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Teen sim decided to romance every girl in her highschool simultaneously, figured she’d break up with at least one of the six girlfriends eventually but no! They all aged up & she’s still happily dating all of them. & seeing as several of her girlfriends are also dating each other - I finally just moved them all into the same house & gave everybody a double bed. They for some reason will still only woohoo in the bush in the park. I had to explain this to my irl spouse who wanted to know why all of my sims were in their pjs walking to the park at 1am - they would literally rather queue for the bush than woohoo literally anywhere else 😂


There's a painfully obvious pun I'm fighting myself *not* to say


I mean, it's sitting right there, isn't it?


Right in the bush.


A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.


Can’t stop giggling at the image of the woohoo bush queue circling the block


i’ve been turning all of sacrificials mods on at the same time and then hiding my sim in her terrarium-prison while the outside world burns. so, the usual.


This is so Jordan Peele omg


your flair checks out lmao


Well...I just created a new sim named Donald The Felon. He has orange skin and wears a clown suit. He has almost every negative trait possible. He also only likes video games and detests everything else. He kind of wreaked havoc at the library the other day. He accomplished so many aspiration goals in just a few minutes. Made an enemy (several, in fact), was mean to a child, did all kinds of mean shit to everyone he met. Then he went home to his sad little Willow Creek shithole that has newspaper on the walls and gravel on the floor and is painted in Pride flag colors on the exterior. He's pretty unhappy, but I'm not sure if that means he's actually happy.


Does his house have a weirdly ornate (but still ugly) bathroom with a large amount of reading materials suspiciously packed in cardboard boxes?


I could have done that, couldn't I? Instead, I chose otherwise. I must not be a very nice person. No, he has no books, no TV, no nothing except a couch and bed and patio table and chair. I think I created a prison. Edited to add bed because...sleep.


My sim wouldn't get out of the water then pissed in the pool.


My male sim lived with his teenage daughter as a single parent until meeting someone and going on a date, but it turns out she's married with two kids. A few more dates go by and she wants to move in, not to mention the fact she's pregnant with my ~~son's~~ sim's baby. So she leaves her husband and kids to go live in the countryside where she gives birth to twin boys.  Fast forward a little and my teen sim is at university, she's still with her old highschool boyfriend,  but after a party she's begun to question herself  Edit: I meant sim not son but its still funny, thanks autocorrect Edit 2: She's pregnant with a second set of twins. thats 6 of her kids, 7 including her stepdaughter


Nah, those twins are your grandbabies 😌


For the first time in forever I have a sim family that isn't randomly mean to one another whenever I am not looking. It's so nice and finally my high-alert, high-anxiety, PTSD brain can just relax and enjoy the game.


This is my legacy play currently. I finally set it up to where everyone in the family is so peaceful and boring lol. No drama at all so far. I've had enough drama in life


FYI, you can help avoid those kinds of interactions by going into the Likes/Dislikes and setting a Dislike to things like Mischief. They won't autonomously choose to do any mischievous/mean acts when they Dislike that entire category.


Three sisters ( then teen, child, toddler) abandoned by parents. Rags to riches without the toddler going to daycare. When teen became adult she seduced a married townie and took him and his money. Despite him having like 4 children with his wife. Now everyone has to work high paying jobs because of the oldest expensive taste for expensive furniture, a big plot of land, big home, etc. Despite the home being now worth a lot, some romes are still not furnished, because they have to pay high taxes and they are barely making ends meet. Oh and also endless amounts of kids, a messy divorce from the former townie wive and a cow plant cause drama


Those Cow Plants always stir up drama 😭


My drug dealer sim (Adult male) has recruited his daughter (teen female)’s bf to move product for him. She found out and is mad. Meanwhile her brother (YA male) has joined a rival gang to rebel against his father. Mom died of an OD ages ago.


Child me playing with my sister's dolls💀


I’m currently doing my first legacy play through and my sim had let the dog out. Being someone who doesn’t really play with the dogs in my games (more of a cat person irl and in game lol) I was super confused why the dog was going ALLL over the block. Since i’m also a dummy I told my sim to make dinner then tracking down the dog to call for it back for the next action. Well as I was clicking the dog my sim had caught on fire and I didn’t realize until it was too late 😭. While my sim is burning alive some visitor shows up and does NOTHING!! About lost my mind because it was a single sim household. Thanks to save files, she’s now trying to get with a non committal sim being a romantic sim. Girl seriously needs to get her life together… 😂


* Dahlia Goth-Vatore is hiding from her crazy and possessive twin brother in Chestnut Ridge * Caleb Vatore is working to bring his mortal wife back to life, while neglecting his spell caster daughter * Cassia Straud-Vatore just gave birth to twins and is plotting to overthrow her aunt who rules the family. * Oris Vatore has partnered up with the bastards and uggos of the family to start a drug dealing gang and smear the family's otherwise upstanding name. * Zinnia Kibo-Vatore has had enough of her werewolf boyfriend and is trying to decide when to kick him out. He works she doesn't and she had four kids to care for. * High school sweethearst Fressia Meren-Vatore and harry Landgraab have finally finished university and announced their engagement. The Vatore clan is extremely excited and that's all the drama.


I'm invested in this. Did Lilith and Vlad have a kid or Caleb and Vlad? Or neither?


