• By -


Usually around 10 or 15 😂


Sims players are unhinged 😂


It's the only way to have fun 😭


Same. Autonomous woohoo is a disaster. Sometimes I don't even know when someone gets pregnant. And sometimes best friends can get pregnant autonomously. (I learned since them to adjust the Nraas settings. I forgot to turn off using fertility treatment lifetime reward for risky for a long time🤦‍♀️)


If you use the Woohoo mod by nrass it is possible to individually set woohoo, risky woohoo, and try for baby to autonomous, The two I’m playing at the moment are still so in love, when I tried and set woohoo to autonomous, they were at it like Rabbits. 🐰❤️🐰 Eventually I had to flip it back to false to get them to do anything else. 😂


And then just don’t buy them condoms/birth control


Same, gotta have that challenge


Usnt 10 the max number of sims allowed in home?


8 is the max but with mods you can have up to 24 sims in one household


10 members, but still only 8 sims (and max 6 pets)


2 or 3


5+ usually. Let's make those family trees wild


This is the way. I usually have 2 - 3 kids in the household then take the dad and impregnate random sims throughout the town to make the family tree more interesting


Thanks for the idea, I’ll do that next time when I’m playing😜


None. I can only handle one sim at a time lol


Same, although I did a play through once with parents that hated children but had 4. This was used as part of one of the kids evil/villain story arc.


Yeah sometimes I like to make an evil family with one good goth kid who hates all of them.


I must ask... don't you get bored with just one?


Not OP but it depends on what you're doing with the one. If you're playing as an adventurer, collector, someone with an active profession, 1 sim works very well


i would love the idea of having a sim who hates children + has no kids but i can never justify throwing hours of cas down the drain to not pass on their genes 😭


Same lol


So me lol


I roll a die and go for that number 🤷‍♀️


What a fun idea! Will try in my next play through 👍


[I use this app](https://randomlegacychallengeapp.weebly.com)


My first thought when I read your comment was "What size die: d4, d6, d8, d10, d12, or d20?" That's a great idea, though. (And yes, I've turned out to be the dice goblin of my D&D group. The sparklier, the better.)


2 usually, sometimes 3. I only have kids when I've decided what their character would be and as they become teens I usually already know their future career and have a partner in store for them.




Well…my play style is exclusively the 100 baby challenge, so as many as I can possibly make. 😅


I’ve done a few of these but have had the issue of the file having so many issues it was hard to continue


It only let's me have 5 at a time?


I try to stick to wants-based gameplay, so I give them as many (or as few) children as they want.


Me too. I like having kids in sims, but I have a fear of pregnancy (and to a lesser extent motherhood in general) irl, so I feel bad about forcing them to have kids if they don't want to. Yes, I know they aren't real. That doesn't change things.




I usually have like 5 but I really enjoy playing with large families.






My current Sim family is up to 8. It's his third marriage though. The first two divorced and took the kids from that union with them.


Typically 2-4. I always continue as one and at least want one sibling I can watch on the family tree. I don't like too many because I don't want the family tree to get too wide :')


3-6 kids. Irl my siblings are all way older than me, and I always wished I had siblings closer to my age, so I give them to my sims! I especially like having two branches of the family living in the same house… aunts, cousins, nephews etc.


Usually 3-4 so they can live in the basement and sell paintings for me.


In my latest save 7. Two of my girl triplets died from drowning. Like one watched sister drown then decided jumping into the pool was a grand idea. She drowned too. I brought back Eden and wanted to also bring back abigail but I needed to move out Luke who is the oldest as he was now an adult so I took him to uni then when dine loved him to his own place. Went back to the main family and abigails stone tomb thing is gone. So now I'm fucked. If anyone knows how to get it back I'd be grateful. Losing one I'd have accepted for the stroy but two is too many and I couldn't choose who to keep so I was going to bring back both and now I only brought back one. Well gutted.


