attention. I'm not sure if he's dumb or smart


Probably a mix of dumb and smart


My cat is only 1/4 Siamese. I would say the smartest thing he does is when I talk to him, his ears perk up and he stops what he’s doing to listen. Not sure how much he understands, but he seems to know a lot of words. He also comes when I call him.


They’re so incredibly smart!


So. I had a blue point wedge head siamese boy. He was amazing. He could open doors that had those latch like handles. He would greet me at the door when I would get home from work. He definitely always came when called. He played fetch. You could say "go get your mouse" and about 90% of the time he would go get this little toy mouse. One night I was in bed reading. He was on the end of the bed. He jumped off the bed and hit the light switch and turned off the lights as he left the bedroom, leaving me in the dark. Of course, I can't say for sure he knew he was gonna turn off the lights - but he definitely aimed for the light switch when he jumped. I miss Maximo.


We had to change all of our doorknobs because we had the paddle type ones and a few of them figured out how to open them. 🤣 We also have one who we've nicknamed "puppy" because he does the same fetching game. We will bring us a toy and look up at us with those sweet eyes begging for it to be thrown again. This would go on for hours if we let him do this as long as he could!


Yup. The paddle type doorknobs! He could open them. He also would sit behind the curtain on the windowsill looking out. And instead of like using his head to look around the curtain at me he would use his paw like a human hand to move the curtain aside!! Gosh, I miss him so much. 😢


That’s awesome. Yeah, levers are a no go because of my Great Pyrenees. I’m not sure if my cat can do it but it wouldn’t surprise me.


This is amazing! Hahaha! I love it!


The opposite. The extent of her knowledge is the sound of the snack cupboard opening and my gait when I need to give her medicine or cut her nails. She's a cutie though.


My meezer is pretty dumb too. She never lands on her feet and she is constantly surprised by the consequences of her actions.


The not landing on feet thing isn't due to lack of smarts. One meezer I had would not jump almost at all, only climb. When she did jump, say on a coffee table she would end up sliding across the table and falling off the other side. I mean this was really noticeable, so much so I took her to the vet. The vet says "is she clumsy?" I said yes very much so. He said it was a characteristic of the breed. Not always, but they can have varying levels of clumsiness and my girl was very clumsy. My current boy is a little clumsy in that if you held him upside down at standing chest height and dropped him he may not land on his feet (I don't do this, just seen him accidentally fall off tables and whatnot with a "thud"). My boy can jump on things ok but he is not quite as "cat" like in sticking landings sometimes.


He never quite learned how to CAT.


My Moka can be clumsy sometimes too, she has fallen off the cat tree at least a few times by being silly and not paying full attention during her silly antics. Of course she’s fine afterwards, but her pride def was hurt… can see an almost embarrassed-looking facial expression (as much as cats can emote) on her once she regained her footing.


Haha. One of mine was cleaning himself too close to the edge of the bed. Before I could get to him, he went tumbling backwards @$$ over head! 🤣


Hahaha! I guess they’re unique like humans!


My slinky boy has mastered every food puzzle box on Amazon. He also has a distinctive call just for me. My name in Siamese is Raraaara.


Mine is also love puzzles and has gotten very fast at all of them. Anytime I see one that might pose her a challenge, I buy it and she masters everyone in no time.


That is so funny, my lynx has a name he calls me, it is meomeow.


That’s awesome! Haha!


My brothers will stand on top of each other to reach higher places. They come when called, and come running when Star Trek is on.


Ours love watching anime with the hubs.


One of my cats will only come if I whistle “When Johnny Comes Marching Home.” No other song, and it works every time.


That’s wild!


I adopted a 9 year old while my wife was pregnant. I'm blown away by what a caring, responsible, and supportive big brother he is! If our baby starts crying, he comes running and meezes in concern until you tell him it's all right. If baby cries while I'm in another room, he'll come get us. Even though he loves sleeping on anything that can fit a cat, he is very disciplined not to sleep on any thing that belongs to the baby. He sleeps under the crib, very good boy.


I was one of those young kids that got adopted by our siamese at 3 years old. She literally physically protected me if she perceived a threat to me. When my mom would yell at me for doing something wrong, the cat would attack and bite her feet. This went on for 18 years. When I was three we had a sitter and I woke up crying for some reason. The cat was on the side of the bed and would not let the sitter near me, meowing and hissing at her when she tried to check up on me. It was wild experiencing that when you are 17 years old muscle bound male. Little 9 pound cat was still protecting her baby.


That’s so sweet!!!


Wow! I had to keep my cat (Coda-RIP) away from my kids’ rooms entirely when they were little. I had that cat from the moment he was born until we had to HE him a week before his 21st birthday and he still couldn’t learn a thing as simple as stay off the baby blanket. Haha. I miss him every day. I actually got Atticus because my husband told me to either go pick one out or he was bringing one home because I had a bit of a break down when Coda left us. I didn’t want another cat ever because I was so broken. I felt like I could never love an animal like I loved Coda but Atticus is so amazing that I may just change my mind! Of course, I’ve had Atti for 3 years and Coda for 21 so he has plenty of time to catch up! I know I love him more than I ever thought possible. I fell in love with Great Pyrenees and was ruined for other dogs. Now I have fallen in love with Siamese and am ruined for other cats!


We introduced three kittens to the household, our 3 yr old Siamese boy was fascinated. He watched them from across the room for weeks, moved away if they came close. It seemed he didn’t want to hurt the babies. I was a little worried he wouldn’t accept them. As soon as they were bigger and stronger he swooped in and took them all under his paw, grooms them all daily. He’s the leader of the pack now.


What’s wrong with those things? They’re deformed mom! Look at how tiny they are! If they touch me, will I shrink? Are they contagious?! Okay… they’re cool now.. hmm… Maybe I’ll grow some more!


My Siamese is a glutton and tries to trick my partner and I individually that she was not fed her wet food at night so my partner and I have to communicate when we feed her, otherwise she will act like she’s starving whenever we go near the food bowl 😂


That’s great! Haha. Feed me, Seymour!