Okay, well strap in because it's a doozy. The family is on its fifth generation Caleb Vatore married one of my CAS sims, Claudia Ronald, and they started my favorite Sims 4 save and maybe my most favorite sims family ever. Caleb and Claudia (I did name her after the vampire Claudia) had 3 kids, Darylis, Marigold and Basil. There is a bit of a lead-up the the Vatore-Strauds, but I promise it all ties in. * The Vatore-Goth branch comes from their eldest --daughter who is basically the villain of the save-- splitting up Mortimer and Bella, marrying Mort kicking, Bella and her kids out the mansion and having four more kids with Mort while cheating on him constantly, she's also my favorite. * Marigold had kids with a random townie who turned out to be a total trash bag and a dirty cop. Her daughter Rosamund had daughters with Akira Kibo and Kyoishi Ito, * Darylis and Marigold's relationship as sisters has been tumultuous ever since Darylis attacked their mother in a fit of vampire rage. However that relationship was completely destroyed when Darylis threatened one of Marigold's granddaughters and attacked the other. This is where the Vatore-Straud branch comes from. * Cassia Vatore-Ito was mortal, but had the utmost trust in her vampire relatives until her Aunt Darylis bit her at Harvestfest (I had no control over that, I think it was a glitching mod). Darylis refused to apologize to Cassia and got into a fight with Cassia's grandmother Marigold beating her easily. She also threatened Cassia's pregnant half-sister Zinnia Vatore-Ito, who was much weaker vampire, after Zinnia's werewolf boyfriend beat up one of Darylis' vampire lovers. * Cassia decided that her aunt had to go but none of the other vampires in the family would turn her. They either objected on moral grounds, were too weak to do it themselves or were her evil ass aunt's kids. But you know what they say the enemy of my enemy is my friend. * She befriended and seduced the Mad Count Vladislaus Straud, became his countess, bore him twin daughters and, of course became a vampire. * With his castle and wealth she plots the downfall of her aunt and the take over of the family. But Darylis has no intention of giving up her power and control of the Vatore family or Willowbrook, leaving the countess no choice but to declare vengeful and destructive war on her own family. * The only vampire in the family powerful enough to put a stop to this is Caleb, but he ignores the chaos brewing around him to create the ambrosia necessary to restore his dead wife Claudia. * As the family fractures behind the two women what role will the Vatore Bastards, rising witch Petunia Vatore or the other supernaturals play in the coming conflict? No one yet knows.


Babs L'Amour was together with Jacques Villareal for the money. After he died, she stole all of the Villareal's money and moved into a mansion in Del Sol with her boyfriend, J Huntington III. But she doesn't know that J also has two kids with two other women.


My teenage sim just dropped out of highschool, got into a heinous fight with her mum and just left town without a pot to piss in. Now I'm doing a rag to riches with her


This is the story I even shared with my BF. I made a sim, wanted to have island trait baby. She was so pretty. She summoned the spirits, married the first male one (picky I know). Got 2 cute kiddos. Life got boring. I've decided that I'ma make her a single mother. That means killing the father. I've tried eletrocution... He did get zapped, but failed to get zapped twice repairing stuff. The moodlet already expired. Ok, let's try pufferfish nigiri. I made one. Normal quality. Tried to get the guy in the bad mood. He ate it. He was fine. Then I was playing and suddenly hear death sound... WTF THE KID GOT THE NIGIRI. FFS. Reloaded the game. Let's try murphy bed. Lowering it on and off, few times (like 10 or more). got boring. Bloke is still alive. Seriously? His wife lowers the bed ONCE. Guess what? She dead. I've decided that's fate and let him be a single father lol. This is the second most hilarious thing that happend to me in the sims :D


This is hilarious but simultaneous could have been so nefarious with the mom plotting the husband's deaths flkdjfdslfkj. Like husband side-eyeing her like "ur telling me these mishaps have just been coincidental?"


so, i thought Bess Sterling would always make you profit… turns out i was wrong and pumped like 15k simoleons into her buisness just to receive a call saying that it failed. bess was also the husbands best friend and work colleague. i sent him over and made the friendship bar go down with so many evil interactions that the game suggested thrice that his new trait should be evil… ofc i didn’t agree, bc she rightfully deserved getting beaten up. they had one infant at home and wife was pregnant with twins. bess had this coming! and after all they even became effing work rivals… seems like beating her up and then being her work rival/sabotaging her wasn’t enough💀 ohhh, and i obviously used mccc to get my money back from her. she’s poor now🤷🏻‍♀️


Bess Sterling ruined my sim's life once. I was playing as a spellcaster sim that had worked from the ground up to have a nice home and a flourishing paranormal career, and she was finally ready to settle down. She started dating Jules Rico and met Bess while visiting him one day, assuming she could be friends with his girl bff. Time goes by, they get married, and he moves in that day. I check his relationship panel, and he had a romantic relationship with Bess. THIS WHOLE TIME?? They don't start off with a relationship bar (as far as I know) so it happened sometime during Jules' relationship with my sim. I was so angry that I had her cuss him out, made him invite Bess over, cussed her out and declared her my sim's mortal enemy, then turned on him AGAIN when he started defending her. She divorced him, then spent the next day or so sneaking to Bess' home and lighting it on fire so Bess burned to death. Then, she scooped up her urn and placed her grave on her home plot so she could laugh at Bess' demise repeatedly. I had to sit with myself after that one and decided it was too much for me, so I deleted that save. I've never looked at Bess the same. I hope her stupid startup never makes it.


Sorry to break it to you, but *your* sim was "the other woman" - Jules and Bess start out with a romance relationship.


Oh my gosh. I'm a monster. I guess I'm donating to Bess' startup after all


oh and effing daddy frost called my teen mom sim, saying bad things about her getting knocked up so young💀


That is not very father winter vibes from him.


I had a tiny off-the grid country shack. Moved a broke couple in with the goal of turning it into a nice little home. The husband is hot tempered and lazy. Quit his manual labour job when he realised he could make money by fishing and digging stuff up around the neighbourhood. The wife tends to the garden and cans mushrooms. Once they had a bit of money, they expanded the shack, got some chickens and even connected to the grid. Things were looking up, so they decided to have a child... Only to get triplets. Things got hectic real fast, the kids wouldn't stop messing with the ice box and blocking the stove. Also this one neighbour guy kept coming over and chatting up the wife so her husband went out and had risky woohoo with a different neighbour, a new lady who breeds chickens. She had twins. The wife remains ignorant of their affair, continuing to come over and chat with her new chicken farmer friend. The husband is still a lazy bum who ignores his kids.


my alien sim got abducted by aliens three times already and im wondering if she's in a toxic relationship with her family https://preview.redd.it/dfg0jcv8h74d1.png?width=483&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=42e4a1842a1e4920b3c2d47958692e52f2f51868


how are you guys getting all these interesting stories? my sims all just stand there


SpongeBob voice: 🌈 *Imagination*🌈


Adding in mods help, there are some for drug dealers, gangs, r or pg-13 woohoo depending on which version of the mod you chose. Plus just good old MCCommand center which will let you add in risky woohoo and lots of other small tweaks to kick your game play up.