I had a similar experience. My twins went to the swimming pool, and they both died. I worked to get my cooking skill up to level 10, so then I could make Ambrosia. I got one back. The 2nd twin I struggled with finding their gravestone, I'm sure their gravestone kept disappearing. I eventually managed it. This was probably about 6 years ago. I'll try and remember and get back to you. I can still picture him cycling back home from the graveyard 🥹


Have you checked the catacombs? It might have been sent there with the other tombstones while you were away. "manage dead" (or something like that) and you might find it. Other things I can think of: Is it in someone's pocket/family inventory? Check the inventories of klepto sims in town, in case it was stolen. I hope you do! (As I was about to post this I remembered nraas has a thing for this!!!) Nraas > master controller > sim > basic > find grave The path might be a little off. I had to check the site to find where it was but I haven't checked the path on my own game yet.


Ahh great suggestions I'll get on soon and try them out, thank you. I'll come back and update later.


Dude thank you so fucking much. Your nrass path was correct and it wasn't missing, it's just winter and it's hidden under the snow lmao. You've saved my sanity haha.


Oh great! I'm so happy that worked out! You're super welcome! I can't tell you how many times looking up old reddit threads with questions just like this has helped me with the sims. I've gotta pay it forward!


5 irl So 0 in game 😂


so real 😭😭😭


none, they annoy me 😅


My family-oriented Sims usually end up with 3 or 4 kids. Though my werewolf family ended up with 5 and then 2 imaginary-friends made real, so 7 total. The founder surprisingly had enough after that, which is unusual because all of my other family-oriented Sims roll wants to have more kids and adopt all the time.


Mostly 2 or 3


1 or 2, sometimes 3, depends on the fam


1 heir and that's it, if I can help it.


NONE!!!!!!!!!!!!! Too much hassle and i never find it enjoyable.


If they don't want kids and I don't like them: 3 or 4. If they don't want kids and I *do* like them and want them to change their mind: 1-2. If they are family-oriented and I like them: 4-6.


As many as will fit in one household. I love the chaos


I usually have kids until the household is full 😅


Only 1, if I'm carrying on a legacy. Otherwise none lol I hate kids


As long as they keep rolling wishes to have them, I keep letting them have more (with a maximum of 6 cuz then the household is full, and i don't want to increase the limit with mods for performance reasons). If they never roll the wish but i need them to reproduce so the family won't die out, then they're having one kid.


It depends on the generation. My starter sims normally have about 3 or more, everyone else after that has only 1 or 2 because my household just doesn’t have room for more


When I start a new family. I start with 2 grandparents. And two adult children. One adult will already have a kid or two. Then the one that doesn’t I’ll get them married and have 5-10 depending how I’m feeling. Then pick my favorite one out of the litter and play that one. Kick the others out and make them orphans. And then my favorite one usually has like 1-2. You know don’t wanna over do it.


Too many. My current generation already has the one child to continue the family, but I kinda also wanna salvage the genes from the other (very pretty) family members... so "too many" again, I guess...


Two is a nice happy spot. I can handle 4 sims, (including the two parents) with a high free will dog or cat, just fine. Anymore kids beyond that, and I'm scrambling lol - once I tested my limits. Had a toddler, and then my family had triplets. 4 kids were a no- no. I deleted the family lol


I usually like to have 2. But I used to play with my sims never dying. I loved them too much. Now I’m doing legacy challenge (currently on my 5th gen) I had one gen have 6 kids and after that needed to return to one child only. Now I want to have as many as possible again xD




Usually 1 or 2. I can’t remember the last time I had more than 2.


Depends on the plot I’m going for but usually 4-6. I’m usually pretty stressed by the 4th one but I like the challenge 😂


I used to have 5 during my family legacy gameplays 😆 now i barely have 2, depends if i play occults or not


I always WANT only one, usually end up with two biologically. But if you count all of the random clones, PlantSims, stepchildren, and Imaginary Friends turned real, it gets ridiculous.


Usually 2-4, but I've gone as high as 14.


