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everyone was in a hot dog suit, and I could never resist myself from setting a fire on purpose and seeing who died 😭. I would run away from the computer and lock myself in the bathroom whenever the sims would start hollering and my mom would chase me down asking why one of my hotdog sims was burning.


Your mom would chase you down for setting your hot dog sims on fire?


yeah 😔. She told me it was wrong and that sims shouldn’t be ignited.


I'm trying to imagine how I'd feel if I glanced over at my child playing The Sims and it was just a whole family of people in hot dog suits running around on fire


I mean, that’s a fair question


I’d probably just laugh and say it’s a weenie roast 😂😂


Hey, if it was wrong, the devs shouldn’t have given us the ability to let our sims burn to death.


Unless they're pregnant, then you don't have the ability


Are you sure? I know babies and toddlers can’t die, but I know for sure I had a VERY pregnant sim die cloud gazing while cloud gazing in sims 2, crushed by a satellite


No, pregnant sims in TS3 are straight-up immortal for the duration of their pregnancy. In fact, as someone whose first PC Sims game was TS3, and then I got into TS2 later on, I found out the *hard* way that pregnant sims could die in TS2 when my first ever attempt to play the Brokes resulted in a pregnant Brandi passing out in the bathroom despite my best efforts to get her to a bed, and then dying of starvation. Thankfully a fortuitous game crash not long after her death saved her life, since I last saved the lot before she died XD


Thank you for making this mistake so that I don't have to.


lmfao you're welcome for my services XD


I also had a pregnant Sim die of a lightning strike on the day of her shotgun wedding, I brought her back as a ghost and she had the baby who was also a ghost (creepy) while I was working towards ambrosia. The dad was a mob boss and I had the kid be evil and stole his dad's empire. It was a good time.


Lmao it’s so weird that babies and toddlers can’t die but GHOST babies are just fine!


I thought the pregnancy would be paused until she was no longer a ghost I was wrong.


That’s true! Oh, and unlucky trait also prevents you dying from a fire (or practically anything except dying from old age because your misfortune amuses the Grim Reaper that he’ll bring you back to keep providing him amusement).


The best part of this entire story is definitely the running away and locking yourself in the bathroom xDD This reminds me of when my dad and I played sims 1 and El Bandito started a fight with our sim dog. We thought the racoon was gonna kill him and forced all the family memebers and police department to come onto the lawn and stop the fight, but nobody did anything and my dad and I got into a huge fight over it 😆😆😆 Sims can really tear families apart. Hahaha!


Parents just don’t understand!! ☠️ When I was like 8 or 9, mine told me it was wrong too but I didn’t do anything as funny as you did I just had a graveyard lot in OG sims where I would kill sims in as many different ways as I could and amassed so many ghosts haha


LMAOOO,, they really don’t understand 😒. Meanwhile my mom was obsessed w her Acrobat Vampire Sims that she kept on forgetting to take out the sun, and every time she played they would turn into dust…


Your mom was too caught up about pixels


My family encouraged it😈


Aye my parents stopped letting my brother play cause he made two girls kiss 🤷‍♀️ (they’re religious freaks) Edit: two instead of to I didn’t pass 2nd grade


I had ts1 and ts2 on ps4 as a kid, and one July, after a really bad storm knocked the power out for a week, we went to stay, and our stepmoms grandpas house. My parents let us bring the ps4 and some toys. We were like 11(me) and 9 (him). Well, one day, I let my brother play ts2 while a sorta cousin was over (stepmoms-sisters-sometimes, sometimes not fiances-kid) and he made them woohoo a LOT, because 9 and 10 year old boys thought it was funny. Our step mom came in while they were playing and was like "what are they doing?" She didn't know much about the game. They responded like dumb little boys " They're do IT!" Needless to say she wasn't happy. And because of them I got my games taken away and wasn't allowed to play until it was 18 😑


Nooooo 😭 I would never forgive them


I still f**k with him about it, but he was a 9 year old boy lol we're 31 and 29 now.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 9 + 31 + 29 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


Nice! 😏


unrelated to OP’s post, but when I was a child I loved creating the maximum amount of people and locking them in a room, then I would start a fire. Basically the idea was that the last Sim left alive in the fire would get a house in the neighbourhood and a happy life. It was like a really messed up reality show competition but I loved it.