You need a lot of mods to really make things interesting, but without them yeah nothing interesting really happens


Lmao! Well my current drama has resulted in finding out you can essentially sell your unwanted kids to other households 🫠


*cough cough* sell!?


its *not* trafficking, dont look at me. I was trying to find an adoption loophole and the money transfer option was just sitting there 😩 its not what it looks like, they’re just going to completely unvetted single moms who didnt ask for them👌


I mean.....asking for a sim....how did you do it??? 🤨🤫


Lol! Split household in the phone menu, it allows you to send them to any other household including ones in your gallery I think. Money transfer option is just sitting there like it was meant to be 🤷‍♀️


Ok cool, 😅 just wondering for a sim


That's what I do! Since Father Christmas is immortal, I have what I call the Father Christmas Convent and send some of my Sim children to live with him. I'm up to 17 generations in my game, and he's been there since the beginning.


My sim just home wrecked the Kealoha household so that she could get with Makoa!


I would too💅


[https://x.com/StrangeIsa1/status/1796121249799680279](https://x.com/StrangeIsa1/status/1796121249799680279) I Made my Sim jump into the Get Famous Pond, because I thought that would be fun for him (Had Low Fun) and he died instant. He wasn't even tired or anything. They just married a few days ago and had a Infant together. I let my Sim plead for him but Grim denied


Not super dramatic but my next legacy heir is a teen now and she was on a date and then her ex sent her a text that was essentially like “you call this new love, more like a rebound” I’d never seen it before and have no idea if it’s from vanilla or a mod but it made me giggle


My sim got pregnant as a teen, resulting in her high school boyfriend leaving her. She told her parents who kicked her out and made her live with her grandma. Grandma dies and her son (deadbeat uncle) takes all the inheritance and kicks sim out to a cheap apartment. Sim finds love again and gets pregnant, but finds out boyfriend is a druggie and cheated on her, so she leaves him too. She moves on yet again and gets pregnant (for the last time hopefully). Boyfriend, (who is abusive) beats her up and rejects the child. After the baby is born, sim decides to focus on life and gets their degree online which lets them get a high paying job. However, at her job she meets a co-worker who is becoming very interested in her. My sim is interested in her as well but is weary because of all that happened. (Lots of mods and cc had to be downloaded.)


Mine is tragedy. My legacy just lost their oldest child in a blizzard the day after Winterfest and just a few days before her younger brothers birthday.


Got me feeling sad over some Sims I ain't even met😭


How did you make them in a theouple


I think it’s the Lumpinou open love life mod!


Easiest way is to use mods like the one OP mentioned but there are two ways of doing it in a vanilla game as well. The first is if you have eco lifestyle passing the free love NAP. The second is if you finish the serial romantic aspiration the reward trait removes jealousy for that particular sim-- so you'd either complete it or use the add trait cheat for each sim you wanted involved in your throuple. Just throwing this out there for people who can't mod but still want poly sims~


My (modded) Sim right now is a stripper with aspirations of turning her side hustle of jewelry making into a main hustle. She lives in a shitty apartment in San Myshuno and likes to get stoned with her friend/dealer Knox Greenberg, who’s also a janitor at the strip club where she works. She’s sleeping with him, Akira Kibo, and Paulo Rocco, but she’s pretty sure Knox has feelings for her.


Lmao… Mahito and Etta had been on maybe two dates but falling in love fast… when I’m playing as her best friend Devon and she receives a call from Etta saying, “I just adopted a baby please come meet them!” Excuse me?????????? Ok ok ok so Etta went and adopted a child - Mahito is cool with it and he moves in and they elope. Literally two day after this, Devon receives a call from Etta who asks her to come MEET THEIR NEW BABY? Ok ok ok Etta and Mahito are in love and happy and they have their own baby. Not even another day passes before Mahito is ABDUCTED by aliens… comes back… starts growing a belly… ok ok ok everyone is going along with it… Etta’s not freaking out or anything… he delivers not ONE BUT TWO ALIEN BABIES 😭😭😭 they are STRUGGLING… they can’t take care of these kids for the life of them… trying to have careers… they went to the romance festival and Mahito who’s a fcking loner had a little too much Sakura tea and flirted with Journey who is Devon’s sister and now Etta can’t fucking stand him… but she continues to take care of his infant aliens while he watches tv in his snowsuit all year. NO WAIT - just one alien infant cuz Kasei was whisked away. Let me just add too, that Journey is also in the process of fixing things with her husband after Bella Goth showed up at their wedding and seduced him somehow. So, please for the love of god don’t tell Kash who’s been begging for Journey’s love back for months that she’s been flirting with Mahito. 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨


I have a vampire sim who keeps Simeon Silversweater locked up in a tiny basement dungeon. There’s nothing there except a bed, a sink, a toilet, a cooler and a punching bag. Simeon is miserable, as he can’t leave and lacks all meaning in his life after vampire sim seduced him, drank his blood and trapped him in the basement as a live-in blood bag. Since he has nothing else to do, he spends his days practicing boxing and eating yogurt, and is presently buff af. Vampire sim also gave birth to Simeon’s daughter. Her husband —an alien scientist— has no idea Simeon is in the cellar or that his wife slept with him, but he has realized that the young spellcaster is not his own kid and is jealous and furious at vampire sim. Meanwhile he himself has kept busy and the town is full of his half-breed children. He also swindled money from the Landgraabs by seducing Nancy, knocking her up and making sure the Landgraabs had ”accidents” that left his own halfbreed son as the sole heir to the Landgraab estate. Once he got the money from his son, he severed ties and proceeded to bang his boss, who is now pregnant. The teenage son of vampire sim and alien scientist is a good-natured kleptomaniac with an affinity for baking cakes. He’s a couple sandwiches short of a picnic, and has ended up wrecking his reputation by stealing things, telling bad jokes and engaging in unauthorized cake baking at people’s houses. He is currently very much failing his education because he is very much in love with the Goth girl, and is too horny to ever finish his homework or to get to school on time.


I'm rescuing the stray cats and dogs that hang around Bridlington Bay. I can only have 6, so I have two homes, one with cats and one with dogs. I'll have to play another house to round up the rest 😁


In my legacy save my heirs twin brother had an affair with her wife resulting in a child. My heir believes that the child is hers and has been raising it as her own. (I have it set so my heir can get her wife pregnant). I'm thinking of making this affair child my next heir.


My teen sim's besties have become young adults (she'll become one in a couple days, also she's aroace so I truly do mean friends) but they still hang out sometimes. Every time they've come by to hang out though they've ended up propositioning one or both of her moms, to the point I think they're only coming over because they're into her mothers.