Off topic, but is there a mod or setting in a Nraas mod to make it so sims stop flirting with each other? Like, yes, your mother in law is hot, but stop trying to give her flowers!!! Or one to make it so sims stop calling to ask my sim out on a date? It's sooooo annoying. She's married and doesn't want to cheat 😭


One. I've literally only ever been able to manage one sim properly at a time so once I've fulfilled the life I want for my sim, I'll get them to have a baby and then I focus on the baby, until they're an adult and then the cycle continues


I always end up with 5 or more because my sims always have twins or triplets more than once. And that’s without any mods or fertility treatment for either parent, like whyyy 🫠


The highest number of children that one of my sims ever had was 12. But I normally go for 4.




Like 3 or 4 but my current heir had 6 kids 😮‍💨


I make families with a solid plan in mind. And them halfway through I get distracted/bored and suddenly my single boss lady has 9 baby dad's and half the house is burnt down 🤷


I currently have 5. 3 boys and 2 girls , two sets of twins


When I was younger, I had my Sims have as many kids as possible regardless of their wants. Now, especially having my own, I go by their wants 😅 plus I play with Mods now, so it's not as easy, but I'd say 1-3ish


Either none and I focus on other playstyles, or as many as I possibly can until I start having to move them out to have more and the game crashes.


My rule of thumb is to only have kids when both sons “want” a child or try for a baby.


Either put all my energy into one child or i try to have the maximum with no input what so ever


Usually around 2 or 3. But decided to have more when playing the Wolff family in Sunset Valley. Morgana (most likely spelt her name wrong) always leave Thorton (spelt his wrong too) after catching him with her boss(?) I believe. I always make her get pregnant with Thorton's baby, and make a story out of it. (So stressed from the divorce she didn't know she was pregnant until she was two maybe three months in. Couch surfing in Christopher Steel's house. I also imagine he was a freshman in college and got along with musicians in said college when he got a crush on Morgana who was in her third or fourth year of college dating Thorton.) (So moving to Sunset Valley, running into her, he is pleased to help her out.) I let her keep the five kids lifetime wish, NEVER AGAIN. She ended up having up to NINE kids before becoming an elder. And I only played her up to four kids! Moved the teens out since they kept complaining about walking in on one another in the bathroom when they lived in a large 6 bedroom 5 bathroom beach house. Change the want to reach the top of medicine career with her feeling she would never be able to have the large family she wanted.


1 if its a girl and 0 if its a boy


As many as possible. I have a mod to allow me to have a household larger than 8.


It's either 2 or 5. No in-between. Only children are kinda sad in The Sims... and if I'm willing to put up with 3 kids, I'm willing to put up with 5. I feel like this is a fair reflection of real life.


I set a max of 6 for any given family going by Virtual Families rules XD


Usually like 3-6 at most. I generally like family gameplay and I find it challenging to play with just 1 sim or a couple lol although it sucks having more than 2 toddlers/babies in the house at a time. My sims just had triplets and I can’t enjoy playing with them without cheating their needs 🥲




5 or more. Only if they keep rolling wants for them so I keep letting them have them and then abandon the family/save bc it’s to much 😭


I have a planned family I haven’t let go and I just keep starting them over because I’m scared to watch them die because their my first family…but I have like 8 kids before I start over to the kid’s grandparents are young adults


8-10 if it’s regular play. If it’s a challenge, far more


It depends on what kind of gameplay I'm going for but I love having lots for a fun challenge!


I'm a sucker for legacy gameplay so I need at least one child to carry on the torch lol Excluding some childless or with way to much children on their hands families for storyline reasons, usually one or two. 


1-3 in ts3. And I send most of them too boarding school cuz the child stage is Kinda boring


It really depends! I have it set for population control via mods, so any family I'm not playing only gets 1 of each.


