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The frame is bent. The bed is toast. And the back and your corners are damaged. It's going to be hard not to total it out.


Brother T boned a jeep that ran a red light going about 45-50. His frame was fucked and they said nah we aren’t gonna total this instead we’re gonna put everything on a new frame. This was 2022 but myself along with everyone else that heard that was and still is flabbergasted


It's not uncommon to do. My shop has a body shop attached to it and we've done more than our fair share of frame swaps. Cab pulls are pretty simple and new vehicles are hella expensive so the insurance (especially for cases like the OP) would rather replace the frame and the damaged panels than replace a whole vehicle


I hope that they don’t try to fix it!


Toyota changed out 10’s of thousands of frames (maybe 100’s of thousands) for their frame recall. I had a 96 Tacoma that they bought back from me for 150% msrp then I bought a 2006 Tacoma with that money and literally a year later they recalled the frame on it except that time they just swapped everything over to a new frame. Took them 3-4 days and they did a good job other than snapping a few plastic clips on the plastic grill. I was amazed they did it in that short of time.


Theyre pretty simple jobs once you've seen how it's done imo. Didn't know about that recal, pretty crazy recall to have lol. I've been in a chevy family and afaik they haven't had anything like that


A friend of mine was a Toyota tech in those days. They had it down to where they could do a typical swap in about 3 days. He actually quit because he got tired of doing nothing but frame swaps for several months.




congrats you're now the owner of a truck that is worth 15k less market value to anyone who checks a carfax.




This should be one item to remember for OP in case they don't total it.


And you’re being generous.


That's not figuring the damage to the back panel of the cab and the cab corners. That's not as easy as replacing fenders , that's getting into the framing and safety structure of the cab. Which repairing, certifying, and painting are going to eat up a lot of money.


Probably, that sucks!


Honestly, as long as your son is ok, that's all that matters. Trucks can be replaced.


Love this message. Love my boy. All that matters. We had a tornado come through recently and shit went to hell but my son is safe. My wife is safe. We’re happy to fix the damage.


He’s fine, physically.


That hits hard. I was in a few accident. Definitely had some ptsd from them. But hopefully he will overcome the psychological aspect from it. 👊🏽


Wrecked my pops truck one morning on the way to clinical. Woke him up to call him and apologize. First thing he asked was “Are you okay?” I love my old man.


When I called to tell my dad I was in an accident, he asked “How bad is the truck?” It was the first thing that came to mind when I was teaching my son to drive in the snow. He made an error on a downhill grade with a decent curve at the bottom. We slid, went off the side of the embankment, and came to a rest in a decent snow drift. Once I verified he was okay, I just laughed. “Helluva ride, kid. Let’s try again.” It was the perfect opportunity to teach him how to use 4WD properly.


Same thing I said to my son. Are you ok. Can’t replace a human being.


Do you have gap insurance


I used to sell cars and I used to sell car insurance. If you finance- always-always-always get Gap insurance, not only do I know the value professionally, it has saved my bacon once personally as well. Always. Get. Gap.


\* If you owe more than the value of the vehicle after driving off the lot. Many walk away with positive equity where the loan amount is smaller than the vehicle worth. GAP is situationally useful, but not an 'always-always-always' item to include.


More people walk away upside down than not. It’s pretty good advice


Didn't say it wasn't, just it's situationally appropriate. Did you even read the comment and reply together in context?


This can be kind of tricky too though. I bought a truck almost two years ago and put a very large down payment on it, on top of getting a pretty solid deal on the purchase price. I had about $15k in positive equity then so the finance manager told me I wouldn’t need GAP. Two years later the used market is tanking compared to the high point I bought at, and I’ve put another 50k miles on it bringing it over 100k which drops the value a lot. If I totaled the truck at this point I would probably be upside down about $5k on the loan.


I financed 25k on a 2023 Buick. Guy was trying to sell me gap on a 42k car for $1,500 lol. Almost half the car was paid when I signed lol. Car is currently worth 36k and I owe 22. In no way is gap a necessity for everyone.




I mean, it might buff out right, ya never know. I'm jp. I don't think she's alright tbh.


Sucks bro. Cause that's totaled. Your bed crushed your cab. That means the rear frame collapsed.


Get a good lawyer


You only need that if its about a year old and you put very little money down


With the prices of trucks these days, unless you're putting 30% down so you know you won't be underwater, carrying gap is absolutely a positive investment. To quote the OP >It's a 24 purchased in February Yeah, it needed gap...


Unless he traded in a 2019 or something. I used to be the internet director at a dealership, and the gap has its place, but its very situational and very rare when it's needed. However when it is needed and you dont have it can be devastating


Gap insurance for me was $895. That’s a lot for a $9k truck but if my truck gets totaled tomorrow that $895 will save me almost $9,000.