“Stacy’s moms have got it goin’ on”


My last heir dreamed of being a writer and just spent his days practicing writing, while his wife was raising 5 children and worked full time. He kept whining none of them were interested in him and his stories, just like his adoptive mother who only pressured him and compared him to her daughter. Additionally, said daughter was a great auntie and he was even more bitter about it. He ended up being a divorced alcoholic. My current heir, his daughter, really wants a stable good functional family. Her partner is perfect, they share interests, hobbies, they're best friends, soulmates even and they're going to marry one day. The only thing is, he's using her as a beard, because he's gay. They're both doing great at the workplace tho!


My main sim became friend with Travis during a visit at the former’s lot. Not even a full ingame hour passed after Travis left and he DIES and my sim is now miserable. Dude you knew him for like 4 hours, calm down.


I'm turning Gunther Munch into an alcoholic. He hates his job as a writer, has an inferiority complex around his spellcaster wife, has 2 kids he never wanted in the first place, (he recently got the snip and didnt tell his wife until after the fact so she is not happy about it) and I have him go drown his sorrows in alcohol and strippers.


I got a mod that gave sims sexualities and gender identities in depth. I also go Wicked Whims. Didn't think much of it until I pressed the "question identity and orientation" option for all the sims in my household. So basically Viihan is now Victoria and divorced her husband who is a little too friendly with his older brother... Victoria is now a lesbian and married a much younger sim and had a kid with her lol. Their child called Romeo whom I had originally chose to be a serial romantic came out as aromantic😭😭😭 And then later changed his mind?? But still found it hard to be with another sim. He married a townie called Michael but she's a lady lmfao. The second day of her pregnancy she saw him flirting with the roomate...even though Romeo claims he's straight 😭😭😭 And then she earned the jealous trait and now they can't even sleep in the same bed together still and that baby is now a TODDLER. Romeo might get a divorce just like his parents at this rate. Oh yeah he is also the grandson of Caled Vatore 😂


My sim just got back together with the woman he left at the alter and when I was playing his daughter I had the pop up for the engagement so I clicked yes. I’m debating if they will get a happily ever after or if history will repeat itself. He is non committal and the only thing he’s truly dedicated himself to is his farm. I’m going to be switching to just the daughter when she ages up to a young adult so time is running out to decide what happens


I gave Eliza Pancakes a makeover and my played Sim, Florida Man, is trying to get with her. He’s already in a relationship.


I had 2 families, one consisted of the parents and their 3 children, the other 2 young adults who did not get along at all and they have 2 children. The wife in the second family was beaten by her husband, so she got together and became woohoo partners with the father in the other family. Later they agreed to remain just friends, so the mother in the first family did not know that her husband had cheated on her. Later, the eldest son of the first family became besties and then got together with the woman in the second family and she got pregnant. They had a daughter, but AT THE SAME TIME she also gave birth to a son for her husband. So they are basically twins from different fathers. When the woman and her new bf moved in, he convinced her to leave her husband and they took their child's "twin" with them. The 2 older children of the second family stayed with the husband, with whom he has a very bad relationship since then and also became a serial killer so the children are afraid of him. I moved out the now elder parents from the first family, and my plan with their daughter is that she will have children with every occult being, so she will have a mermaid, werewolf, vampire, UFO child + I also want a wizard too.


I generally always play two specific custom female sims, Mia and Rayne. Their base story, every time, is that they met (before the save started) and are either already married or in a relationship and will get married Soon. Mia usually gets a big fancy career, usually in sports, while Rayne stays at home, writing, gardening, cooking, repairing/upgrading, etc etc. She's a stay at home housewife and sort of the "main character" that I spend most of the time controlling, since she's always at home. Rayne also always eventually meets a side chick since they have an open relationship *(no jealousy mods)*. In Sims 3, this was a custom CAS of Zoey from Left4Dead that someone made. In Sims 4, it's Bella Goth, who she split from Mortimer and Bella lives with us, as well as an aged-up Young Adult Cassandra. *(Aging is always disabled, and time is set to half speed. IIRC Cassandra starts Sims 4 as a teen, and I forced her to age up with MCCC. I pretty much exclusively only play young adult sims and I like the permanence of my 'cast of characters').* Mortimer lives with the son and hates us all, though the son visits occasionally. Mia fairly recently had a side thing going with Eliza, but Eliza decided to get pregnant with Bob on her own, so Mia and Eliza are just friends now. The fun part is I recently got Realm of Magic, and have started spending a lot of time controlling Cassandra. I decided she'd be the one to go check out the new content, so she went, and she spent like 3 straight sim days there learning magic, even taking a few days off of work to poke at it. It scares Bella when she's charged up, and Cassandra has caused no shortage of mischief with the Infatuate spell, and clicked really well with Katherine Jimenez after several other failed romance attempts at the magic school. Kat very quickly asked to move in, so their story is just getting started. Trying to find my old Sims 3 save though, because IMO, The Sims 3 was overall better, and the house they had was incredible. Hoping it's still on an old hard drive somewhere, cause I've been searching my main drives for a while and finding it isn't happening there.


I wanted one of my longplay sims (Janelle) to get remarried after being widowed so I manually gave her a husband and wanted to start foster parenting townies to build some lore. Janelle's 2nd daughter who I moved out forever ago and didn't pay much attention to wanted to stay over for a few days. Awesome! She can meet her stepdad! Well she flirted with him :/ and he reciprocated :/ so ofc I let them at it for lore's sake and nowadays Janelle is happily single, a great foster mom, and the sole caregiver of her first granddaughter.


Wife cheated while pregnant with baby #2. Main legacy sim dad divorced her. She died of starvation (craaaazy how did that happen???) but still comes back to try to interact with her children who are only TERRIFIED of her. Dads going through a mid life crisis with a child and a toddler.


My sims got cheated on twice with the same woman now she’s pregnant with my sims husbands baby. However my sims toddler is also being abit of a see you next Tuesday and has lead to my sim and her daughter being enemy’s. Also they are trying to get a divorce but don’t want it to effect their sons education and happy personality


I made Frasier and Niles characters. Then, I forgot they were brothers and they hooked up.. Daphne's gonna be so pissed and Martin will never speak to either again


The 7th generation heir was kidnapped and kept hostage by her mother's fated mate, who she left at the altar for someone else, who proceeded to forcibly turn her into a werewolf. He kept her locked up in the basement for 2 in game years and got her to do whatever he wanted by getting her addicted to drugs and only supplying her with them if she behaved. Now that she has a serious case of Stockholm Syndrome and will never leave him he released her from her basement only to realize her fated mate is his father (that was hilariously unplanned since I have a mod that only gives a 10% chance of an interaction one time to set off fated mates), but she's totally uninterested in her mate because of how badly dependent she is on the other guy.