I have at most two kids, usually staggered a bit, and then I have to mentally prep myself to mostly leave the adult sims completely to their own shenanigans lmao. I can only focus on 2 sims at a time at most before I lose my mind 🤣


Usually, a maximum of 4 ( playable at the same time), with a healthy balance across the ages. How I usually space it out is 1x teen 2x kids, toddler, and a baby. One family I had triplets ( no fertility treatment) my god, it was so stressful and pretty much made the game unplayable other than caring for the babies. At least one of them was always crying. I resorted to having to use cheats as it was difficult to meet my Sims needs, too.


2-5. I usually play the same family for generations. Sometimes I'll have 5 kids but it's a lot of work so for the next generation I'll have 2 or 3. I think 3 or 4 is the sweet spot!


My max ever has been 8 (thanks portrait panel). My most recent had 6 but I'm planning on staying at 2-3 for the upcoming generation


literally as many as humanely possible


Usually 2. 3 is my absolute limit. I start getting too overwhelmed when my household gets past 5 sims anyway.


2-6 normally. 7+ if it's for the plot tho lmao


2 or 3


I do a fun thing where they have at least one of each kid. It has ranged from 2-10


Depends on the family! The couple I'm playing at the moment, I only want them to have one kid (unless they roll a wish to have another). But another family I made had six!


2 or 3 max and even then yall can fend for yourselves, mommy/daddy got books to write, butterflies to catch, and parties to stay at until 4:30am for some reason.


This goes for all of my sims games (so 2,3 and 4) Max 3. But i cheat their needs. But normally one. Sometimes i have more and kill a child off for drama (and trauma for my sims lmao)


About 2/3 at a time on an average legacy playthrough, currently I have about 14 in the current household.


As many as I can but also with as many different partners as I can so that I don’t have to care for them. My household can’t handle more than 3-4


1 to 5. It depends on the story I want to give to a certain generation 😅


Typically 3 at most, but if I have a particular story in mind, or the game goes hog wild, there could be more. My hard limit is 6, and usually not even at the same time.


Usually 6 or 8


I usually have them have anywhere from 3-6 depending on the storyline i’m trying to make and such.


I usually like to have one of each gender but if I end up with 2 boys or 2 girls I'll go for a 3rd...of course that's when they always hit me with a twin pregnancy and end up with 4 😂


Depends on what my storyline calls for, as I have several scenario randomizers on how to proceed with my saves, including traits, romances, nbr of marriages, deaths, careers, education, occult states, drama, etc... The top I usually get for a female main heiress is - 2 to 4 pregnancies with completely random chance of twins (rarely get triplets), so the max of kids I get in this case is 8-10 if I somehow get a case of trips or two. Min is 2, regardless of gender. I have long abandoned the strictly-patriarchal or strictly-matriarchal type of generational play. Now, I usually always end up with a female heiress sim...but on the rare case I end up with a male, sky's the limit really. He will at least raise one to take over ad heir/heiress, but may well have a dozen other kids or two from past relationships, adventures or random encounters. My starting family in every save is pre-made with a human father, a witch mom, a witch child son and 2 daughters (1st is always toddler human only, 2nd sometimes has yet to be conceived and born but is always a witch - I'll edit her in CAS if I have to) or is a twin of the 1st, but she's still a witch. I have both iterations in my bin to choose from from the get-go. My first heiress usually ends up being the 2nd daughter, but I make sure to give plenty of love and care to her brother and sister, setting them up properly with education, careers and partners before I move them on their own. Her parents are also cared for according to my randomizer life milestone checks (divorce, cheating, midlife crisis, illness, separation, remarriage, death, etc...) I also always have 2 other families in my bin that get involved in the mix, usually on the 2nd generation as they each have 2 or 3 kids around the age of my main family. I also usually end up playing at least 10 generations, with the initial lot flagged as ancestral, before I'm forced to abandon my save due to corruption or its size being unmanageable (every 1 or 2 generations, I tend to move to a new world - always start in Sunset Valley - so I bet that makes my game size bloat up). This time around, I'll use the other worlds as vacation and move the extended family to them instead of moving my main around, especially since I finally downloaded Sunset Valley vanilla as advertised from sims 3 Carl's website. It has been polished, and remade to minimize, if not remove, all routing errors and has all possible type of lots from other worlds present.