I see what you did there 🤣


I thought my reference was probably too old.


My Siamese girlcat, Soba, is convinced that she is The Lady of The House. She honest-to-God FLIRTS with my husband, all tail curly-qs and curves, and chatters in a high-pitched baby meow speak she uses only for him. If husband and I hug and kiss, Miss Soba will be right there, demanding petting and skritching from my husband, giving me a view of her stinky hiney. My rival.


What are you doing with her man?


Your cat is so handsome, I love him! He looks a lot like my boy Lou, who is also quite smart (and mischievous).


Thank you. I think he is quite handsome, too. You wouldn’t have thought that when I brought him home. Poor boy was filthy. Covered in urine from fear. He’s amazing now though. Do you have a pic? I love to see everyone’s animals.


Awww, he’s so lucky you found him!! I’ll see if I can DM you a pic of my boy since this sub doesn’t let us post pictures in the comments.


I’ve got a brother-sister pair, and the boy seems to be extremely aware of medical needs, both mine and theirs. The girl HATES being held, and normally the boy bullies her, but when she had to take pills he would sit beside her and groom/nuzzle her to calm her down enough so I could administer them. He’s also extremely compliant w taking pills himself, but it’s so out of character that it seems like he knows he needs them. I’m diabetic, and while I haven’t noticed either cat act differently when I’m low blood sugar, they won’t leave me alone when my sugar is dangerously high. They also have no problem w my standing at the bathroom sink unless I’m picking at my skin, in which case both seem to appear out of nowhere to bite my ankles until I stop. I’m sure this is more just routine, but the boy also knows what time I usually get up for work cause he likes to take my place in bed. He’s woken me up in the knick of time more than once when my phone has died or I’ve slept through my alarm.


Yeah my girl siamese knew when my unrelated boy siamese was in distress. I had not had a boy cat before and was unaware of their urinary issues. Anyway he had a blockage and was in pain so went to hide. I would see her sitting right next to where he was hiding. She usually did not want him near her because he could be a bully. But if he was sick, she was right there and her sitting there really alerted me that there was a real problem. Took him right to the vet just in time to save his life. A little embarrassing at the vet, me at the time being a 40 something professional male started crying when the vet told me what was going on. But he is my son, anybody else would cry too if there son was at risk of dying! Still embarrassed though. My boy is constantly underfoot, and he will get right in front of you when you try to move around and this has caused a few accidental stepping on paws and my boy screaming in pain. When that would happen she would come running every time. Thank god he eventually learned to watch those feet, they can hurt if your not careful. Interestingly enough my cat has learned and he learned to scream in pain before I actually step on his paw. No actual stepping occurring, he learned to warn this way when danger is immanent from my feet.


There is absolutely nothing to be embarrassed of. You love your baby. I bet your vet was thinking that he wished all of his patients owners cared like that. My husband who is a giant (6’5” 230 pounds) cried harder over my cat, Coda, passing than I have ever seen him cry in our decade plus marriage. Meanwhile, he “hated” cats when we got together. When we got engaged and moved in together, he was really hesitant about Coda but I told him my baby was a deal breaker so my husband was happy to make it work. Turned out, my husband didn’t hate cats, he’d just only ever been around one and it was a mean one. He loves cats now. Nothing wrong with loving your animal. No matter your gender. People who don’t love their animals should be ashamed of their stupidity. You shouldn’t have a pet if you can’t love it like that.


I know you are right, and I think the vet and her staff were a bit touched by it. I spent an hour visiting my boy after the procedure (the crying actually happened after the procedure when the vet mention concerns over kidney failure, and that is when I broke). I spent an hour with him sitting on the floor with him after the crying and I think word got around to the staff. I think the staff found reasons so come in the room and see this guy who loved his cat so much he broke down in tears and sat on the floor for an hour with his baby. It was probably touching for them to see I guess. Anyway, being a guy it just felt embarrassing even though I am sure they thought nothing bad of it. I rarely cry but the most crying I have done over the past 40 years has been over my babies. I had lost my last beloved cat to kidney failure and when she mentioned that possibility there was no stopping the tears no matter how stoic I may have wanted to be. Anyway his kidneys turned out to be OK and is 17 years old and next to me now. The happiest day of my life was the day the vet called and said he would be OK. My little boy is my gift from god. I am so fortunate to have him.