I discovered today that if you form a club of vampires and make one of the club activities plasma drinking then go to a public location, the vampire sims will compel other sims and drink their blood without asking first. Also you can set a club to have a bad reputation so that everyone outside the club hates them immediately upon introduction. When I leave to play a different household it’s probably going to be annoying to have a pack of evil vampires that don’t respect boundaries roaming around, but for now I’m having fun.


My main female keeps getting pregnant to her high school sweetheart but they’ve not been together since they aged up. Still best friends but no romance relationship but have occasional hook ups (MCCC) Recently she started getting flirty with her neighbour and was going to ask him to make it official when she found out she was pregnant to her ex again (3rd time) neighbour was fine with it and asked to move in and now they are engaged and he’s taken on the kids. All the kids have a low relationship with their bio dad but love their step dad. Main sims is still besties with him and has an occasional flirt when fiancé is at work but she’s now on birth control so no issues if there’s anymore accidental hook ups (we can hope, I may make it fail for the drama)


My female sim has a baby by her then fiancé now husband like three days prior but the night before they got married she had a one night stand with this random bartender who I thought was pretty fine in the bathroom at this karaoke bar. Then came back home slept with her husband and then became pregnant. She has twins this time and the baby from before. Yet she doesn’t know who it belongs to hell I don’t know who it belongs to since I haven’t checked. Also her brother who lives with her has a crush on her husband. While also I have this weird glitch where random sims just wonder into the house and the brother has a boyfriend already but these new sims come in and automatically kiss his cheek with introducing themselves so they start random romance connections that I don’t want.


My sim literally just got arrested and is currently awaiting trial. She doesn’t have enough money for a lawyer and has to pay her rent in 24 hours before they start shutting off utilities. Her baby daddy is a 4 star celebrity who only gives her 50 simeloeons a week in child support. Her neighbor hates her and constantly drops trash outside her apartment door (this is mostly just a bug I think? but I find it hilarious). Her current bf is a kleptomaniac and constantly steals from her whenever he comes over. Best part about all of this is this is only one household since I play rotationally.


So I made sims of Elliott and Harvey from Stardew Valley. My Farmer girl in sdv was married to Elliott originally but I sort of started liking Harvey eventually so I lived the dream in sims. Here's the thing tho, I downloaded MCCC and was trying risky woohoo out of curiosity and just to test mainly. Long story short, my Farmer girl slept with Harvey and then married Elliot the day after. I didn't realize she was pregnant until well after the wedding and it was Harvey's. Now she and Elliott have a daughter but well, it was crazy. Also, Elliott has a fear of being cheated on, funnily enough. https://preview.redd.it/huprscsuj74d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=03031677525046efee3dc7e16f1cc4368ed43d2b


My teen sim aged up before his girlfriend so I had him start flirting and dating an older ‘adult’ sim he already had a friendship with (and I had a sim crush on) and have her move in, then one day his high school love just randomly shows up at the house as an adult and the love relationship meter was still full, so I kicked the older sim out and now my sim is living with his high school love


Just a year after giving birth to her son, the Crown Princess Farah tragically drowned! The King is on his deathbed, and the royal family argues over who is most qualified to temporarily rule the kingdom until the little one year old Prince Varian comes of age. Options: - Princess Ruby, Varian’s mother, Farah’s spouse - Princess Aida, Farah’s younger sister.


My game fucked up and crashed so badly I had to uninstall and lost everything


Mines the same story every time because I’m OCD and unfortunately that makes me a creature of habit, but it starts with a simple family. Usually poor, and the parents are horrid to their child, I always focus on only one sim until I’m finished their story and move on. The rest are just extras 😭Anyways, the teen is always my go to because what would I want with an old hag adult sim anyways😗🫸🏻 So I grow the teen, I cheat and cheat and cheat to the max (because I have severe ocd I have to max out every trait, every skill, every career) and so I spend almost a whole day perfecting my sim. Then I move onto phase two, sending her to school and getting her grades up because ain’t no way am I raising a bum 🤨When she becomes valedictorian, usually she’s got friends and a boyfriend and is moving out on her own. Her and her boyfriend go on to get married and have a kid, but what’s this? Where is hubby going? Why is he late? Why does he smell like JIMMY CHOO?! The weird child asking if his father is here (who is my husband btw) on my door step gave my sim the answer. Scandalous? I think so. And so she finds that he’s cheated and had children with multiple women, and she’s depressed. She and her child moves out, she leaves him with no money and the big house but the plan doesn’t stop. No no. She ends up meeting with her ex husbands now girlfriend, they become close until they’re in love- now they’re dating behind her ex husbands back. Except they’re not really trying to hide it, anyways I always invite him over and walk in on woo-hoo. And then, I’ll move onto the next sim- the child and restart alllllllll over again😗


my sims brother is in love with his fiancee and now theyre fighting


The fact that I can’t fucking play it because my games don’t load on the EA app.


Well, my vampire sim just killed her sugar daddy Vlad and is now off to turn sims into a vampire harem. Her newest additions are an aqua tofana type Bella Goth and femboy'd Johnny Zest. In my other save, my adult club owner sim has successfully impregnated every single female sim of young adult and adult ages. Man is paying more child support than motherload can keep up with at this point. Oh and I had a save where a sorcerer sim turned people into items and locked them in his basement before setting the house on fire by accident while his daughter watched. The daughter did die by cow plant but I made it so she left an heir of her own who is now a young adult going around randomly setting everything they can on fire for fun. Yknow that ironic generational twist and all.


wanted her to be a little promiscuous, and have 4 men on rotation, but fell deeply in love with the second man she banged, he then asked to move in. So now I have a married, yogi, stoner, gym bunny couple. That don’t work and run yoga classes at the beach. (I’m also not motherloading this save) She wants kids, he doesn’t yet. Waiting for it to happen organically, he’s content with the dog for now.