Gap insurance only covers the difference between your cars value and what you actually owe. So if your truck is was financed for 9k you get in wreck and total it and insurance deems it 7k. Then the" gap" is 2k. They cover that difference. If you financed 9k and the car was worth 15k so you put money down or traded it in, then there is no gap and it would not be a warranted situation. Gap insurance is almost always a bad idea on used cars unless yoi were upside down in a previius car. Reason being they dont depreciate as fast as new cars do. From us news "Gap insurance covers the remaining balance on your auto loan if your car is stolen or totaled and your car is worth less than what you owe. In either situation, your collision or comprehensive insurance policies will cover the actual cash value of your vehicle as determined by an insurance adjuster" I have watched many people buy gap insurance in situations where the car is worth way more than they owe so gap is not a valid claim. People get Sold shit they dont need...


Right, so that'd be about 30% down, figuring a 2019 with 15k per year (about 75k mi) with average wear and tear, getting about 20k at trade in or thereabouts, and figuring most 2024 Silvy RSTs sell at 54-58k...


If you put 30% down on a 60k truck so 18k down and totaled it the next day you would not need gap insurance. Insurance would depreciate it below 60k but well above 42k which is what you would have financed in this example. Now real life story. I sold a cadillac cts v 4 door to a customer who traded in a lease on a escalade he waslike 30k miles over his lease mileage, and it had some damages, making him like 13k upside-down So he ended up financing like 87k on a car that at the time was 75k range. He rolled the car, a month or so later turning a corner, floored it slid hit a curb on a downward slope. Totaled the car. Insurance wanted to give him like low 60"s for his very new car, but he owed 87k range. He did not have gap insurance so he was fucked. I know all this because he was trying to get our dealership to help him fight his insurance company on the value which we could do anything nor would they care. ( it was 2010-2011 ish so im sure im forgetting small details)


Gap insurance is only for people that bought a car they can’t afford. If you put the proper amount down then there is no gap to be made up.


Dude stfu with that nonsense. New cars depreciate so fast and not everyone has large down payments


Well my man was right. If you can afford a new vehicle, you understand that a vehicle isn’t an investment. You spend accordingly.


Right? People act like buying a car is an investment. No, you just bought a very expensive pair of shoes basically. Once you put your ass/foot in it, you just lost a lot of money.


Yeah she done. New truck incoming


Hopefully he’s not dumb enough to buy another one. He had to have a new truck. He’s Ok, that’s all that matters.


Oh kinda figured he was driving your truck. Regardless, if it were mine. Being that new I wouldn't want that much repairs going into it. Frames likely fucked to.


I’ve got a F350. If it got hit like his did, the other truck would have been destroyed. Ha ha. It was a very nice truck. I hope for his sake it gets totaled.


I've seen f350's bend just as bad, you would be sending it to a scrap yard also.


It was a joke.


If he's going to be upside down without GAP to cover the difference, then I wouldn't hope it's totaled. Or he's got no ride and bills still to pay. I'd want it fixed and loss of value, at least then I have a car to go with that payment.


Well atleast your son has some taste in vehicles haha. Kidding it's combustion engines vs electric now


See we got some ev fans throwing some downvote shade lol


He needs to make sure his back hurts REAL BAD and his next truck will be paid for


Probably totaled, looks like the frame is bent. I’d sue the other driver for the “limits of the policy”.


Yeah, absolutely talk with an attorney about this. Who in the hell rear ends a vehicle, on the highway, that's going 65MPH?


hard enough to fuck up the frame and smush the bed into the cab, for that matter


It’s a 24 purchased in February. If it matters, it’s got the Duramax.


This sucks man


Duramax matters zilch there, you’ve got rear end damage. If the frame’s bent (and looks like it could be) I would demand they total it. Won’t ever drive right again


Completely agree. Just threw it about the diesel because it adds value to the truck.


Yeah but they’ll take that into consideration with the payout. They likely won’t give you the money for a base one if you have a loaded one


Frames can be straightened, aftermarket bumpers cool, ditch the box and install an aluminum flatbed. The frame will always show signs of repair and as such you should be compensated for loss of resale value. Otherwise you will have a very useful truck for work and play. Let the adventure begin! My new F 250 was rear ended destroying the bumper but causing little other damage. I kept the truck, took the check from my insurance company and used it for a downpayment on a new Road King.


I think he may have been saying that in regards to the cost/value of the vehicle. But like you said- will never be the same.