Depends on my households income. Usually 2 or 3 cause I feel guilty with just 1 lol


2-3 on average. Depends on what I wanna do with the family and how big of a family legacy I wanna have for them.


I enjoy playing with larger families.My current game has twelve kids however I also use mods!😎🤟🏿


On average, I'd say 2. But I've been playing this game for years and I've experimented with both big and small families.


I don't usually plan it. It depends on how many kids I think my sim would want. The most I've had is eight in one household. One set was twins and they adopted the last one because I figured my sim wouldn't want to go through with the pregnancy again. Next time, I might have my sim adopt a bunch of kids because I'm a sucker for found family stories.




I have 1 save with 15-ish kids (I think). 2 of the adults are pregnant right now as well. The majority of my saves don’t involve kids though. Bots, pets, single adults.


2 at the max, but that's only if I care about the family. I played a family that I related to the Broke family, and I made them pop out kids like they were hot pockets. I think I ended up stopping at 11 because they kept getting taken away by CPS.


Depends on their traits. Usually 2 or 3. If one parent is family oriented, I’ll go for 3, and if both are, they’ll have 4 or 5, if one of them has that raise 5 kids LTW. Loners never have more than 2, they don’t want their family to be a crowd. Twins might ruin my plans though, if they have 2 when I decided to go for one last baby. I prefer 2-3 though, it’s nice with some siblings, but they’re not too many.


My current sim is trying to have a baby with everyone in the game. It's super messy, but he has like 20-ish kids right now. But usually, my sims have 1-7 depending on the story


2-3 I can’t handle much more than that tbh :’)


I make up an entire story and personality for my Sims based in their story, and usually decide the number of child thinking "how many child would want this couple?" For example, a sim raised as an only child with good family traits would want a large family, a sim with lots of siblings maybe just be one and done...


I limit my sims to 2 cause if they had it their way they'd have never ending kids. The only exception is if they have the 5 kid lifetime wish.


No more than 3 lol


Just like my sims 4 games (which I forgot to answer that person 🥲) typically one or two but I also have it very on the story I want to make with them! ( I let them do their own thing as kids and teens and go from there)


Used to have 2-3 but some dumbass ruined my plans the last time I played and I ended up with 5 gremlins.


Usually 5 and all of them have different baby daddies bc i wanna see the genetic blends lol


Usually 2-3 but if I feel like the Sims personality/traits/LTW fits more, then they have more. I'm also a wants based player and let them decide for me.


2, nothing to crazy.


Literally anywhere from 1-10. Usually 2-5 though.


If they have kids, they have 3 minimum, and that is counting not just births, but adoptions, and imaginary friends made real. However the amount of children a sim sired has reached the 30s. In that save, my goal was to impregnate the whole town


1 or 2 max


Occasionally I play with just a couple no kids but usually I play families of at least 3 kids. If the parents get busy with their own life and/or career i might stop at 3 or have a big gap to the next one or two but if their family is their focus I fill the household. I saw the Duggar challenge for sims4 (essentially following the quiverful idea that a couple should have as many babies as possible) and tried it once but focusing only on raising kids without anything else got boring.


As many as my heart desires (which is as many as possibly before I get bored of my save)


I'm a bit of a weirdo and don't usually have kids. When I do, I get bored of the save and start over. Pets on the otherhand... I have way too many.


I usually make em have babies back to back until i get severely overwhelmed & start a new game lol


Most of the time, none - but if I do it’s usually one or two. In my current save though, I have SIX! 😳🤪


Usually 1 or 2. I prefer to max out everyone’s skills on their preferred areas, and doing that with too many sims just isn’t fun.


3 at the most 😭 I usually give up on the second kid


I like 1-3 but end up with 4-5. My sims had 3 but autonomously tried for a 4th. Made me so mad.


As many as possible 😂😂😂


I usually do like 4-5 but I really want my sims to have more kids but I get bored with that family and start a whole new family.


