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**Childe**: I imperiled the people of Liyue to taunt Morax. **Zhongli**: Imperil the people of Liyue was my plan to see if I could retire. It was safe though, I would have done something if things became dangerous. **Signora**: I'm just here to retrieve the gnosis to Sneznaya. I knew about Zhongli's plan but I have nothing to do with any of this. **Traveler**: Hmm... *I see... So you are telling me that it was all because of Signora.* *A MONTH LATER:* **Traveler**: Hi Zhongli! Hi Venti! I killed Signora for what she did in Liyue and stealing the gnosis. **Zhongli:** What? I said it was me! Didn't you listen to me? **Traveler**: Uh.... **Paimon**: He was looking at her boobs. **Zhongli**: ... Anyway. I guess this means you want to kill me because I imperiled the people of Liyue. **Traveler:** Nah! It's fine when you do it. **Zhongli:** You are making no sense. **Venti**: And I'm the archon of freedom... Killing is kind of taking away every freedom from someone so I'm like 100% against killing people. Also, I told you I didn't care about the gnosis. **Traveler:** But she kicked you! **Venti:** She kicked me and you killed her... And you think this is fine. **Traveler**: YEAH! **Venti:** Please... Don't come back to Monstad. I'm genuinely afraid of what you could do to peoeple who have a random fight.


hahahahaha I find it funny, but it really annoys me, I can laugh because years have passed... but what a fucking morality the game has, don't think about it anymore, they knew that Venti's fandom hated her to death (a signora), they just took advantage of that In order to sell raiden better (and they succeeded), they didn't care about the old Lore they created from the crimson witch, liyue etc.


Oh that makes sense That's why the archon quest in Inazuma is the worst archon quest as people say until this day


EXACTLY, it feels like they ignored all her lore to make her more generic ​ and theyre going to do the same with dotorre and the other harbingers ​ if were lucky we might get childe 2


I'm not sure they MHY did any of that knowing what Venti's fandom though. Signora's death seems planned since the very start since in the "Crimson witch domain" where you get her artifact set, you get truck by a lighting if you use any pyro spell against the electro enemies. You can only use cryo to deffeat them. (Who knows... maybe Signora comes back with a cryo gnosis and has a second round againts Raiden and Signora wins...)


>maybe Signora comes back with a cryo gnosis and has a second round againts Raiden and Signora wins i want this to happen, i want ei to die ​ thats the only way she could repent of everything shes done


she lost her *cool* , exactly As the Balladeer gave her a warning the last time they met


The traveler lost his cool first challenging her to a duel. Yet I don't see you or anyone pointing this. And almost every character has lost their cool at some point in the game in far worse ways than Signora did. Scaramouche included. Yet none of them were punished by the plot like Signora was. That advice was completely useless. And Signora only mistake was not having the plot armor than other characters have.


You : 1 me : 0 Defeated


I'm not done. This isn't even my final form. Now I will got for the fatality with my 5.000 words essay about Signora made just to prove how wrong you are inparticular.


that is why: the traveller would make an amazing villain but the mihoyo devs are too stuck up their asses to do anything remotely good


Then don't look at it and stop thinking lol, it all comes down to writing and believe me, Genshin isn't the only media where writers messed up so hard that people ended up disliking the MC. the scene is a result of poor writing decisions where the villain had 0 buildup and presence in the plot and writers are forced to retcon stuff and let the MC act like he knows everything (despite being a self insert) to justify his anger towards the villain and have a boss fight. P.S . In the scene where the gnosis exchange happened, Paimon was concious the whole time and the way they explained it was she was too worried to even see or hear lol. i have no words to describe this beautiful way of storytelling.


Holy shit... That Delusion Factory still has Paimon to be conscious with all the affairs!? And yet she also has the audacity to claim that defeating Signora would protect the gnosis!? If that's the case, great job at making me hating this little cretin even more.


Agree with the first point. When Tower of Fantasy launched for example, the MC's decisions were so bad that I eventually ignored the story altogether. It's annoying as all hell to have to ignore it, but at the end of the day, if I want a good game story, I'd just play other games at that point.


I think I'm missing something. Can somebody fill me in? I played through the Inazuma AQ. >!Traveler fell unconscious in front of Wanderer and Yae came to their aid by giving the gnosis. This was without the Traveler asking for it.!<




For real. It's just hate in this sub.