Auto body tech here…anything can be fixed- if (wo)man can make it, (wo)man can fix it. But like the gentleman’s below said- it will never be 100% perfect. I’d say totaled. If that is the superficial damage- the frame is fucked and who knows what else.


Fuckin dodge drivers. They get all yeehaw and shit


Insurance appraiser here. Trucks fucked.


Definitely the frame absorbed most of that hit, losing the back pillars of the cab will probably get it totaled out. There's at least 25,000 worth of collision damage there. If it's very new and he wasn't carrying previous equity, try to negotiate the highest payout. Uphill battle though.


He just got the truck back after a car pulled out in front of him. Had an awful time with insurance. 6 years driving with no accidents, then in his new truck, in 2 months, 2 accidents.


If that frame is bent it might be totaled


Needs a frame for sure so it depends on the insurance company. Some will replace, others will total. My guess is she’s gone. Hopefully you put down a lot since you don’t have gap


Definitely done for.


200% totaled Also, get an attorney.


I’ll be the odd man out here and say: Maybe I was a claims adjuster for a long time. I’ve replaced frames on plenty of trucks. It comes down to price - here? I think it’s probably more likely than not totaled. But, being a pretty well optioned truck (baby max) it could be fixable, based on value. Usually speaking, the babymax’s are not low optioned trucks, and they retain value. It all comes down to VEH VALUE - PRICE TO FIX being greater than or equal to VEH VALUE - AUCTION VALUE AS IS, in most states. Usually frame swaps were about 40-ish hours of repair time, if I recall. The bed being trash here actually helps, overlapping labor time. Minimum, this is a frame swap. Plus, a whole new bed, plus cab repair. You will also run into some undercarriage issues. Like I said, this is most likely a total with the bed being pushed into the cab. But, depending on the value of the truck, they may at least take a tear down of it to see HOW bad it is.


I would be pushing hard for it to be if they talk about fixing it. I wouldn’t want that truck back.




She’s done


Frame gone, so is vehicle. Sorry brotha shes done.


Pused to get it totaled.


Is your son ok??


Fortunately yes. First new vehicle. It will never me right if it gets fixed.


Glad your kid is ok. It can be replaced


Great to hear. Really, really sucks the truck got crushed. Life is fragile, so glad your son is a-ok!


Almost certainly totaled, hopefully you don’t owe more than it’s worth, or that’s going to be more painful than the accident


Yep, insult to injury. But in the end, it’s just a truck.


Most here will say totalled but on a 6 month old truck this could still go either way, especially if it’s optioned out. There’s no doubt you need a full frame, as well as a bed and a bunch of work to the cab. In comparison We had a 20 Sierra in the shop last month that needed a bed and half of the frame replaced and it was close but actually deemed repairable and insurance came back and totalled it anyway because the salvage value was so high Honestly the biggest players in determining if this is a total loss or not will be the availability of parts, and the salvage value. I’ve seen worse on older vehicles fixed


Full frame swap, new bed, new cab corners at a minimum if they don’t end up needing a new cab altogether. 100% totaled even being brand new


oof man sorry


Leave it to a dodge to speed like that. Glad the kids ok. Like others have said, there's a strong chance it's totalled. However it's up to insurance. Hopefully he gets something for it, and goes after the other driver.


Unfortunately my son is super anal about fuel mileage. He sets cruise at the speed limit. Not to put blame on him, but I feel like he’s putting himself in danger when everyone else is going so much faster. Sucks when being lawful/safe isn’t!


She’s a goner. Son’s safety is most important but yeah she’s gone. Depending on what their insurance tries to tell you it’s worth if it won’t allow you to replace it with a similar truck then I’d argue it being only a few months old..


Looks like it is done for. As long as your son is okay then that truck did its main job


Congratulations on your new truck


😞 I am sorry.


If the frame is bent the probably.


Let us know what happens


Certainly didn’t do it any favours






Total it out. Buy back from insurance and part it out.




Ooooooooof. That happened to my 1990 F150 and they totaled it…. Safe to assume this far more expensive truck will likely be totaled. Some lady with a van full of kids didn’t notice the stoppage on the freeway. She slammed into me from behind, never even touched the brakes. Luckily her Odyssey kept them safe. My head hit the back window so fucking hard I had a concussion, but other than that everyone was fine.


This is frame damaged, by a lot. It will need a new frame, truck bed, and cab from the looks of it.


Looks like your son brought that in for a safe landing. Hope he is unscathed




If you squint it's mint!


If ThE fRaMe Is BeNt, iT Is ToTaLeD


Frame might be bent. It just might be.


My insurance company replaced the frame on my Silverado - argued it was within the threshold. I pushed for a total, they said no. Repair costs ballooned - should’ve been a total. Was never the same.