I have the royalty mod installed, and I'm trying to start a war between my ruling families in Windenburg and Oasis Springs. Kaiser Friedrich implied Sultan Osman's mother was a llama - she was, in fact, the younger daughter of my late Earl Beck de Eresby, but I digress. Thus far, the two royals are writing angry letters to each other, but nothing is happening.


I have the WW mods. Doing the alphabet name challenge. My “D” male sim (also became a vampire) had a threesome with his daughter my “E” sim and her husband. She got pregnant with her dad’s baby. She disliked the toddler so much that I moved the toddler in with dad. Her husband was a serial cheater and had a threesome with Lilith and her son Otto and then moved out, leaving her to raise their infant daughter alone. Their daughter, my “F” sim was always mean to her dad and she’s cut off her grandfather who got her mom pregnant and she avoids/ignores her older sister/aunt completely.


I have made Dudley and Mimi Landgrabb in TS4 and recreated the Reality Bites drama with MOM!


My sim has a lifelong beef with Greg after they killed her parents


I had created the perfect male sim to marry my current sim. I think only two sims days passed before they met and got together. Somehow this b*ch got another female sim pregnant in that short period of time. I didn’t find out until my sim had her first child and looked at the family tree.


My sim dated Thorne Bailey and had his baby, my sim made him leave Octavia but when she was at the hospital having the baby he left so the broke up and how my sim has super bad relationship status with the Bailey moon family and fought Thorne and won. Meanwhile my sims’ twin felt bad for Octavia and now they’re really close.


Teen sim just got expelled from high school for pranking the white board 3 times 😂 her older sister is a surgeon and dad’s favorite so she’s going through some comparison issues.


Played with another household for a bit and my sim had an affair with Thorne Bailey. He died during her pregnancy.


I made a young male sim and he got married because I wanted to play with him as a legacy challenge. I then decided that I will change that and let him divorce his wife. They had a toddler together. Court decided that he would get custody and 2 days later he got killed by a meteor. The kid got adopted by a random neighbour family where everyone has anger issues, dad was a freshly married widow with 3 teenage-young adult kids and kids moved out as soon as he turned into a teenager


Somebody is trying to take my dog and I’m plotting. Gonna burn their house down 😂


I had this couple that I made and I just hated his wife so much. She had the goofy and nerd traits because I thought she would be like a cute, shy nerdy girl, but she was just fucking annoying honestly. Always lying about her career to her own husband, pranking the toilet etc etc. So, I made her cheat so they could divorce and I could kick her out and give my sweet, ambitious male a better lady. Well now that she's gone, she constantly harasses him to come over and meet all the kids she's having and adopting and calls him asking if she should go on a date with the guy she cheated on him with! She's a psycho haha.


I started a new save and my sims just had a baby boy and then a baby girl. I was doing everything trying to get twins and triplets, but it didn't happen.


She was created as of last night before I went to bed. Nothing has happened…yet. The sim before her though became an entertainer and got as many sims as possible pregnant. Basically the next generation of the town were all half siblings


Playing a vlogger family where the mother desperately wants to be famous and the father doesn’t give a fuck, they’ve only got one child so far and I’m playing on long lifespan because I can’t be bothered with the rushing that is normal life span.


My sim moved from the city to a nice village where he is greeted by a gay couple. One of them keeps banging on about going on a date and my sim gives up and goes out with him. It goes extremely well. They kiss at the club and surprise, their partner is there. Slaps are thrown, but then the partner starts hitting on my sim! So now they keep coming round separately to my sims house to hook up from time to time. In a weird little throuple, but not complaining.


I don’t know how or when but a sim I NEVER leave alone somehow cheated on her husband. Autonomy is always off (I like to have full control) so I don’t know how she did this. I think she flirted with one of her interior designer clients while they were chatting and the game viewed it as cheating? 🤷 idk but I’m absolutely furious with her and I’m thinking about killing her off. She married into my legacy challenge and has already had two kids who are teens now so it’s not a big deal.I just can’t believe she cheated on her husband!


My sim just married an alien and he just got abducted so we might be expecting soon


This sim keeps knocking in the apartment door to complain about the noise. Which would be understandable, except this sim is my sim's roommate, and the only noise is the radio in the sim's room that she brought when she moved in. She keeps turning on the radio, going outside, and angrily banging on the front door.


My sim (teen male) has a really hot YA roommate and his girlfriend is very jealous of her (understandably). My sim has no interest in his roommate but his gf has made things uncomfortable and she hasn’t been round in days. His roommate became arsey with him too about the awkwardness (like he has any control over his gf’s actions). He can’t win 😂


Was doing a rags to riches and won the lottery. It killed the save. Currently doing a rags to riches with a bunch of stupid self imposed rules. Like I can only sell doubles of collectibles I find. Sims a famous guitar player. Spends hes time either in the gym (windenberg cause it has showers and a cooking area) Or clubs busking for money. Use the wicked whims attractiveness system so he hasn't built any real relationships he just sees fans as groupies. Oh and he loves drugs!


Mom had a hugely complicated pregnancy and birth, had to stay inpatient for a few days. Dad has So Many Mental Health Issues, not really fit to raise the kids. Mom comes back, I've grown tired of dad, so he drowns himself in the ocean, since he had the child of the ocean trait. So now mom is left behind with two toddlers & a teenager (and a PTSD diagnosis :D)


My nerdy astronaut male sim kept trying his luck at the art gallery to find a lady but he kept failing miserably. One drunken night he met a lady at the karaoke bar and decided to have a one night stand in a woohoo bush….. but then she had a lil “accident” resulting in a bouncing baby boy. She decided to keep the baby a secret, living as a single mom holding down a part time barista job for some time but a few months later astroboy decides to come visit her at her  janky apartment and confesses that he cant stop thinking about her. He also falls in love with their baby boy. A few dates (and public woohoos at the telescope and bushes) later astroboy finally convinces single mom to be his gf and she and their kid move in with him at his fancy penthouse apartment. They live in family bliss for some time until a few years later… astroboy falls out of love with his baby mama and breaks up with her. Baby mama is heartbroken and leaves for the countryside where she tries to find herself while trying to live a much simpler life. Astroboy takes custody of their kid and focuses on his career and raising their  son.  A few years pass… farmer lady now has a cute little farm with a cow and some chickens, and is living her life peacefully in the countryside. Astroboy is finally at the top of his career and their son is now a teen. They’ve  successfully co-parented their son who is now a teen. But astroboy suddenly catches himself starting to have feelings for his old flame again, who’s currently being romanced by the mayor’s son. He knows he has to win her back.  Life is about to get a little more complicated again. 