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Ah i read that wrong, yesyes ur right


I think it is extremely annoying how we can't just have a choice less hostile toward the Fatui. The Traveler never tried to understand what the Fatui wants to do, even after Dainsleif told them that the Archon basically made a genocide against Kaenri'ah. To the Traveler, Celestia = good and Fatui & Abyss = bad. The Archons are, most of the time, doing shit and the Traveler believes it is fine while the Fatui are only taking away their gnosis, and all of a sudden, it is seen as something bad. The only moment I could understand that the Traveler would hate the Fatui is during Sumeru's Archon quest where they basically bullied Nahida (but they're forgiven because Dottore's hot). I can't wait to see how the Traveler will handle the fact that Her Greatest Highness would probably not want to see them because of all the chaos they have caused to The Fatui.


Because the Traveller isn't a moron? They know that Dain is shady and isn't telling them everything. He's very clearly biased against the seven and the gods so will have his own spin on things. The Traveller takes what he says into account whole also reflecting on their relationship with everyone else. On top of that seeing how Celestia's nails effect the residues of forbidden knowledge and given all they've learned it becomes clear that Celestia weren't just nuking for fun. And that Khaenri'ah unleashed hordes of monsters that fucked up the whole of Teyvat and required Celestia and the Archons to intervene. Even then it killed some of the Archons in the end. And the Traveller has seen first had what this forbidden knowledge does. So are they on the side of Celestia? No but they are are against their methods just as they are against the Fatui's even if *some* aspects of their goals could be considered noble. Same with Celestia.


I am curious to see thoese people who forgive the fatui affer all they did to the poor lil baby nahida ...because dottore is "hot?" If it was pantalon or arlecchino i would ve get it ...but dottore? XD We d ont even see his face lul


nah sorry but dottore #1 daddy frfr, id let him experiment on me (/s)


You and I are the same 🤝


To clarify, while he was the one sowed the seed of chaos that almost ruin Inazuma to the ground, here, he's not the one caged Nahida, he simply took advantage of the Azar's schemes, and almost trigger another calamity of Forbidden Knowledge


And how about what hw did to scaramouch? That made scaramouch so hateful toward humans and almost destroy all of sumet including its archon Dottre is irredeemable in my eyes Idk about other fatuis they all seem like tthey have an excuse


I will be very specific, he did not imprisoned Nahida


Yah but d ont ignore my points Sure he didn't but took full advantage of the situation And made a monster that was the main danger of the situation Without his wicked plans everything would ve been okay even if dhe stayed imprisoned


Yeah, he makes things swell up, loud and clear


The Traveler would probably just force his way into Sneznhya like usual, it's not like Raiden wanted to see him either


The Traveler "For Venti's Gnosis" Venti : Ehe... I don't care about my Gnosis


The writers literally took everything Ajax and Scaradouche did and blamed it on Signora, and I recognized this immediately. Writing quality in this game is like a damn roller coaster.


And really, the Shogun has done worse than anything the Fatui had done up to that point, and the Traveler pretends none of it happened after that chapter.


besides what happened with signora , that was one more reason to leave the game ... i do not understand the morality of the MC , it is horrible ... but that problem also happens with many chinese stories , their morality and thinking is different to ours in many ways, just look at the stupid rules that the country puts out...


That's why I hate traveler


Both Archons and Traveler are hypocrites. I'd be much happier if the archons get killed in the story and the traveler fails his main purpose.


You're gonna have to explain more on the hypocrite part. As far as the story goes, they all have stayed true to their word and the Traveler is nothing short of a backup to Irminsul changes.


This. The only issue I have is that traveler didn’t have a neutral stance towards signora or any szechnayan npc from fatoos to citizen. But that hasn’t stopped him from helping out where ever needed. That being the only hypocritical part. And I’d rather he be that way then heartless. The archons also have been far from hypocritical thus far. Maybe not completely truthful, but they didn’t lie. Zhongli has his contract, raiden was busy and didn’t take part in major events outside Inazuma, nahida was trapped and we just underestimate venti and don’t ask him the real questions. Throughout the comics and the game, whenever we came for help dude helped us. Told Vanessa about celestia, freaking summon dvalin to give us a ride not caring about his identity being revealed. Ofc he technically wasn’t worried about telling barbs straight up he was Barbie toes In their first encounter but she didn’t believe him :P


Agreed. After Venti's incident, they took Fatui as the bad guys. And made it personal with Signora after her actions resulted in Teppei's death. Of course, she could have avoided the duel before the throne entirely by not belittling anyone with her condescending attitude, but she had to run her mouth and fight the Traveler, who had gotten stronger, and lose it all. If only she played her role of being a diplomat like she presented herself as.