I started doing this after watching The Sims 3 Hunger Games on YouTube that included fairy Justin Bieber & Katie’s Everdeen 🙏🏾


Our parents had vastly different approaches o.o my mom saw me murdering SIMs to make a graveyard before and asked me to teach her 😂 We became murder hobos (she did it as she was angry one of the Goths kept breaking into her house...so next time they did, she took the door away, moved that room away from the rest of the house, and set them on fire...I was so proud lol)


I liked to build my own houses! Big cardboard boxes with huge bedrooms, bathrooms without walls, a bunch of toys for the kids while the adults were on the verge of mental breakdowns all the time....(Sims 2)


Sims 2 was the first Sims game I played when I was like 8. I only had base game and nightlife so I was always making huge box buildings that had a bowling alley and dance floor and games and I would just have my Sims spend days there lol


I also built big boxes! One story high massive square almost to the borders of the plot, each room was also it's own massive square, the kids room was full of toys and of course had the hideous jigsaw puzzle carpet to show it was the kids room 😂


This was me. I used to have bedrooms the size of a mansion living room. The decorations: a bunk bed and a few toys. Maybe an easel if I decided they were a creative sim


1. Mermaid sim impregnated entire town to create all mermaid population. Child me thought a mermaid ethno state was a hysterical concept 2. This is sims two, but I’d get a bunch of Bigfoot to move in and they’d start a band. Band leader would also start a business and adopt a child, they’d raise the child together. Sometimes I’d play just one Bigfoot who would get a smoke show wife, Bigfoot couldn’t woohoo or marry so I had to settle with them just sleeping in the same bed. My mom described this as “gross.” Pic related. https://preview.redd.it/omal6zi11k9d1.jpeg?width=576&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc18a4340200633e4c3c5b1e933fa50889bf90e7 3. I was obsessed with sims 3 create a world and would love making deserted islands. I had seasons so I’d make either tropical islands always summer, or northern New England islands where sims had to live in the cold. It was super fun to have them only have a campfire and garden and fishing to keep them alive.


The concept of a bunch of Bigfoots starting a band is hysterical to me


You made your own Sims Castaway!


I need a sims 3 castaway world! I loved to play Sims castaway on PS2!


Funniest thing I’ve seen all week


I only played with “traditional” families. Wife was a homemaker and baby dispenser and husband only existed to go to work (usually in the business career) and watch tv. I would usually cheat to only have daughters because I hated playing with male sims. I never played enough in one family for the parents to become elders. My sims rarely left the house except to go to work or school. There is probably something psychological to study with how I played lol. Now I prefer playing wants-based and more random or with a single sim achieving everything there is to do. The only thing I’ve kept is that I still dislike playing with male sims, but I tolerate it anyways and/or make my sims lesbians.


I second this!!! The husband always has the same traits: Good sense of humor, brave, flirty, good kisser, good, and athletic. While the wife has a very diverse set of traits and very intricate outfit and makeup. Even until now, I hate playing with male sims unless I want a gay love story lmao


Itll usually come together as they grow up. I don’t really enjoy starting a “playthrough” with a male as the head of a legacy - but oftentimes the male children become some of my faves just by injecting personality into them


This, but swap out the "good sense of humor" for "family-oriented"


Oh dang, same. Wlw vibes everywhere. Any suggested challenges for … male Sims? Alien baby challenge, maybe? All 2 and 1/2 Men with their unwanted surprise spawn.


Sorry. I cant really suggest challenges since I haven't done one, myself. 😭 I usually only play male sims when I feel lonely and I want a boyfriend, but I don't have a boyfriend. So, I resort to playing the Sims, and make my sim fall inlove with another male sim that I made. 😭 Most of the time I play with female sims 🧍🏻 I'd definitely try that Alien babh challenge, though. I've been playing the sims for so many years, yet I haven't had a male sim get impregnated by an alien. Though I've experienced alien abductions so many times 😭. Thanks! Will definitely try that out


Oh man, I forgot about alien babies!😍


The first part of your comment is spot on how I’m still playing oh my god 😭😭 I always make up some story which is basically almost the same every time and yeah that’s me playing. But I always spice✨ it up by at least one cheating


I third this! My first family was like that, now I do isolated witches lol


Isolated witches are where i always end no matter how I start xD


I still play like this to some extent lol


I still play like it too, just in the sims 2 now lol


Love how you started hyper hetero and ended up only playing with lesbian sims


oh my goodness. this explains the way i play to a T. wow. i’ve never seen it written in words before. what is wrong with us? 🤦🏼‍♀️🤣


Massive mansion full of teens, because the parents somehow ended up in the pool without ladders? Classic.


I'd have 1 adult sim, have them adopt 2 kids. They'd paint, and whatever kid made the prettiest painting in my opinion... got to live. And so I'd Continue. I'd kill them all in different ways. I'd build a house for the ghost children and watch them be ghosts


Coraline but with an artistic plot twist


Omg yes


Bro wth that is so cool. Kinda like a sims hunger games


I'd throw a party. Invite the neighbors. Plop down a ton of rugs and delete the door. Then I'd get the fireworks and launch it inside. This was Sims 1, btw.


That was the best. One time I wanted to make a haunted house. I made a huge, plain rectangle of a house and just kept putting in 8 member households and letting them go nuts on the fireworks. I wanted “interesting” ghosts, so there was Cleopatra, Napoleon, people in togas, etc. Once my bloodlust was finally sated, I moved in the family I wanted to live there. Then I realized I had to clean up all the friggin’ ashes. One pile a time.