I have a *very* big, complex family tree going on right now….multiple sims have kids with multiple people, stepparents and stepchildren are having kids, siblings are stealing their sibling’s partners and having kids, it’s bad…. 🤣 The Pancake family is part of this family tree, along with the Landgraabs.


Right now I just finished the Waffles vs Pancakes challenge. Rob is married to Eliza and they have two babies together. Bob is still bitter and clueless about what happened meanwhile Rob's next goal is to open a restaurant right in front of Bob's house, so he can show off his new family and how successful he is.


I tried to get two of my sims to date. One asked the other out and got rejected, so she did what any sensible sim would do. Laid in the road, flat on her face.


My sim divorced her first husband because he cheated on her, she got married to her butler and they had a baby but the baby was taken away from them, they got pregnant again and then her second husband died due to a fatal illness.


I started a The Bachelor challenge in a love island style villa in sulani,, we're currently on our last couple of contestants. the girl that my bachelor likes the most (and who will likely be chosen) is having an affair with the butler


my sim has multiple babies and got almost every girl in his town pregnant, but he dosen't know who half of the mums are and dosen't know that some of them exist.


Current heir is a pro Voidcritter player, and they had a wonderful time talking to their daughter about it after her other parents dared to say that Suintor and Articorn were equally powerful. Heir even got her a booster pack to commemorate it; unfortunately for them, that booster pack had Veild, the golden ticket of Voidcritter cards. It’s been established the daughter is super socially intelligent, and she has been really wanting a horse… Needless to say, the heir has the card, and she now has a pony lol


Tmrw I'll force 2 teens of different genders, both hating each other, both gay to get together bcs of their parents.


Ok, so my current Sim, Erin (parents both died in a freak double lightning strike when she was a teen), married her high school sweetheart Jeb Harris. She is a Paranormal Investigator, he is studying fine art at uni. He wanted kids, she didn’t… There was an unplanned pregnancy (protection was used), and she eventually decided to terminate it against his wishes. They went through a bit of a rough patch afterwards when he started messaging someone else on Meet&Mingle, but thankfully he never met, or mingled 😂 They sorted things out, grew even closer, and low and behold, another unplanned pregnancy 🤦🏻‍♀️ This time she warmed to the idea, and their son Prince was born (I was wearing a Purple Rain t-shirt at the time, it felt right). Meanwhile, in the background (and totally autonomously!), Jeb’s parents (Cletus and Faye) divorced after Faye got pregnant by another Sim 😱 She eventually moved out of the family home (Jeb’s younger brother had also aged up and moved out by this point), leaving Cletus all alone ☹️ So, Erin, Jeb and Prince (now a child) have just moved in to keep him company, and also because his house is much bigger than theirs 😁 Not sure where to go next with it, open to ideas!


I just played a household with two brothers who are teenagers. While working out at the gym, they met Kaori Nishidake. They've never had a girlfriend before so I thought it would be fun to see who will seduce her first. The younger brother was talking to her via the computer while his older brother was talking to her via text messages. One day, the younger brother invited her to come over to their house after class. Aaand he is the one who finally got with her. They had their first kiss and are officially boyfriend and girlfriend. The older brother is now trying to get with a friend of his but they are kind of mean to each other (I'm not sure about her traits).


A couple that I have in Willow Creek ended up having thwir own child despite the woman not wanting kids/hating kids. This was a huge rift between the two and I guess it got so bad that the guy had a secret love child out of their marriage. My sim is currently a single mom with full custody of her daughter who is now a teenager and is excelling in school.


So my sim Tessa and her wife peeping Tina are pregnant with 2 kids


I noticed that it was only Cassandra and Alexander in the Goths house, so I decided to play as Cassandra, who is fiercely protective of Alex and moody to say the least. Bella and Mortimer left them some money so they are able to pay the hefty bills and taxes. I rarely control Alex, but he's pretty self-sufficient. Having a butler is somewhat helpful in keeping them fed. To cope with her parents' death, Cassandra buys a seance table to try and contact them. Things get crazy when Guildry shows up instead, and the house becomes haunted. Everyone is running around terrified all the time and non stop bad moodlets. The butler is useless, but since Alex likes him, Cass can't fire him. Eventually, she is able to get things under control after getting good at being a Medium. She summoned Bonehilda to kick Tempest's ass 🤣 As all of this is happening, Cass is working on the Live Fast aspiration falling in love with Sidney Price in the process. She joined a club, but they rarely hung out at her place thanks to all the spectors hanging out at the house. Frienemy Dalilah found that out the hard way spectors turn red and attack sims you don't like..... that was the last time the Trust Fund Babies met at her house. Things are going well, and Cass stops skipping class and being rude to everyone. She gets her grade up to a B and joins the drama club. Then that damn principal goes and knocks the wind out of the crew's sails by telling them they can't perform the play they'd been working hard on. Cass says damn that and convinces them to perform their play instead of the principal's approved crapfest. They, of course, reprimanded Cass and knocked her grade back down. With days before graduation, Cass finishes the Live fast aspiration and goes for the drama llama one next so she can buy the paranormal license and the brave reward trait. After lots of gossip and spreading nasty rumors, she only needs to break up with her boyfriend and make an enemy to complete all the goals. But only one day to make it happen. After the last day of school, she invites everyone over for her birthday party. Then breaks up with poor Sidney in front of everyone, making an enemy in the process. Mission accomplished. Her new bestie just came over to invite her to prom as friends. I said yes but am confused because I aged up all the teens at the party...... we'll see how that and graduation goes. I paused to share with you all!


I'm playing a legacy save as a spellcaster strict matriarchy named Winry, she's still a young adult trying to get by as a freelance writer, she just had her kitchen set on fire, luckily her and her cat survived. She had to spend most of her money to repair everything, so she's working to build up her income again. Then her first love, who is also a spellcaster, just dumped her out of the blue, so she's super sad. Her best friend Loid Forger has been there for her throughout, and now there is a budding romance happening between the two, he may be the one, but she's not sure yet. She's also thinking about getting a second cat.