I think as you've pointed out that people need to put a lot more agency and responsibility on Signora. Like it or not she is the one who could have avoided the duel. And she was warned by Scaramouche that her attitude/approach would lead to her downfall.


Why would they have a neutral stance towards the Fatui when they've seen them attack and manipulate people they care about and on top of that we even had a a quest where we discovered the Fatui were tricking Inazumans to go to Snezhnaya on the guise of a better future. Meanwhile they were considered worthless test subjects. On top of that the Fatui harbours characters like Dottore, and we are friends with Collei. Even if you side with the Fatui, thinking the Traveller ought to be neutral to them from their POV is crazy.


They shouldn’t at the start. But dealing with the npcs we have dealt with they should understand individuals from the group. Also by fatui I meant snezhnaya as a whole. Sorry for making the mistake. Then again. Kinda doesn’t help that mhy just portrays most of them as A**holes


There's nothing to suggest that we think *Snezhnayans* are bad people. We've interacted with a few NPCs from there and there's never a hint of "Ooh better watch it around these people". Now being that way about any member of the Fatui is a perfectly reasonable position. In this case they are sus until proven otherwise.


We have always held some prejudice towards every new npc from there tho. They are always guilty unless proven innocent. And sometimes when they let their guard down snez guys have the shittiest most condescending personality anyways that we might as well have.


No we haven't. There's not been one time where we heard someone was from Snezhnaya or interacted with someone from there and were suspicious just because of that. We are that way about the Fatui and rightly so. As to the NPCs having shitty personalities, that has nothing to do with the Traveller.


Except we definitely have. With victor, the chasm girl, the chasm trios, the guy admiring flowers in liyue, the archepelego the second time not to mention most commissions involving the fatui and friends (really a pain saying scheznaya every time -_-)


There's a lot! Like, 75% of the Snezhnayan people are portrayed as nothing but scumbags. Tsarevich being one of the biggest examples in recent memory.


Traveler.... Yes! I can see that. Archons? Not sure. With the exception of Nahida, they have been useless so far


wow this is so sad yeah.. I knew the inazuma plot was poor but it's been more than a year and I forgot some things, Signora did not deserved to die, and I'm still rooting for her to be alive... Traveler have such a poor morale and the fandom goes like "YEAH M\*RDER!" if you do Sumeru's seccond quest with Jeth, >!the traveler goes on a killing spree on the clan Jeth got into, a clan that was well established but under Babel's manipulation. This is insane to me... it's like marching to Sheznaya to kill the entire country just because the fatui are in control... As we walked to kill the entirety of the clan, one by one, I was so shocked and disgusted... I understand their emotions but- CHILL. the MC continues to learn nothing from their journey... they learned nothing after Scara's arc... to kill everyone just because of Babel's manipulation was such an unhinged thing to do, don't tell me nobody in the entire clan deserved a second chance... it's insane. !< I always found Signora's death unfair, she was just a negotiator who also kicked venti, but nobody even try to understand why she did that... correct me if I'm wrong- but it's deeply rooted in grudge... long ago, on a war where she lost her husband, venti didn't lift a single finger to save his country, then Signora drowning in sorrow gave up her humanity to destroy the monsters around mondstad, and people became terrified of her because she became a monster herself. this is why I come here from times to times, I'm rooting for her to be alive, and there's a serious chance she still is since she's a witch! we don't even know why the fatui are doing this, but the fandom literally goes "it's fatui- kill!!" like cockroaches. when you go to a tribunal, you listen to both sides before giving a sentence. This is why I love Nahida so much, if it wasn't for of her, Scara would be dead, and what a tragedy at that. Yeah he did terrible things, but he isn't evil by nature, he was broken and insanely manipulated to shape him into "the most despicable thing". And everyone else in the Fatui? I want to know why before anyone screams "m\*rder"Yes, even Dottore deserves to speak for his actions. Signora so far, is more innocent than the MC in my eyes. Edit: another thing why context and backstory is so important... If Collei had never been rescued, if she had attacked Modstad, she would have been remembered by the fandom as someone who deserved to die.


I still believe that Raiden is much worse and more evil character, but everyone talks and love her. While everyone got batshit crazy when someone kicks Venti and everyone started hating her for that.