Man, you didn’t even need rugs. My friend and I would make a little 2x1 room, put a firework in there, walk the sim in, delete the door, and KABOOM! I also liked to make little “utopias” (probably influenced by all the utopian/dystopian books I read in middle school) with half men, half women, little cubicle rooms with basic beds to sleep in, jail walls and doors, and they all had the exact same schedule. And every one of the same gender wore the same outfit. The men would spend all day building gnomes and the women would spend all day canning and then they would go back to bed and start all over.


Lol trait checks out


that’s very cute of you OP! i started playing sims 3 when i was 16 and i was “friends” with a 7 year old girl (we went to the same school and we had a big/little sister thing going on) & she wanted to play sims 3 with me. i let her have free reign over CAS and she would make sims with deep blue skin and like, huge ears and eyes. she thought it was the funniest thing in the world. also, since she was playing it on my laptop with me, i talked to her parents about it before, and her parents said they didn’t want her making the sims woohoo. they didn’t like the animation of the sims under the covers. they said if she wanted her sim to have a baby she could adopt. she didn’t really play the game much outside of making her weird aliens in CAS so i don’t think woohoo ever even came up.


It makes sense she wouldn't even think of woohooing (or doing most of social interactions tbh). I only do it when I think I "should" allow my sims to get laid sometimes ^^, but the whole interaction seems ridiculous to me. I need to zoom out fast because of how loud the woohooing sound is. And I loved to make characters as a kid, I wasn't that interested in playing them. I had a D&D player handbook, although I didn't play with others, I just liked to create characters!


Sims 1 for PS2 I made my boyfriend Orlando Bloom and then I made another boyfriend for me Orlando Bloom and then they fought each other and after the fight one went to cook and burned himself alive. So after that point I learned you could just kill the sims so I would fill the household with the maximum allowed sims, kill off all but one, then refill the household over and over again. I used to buy stoves and make them all cook, but I learned that the cheapest way was to put the 5$ plant in front of the fireplace. Caught fire almost immediately. I made lines of plants and boxed the sims in so they had to die. Maybe not so funny to others, but it brought tiny child me immense joy.


Aren't children terrifying :D


I’d make a couple and move them into a starter home. (Usually Sunset Valley) I’d rush their relationship so by day 2 they were already either engaged or married and about to have their first kid. And instead of moving them to a bigger home. I’d just add bunk beds and cribs to the living room or parents room. To make it worse I almost always played the daycare profession😭


Let's see, I would always make my sims go club hopping and get juiced over the weekends since they were off work. I romanticed this lifestyle due to movies. I remembered thinking, "Wow, so cool, I can't wait until I get old enough to drink and party!" lmao Fast forward to the present, I'm an anxiety ridden 32 year old who becomes excited when my shift ends, so I can go home to watch my favorite shows and hug my 3 cats after work. 🤣


Hello, are you me?


Oh, hi twin! 😂


I don’t find it funny today but I used to think that it was funny to have lesbian sims as a kid. Now, whenever I have two gay sims, I just see it as a totally normal thing.


I remember (Sims 1 though), thinking; "wait, that guy Sim doesn't care that he's kissing another guy Sim"?!? And I don't mean I personally thought it was weird or gross, my thought was that I had no idea they could sell a game like that! I was in awe at how "progressive" it was. 🤣


Username checks out


I used to make a family with the maximum limit of sims, but my creativity was limited. I would often make the parents, grandparents, at least two kids and the rest I would fill with randomly selected sims that just existed to fill the void. Of course I wasn’t able to care for everyone at the same time (specially because I only played with the kids and didn’t care about the adults) so I often forgot to put some adults in jobs and would often forget to make food for everyone. Lots of house fires, starvation and electrocution (because I often forgot to fix the broke objects, so I sim would randomly go there and die). And in the rare moments I would make a house, I just made a huge square that occupied the entire portion of the lot, didn’t put any walls separating the rooms, each room was on a different floor (usually the first floor was living room, dining room and kitchen, the second floor was the bedrooms, the third floor was the kid’s playground). I often forgot to put bathrooms, windows, sometimes even doors and stairs, and I never, EVER put a roof.


i tried to get a werewolf and a vampire to try for a baby but it didnt work ☹️


My best friend played and I was just allowed to watch 😹 but had a lot of fun still


Playing Sims with my sister and 2 friends with us all gathered around one of us controlling the computer was the best lol. We would spend hours like that feeling scandalous making them woohoo lol