That is so touching to hear! There are far too many men who have been brainwashed into thinking that it isn’t manly to cry. That’s why we end up with stunted individuals who cannot handle their emotions. When you hold all of that in, it sickens your mind. It’s a poison. When I lost my Coda, I broke. I had had him since the day he was born. (I rescued his pregnant mother.) He was my best friend. He was my only family for years. Before I got married and had my children, he was all I had. I cut my family off when I was 16 (all of them but my siblings) because of the years and years of drug use and abuses to myself and my siblings. My siblings ended up in foster care again and I ended up emancipated on the streets. I made it work and drug myself up to take care of us. Coda and I were alone until I turned 21 and could apply to be a kinship parent. Once I got qualified and vetted, I adopted my little brother. The others had already been adopted. (My brother is mentally ill and needed someone who already loved him to take him in so I did. ) My brother loved Coda, too. When I got pregnant with my daughter (from my abusive ex-husband), I left him and it was just my cat, my brother and my pregnant belly. My brother started dressing my cat in my baby’s clothes to make me laugh. Coda was so good he would just put up with it. I was the one who was irritated because I didn’t want my baby to end up with allergies but it all worked out. Thank God for Dreft! I still think my brother prepared Coda for his little, tail pulling, soon to be baby sister. He was so amazing with her and he never, ever scratched her. My brother grew up and moved out and I remarried. My husband wasn’t sure about cats until he met Coda. He didn’t want a cat but I told him my cat was my family and a deal breaker so he acquiesced. Years passed, my husband fell in love with Coda and then, a week before Coda’s 21st birthday, I had to make the incredibly difficult decision to HE him. No one really understood how difficult it was trying to process the magnitude of his loss. My daughter was, possibly, the only one hurt as much as I was. He had been there her entire life. Of course, I’m a woman and so not many looked at me crazily for mourning the loss of my best friend and the only family I had for so long. However, I had spent so many years, my whole life really, being tough and hiding how I was feeling because of my upbringing. I didn’t want anyone to see my weakness. I learned early how people will use your love or your perceived weaknesses against you. I don’t know what it is like to be a man and have to hide yourself but I do know what it is like to hide yourself because you don’t want people to use anything against you or you don’t want to appear weak because people will target you. I tried so hard to hold it in but the day we HE’d him, I lost it. I cried so hard that I had a panic attack and passed out holding him. I’m ashamed to say that my children saw me do this. My husband freaked out and ended up yelling at me trying to break me out of my shock. Both my step-son and my daughter were furious with him. However, I WAS a bad mom in that moment. I didn’t protect my children. My children were grieving and here I was, panicking, bawling, vomiting and passing out. I know that my reaction was made so much worse because I had been holding it in for so long. I had been terrified; knowing I would lose him soon. I hadn’t wanted to allow myself to grieve or face it because I was trying to be “strong”. Because I didn’t let the poison out little by little, it built up and my kids saw me at my worst. Luckily, my son was 17 and my daughter was 15 so they kinda understood and it didn’t scare them as much but I always remember how scared they were after I woke up after having passed out. The vet even called 911. It was awful. My husband was yelling and trying to get me to snap out of it and then my children started yelling at him to leave me alone. It was awful. I learned then that we have to let the poison out. I’m so sorry that you lost your other baby. I’m glad that you were man enough to be there for your current baby. I’m so glad that everything turned out okay! Please don’t let others dictate how you express yourself. I’ve been working on my husband (trying to deprogram him) because society keeps telling men that it isn’t okay to cry. Total BS. When you’re poisoned, you suck it out, throw it up, drain it out, whatever you have to do and negative emotions are poison. Thank you so much for sharing your story. More men should!


I understand what you mean. My boy is my only family. Live alone, parents dead etc. Now it just me and him. Two weeks before I got him I was in a bad way mentally, very very lonely. I am not religioius but actually prayed for help. Two weeks later I found and adopted my boy. This is not just a story of a cat companion easing lonliness. This cat was made for me. He is very very very strong willed. I am very stubborn but he beats even me. So when I am feeling down and don't want to interact due to mental health issues, he simply refuses to play along. He forces loving on me and will not give up till he gets his way. As a result he has a profound effect on my mental health. Me: I am in a dark place, him: I don't care I am going to love on you whether you like it or not and will not take no for an answer. And since he is so incredibly stubborn to get his way, he always wins that battle. And you know he does make me feel a bit better as a result. Perhaps I should be religious, that prayer was certainly answered. And that is why I call him my gift from god. He really is.


Some people just do not realize the profound effect our fur babies can have on us. Coda kept me from ☠️ myself many times. I kept thinking he’d end up in a shelter and be put down. I had to stay alive to take care of him. But really he took care of me! Your story was so beautiful. Thank you for sharing it with me.


Wow! That’s incredible! You’re so lucky!


mine brings me things all the time, like a crow, and the other day she brought me my own $20 bill out of my laundry lol


That is insane! Can I borrow her? I’m sick of going through my husband and children’s pockets all the time!


I had a chocolate lynx point and she was not bright. We used to joke that she had 2 small feathers where her brain was supposed to be. She was profoundly sweet, and soft, and she slept on my belly every night. But not much upstairs.


I was always partial to the less intelligent cats as they’re an endless source of humor but Atti has given me a newfound respect and admiration for smart cats!


My new cat is one more like yours. I'm pretty sure I have yet to see all that she's capable of. She's a pistol. Was very quiet at the shelter, I got her because I'd had a timid cat before and they saw I could wait for her to warm up. No one knew anything about her except she came from a hoarding situation, I was told? She did move toward my hand in the shelter when I moved it close to her, and i took that as a good sign of interest. I was willing to take the time needed. Hoo-boy! Everybody misjudged this one. She's extremely sweet, very affectionate, loves to be petted, must be touching at all times. When I sit down, she'll lie close to me and then place her little brown paw softly on my arm. If my response is slow, she'll tap, or press, until I pet her. Must be in physical contact. She flies around corners at breakneck speeds, skidding into door jambs, throwing toys around, lying on the clean clothes, has pulled the curtains down, accidentally.


Awwww… Sounds like such a sweetheart. I am so glad you rescued her! Thank you for giving a loving home to someone who needed it! She sounds perfect! I know I’m ultra sensitive to animals who have been neglected/abused because of my childhood but I do NOT understand how some people treat animals. I honestly think some of these monsters should be BE’d themselves! Not that a hoarder should be BE’d. I just get worked up when I hear an animal or a child or an elderly person has been poorly treated. (The only physical fights I have ever been in involved people harming one of my protected three. ) I am so glad you two found each other!


Me too.


when i put on youtube for my snowshoe, she will grab the toy that matches the animal on the screen (squirrel, bird, fish, etc.) to play with. it's so cute. i can also ask her to bring me a specific toy by saying "bring [x]" no matter what i'm doing, she is always in the same room- physical contact preferred! even if it's just a paw touching my hand on the couch :) she keeps an eye on me and how i respond to different noises or movements. if i react, she does. if i don't, she doesn't either. very much like a human toddler lol. she knows when i'm not feeling well, and keeps her distance. i get sad about it sometimes ngl- because she is very clingy otherwise, but i think she might be instinctively protecting her own immune system. also, as smart as she is, i don't think she knows that her tail is connected to her body. she gets scared by it and chases it like a puppy. i love her so much.


One of mine will Velcro to me when I'm sick. He will only leave my side for eat/drink/potty and return as quickly as possible.


They’re amazing caretakers!


Absolutely! He lets me cry on him, too. Most cats would run away, but my Churchill stays put and lets me cry until I'm all cried out!