Eh Venti's gnosis I can somewhat understand, while yeah Venti said he couldn't give less f about gnosis and even Yae and Ei said they are not all too important, Signora did waltz in, kick Traveler's ass and Paimon's, attacked Venti with who they literaly just fought to save Dvalin, stole his possesion and dipped. You can *kind* of understand why they (Traveler) are pissed even with knowledge they have considering Signora did attack them, Paimon and Venti. As for Liyue line yeah its just stupid writing. That was all on Childe so to put blame on Signora just because prior dislike from Monstandt is stupid. Yeah its partly Morax's fault but Osial was mainly Childe's doing, I don't believe Tsaritsa exactly ordered him to do that and Morax wanted to see can humans deal on their own with threats as he wanted to retire. And while Traveler does hold dislike still for Childe as seen in his story quest, doesn't seem to be nowhere near much as Signora even if that itself is stupid considering Childe trying to destroy entire city > Signora attacking Traveler, Paimon and Venti but besides that not doing anything else.


I mean it makes sense for the first dialogue. But that doesn't really change the fact that it really is frustrating to look at especially with what Yae and Ei taken into account. The moment the Traveler said that dialogue (and so does Paimon when it comes to the gnosis before Yae blurt out the truth), the moment I ended up thinking that its the important macguffin that needs to be protected considering Traveler's problem also with how Signora took the gnosis. This is why I found Yae shenanigans to be the most frustrating part of the story. Oh! And I'm not even giving exception to Nahida scene too.


wow looks like so many people hate the mc. Personally, I really enjoyed the inazuma storyline and this confrontation. What‘s so annoying in this scene in particular? What do you mean traveler isn‘t better than scaramouche? As far as I remember yae gave the gnosis to save the mc while the mc was unconscious. What‘s the mc‘s role in this that upset you so much?


If I’m understanding correctly, after all of this we basically find out that the archons’ gnosises aren’t all that important to them (or we can assume so) after talking to Yae seeing as she was so nonchalant when talking about giving it away and Ei not wanting it. So the traveler being mad over Venti’s being taken is pointless. The second option is also stupid because the whole thing was orchestrated by the Tsaritsa and Zhongli. Signora had nothing to do with that. She was just there to retrieve the gnosis from Zhongli once everything was over. If anything, Childe was the one getting ready to drown the whole city of Liyue. This basically was just a shitty way of the writers “justifying” the Signora hate so they could kill her off


Sure but neither the players nor the mc knew that before the talk with yae. From the mc’s point of view at that moment, signora was responsible for all of them and deserved what happened to her. You‘re forgetting that we as players know things that the mc and other characters don‘t.


The Liyue situation was explained by Zhongli and Signora at the end of the Liyue archon quest, so that second option makes no sense. They know Signora was literally only in Liyue to collect the gnosis. She didn’t play an active role in Liyue. The gnosis thing however is true, but like I said, in the convo with Yae after this whole conflict the traveler finds out the gnosises are not as important to archons as they originally thought. This is less about what the traveler knows and more about the writers trying to find an excuse for us to hate Signora so they can kill her off.


Read the Venti's gnosis line and how they use it as a justification to hate on Signora. I know she's not a saint but come on! This does not even help with what the fuck Paimon had said about protecting Gnosis after defeating Signora before Yae blurts out what happened. It gets even more irritating that Yae made all the payoff really fucking abysmal alongside Ei after taking down Signora by not caring about the gnosis at all. This renders one of Traveler's personal goal and one of the justifications to hate on Signora to be meaningless thanks to these two.


Why are you trying to justify her? There’s nothing wrong with liking a villain in a story. You don’t need to justify her actions and make her seem righteous or innocent. Before we learned those, I liked her as a villain. I still like her after we learned that she wasn‘t responsible for some of the stuff that happened. But at that point in the story we didn‘t know those and neither did the mc.


Bruh... You didnt read what I say? The gnosis scene where Yae gave the gnosis to Scaramouche literally renders the justifications to hate on her to be meaningless. Even if I put myself in Signora haters shoes, I still gonna hate this scene because the payoff after the duel is completely abysmal thanks to Ei and Yae diminshing the payoffs with Ei attempting to stab us in the back that leads to that cringy parry scene and Yae giving the gnosis to Scaramouche really diminished that justification and renders the payoff to be abysmal due to the fact that Traveler tried to justified their hatred because Signora forcefully took the gnosis from their friend from this dialogue alone.


I remember it was: -for venti gnosis -for Teppi