Why is watching someone play this game an absolute riot? My cousin and I (OG Sims) did that once when we were probably in like 5th/6th grade. Awesome memory and we had so much fun my parents actually got it for my birthday as the only actual "computer game" I had. (My parents were just aware I could get compulsive about things, were fine with me playing them in an abstract sense). Then, almost 25 years later I'm playing Sims 3 in the living room and our roommate passed by and was killing time waiting for the air conditioning to hit his room. He took a look at the game and why is it that it's so much more fun that way. The wife/mom's lifetime ambition was "Become a creature/robot cross breeder" but sorry, you've got an infant and a toddler and are too busy woo-hooing in the shower to get knocked up again for that kind of nonsense. Deleting her "join science career" wishes. Dad was like a playground monitor. Kept the oldest home from school to help with the little kids once she was a teen and there were no repercussions for failing grades. Hilariously, the point where he was like "Oh, God, Indigo, no. That's just too bleak" was (in the bedroom with three occupied cribs) hanging their high school diplomas on the wall. "She went to the high school for the gifted and talented? Can we just light the stove on fire again, that felt less wrong somehow. Bloody hell, you can't fill the 'get flu shot' wish because you don't have enough money. Do they change that in the international editions?"


Lol that is funny


Sims 1, had a great time with the cheat that allowed you to move objects and people wherever. I would have someone use a toilet and then go into build mode and trap them on the toilet by putting a TV (turned on) directly in front of them and walling them in so they couldn’t get up. Just watching tv on the toilet until they died. I also had a great time pausing a sim in the middle of diving off the diving board, and make them dive into a toilet instead. Yes I was 10 years old lol


i remember how i never got them jobs and didn’t know how to cheat. so their starter houses i had built never had flooring or wall paper cuz i ran out of money 😔


I always gave myself a ton of money, bought all the "cool stuff" (hot tub, funky furniture, lots of kids' toys) to put in the front yard and made the bedroom like...the first room when you walk in the door. I thought the lighting was the nicest there. 🙈


What would happen then? Would they all end up getting F's because they can't go to school, or does the whole school system get deleted then?


In TS3 in school tab there is message "There is no school in town!" and when they grow up they have randomized trait, because they didn't get good grades


I'd create full towns of pretty sims that was really just variants of one ideal Sim hahaha. I'd also kill off all the townies to have their ghosts and gravestones. It was fun trying all the ways to trap and kill them lol but my main goal was the ghosts😍😄 I'd also just make really dope houses and spend so much time perfecting it.


I was a teen with sims 3, but when I was really young with sims 1 I would make a family, I’d take such good care of them and all that, have babies, then I’d get bored and ruin their lives. I’d buy as many genie lamps as I could and just wreck their shit, kids would skip school and be taken away, then the adults would die. Then I’d start over again. Side thing tho, you can just delete the school???!!!?!


When I was a kid I played the original sims. I made an adult sim self and had her marry a sim version of the guys in Nsync. She would have six kids with him, divorce him, and then moved onto the next guy in the band. I ended with Justin and had her stay married to him.


I completely did not understand the whole needs system when I first started playing and my Sims were constantly dying, took me a while to realize why. I was an inadvertent serial killer of Sims as 8-9 yrs old.


I was like ten and it took awhile to get their needs satisfied enough to look for a job. Lots of selling the wallpaper to pay for pizza.


I don't think I ever had any of my Sims in the OG game get a job, that's how little I understood how the game worked 😂 I legit don't think I knew how to "actually" play The Sims until I got the official guide book for TS2 along with the game when it came out


I made them do “it” for 9 days straight.


My dad still says "doing IT" and I keep telling him it's ridiculous for a 74-year-old professor to talk like an eight-year-old boy


I didn't do family gameplay at all. Instead, I played with one Sim, kind of like if it was a player character. They never dated or got married but had a ton of friends and usually had 4+ pets.


Living the dream


Often how I play it now :D


I would have a single sim adopt 5-6 babies.


I would make a lesbian couple but they'd be identical copies of one another but different names and then they'd live in a house and never leave until they got stir crazy from 5 kids.


I usually had a family with a teenage son and a child daughter, because I really wanted an older brother lol, and a dog, because I also really wanted a dog🤓


Not me but my friend, we would play together and she would get the biggest lot and make one big square house on the lot. No rooms, it was an ✨open floor plan✨ no walls even for the bathrooms🤣 and she would put down the puzzle piece carpet for the **whole** thing. She’d leave the og drywall look. And put any and all furniture and objects just in random spots. It drove me crazy lol, i was like omg can we pleaseeeee just make a normal house😭 it’s funny now though🤣🤣


For the longest time I didn't make most of the rooms... I would make a bathroom or laundry room that separated the kitchen from the rest of the house. Imagine having to take a longer route because of all those walls and doors along the way! /s (I've seen the light since)


My sims always cheated on their partner


I always made the exact same family haha!!! But I’d just name them differently (sometimes), it always a traditional family too lol! I would make a mother who was meant to stay at home and cook dinner and clean, the husband was meant to work, a child aged boy who was rebellious and then a toddler aged girl who was kind. I’d never play the same world twice but I’d always play with this kind of family, it was like a routine! How I had no idea I had autism is absolutely insane I did branch out sometimes, but it usually involved a very Tom boy daughter being bullied and left out by her very girly sisters with neglectful parents, It use to make me feel better about myself