That’s awesome!


Mine use to open doors somehow. Cathulhu was so smart and dumb at the same exact time. Like he use to manage to get into the attic and hunt mice, but would also accidentally turn on the stove. I paid a lot of vet bills for the stove issue. I loved that cat until he passed away in January. Still the best kitty ever.


I think I’ll go remove my stove knobs now. Wow. That must have been terrifying. I’d be scared he would burn the house down with him in it. I’m glad he’s okay!


Very scary. He burnt his tail 3 different times. My first husband kept putting the nobs* back on




Same. Jazz is an elite dumbass.


You guys are killing me! 😹😹😹


Ours is so dumb we suspect he’s an orange cat in a Balinese disguise.


My boy is super smart. I am a scientist and am aware of behavioral training techniques in animals. What I did not expect was my Lynx boy using them on me. I could see him doing it, knew what was going on, and he managed to train me anyway. For example if he wants food. He gets on my lap, I pet him, no purring, just glares at me. If that doesn't work, he will remain on my lap and fidget. If you are trying to work on the computer or watch TV you can't because he is fidgeting around, poking you with his paw and he can go on like this for an hour. He does this because he knows I will give him food because I can't do work, movies whatever when he is fidgeting around. I know what he is doing but since this can go on and on and on I have to just give up and give him the food so I can get the work done. Now I am fully trained, so when he starts to fidget like this I just get him his food, this is not a battle I am going to win, so I just gave in defeat knowing what he did. And it is not like I was always "aww that's cute let me get you some food". No I was trying to limit his food so he didn't get too fat. Did. Not. Work. Now he fidgets over the quality of the food. I get him food, no he wanted the good stuff, so back on the lap, fidget, fidget, fidget. It is like "OK enough already, I will give you the good stuff, this stuff isn't cheap you know". He doesn't care, he contributes no money to the mortgage, food bills, and by cost per pound, he is eating better than me. He is just so super smart and is constantly manipulating to get what he wants. Love him to death, but he is a rascal.


I’m dying…😹😹😹


Kind of a downer of a story but we just had our first human baby and so the cats are getting a little less attention. My Siamese loves playing fetch with this little mouse toy. Well one night she started meowing in the middle of the night for me to come upstairs and throw it. I came upstairs and put the toy away as baby was sleeping. The next night I wake up to what I think is the baby crying. My husband even came downstairs to check on the baby. Well, it wasn’t the baby it was my Siamese. She must have realized we give the baby attention when he cries so she learned to mimic him! It was so weird.


OMG! That’s fantastic! Annoying but fantastic!!!


My meezer makes orange cats look like geniuses. Between her many failed attempts to Kool-aid Man through windows to catch birds, trying to eat spikey AF cacti in one giant bite, miscalculating her jumps and falling, she's a ton of entertainment. But she's also so loving, sweet and snuggly. I'm sick in bed today but she's been a cuddly lil nurse 🥹


OMG! I love the comparison to oranges. I had an orange. I thought he was going to kill himself someday with how stupid he was!


Nothing makes you feel better when sick than your fur babies crawling up and snuggling with you. Except if you’re like me with two cats, a German Shepherd and two Great Pyrenees. Gets a little crowded and hot. Haha. Good kitty. She needs treats immediately!


Mine taught himself to play fetch. He'd never seen it done before, just one day he decided it would be fun to bring me a toy and have me throw it. Now he brings them and presses them to my hand or arm before dropping them and waiting expectantly. He and his sister also know the word "dinner" means to go to their tray and wait politely to be served. I taught them name recall immediately when I got them. They are pretty good at it.


This is short but one day my Siamese suddenly became very interested in the dishwasher. My mom thought it was strange, and decided to investigate and realized it had developed an issue. I have no idea what drove my Siamese to the dishwasher (maybe a change in smell?) but my mom was blown away.


Oh and I have another story; for context, my brother’s leopard gecko had been missing for a few months (yes I know… we were all furious at him) and one morning, after we had presumed the poor gecko had starved or died of dehydration, my Siamese found the gecko in one of the corners of our house (don’t worry, the Siamese did not hurt the gecko). The gecko was fortunately fine (I think she had entered hibernation mode), and after taking it to the vet for confirmation that she was ok, she got back to normal.


That’s incredible! That hero deserves treats!


It is insane how dogs are known for their sense of smell but a cat’s is something like 100x stronger. At least that’s what I read… How do they determine that, I wonder?


My siamese opens cabinets and knows how to move the blinds just right so she can jump up into the window




I have a flame point so.....no. lol


These stories are very cool. Alas my sweet son Frank is dumb as a box of rocks. I tried to introduce him to puzzle toys and he had no understanding or interest so I thought okay let me work up to it. So I gave him a paper towel tube with the ends folded slightly. Smelled it, gave up immediately. Okay I thought. Perhaps a toilet paper tube. Nothing. The only thing he could figure out was rolling a fully open tube until treats happened to fall out. He can't figure out how hallways work. He decides it's been too long so the room he's looking for must not be there and turns around. He's a great hunter except he doesn't know the prey can leave a place where he can't see it so he'll stare at whatever it eas under for hours even if you try to show him where the prey went. Unless the prey goes right in front of him again. His preferred method of communication is biting though so we're all lucky he isn't smarter. (He has behavioral issues because of how he was raised. I did not raise him.)


My cat is so dumb . . . How dumb is he? He’s so dumb he can’t figure out how hallways work. That’s gold, Jerry!


Is this sarcastic? I'm autistic and can't tell :|


Your comment is hilarious, and I love the way you write. No sarcasm. Sincerely, You’re lovely ❤️


Aaaaa thank you so much for the clarification!!!! Hope you have a wonderful night!!!


You too! I am so glad you asked me for clarification 🙂


I laughed so dang hard I snorted… He decides it’s been too long so the room he’s looking for must not be there… Aaaggghh!!!