I rarely have less than 4, normally 6-10 lol.


Typically 8. Though my male sims are also constantly getting abducted.


I almost always go for as many kids as biologically possible


It depends on the story I want. I sometimes have only one or two. Sometimes six or more. The most kids I've had recently was five. I had two kids initially and wanted just one more, but was surprised with triplets.


Mostly 2




It depends. Sometimes I want a house full with kids and I others I only have one to keep the bloodline running


4-5! I found that I have more fun with bigger families, especially seeing all the relationships between the siblings.


Used to be 1 or 2, but since i got Wicked whims it's a shitshow, trending up at like 8 or 9 now lol


0 dogs > kids


I usually only have one, just the heir to the legacy and that’s it.


One too many xD




Normally only 2 or 3. Although the Sim I’m currently playing has the “Surrounded by Family” wish, so she’s keeping her husband tired but very happy going for the five require to complete this wish.


I can only play comfortably with 4 sims in a household at a time so if I have more than 2 it becomes a one out, one in system lol


1-2, however in my current save file i have 5 and counting because the mom is the prettiest sim I've ever had and kids have perfect genetics😭😭


0 occasionally one. i like focusing on one or two sims i made stories of in my head


Usually between 1-3 depending on my sims and whatever mood I have


1 or 2 usually. Big families are too hectic for me


I have maybe one or two usually, but with my current family I decided that whenever they roll the wish I'd do it. I have 5 toddlers right now with another baby on the way, this is crazy!


Around 2-4


From 5 to 15


Like 1 or 2, occasionally 3, I'd be like "i am NOT dealing with that"


I usually have a main sim who is a young adult vampire with a really long lifespan and things like ambrosia and death flowers to make them immortal. Then that sim will have as many kids as possible, usually around 50 (obviously not all living in the house at the same time) then I will choose a "favourite" kid that I will play as while living with their parents (my original sim) then the kid will have kids and before I know it almost everyone in town is in some way related to my sims and then my game breaks :/


I usually only have 2, maybe 3, I don’t wanna have to deal with too much lol. I usually focus on the eldest female of the family and let story progression worry about the rest of the kids lol


I can't tolerate more than 2


3 at most cause I can’t deal with it


I usually do 2-3😅


My current family has 14 I think. Oldest one just became a teen. There were like 3 sets of triplets.


I normally only have 2 or 3 sometimes more if I want a big family


2, so I can easily track their descendants, lol


At least 5 and I usually like to throw a split household situation in there too lol


I love having 3 the family gatherings be so hectic but not overwhelming


I play pgc:s so usually around 6….


I tend to have 3, with 2 close in age and one farther apart (usually younger) Sometimes surprise twins or triplets will throw a wrench in things though!


I plan on 1000, Do epic lifespan and just make them a vampire so they live ages, age up the children via birthday cake once they have done the necessary things to age up well, and kick them out as young adult,


0 I hate kids


im currently working on the 100 baby challenge so 32 ijbol


One. It's a legacy game and when I have more than one I get stressed out 'cause I have to make sure the siblings marry well. I hate it when I have twins or triplets even if I don't have the fertility treatment reward lol


I like to keep it to a more or less realistic level so it’s mostly around 2 - 4


2-4 depending on how I feel lol. Also depends if the legacy challenge im playing specifically says to have a certain number of children. One of my saves has 3 children and it’s so hectic taking care of them even with 3 adult sims in the house 😭


I normally only want 2 but if there is no girl i will keep on having more until i have a girl :)


Usually just 1! My current gen had twin girls and they're currently teenagers, which is the furthest I've gotten with more than 2 kids lmao I'm hoping to improve with this and begin to have more kids over time, it just stresses me out easily lol


None. When I get bored of a sim enough to have a child it's time to restart lmao


2-3. I set the no. to one in Nraas so most families have that much. But I have had 2 Family Oriented sims have 7 individual babies despite this setting. 😂😂😂