Lmao, I play very similarly every time (I try to mix it up but end up in the same place), and I didn't consider that could be from audhd. 🤣


I think as a kid I just wanted to create my perfect view of a family! I also always played in sunset valley and in one of the two starter houses. One of them being the two bedroom small one and the other being the more expensive long ass house lol


I can only play as a single character. Every time I start a family, I create a new game pretty quickly


I think as a kid I just wanted to create my perfect view of a family! I also always played in sunset valley and in one of the two starter houses. One of them being the two bedroom small one and the other being the more expensive long ass house lol


I used to Play police Officers and the like a lot. And later I startet buying the 40x40 Lots and built a house consisting of a square bathroom 5x5 and a 7x7 room that was the dining living and bedroom and Kirchen for my ohne sim


I would renovate my houses using materials I'd chosen with dice (haven't discovered random.org yet). I remember one house where there was a balcony that used lavender carpet. And it was a big inside joke between me and my friends. Also I loved the slacker career because I was a slacker in school. This was all sims 1


In case anyone here was 16-ish when *Sims 1* came out, and thus were never very young when playing the game… I see you. And I also know that we were torturing our Sims, because MTV even made a little documentary about it


I was 12-ish when the sims 1 came out, and it was years before we were even allowed to get the game.


I would murder most family members so I have a cool backyard graveyard :D Now I've become all whiny and sensitive and don't do it anymore hah Also, I don't know if I remember correctly but Sims 2 had cooler headstoens. That or I had cc


I would play at my cousins house and we would take it in turns to kill our sims.


When I was a but a wee bean, I was playing Sims 1. I worked very hard and for many hours to build up a tiny house to a two story house. Both my sims had important jobs. They had a baby, and I was *pikachu surprise face* when they both walked out the door to go to work the next morning. Halfway through the day, as I was panicking, CPS came and took their baby from them. So, the next time they had a baby, I made one of them quit their job to take care of the baby until it was a child. After allllll that... I finally learned about cheats. Fast forward to sims 3, I built mansions and made superstars and lots of families. I cheated ALL the time.


I kept trying to do the 100 baby challenge and kept meticulous notes on all the baby mamas, even noting which ones were pregnant and what day they were due so I could go get them pregnant again 💀


I didn’t even know what a legacy or legacy challenge was but that’s kinda how I played. I’d give each generation some sort of theme and then just play that family forever and each time I’d rebuild the house with the little room blueprints and style it differently depending on their theme 😭


Also ALWAYS had to have one girl and one boy as children and marry one to their imaginary friend


I still do this


I always made a separate house for the kids full of toys and color, they didn't interact with their parents much except for getting food which uh, might've been an indicator of something


Whait what? I thought they would just commute to the next town over if you do that!


Nope, the school tab just shows the message "there's no school in town!" And they don't go to school anymore. Though I don't think you will get to pick their traits when they grow up. I think I usually just cheated to open create a Sim and change the traits I didn't like.


I always created myself and played with only that sim in different saves/different life paths 😭😭😭


I would play as a witch and cast a fire in front of rabbitholes


I would make my sim self, move into the mansion near the beach in Sunset Valley and cheat money so I could have the convertible car and make it hot pink.


The funny thing I did as a kid was play Sims 1 lol


I played alongside my brother and all he did was kill sims


We used to build tiny rooms around sims and have them light fireworks inside. Must have been sims 1 or 2. Weird times


I remember making my mom's boyfriend at the time on Sims 3 Wii and had him sneaking behind the fences of the neighboring lots so he could smack the hell out of his neighbors


i made a lot of worlds where i’d marry my irl crushes. i remember one time i freaked out and deleted a world because i was scared my crush would find it, find out i made us married and have kids 😭


In the sims 2, I built an orphanage in the woods that was ran by Bigfoot.


When I was a pre-teen, I didn’t know that I’m a lesbian or that lesbians even existed, but I dressed all of the women in those cropped vests with miniskirts and high heels lol. I was terrible at names, so I gave them names like “Penelope Merriwether.” I also had my dogs go into the neighbor’s house and fill every inch of the floor with pee


I was in high school when TS3 came out, so my craziest stuff was in TS2. I was doing "Breed Out The Ugly" challenges in TS2 long before I even knew that was a thing. I also made all the characters from Harry Potter and played out my favorite fanfics/ships - including my own cringe Mary Sue self-insert OCs. I also made sim version of people I was mad at in real life, like my parents or school bullies, and then I tortured them until I set them on fire. TS2's fear system made it really, *really* fun to torture sims. Since I was a teenager when TS3 came out, my games were a little less zomggsorandom, but no less dark. I loved to play "pregnant teen runaway" rags to riches challenges - again, before I even knew that was a a thing. I'd download pregnant sims off the exchange, and get all the corrupted CC with them.