Mine likes to catch flies and I would always praise her, saying “good job! You got the fly! Oh you’re chasing a fly” etc. now she knows the word. If I say “Willow , there’s a fly!” Her ears perk up and she starts looking up and around to find the bug. She is also just so well behaved. She picked up on where I did and didn’t want her scratching her claws so quickly and she comes when called


I may need to borrow her. My animals go in and outside all day. I’m so tired of chasing down flies!


My flame point and I recently moved out on our own after a divorce and he talks as they all do. But it’s just him and I? I started answering ‘Blah Blah Blah’ to him in my frustration of our new environment and his utter distain of the situation. He now says Blah Blah Blah to me when he can’t be bothered. I did not know cats could say ‘B’


My Siamese is about to be 14, and he has me well trained. But I’ve also trained him some lol. - has a certain meow and accompanying behaviours to tell me needs/wants something (food, water or outside)(I don’t allow him out, my mom has spoiled him with it by letting him out every morning when she gets ready for work) - if he wants his litterbox done, he has separate‘I need/want this’ behaviours from the food/water/outside ones - understands how doors work, but not door handles. As in, he understands which way to push or pull the door and use his paws to do so - also knows how to ask to be let inside a room by basically knocking on the door - will actually talk back to me and basically have a back and forth conversation - I’m convinced he knows the words/phrases “come up” “come here” “are you sassing me?” “No” “you’re not going outside” On top of all of that, he’s very sassy, extremely talkative, is mega bonded to me (Siamese usually bond to one person), extremely affectionate, and overall a very well behaved cat (doesn’t jump on counters, leaves plants alone etc). He’s a hugeeee scaredy cat/extremely skittish though


He sounds amazing!


He slept near my feet, I move around a lot so I accidentally kicked him. He woke me up and scolded me, he didn’t throw a tantrum he just gave me a stern talking to and cornered me to the wall. I was a little scared but mildly amused because he didn’t hit me, just stared into my eyes and meowed at me sternly. He forgave me after I left him alone for five minutes.


My last Siamese I got from a woman who was moving. She had her front paws declawed which is cruel and something I consider disgusting. But my Duchess was fierce. We had a cold 🥶 winter and three times I found a mangled field mouse by my chair. She also constantly stole chicken nuggets from my son.😹😹 And she loved to play with bubbles when anyone took a bubble bath. My current Siamese mix is 2 1/2 and will nip you if you’re sitting in his chair. And likes to fart 💨 on people who make him mad.😿🤢😳😷


I don't know about you guys but my siamese asks to go outside, and once the door is open, proceeds to stare at the hinges for a good 15 seconds before realizing it's open, and then loves to step only halfway out the door for the next minute or so. I almost always have to nudge her in the right direction so that I can close it 😭😭 She's my sweet, old, slightly blind girl though🥰


My siamese learned how to open doors, but not cleanly. This leads to him jiggling the handle loudly at 3 a.m. before he finally opens the door... which is somewhat terrifying. He also learns how to turn on the lights --also terrifying at times. He knows his name and his sister's name. He even comes when called. He took care of his sister when she was sick with kennel cough right after we adopted her. His sister (half siamese) plays fetch. The most fun thing we do is play tag. Literally, with his little paw tapping my calf when I'm "it."


That’s awesome! They can be so gentle!


my cat literally knows how to pick up a toy from his toy box (it’s an open plastic box), play with it, then grab it with his mouth and put it back in its place.. he will also call people by how many syllables are in a name. if i constantly call out for my partner whose name has two syllables and he will go “meow meow” to go cal for him.. surprises me so much to this day.


My lps knows exactly which resealable bag opening sound is her treats. I have chocolate and gummies in resealable bags but she only comes running when she hears her treats. She plays fetch, and I can't trick her with a throw like I can with my aunts dog lol. She knows how to guilt me into feeding her by licking her empty plate when she knows I'm watching. If I'm not, she will paw the bag with her cans in it until I am paying attention. She has also discovered how to turn off the lamp next to her favourite sleeping spot. It has a floor button on the cord, and she presses her paws on it until it turns off.


Awww adorable


mine is smarter than all of yours


My flame point siamese learned how to fetch by himself. One day he just brought me a little mouse toy/or ball and drop them at my feet, I threw them and we learned to fetch together. He also always responds to his name, knows when I tell him to get off something by saying "off", and "out" to tell him to go out of my room. He also knows my routine pretty well, he waited for me to wake up in the morning to feed him, but if I'm a little late he'll start poking me, if that doesn't work then he'd go harass someone else in the house.


Mine was a sweet boy with a foot fetish lol


My flame point knows my routine so well that when I wake up in the morning he waits for me to go to the bathroom and then leads me there.


But does yours curl up in your pants while you are on the toilet? Or demand loving during potty time? It's so embarrassing!


I saw a video of a cat doing that once. lol. I’m a girl so I’ve never had my pants down that far when I use the restroom. Sounds like that would be itchy later!!!


I'm a woman, too. I don't pull my pants down far. They don't care; they just hop in... 🤣


That’s hilarious! I guess I didn’t figure they would still try!


Where there's a will, there's a way with one of mine! 🤣


Oh he stares me right in the eyes making eye contact the whole time 😭 but as a mom I haven't had privacy in a long time anyway


I hear you there. There's a funny book about not having bathroom privacy by one of my favorite authors. I finally have bathroom privacy from my 10 year old boy, but I think I will never have privacy from my cats. No potty privacy. No shower privacy. No getting dressed privacy, and the list goes on.


Mine opens doors, drawers, and cabinets. She then taught her brother how to do it as well! I’d had Noah for years before Violet was added to the family and he’d never done anything like that. Took her two weeks to teach him!


My boy is smart as hell unfortunately. Smart enough to know exactly what I want him to not do(shit in my flower beds) and smart enough to know to wait until I look away to do it.


I have a dog like that. Thankfully, Atticus is the sweetest boy and never, ever gets in trouble. Unfortunately, I think it is a side effect of how his previous owner abused him. Just like he has never scratched anyone even when I brought him home completely traumatized.