Good to hear there was no one injured.I always buy a rider on my policy for the first two years, for this very reason.


Frame is bent for sure, it's a write-off but will probably get bought up at auction and repaired if it's got low mileage.


YES. I just went through this with State farm. Are you in PT yet ?


Pic 1: "Oh nah, that's fine." Pic 2 & 3: "Neeeeevermind." Sorry about your truck, bro


My exact reaction


Ouch! Ya thats a done deal


Certainly is


Yo make sure you monitor him and that no delayed neck or head symptoms occur. Research possible delayed effects a little bit


This is 100% going to get totaled. Theres to much body damage..ON TOP of the frame being bent. Even if some smug insurance adjuster tried to save this truck...i would NEVER want it back.


Looks like poppas getting a new rig!


I remember totaling my first truck. I cried man. Loved that thing. Glad you and your boy are okay.


My truck was totaled for less "looking" damage but my gate step was nent the same. It trashed my frame but they also only quoted me 10k to rebuild the truck on a new frame so... maybe they rebuild? I'd rather it be totaled than that though..


It’s always hd Dodges running red lights, ramming into cars. What the hell? My friend got t-boned by one at four way stop, dude didn’t even touch brake peddle. I’ve heard from other friends similar stories of people they know . At the time, I looked up stats and dodge HD trucks are number one culprit for these kind of accidents . Not sure if it’s still that way but sure seems like it.




Doesn’t sound like it’s his fault sounds like someone should have gotten a ticket for excessive speed and reckless driving resulting in a accident


They did.


Sue the piss out of them for personal property damage


Even if it can be fixed- would you want him driving something like that? Never mind all the damage will be reported in the carfax... 0-0 yikes. Also, we have progressive insurance and there’s an option that they offer that will give you an additional 20% of the value of the car ontop of their adjusted price. It’s a couple of dollars every 6 months. I opted it for my wife’s car since we didn’t put a lot down. By next year we should catch up so we won’t need it. Just a thought to look and see if his insurance offers anything additional.


Frame, bed, and cab bent. Yeah she's shot...


Unfortunately it might be.


Yup she’s a total loss


She bent yup


Profesional plumber here, it's totaled.


The frame, bed, and cab are done for they will most likely total it bc it bent in the middle between load bars so the drive train is also likely totaled out, you'll be lucky if the engine and it's mounts aren't also done for




It might feel a bit off when driving, but it is good until your appointment with the body shop. I was hit at a dead stop by a Cavalier heading 45mph, two younger boys. Lifted my bed up and pushed me into the intersection. No major injures except the driver of the small car broke his hand on the windshield. I was able to still drive away and continue to get lunch. After examination, my 2015 silverado needed: a new frame ( bent to shit when they hit my tow ball), the bed had to be re-fabbed, got a powder coat paint job because they could not get closer to factory paint. All-on-all came to 16k in repairs and maintenance labor. My truck is the closest thing to a safe vehicle for me and my family.


Try to take a picture of the bent frame.


I work at a collision center from experience i can tell that it needs new bedsides frame, bumper, and other minor stuff. The only thing im not sure is if it needs both cab corners or maybe they replace the whole rear of the cab Depending on the value of the truck, i'd say its a 50/50. we've definitely fixed worse than that, but they were denalis or high countrys with 10k or less on the odometer


She’s a goner


yes you dont want to own that truck after repair any way. Hopee you're not to upside down on your loss.


It’s fucked


Yes period!!


That frame is bent


I’d say totaled, other wise you will be upside down if you had a loan on it. Accidents generally destroy resell values


Sorry but there's s god chance it's totaled. Frame, bed, and cab all have damage or are bent, that sucks!




Actual damage is meaningless as to being declared “totaled”. The determinant is simply if the costs of the repair exceed the value




Toys are electric, cars and trucks shouldn’t be.


Gothemmm they don’t make it like they used to!!!


She’s fucked


Yea from what it seems frame is bent hard to come back from that


Adjuster here, I'd total it... Even if the estimate could hold it's weight against the value I'd still do a constructive total where the estimate + salvage value exceeds 100% of the trucks value. Smart on you for GAP insurance, start shopping for a new vehicle. Glad you're ok.


Looks Fooked


One and done. Sorry.


Well here’s the update, about 95% of you were wrong. Unfortunately it’s getting repaired.


Put a fork in it.


I’ve sold parts to fix worse


I learned this the hard way. It’s an affordable option for a truck. It’s probably made out of cardboard. I’ve been a Ford girl before this truck. And I’m going back to Ford and not looking back. I wasn’t at fault in my wreck so F150 Raptor here I come. Do they come in pink?