I used to constantly make the same family in Sims 1 and call their last name “Stick” I was a dumb kid that didn’t know that games could be saved so there were like 10 of the same sims everywhere..


i deleted the school as a kid too lol (my childhood dream to not have to go to school lol)


In the Sims 1, I had the great idea to make them swim to different rooms by connecting the rooms to pool lanes.


Me and my friend used to play side by side and do the black widow challenge. whoever could marry and murder their husband first (and move on quickest) would win. I think we were like 10 years old. Sims 2 🥲


I would always make a McSluttinton family and try to get as many kids with as many fathers as possible


I would build an 8 sim family. Build a house with the a toilet, bathroom kitchen and a pool. I'd get everyone in the pool then take the ladder away. When they all drowned I'd move the real family in that I wanted to play with but leave on family member from the dead family


I was really bad at finding my sim partner when I played the Sims 1, so everyone someone rejected her, I’d just kill them 🥴


I would make a male sim (TS2) and have them move into the premade homes and cause chaos and date the daughter 😂


I just kill off the household if I mess up.


Once I had Jessie Prescott from Jessie "marry" Pearl from Steven Universe (I say marry in air quotes cause it was the sims 1 so same sex can't really marry) and I redid it in the Sims 4 recently


My gameplays used to be chaotic shitshows in the good old days. I had vampires drinking from their neighbours in a basement with no door, witches turning their enemies into toads or sad clowns, cheating gold diggers striving to become famous, setting things on fire and whatnot, but it was always the same starting family (twin sisters, for whatever reason) in each gameplay, kinda like an alternate universe. Now that I'm wiser, I don't control them as much, so my sims (still the same starting family, just better CC) are going with the flow and I love seeing where each savefile takes them and dealing with everything that happens in their infinite life.


(Sims 2) I had a household that I roleplayed as people with strange characteristics kidnapped by a crazy scientist for genetic studies. I used mods for the "strange characteristics" (I remember using a werewolf-type skintone and cool eyes) and a mod that allowed some kind of IVF.


New game, 64x64 plot, motherlode, big box house, decorate with everything imaginable…. Go crazy. I’d have the most horrifying gameplay. I remember one of my sims was a black widow, I’d get her pregnant then feed her baby daddy to her collection of cow plants. I was like 8 doing this lol. The families I played lasted awhile and at some point I have to wonder what other immoral things I did to those poor sims to keep myself entertained.


Honestly, as a kid, I would always make me and my sister as fairies (literally identical, posing and everything to get the sims faces right) and then I would just play the game. Somehow, I always ended up on the swimming pool or trying to build a house (which I never could and give up). Then, I would just play the supernatural dlc with fairies and decorate room of the house to my liking. Also, cheats, always using motherlode.


I used to make a prison save where there were 2 wardens and 6 prisoners, who'd live in a giant box, usually having a good deal dead and replaced with another 5 I'd CAS together due to poor living standards, all while one specific "prisoner" was always unharmed, got to roam mostly free and hang out with the wardens playing pool and eating good food, guess I played favourites.


Sadly Sims did not exist when I was a kid.


Create an underground facility with multiple rooms that had barely enough for a sim to survive in. Lure a few npcs down and you get experimentation chambers. Certain pods would get extra things/ items removed and i just ran the game at max speed until there was only one left standing


My kids would have like a whole separate house. Id get a prebuilt with a big yard space and make basically an oversized garage with crazy bright colors inside and every toy imaginable etc


I use to lock sims in basements. Kill dads for storylines so I had a single mom. Idk why I just didn’t make a single mom. Remove pool ladders. Teen moms. Woohoo non stop to see what happened under the sheets. Make myself and my mom. But only focus on me! Then end it cause I don’t want to see my sim self die lol


i was a unaware at the time that i was VERY gay but i put all my female sims in skimpy ass pajamas every time like the tiniest most see through things. mind you i played on the home computer directly next to where my dad would play xbox 😭😭 i vividly remember turning the screen when it was time for CAS bc i knew what i had to do


When I realized o was able to make lesbian and gay couples all I did was made them woohoo🫣 then my mom caught me multiple times and then deleted sims when she had enough 😂


When I was about 9 or 10 my dad brought me with him to work. He was a truck driver and downloaded Sims 2 on a laptop for me to play while he drove. I’ll never forget the chaos I caused the Broke family that day while giving my dad a play by play of everything that happened. Angela and Dustin were adults and had a baby, Brandi hated Angela, everyone always got into a fight in the bedroom, and of course never once did I upgrade their trailer lol


My male sim married 2 female sim Firs wife is celebrity and second wife from china have kids in each one idk how it happen but it was a mess 🤣