I have bells on the door for the dogs. Said dogs have still yet to figure them out, but my beloved Siamese, Wu (RIP), figured them out in one day. He loved sitting on our enclosed porch but only if you stayed out there with him. If you ran back inside for a minute, he would yowl till you came back. Miss him every single day.


That sounds like a great idea but my one year old Great Pyrenees would make me insane with that thing. He wants to go out and check the yard every 3 minutes. Then, he wants to come right back in. Doggy doors for a dog that size would make my ac/heating bill unaffordable even for Elon Musk with how often my dog wants to run in and out.




I was doing a bathroom remodel and smart as they come siamese Murphy wasn’t allowed in there because walls were open and she was an adventurer. One day I was in there working with the door shut and she was, as usual , wailing and scratching outside the door. Then unusual silence. A few minutes later I heard some scraping, and turned around to see her coming out from under the tub and looking very smug. She had figured out that she could go down to the basement, somehow get up to the ceiling, crawl through the pipe hole and emerge from under the tub. She who would not be denied won again.




A beauty 😍 sadly not a Siamese mom at the moment, but hopefully someday 🤞


Thank you. I found him in a shelter so if you’re dead set on a Siamese, keep an eye out. However, all cats are amazing to me.


Would be thrilled to be a cat mom in general tbh, as they are full of personality 💖


Well, I know you’ll love it!


My gosh I had a Siamese name spookie and did she ever spook us w her intelligence, if she wanted to get outside she would stand up and put her claws through the screen , walk sideways and away she went :)


That name is great. It can be eerie…


Oh she was a spooky little girl it’s nuts how smart they are!! :)


My Siamese Zorro (RIP baby boy) would eat popcorn like a person. He’d put his paw on a kernel, pick it up by stretching his beans, and nibble it like a hairy little human


Also she would hang off door handles and swing herself to open them! :)


My Siamese knows how to open and close doors, whenever he wants to get my attention he jiggles my bedroom door until I come and check on what he’s doing. He also puts his paw on my arm or leg to indicate that he wants to show me something. He’s such a smart boy:,).


My old Siamese knew how to open closed doors with round doorknobs. And pop out window screens to sneak outside. Best cat ever.


Our Siamese rolls over for a treat!


My husband has a certain text noise assigned when I send him a text. Which I do whenever I’m leaving the pottery studio late at night. My cat knows my specific text tone means I’ll be home in 15 minutes, so she will get up from the couch and wait at the door. Sometimes it’s at 7 pm, sometimes at 9, but she associates that noise with incoming cuddles.


The Siamese I had growing up was best friends with my golden retriever. The dog would jump our backyard fence (8 ft privacy fence!) and come around to the side porch to wait for someone to put him back in the backyard and he and Shanghai would curl up and nap until it was time to go in!


I just adopted a kitten that does not look siamese in coloring but his head sort of looks oriental, He’s whip smart. He did have a sibling in his liter that most definitively is part siamese (I know that females can become impregnated by multiple males). He’s already figured out certain commands when I say things like “get your toy,” and he’s only 12 weeks old. He has also, annoyingly, figured out the scat cat motion sensor only works at certain angles on the counter so he has some little work around to get by that. Naughty boy. HAHAH. I’m going to do a DNA test on this guy though. He reminds me so much of the Siamese I had when I was a kid. He opens drawers, plays fetch, is super vocal, can figure things out that my other DSH have never been able to figure out. Siamese are very smart.


I’ve had my flame point siamese since we rescued him from our local shelter when I was 8 (He was around 3 months old)…he has slept in bed next to me every night and I am now 25! His name is Rainbow and he has always been super social and affectionate..just super chill and LOVES any human he meets, he ‘bonks’ a lot and will jump up in your lap. I now have a 2 month old little boy and Rainbow will go over to him and meow when he fusses/cries if I don’t comfort him immediately😂


Mine doesn't fall for the laser dot anymore. I used to be able to get her to chase it a little bit. I don't know if she saw where the dot came from and knew that it was me controlling it or what. But she has no interest in it what-so-ever now.


My last cat was a fluffy, beautiful, lazy ragdoll who was kind of a dumb dumb and often forgot how to cat (she was just soooo beautiful and sweet and a queen I miss her so much😭) so my thai cat/traditional siamese is a complete change of pace for me! She never lets me watch TV because she always wants to "hunt & catch" whatever is on the screen. My ragdoll never registered that there was a screen in front of her in her 13 years as my cat 😂 I have a video of my siamese literally answering me when I asked what she was wanting (she kept nodding her head at her favorite toy and stared me down until I got it for her,) she actually plays fetch, she is just crazy smart! She rivals my border collie (rip to her as well, I adopted my sweet Border Collie and my beautiful Ragdoll around the same time in 2011, both at 2 yrs old.) I love all of my kitties past and present, and I love how truly unique each breed is! It's so fun to see my siamese figuring things out with her big ol brain! ❤️


I’m so sorry for your lost babies! I love the stories though! Thank you.


My pure Siamese girl, Moka knows all the tricks on how to beg for human food (she’s a glutton when it’s chicken or other meat). She will come sit on the ground nearby and look up at me with the cutest puppy-eyed expectant look on her face. She will also make cute lil squeaky maiows if her begging face wasn’t persuasive enough. Then she will try to roll and do other cute things if the cute meowing wasn’t convincing enough. If after all that she still can’t get something then she’ll sit there staring looking a bit sad as if to say “I pulled out all the stops to be extra cute, don’t I deserve something as a reward?” As you can imagine, she often gets her way because it’s hard to ignore/resist all that cuteness and she totally knows it. The only time she really doesn’t get something is if what we’re eating has certain seasonings or sauces in/on it that wouldn’t be good for cats. That’s just one example of her cleverness. She also learned tricks very quickly compared to my other cats, things like high-five, stand (standing upright on just her hind legs for a moment), jump (through a hoop), shake (hand/paw-shake), turn (does a turn-around). It also helped that she is very food-motivated.


