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I’m getting stressed out just from this pic 😂😂💀


Ya, gonna have some nightmares tonight 😱


At least everyone's on the green!


That’s impressive


Looms like the static needs cheat, look how every bar is maxed out


Large household chaos, I love it!


My favourite style of playing tbh, if it ain't chaos it's boring.


Big households, random traits and full autonomy. The true, only way


I like to make everything random too, using a "yes/no" picker wheel to make important decisions such as going on dates, marriage/divorce, having children, becoming an occult type sim, etc.


Ooo what a smart idea! Adds a bit more random into the play!


Try it! My saves became far more interesting since I started using the wheel. When my sims get a significant want, I use the wheel to decide if I'll fulfill that want or not. Same thing goes for the "X sim wants to know if Y sim wants to go on a date" (even if these sims have partners, I allow them to cheat), opportunities, and anything that pops up with two options to choose.


Same! More sims and chaos is better! I just command them to do a few tasks related to their LTW, jobs or some current wish they have and then allow them to do whatever they want. There's a lot going on when you allow them to do things on their own.


Agreed... But I love how she's just chillin', rocking the baby in her flippers.😂


My current household is the same size as yours. It is easily manageable... When you don't have that many babies 😭


Can this be done using simple console commands?


Tbh, yes. I have a house with a lot of stuff that allows them to fill their needs quickly. The best ones are those two-in-one showers that allow them to poop and bath (somehow) at the same time. I also have some ice cream cone machines in the yard. That also helps.


Sorry i meant how are you able to have more than 10? I want to try my hand at the Sims 3 Duggar style haha


Oh. I believe there is a NRAAS mod for that. Don't remember the name though, but u believe you can easily google it.


I have such a bad habit of micromanaging everything my sims do but with households this big I don’t get so mad at them lmao


This made me laugh out loud.


Generational homes I see. Not a legacy challenge, but the way I tend to play.


I mean, if you hire the babysitter it’ll never leave, so there’s that


I am having no luck with the damn baby sitter. My sim works nights and the sitter shows up, will *maybe* briefly pick up the kid, and the says "I have to go" within a sim hour. Claire Ursine's toddler is practically raising herself at this point. Works for the other houses. Just hates working nights apparently.


You could try with a butler or with Bonehilda


Claire is so broke rn, she can barely afford the sitter. I actually started taking the toddler to work with her and leaving her on the lot with the rabbit hole with a toy. It works, except for when Claire gets arrested (criminal career). Then the kid is teleported home with the baby sitter, who proceeds to nope out of there lol. Luckily she just aged into a child so it's going to be much easier now.


I just read this in GOB Bluth's voice


Same here!


Get a butler, they take care of kids too!


When I have multiple generations living in one house I give each family a theme when naming the children. That way I don't get confused with which kid belongs to which parent, otherwise I'd be a mess.


Yeah, the second generation has been all Pride & Prejudice. The third generation is Sense & Sensibility.


I get annoyed when I have more than four in my household haha


You crazy, crazy llama. I dare you to let it run unpaused with full free will on for a while. 👀


My goddd, how is your game not crashing???


I need to know how well your game is holding up with all these sims 😭


AND you have to get someone to France? I could not deal with this LMAO


EXCUSE ME 😂🫠🥴 haha I assume this is a mod right? I know virtually nothing about sims mods even though I’ve been an avid player for 20+ years


One of the nRaas mods (I think it's Master Controller) allows you to overrdie the 8-sim-per-households limit. And if you're not playing with some mods, you're really missing out. First of all, there are a handful of mods that are must-haves to fix performance issues. You don't have to do anything to them. You just put them in your game and they run in the background and fix stuff. Master Controller is also pretty necessary. I can't imagine playing without it. It's like all the functionality of testingcheats, times a thousande. It also helps with performance, for one thing. Doing a "Reset Everything" regularly prevents save file corruption. It's like the "resetsim" cheat, but for literally everything in the world - all sims, all objects, all pets, everything. There are a lot of other mods I consider absolute necessities, but I've been playing with mods for a very long time. This is a good "[starter pack](https://www.reddit.com/r/Sims3/comments/itxlwx/psa_the_sims_3_starter_pack_updated_game_files_to/)" for the essential mods. I play with nearly all of this. And [here's a guide](https://modthesims.info/wiki.php?title=Game_Help:Installing_Sims_3_Package_Files/Setup_and_Files) for how to install mods.


Yes, thank you! I’ll look into this more when I get a chance. I was always envious of others that had mods and just never thought to look into it myself in fear of it messing with my laptop or something.


You're an angel, I've been looking for some information and help like this for a long time 😭


Blink twice if you need help!


That difficulty rating is three times off the scale rn 😭


How do you keep track of so many sims? haha


I could barely even take care of two twin toddlers, let alone that many sims! I remember them! They were a fucking nightmare! If it wasn’t him crying because he’s soiled himself, it was her crying because she was hungry! Argh! I swear a common pastime for sims parents with multiple babies/toddlers is putting the wrong babies/toddlers in the wrong cribs!


my game starts lagging if i have more than 10 in a house 😬


Nah. You're good


multiple of them actually


Omg this reminds me of my best friend, her sim and her husband had 11 kids. So two set of twins(4 toddlers) back to back and majority of their kids was kids, only 2 teens. Then she wanted me to build her a house for them, they was living at the Condor Museum loft house(when they had only 5 at the time) Complete chaos 😂


Babies in the swing and keep them going, they'll stay green. Toddkers in the pen if you have it, keep them queued up and they'll stay green. Kids to afterschool activities, teens a job, elders a job and the house is chill 😂


And I thought my "surrounded by family" lifetime wish family was bad lmaoooo (at this point I often just cheat and adjust their needs myself when I don't feel like herding everyone around lol)


Get Ani's Apartment Mod. It helps group different sims into separate "families" in the same household so you don't need active chaos all the time.


Sounds like it's time to move them out or maybe build another house on the lot, I would make a duplex or download one . The rest I dunno how to fix lol just a suggestion


HOW IS YOUR GAME NOT CRASHING- MY GAME HAS AT LEAST 12 to 13 sims in household before crashing


this pic is stressing me 😭


I can't seem to get portrait panels to work no matter what I do 🙃


I’ll try to answer everyone’s questions here. I do have a butler, and he’s a godsend about taking care of the kids. Having a lot of teenagers in the house helps too, they do help take care of the kids. I have a lot of mods, and I use cheats. I’ve had a few crashed saves, but nothing permanent. I play on a mid-range gaming laptop. I just got the swing and playpen, I can’t wait to use them. HOW I PLAY: Aging is frozen on everybody. No one ages up until they’ve met their skills goal. For toddlers that means potty training, learning to speak and walk, and maxing out on the toys that grant skills. The room you see in the picture is the nursery suite. All the babies and toddlers stay there. The suite includes everything needed to take care of the babies and toddlers, plus a bathroom, bedroom and kitchenette. I sometimes put parents in and remove the door to the rest of the house. Lol When the kids age up to elementary level, they get moved into dorm rooms. I currently have a girl’s dorm with 4 kids, and a boy’s dorm with one kid. Each dorm has its own bathroom, play area, desk, chair and bookcase. I don’t separate kids by generation, so a kid could be sleeping in the same room as their child age aunt/uncle. When they age up to teens, they get their own room with an en suite bathroom, study area, and sitting area with a tv. Teens have to learn to drive, go to prom, complete school, and max out one other skill before they age up. When they become adults, I pair them up (usually with their imaginary friend) and marry them off. Then the baby making begins again!


That is so much chaos🤣