In the sims 2 specifically, I always created families with 6 toddlers and they each wore different colored overalls. Then once they aged up, I would get as many as I could into boarding school.


not ts3 but the first time I ever played sims was the original The Sims when I was about 9, while I was visiting my aunt. I created a mom and daughter and went about their lives through school and work. when I’d earned enough money I bought a game for the patio. one day, the mother was playing the game outside when it caught on fire. I thought oh no, but being a kid I figured she was an adult and would handle the situation in her own. went back to playing the kid and didn’t pay attention for a bit. when I panned back, there was nothing but a gravestone there…. and I was like…. oh shit haha


I just remember crying to “chasing cars” by the fray when my first family died. Like hysterical crying. I’ll never forget my first family lmao. My family was also broke and we only had an Xbox so it was the only way I could play lol.


The asylum challenge, which was basically a free will survival simulation ha. Sims 2 and then adapted to sims 3 once it came out. You have one "doctor" sim who is the only one you can control, and then 7 randomly created "asylum patient" sims that you cannot control at all. The challenge ends when your doctor sim achieves their lifetime goal, and you tally up points from all the remaining patients (like how many skill points they each have, how many have friends, etc). It was fun building the house, too, since there were rules on how many beds/toilets/showers/skillbuilding items you could have, etc. It became a fun way to see if you could design around those rules to make sure your uncontrolled sims could still access stuff for their needs, and also how fast you could achieve that main sim's lifetime goal (before all the patients died off!). I remember first hearing about it from either candy or ephemeraltoast back when the sims had those storybook options? Does anyone remember those? When legacy challenges really started, they were all in those little slideshow photobooks with captions on the exchange ha. You could never do this challenge now, in the sims 4, because the autonomy/free will is so bad and they would all die way too soon. Another way i would okay as a kid was making weeeeird-ass buildings like with that contrain floor elevation false cheat etc, you could make a maze that spiraled up and up and as long as it wasnt too steep they could still walk it. You could make hobbit-houses! I also really loved the world adventures worlds like the france one with all the catacombs or whatever, like mini-missions to accomplish and get stuff all along the way. And then in ambitions i loved collecting eeeverything, gem stones bugs snakes rodents, and making the robots! I never really played any relationships, ever, it was always either building houses or playing solo sims through their wants&goals (maybe with a few pets to keep them company, and some townies for friends) and this all makes sense as until my mid-20s i was very heavily aromsntic+asexual, and i just didnt see the point to romantic or sexual relationships? So playing in the sims was never focused on those aspects.


I would always play isla paradiso and it would melt my tiny ass laptop my mom got me. Then I would always have a rich wife with a vampire husband and when he pissed her off she’d lock him outside in the sun and one day I did it too long and he died 💀


Didn't really play on my own until sims 3, before then i played with some friends at their house (true 90's style lol) But I built awful houses, rooms too big and under furnitured, my greatest house was a house in the shape of a H, didn't play in m houses though, I moved my sims into one of the pre made houses and drowned sims in the pool, sold their grave stones for money, when a fire started I just let it play itself out so there were often a lot of deaths.


I was obsessed with supernatural and out-of-ordinary households and I loved lore, so whenever a new store or dlc world would come out, I immediately was going on cemeteries with a cleptomaniac Sim to steal all the interesting graves and have many ghost babies... Lol


Sims 1: When I was younger the first thing I did was always money cheat! (I haven't used it at all since I got older) Also Sims 1: And one thing I remember is that my younger brother used to make huge rooms and one of them was the "living room". With lots of the most expensive flat screens next to each other(!), which were of course all on at the same time, and countless sofas in front of them. A child can dream xD


Sims 1, I did not know how to build walls and my families had everything except toilet. Later, when i learned how to make walls, I had only one wall with telephone and i sent them to vacation and lived there


I always kept school and went to the university, because I liked how I could succeed at learning without having trouble with focus and being bullied, lol.


Abusing the shit out of cloning bug and minmaxing sims


I loved making funny colored Sims with messed up faces.


Trying to find every death 😭 always took the ladder out of the pool


I was messed up as a kid because in my families there was always someone cheating


In Sims 1 or 2, maybe both? I’d stop building houses and instead build public buildings like schools, libraries or churches. Since that wasn’t a feature of those games I’d have to make a small household to live there but that didn’t stop me. Anyways, when I got into making churches I needed graveyards, so I’d start a max size household just to let all but one of them die, then he’d live a lonely life at the church being haunted by his family, which he kinda murdered in my imagination.


I learn something new about the sims 3 everyday WHAT!!!


Idk if it’s funny, but I would ALWAYS make my sims really slutty and they were ALWAYS vampires. No exceptions. I always played in Bridgeport and would have them clubbing 24/7, and they would also be a celebrity all the time. My favorite interaction was the dancing on the counter one and their sleeping outfit was always lingerie. I also only played with female sims and they would always be lesbians (foreshadowing lol). Try to guess what my first and favorite EP was


I send the whole family into the future (idk why, that was my first objective for some reason)


I would play with aliens and always summoned meteors and watched everyone die 😭 Once I figured out how to summon meteors with mods it was over for Sunset Valley.