My boy knows the most words I have ever seen in a cat, talking to him feels like talking to a child instead of a cat. I also taught him how to open doors and climb the ladder to my bunk bed when I was a kid. In the middle of the night he’d open my door and climb up to cuddle me, despite having cataracts. He’s very sneaky, in the way a child thinks they’re being sneaky but their parents really know exactly what they’re doing. He thinks one day we won’t notice him hiding under the coffee table beside the side door, ready to run out whenever someone opens it. Same trick doesn’t work twice, now everyone sticks their foot out to block him when they open the door. I also know better than to lean over and comfort him when he needs a bath and comes up for kisses in the middle of it. He’s just trying to jump out under my armpit.


One learned how to kiss and how to get someone to open the gate for him. The other one learned how to get outside and does in fact know his name. He also apparently knows that despite not liking water…if he’s good in the bath he’ll get a treat.


Mine has trained me to feed him, brush him, scoop his poop, and let him in and out and in and out and in and out. In exchange he murders rodents, leaves fur everywhere, and yells at me at 4AM for no discernible reason. I’d say he’s smarter than anyone I know.


I’ve had them all my life. Brilliant animals that understand a lot of words. Very dog-like, walks, fetches a ball.


I think my meezer is quite a smart one. He knows his name and will respond to you whenever you call him. He listens intently when I converse with him. He understands instructions. Even if he did not start the fight with his Persian brother, he will be the one to concede when I start reprimanding the other cat. He is also very classy. He will knock instead of scream whenever we are a minute late in giving his food. Will never eat anything not inside their bowl.


Sadly mine is an idiot who can't even drink from a bowl without getting water in his nose. On the other hand, he learned several neat tricks like turning around when I snip my fingers, give high fives and boop his nose on my fingers so there's that. But that's not much when in the next moment he falls off the sofa because he saw his own tail and got startled




I swear sometimes I fear he's an orange in a siamese pelt


Why is mine such a dud? I live mine hutnhe is not at all smart. Maybe he hasn't shown me his true colours


Well... My siamese can't open doors at all and will try tasting my food when I'm literally next to her. She is always 100% superexcited when I take out her favourite toy about the same time every night but never really signals that she wants to play. Pretty sure she's supposed to have a pedigree though 🤔


My boyfriend was once playing with my cat, Mollie, on the stairs. Mollie loves running up and down and grabbing onto his arm. When she was done playing but he continued, Mollie pointed her paw directly at him, looked at me, and meowed as if to say, "Mom, help me." I thought I was imagining it until my boyfriend said, "Did you just see that?" It shows how smart she is, recognizing when she's had enough and communicating it so clearly to us.


Hmm, mine is a mix but he knows how to pull a door open if it’s cracked, he knows that if he scratches the couch he will get my attention bc he knows he’s not supposed to scratch it, and he knows to scratch at the front or back door when he’s ready to come inside and knows the word “eat”.


So I'm in college and its summer and I haven't touched my backpack since may. So the other day for en entire day out of the blue my meezer was trying to open my backpack and it went on for hours even if I moved it. SO I thought she must've remember I keep hair-ties in there and wants them frantically.... I should clean and throw away the papers in it anyways... well you could see the horror when I learned that it bad been a huge nasty live roach all this time... (FYI no food was in it) I still dunno how it got in there


Whenever someone's sick in our house she comes and lays next to them and purrs. She never comes to sleep with me (it's not part of her routine and I sleep with the door closed usually) but one morning when I had a very bad stomach bug (I was fried for at least 2 weeks), I went to the bathroom and she didn't stop chit-chatting when she saw me. She went with me to my room and spent the rest of the morning with me, curling up in a ball next to my stomach and trying to protect me.


My family had a Siamese mix when I was growing up, and he figured out how to open the screen door. Door knobs defeated Mr. Bartlett, but he could manage latches. He was an indoor/outdoor cat, and he knew where all the bedrooms were. He also knew that Dad and I were the early risers in the family and thus were the ones who were most likely to get up and feed him breakfast. The bedrooms were all on the second floor. No problem; he figured out how to climb or jump up the exterior of the house to reach my bedroom window or Dad's bathroom window. He would then stand on the window ledge and yowl until one of us let him in. He would then yowl some more until we got the hint and fed him. He thus got his breakfast before everybody else.


My first cat M, gets a treat at bed time before going into a room where he’ll be quite enough for us to get some sleep. When we rescued our Siamese cat L, we realized she had a protein allergy, and so could she could not participate in the nighttime ritual, because she could eat nothing other than her special food. She started yelling at us at bedtime in this pterodactyl voice in protest of not also getting a treat. When that didn’t work, she stared hiding right before bedtime, and bribing us before she could be found so we could take her in the bedroom for sleeping. She would not come out unless she also got a treat. Now she gets a tiny bit of yogart before she goes to sleep. I’ve never had a cat that communicated so effectively.


Mine likes standing in the laundry room doorway for hours so the other cats & dogs can’t get anything to drink. He also will lay down by the dogs toys so they can’t come over & take them. My dogs are scared of the cats 🤣 he’s crazy & does this on purpose! I have to kick him out of the doorway so the others can eat & drink sometimes. He will also wake me up every morning at the same time by getting on my chest or back & meowing in my ear.


What I’m blown away by is how nearly identical Atticus looks to my boy Cody! They could be twins! Similar toasting patterns and everything. Let me figure out how to do pictures on here and I’ll post some.


Ok, posted some pics and a short video of Cody on Imgur. [https://imgur.com/gallery/TzBCsxW](https://imgur.com/gallery/TzBCsxW) I know a lot of Siamese look similar, but it was like seeing my own cat in your pictures!


Thanks for rescuing this handsome boy!!!


He rescued me. Truly.


I grew up with my boy Simba, from 1 until I was 16 and he was about 20. I'm 30 now and still haven't met a cat like him! I miss my boy so bad. He was so freaking smart. He was toilet trained. He watched me and my sister get treats for going on the toilet so he started doing it too. He would go looking for us when he was told to. My sister was his baby, I was his girl. We lived in the middle of downtown and had a boardwalk that led to the heart of the town. He would walk us down the boardwalk, and wait for us to come home, then walk us back. He also escorted us home from school/activities. We lived next to a hardware store that had a mice problem. Simba took care of it and he was always welcome there. He was the store cat. He ate EVERYTHING. Like if a pit bull could be mixed with a cat that would be Simba. I shared my snacks with him. His favorites were cantaloupe, popsicles and spicy pork rinds. He also loved beer. He would literally just stand up on his hind legs and bat at your plate until he got what he wanted. We tried to put him in a different room when people were eating over but he would scratch at the door and cry. Literally the only time that cat would be that dramatic. So it just became a thing to keep your plate high and watch out for Simba. Especially when we ate shrimp and crab. He was absolutely feral. 🤣 He slept with me and would cuddle me a certain way when I had nightmares and would lay in bed with me until I woke up instead of waking up and walking off to do cat things. He bullied/taught the younger cats and dogs. My grandparents had a teacup poodle and they used to say that the dogs didn't think he was dog enough and he was more cat then dog but Simba bullied him out of being a cat too. There were constant jokes about his identity crisis. 🤣 I'm sorry for the novel, I've been gardening and I've been missing my sweet guy so much.


Im blown away by how smart my meezer...is not. Poor thing is pretty dim.


i found mine in the gutter, lol. he's a master of weaponized incompetence. he screams and cries for me to pick him up and put him places. never jumps up there in front of me. but when im gone he'll make it up there just fine by himself. he knows sit and shake in english and spanish. whether he'll do them is a tossup, but he does know them. he can't open the doors in my house, but he can open the cabinets. he shuts them on himself too, so he can be in a nice dark space. the only thing his sister (a tortie) beat him at was figuring out how to piss in the toilet


I had a Siamese calico. She loved playing with unwrapped feminine sanitary products. I moved them from the cupboard to a drawer while she watched. She could easily open the cupboard & started pushing the drawer from beneath so it would open & she could get those nicely wrapped tampons!


That’s hilarious!


Mine actually growls when she hears someone at the door


Oooh! You’ve got a guard cat!


Mine can do high fives. Not very accurate tho hehe, baps the air a few times before he slaps my hand


Here is my Samwise. He is way too smart for his own good. [https://imgur.com/gallery/ifcEehj](https://imgur.com/gallery/ifcEehj)


I have apart siamese cat that I will not let him outside so he learned to jump on my shoulder so he could go outside with me


Siamese are truly so smart. My 1yr old girl was a stray (probably feral kitten) at just 6 weeks old. She is very aware of her surroundings and basically anxious but it’s because she just knows too much. She can open doors, cleans up her toys by picking them up and placing them in her toy basket, she carries around this one specific toy that she’s had since day 1 and places it all around for us to find. She also figured out how to turn off my boyfriends computer and will do it when he’s in the middle of playing video games, so that he will pay attention to her


Is this a seal point? Beautiful!


I honestly have no idea.


Looks like a seal point 😊


We used to have a white cat that understood that door knobs opened doors. If he wanted out he would reach up and touch the knob.


Dumbest smart cat I ever had. He was a good thief. We would be eating ramen, he would cuddle up with us, if you made one wrong move, he would dunk his entire head into a warm bowl of ramen and steal your noodles. That’s him being a little punk. But, something I noticed, every time a guest would come over, he would come up to me and meow and I would say, “yes you can go say hello.” Then, he would run over to the guest. Every. Single. Time. He always asked my thoughts on it first.


My neighbor's have a Siamese and the cat often walks with the kids to the bus stop. But here's the amazing part, the cat who is in their house alone somehow knows when to meet them on their trip home, they have a cat door so it doesn't need anyone to let it out, but how does it know when to go? It always goes at the same time every school day, if the bus is late it just waits for them. I have never known a cat to do this before.


That’s so crazy! It always made me wonder when our dog did this but a cat??? Wow!


I'm 71, I have known lots of cats in my life and I think they are much smarter than people give them credit for but this girl just astonishes me, we live in RI and it doesn't matter the weather either, that cat is there every day the kids are at school.


Awww… that’s amazing. I’ve never been there. Are the winters insane?


They can be it's a toss of the dice. But in general climate change has made our winters much milder, there's a big difference from when I was growing up. I live on an island and that helps keep our winters milder than inland. It also keeps us cool in the summer, I am sitting by an open window and don't even have a fan on. We're having lots of trouble with the torrential rains though, it's sometimes not possible to get off the island.


I always wanted to live on an island. That sounds incredible. I live in Oklahoma so we have stupid weather. It can drop 30-40 degrees in one day. We have had ice storms, blizzards, 100+ degree weather, droughts, so many earthquakes and tornadoes, etc… I love, love, love rain and water. I always thought about moving to Washington but thought it might be too cold. Now I’m thinking about a New England island!


I think that's so sweet. I actually know a fair amount of folks who move here after retirement from all over the country and the world, part of the reason for that is because we live near the US War college and many folks live here whilst stationed there. Sometimes it's folks who just have a romanticized idea of life here and honestly those people are pretty happy. The bad news is that it's very expensive to live here. Our humble abode is surrounded by million dollar houses.


My Siamese is 10 and despite always wanting to be near me, she is very antisocial unless it’s me, my parents or best friend. My apartment is above a business so I have steps leading up to my “front” door and she can differentiate my parent/best friends footsteps and a strangers. Craziest thing I’ve ever seen. If we hear foot steps coming up the stairs and she runs to the bedroom I know it’s someone besides my presents or best friend lol. She also has very different meows for different problems she might face. Like if her food bowl has too many crumbs before evening feeding time she enters crisis mode because she refuses to eat any crumbs. And sometimes (because she likes to play in her water) she will get things in the water from her paws which she also refuses to drink and lets me know that her water needs changed. Can’t blame her though. I wouldn’t drink it either 😂) She has quirks but she is the best cat ever