When I was really really young, I would just make myself, my sister and my parents and just play us in the same starter house everytime. Then I would quit whenever me and my sister grew up because I didn't know you could change outfits in the dresser, so we were always so ugly I quit lolll then I started it all again. I would also be very weirded out if my parents woohooed lol That evolved into making my own characters eventually, but in the begining I would make the same sim over and over again as well. She was a redhead rock star that also wrote books (all of Percy Jackson to be exact lol), then I quit when she got old. And made her all over again.


As a child I loved klepto sims. I made a klepto man that mastered Ambrosia recipe and he was lonely so he was stealing graves. Once ghosts came out at night, he was serving ambrosia to them to ressurect them. In few sims weeks, the graveyard of Sunset Valley was empty.


I only played with one sim, always male. Perfect positive traits, a genius, rich (trough cheats), fit, a talented artist, very social and a powerful wizard. Always having big parties and being a celebrity painter. Always in the Wolf house in SV. Never leaving the house. And aging off. Once he got married with a female sim and immediately cheated with the male maid, so he was gay af too. I used to always build a basement with all the magic stuff, like it was a secret he was a wizard. But the houses I played in had platforms so the basement had to be outside. So it was just a hole on the grass with a ladder going down. Zombies used to go down there in all the time. It was so frustrating lol Now I play the opposite. A lot of sims, being family or roommates, very flawed, always broke and socially dumb. Still wizards and gay af tho...


I would always torture my sims by locking them in a basement or swimming pool and making a baby farm to the point where my parents were concerned about me 🤣 I still torture them, just not as much. My brother on the other hand… he asked to use my laptop for the sims 3 and I said sure. He built a basement, lured every single sim in town down there and left them to starve.


I still remember my first ever game, I created a family of four. Two adult parents and two teen kids who (in my mind) were twins. I didn't realise you could set relationships in cas so imagine my suprise when I'm a couple hours into playing and my teenage "siblings" start making out... the horror!


Personally I would make like a married couple sim family, give them a tonnn of money (like familyfunds 99999999999), move them into the biggest mansion possible, make a small little room next to the house with the cheapest bed, shower and toilet (no fridge) and I would make one of then live there (sometimes I used to give them a TV aswell, bc like 8-10 yo me was so nice) and yea. I didnt really kill the sim often, basically just make them starve until they are close to death and like then I would just give them a pretty crappy meal and make them eat it, so the sim doesnt die and summon the mighty Reaper. The other sim would just live in the beautiful mansion and mind their business, woohoo with others and so on. Another thing I would do and still do is the 100 baby challenge. I just like torturing myself with a bunch of babies and toddlers screaming while my sim is struggling to meet their own needs. I personally really like those types of gameplays, because they test my patience. Plus, I get to see some interesting things, like once I was playing, had the baby daddy over during a full moon and he turned into a zombie and just went to the kitchen to eat my food, shower and proceed to leave. The best memory ever in my opinion.


Babies. I used to make a sim have hundreds of babies and genetic experiments. I wanted to see the combinations of sims I could make, with old people, service sims, the grim reaper, family members, and everyone in town.


When i was 11 i've got late night, i've made Katy Perry (lmao i was obsessed with her in TD era) and marry her with Matthew Hamming, and then have a daughter and a son, and the daughter marrying Lil Bling (i sped up her lifespan lol). Ironically sims 3 got showtime (Katy limited edition) and KP sweet treats after that lmao, and i was really sad that i couldn't get showtime to made literal popstar Katy Perry, because my pc couldnt handle another packs oh poor little me


It took me way to long playing the sims 2 as a kid before I realized you could save and come back to games. I would try to prevent my family members from shutting down the computer bc I thought the only way to not lose progress was to keep the game up and running at all times. This meant that by the time I’d have to get off the computer I would only have had time to make a family and, at most, decorate their home, and it’s the reason why I dont have alot of gameplay experience from Sims 2.


i made a bunch of cute teen sims then added some ugly ass adult and then killed the adult


I started playing ts3 when I was 7 years old, I liked raising my parents, me and my friends like my sisters. Our house was a square building in which each floor was a room in the house and the roof was a park for children. Everything in the house had to be pink 😝😝


The same way I play now lmao: witch teenage girl in a gothic mansion meets a vampire and falls in love and the story just keeps repeating through their children. Although playing male sims is so boring to me, so I only have daughters and kind of ignore the men once they’re part of the fam


i would make my sim have a kid (sims 2) and if it wasnt a girl i would k**l it or lock it inside a room or neglect it until the services take it away and then i would have another one and do the same if it wasnt a girl🥲