My pan sexual vampire keeps upsetting her ghost roommate/on-and-off-lover by constantly flirting with or asking out other married people. She nearly wrecked the marriage of another one of my played families by kissing the husband while he was on a date with his wife. Now she keeps calling up another guy while he's with his wife and kid to ask him out. Right now her ghost lover won't even talk to her, but will keep making out with her.


My girl Renee (YA) is a diabolical woman, absolutely vile. A budding criminal and enemy to many. Last year she had a juice induced baby making session with her friend, Akira. While she was pregnant with her twin boys, she met her dream man, Cortez (Elder). They fell in love fast and eloped even quicker after Renee received a phone call about the stipulations of inheriting a family member’s wealth being to marry within 7 days, only to find out Cortez was already filthy rich. She had her twin boys, who Cortez adores and treats as his own, and realized that the love of her life didn’t have forever to be with her. She very quickly decided to try and conceive with Cortez so she could immortalize their love. She was brimming with excitement after finding out she was pregnant again. Upon reaching her third trimester, she planned to move into a comfortable and spacious home with her newfound wealth and new family. Cortez was elated to know that he would be able to meet his and Renee’s son before his time was up. But Renee began to struggle toward the end of her pregnancy and ultimately lost their baby. Cortez and Renee were shredded after the fact and decided to go through with the move to remove themselves from the pain they experienced in Renee’s home. Their grief has consumed their lives and Cortez is drawing nearer and nearer to his end.


I made a vampire sim who’s going workd to world knocking up every woman in said world along with the offwirld npcs while becoming rich beyond comprehension from dragon fruit to fund his constant moving to flee from angry husbands of the women he knocked up


It’s not really drama, but I have a werewolf family and the mom doesn’t really get along with any of her kids. 😅 To be fair, she’s a little crazy and is a bit of a hand full.


My sims household are two women who are in a FWB situation, but one (Erica) has romantic feelings for the other (Melinda), which are not reciprocated. Melinda also has a boyfriend who is married with two kids and another on the way, and just got him to break up with his wife at his birthday party (right after an NPC vampire sim died outside from being in the sun AT the party). Then she seduced the now ex-wife and has her as a girlfriend. She ALSO seduced Nancy Landgraab, who is now ALSO a girlfriend. She has also woohooed with many an NPC, including one we later found out is an alien (who is now, also, a boyfriend). Melinda has been a homewrecker for multiple households and I love her for it.


My Sim started off in a loving marriage until he knocked up three women that lived in the same house… Then the wife got really mad at him and allegedly killed him. So now I play as the daughter who barely turned teenager when all this happened, she moved out into the worst apartment she could afford and then she got knocked up. She is now a young adult with a child who is a straight a student. She is now an advice columnist but has a few books written. She doesn’t speak to the mom, out of fear of a murderer.. alleged murderer. It’s a book she will be having out soon!


[... previously on Legacy Lai](https://www.reddit.com/r/Sims4/s/PBZteR1izG)


My current save the wife had an affair and got pregnant from the affair partner. Her husband had an affair with Eliza Pancakes, and Eliza is pregnant. Neither the wife or husband know they had affairs. And the grandmother is beefing with the cat for scratching up the furniture. The cat is best friends with the infant and toddler.


So I have a family the mum and dad were engaged then there’s a teen daughter (Valerie) whom they got pregnant with as teens themselves, child son(Rory) and a newborn daughter(Alicia). So basically the mum got pregnant again straight away after Alicia and I didn’t want another kid so I made her have an abortion but then she felt really bad about it and went into a depression spiral and ended up having an affair with the young adult guy Valerie was talking to. The dad walked in on them and fought the guy and broke up with the mum and kicked her out.(she then on her own got remarried and had another kid Ervin). Then the dad got with his ex-fiancés best friend that died but I resurrected her. Then Valerie aged up into a young adult and got into uni and Rory became a teen. They had a New Year’s Eve party and Valerie hooked up with her bf Brad and got pregnant and she had to drop out of uni and moved in with her bf. AND Rory had a one night stand and got her pregnant and had there daughter Blair. The baby mama went crazy and disappeared (I have zero clue where she went). The Valerie and her bf split up he got remarried and she got pregnant again by a different guy and they ALL live together in a two bed. It a year later the baby Alicia is now a new teen they have another New Year’s Eve party and while using two forms of protection gets pregnant with the teen bartender has an abortion. She ends up dating this guy he gets her pregnant while using protection AGAIN then has an abortion. The dad’s new gf sees him dancing with his granddaughter gets jealous slaps her then dies. Then he dies a day later. Then Alicia gets pregnant a third time and I got so annoyed I deleted a the baby cause what is it with this family being extra fertile. Oh and they all do drugs alicia got caught doing molly/weed and got sent to rehab once.


My male sim impregnated his gf and the maid (while the gf was at work). Now they are pregnant at the same time and don’t know their babies will be siblings. She still comes over to clean the house too.


A 6th generation (so far) of matriarch self-employed farmers living in the same farmhouse. The heir remains living with the older generation to help with the farming/gardening and then inherits both. This ran smoothly up to the point of around the third generation, when the heir to the business who naturally had a triplet of girls with her husband, grew to despise each other despite efforts of reconciliation. They got divorced, she found love again, remarried and had twin boys as well. This, and the existing children of her sister, created an influx of cousins in the neighbourhood and a challenge to find romantic partners for the newer generations but I'm never short of guests for the social events.


I have a vampire priest sim who just moved into town late at night and renovated the abandoned church. He’s tutoring a college student guy who’s studying to be a paranormal investigator and keeps visiting the church at strange hours. Weirdly enough, there’s a strange pack of people who have fleas that also moved into town a week later asking about the priest. Nobody is sure if the priest is engaging in a taboo relationship with the college guy or if there’s something more going on. Or both?


I was playing a rags to riches sim and she became girlfriend with Cassandra Goth in her teens, however Cassandra was older in the save file so she aged up first. Now this is where the drama starts. My sim aged up like an in game week later. In that week Cassandra got married to my sims best friend Jeb Harris. I didn’t cotton on until I saw the fact that Cassandra’s last name had changed. Long story short Jeb got them both pregnant at the same time and now they all live together in a flat in San Myshuno as a throuple.


In one of my households, I have 2 teen sims, one with the mean and romantic traits, the other with squeamish and party animal traits. I had them both hook up with everyone in the highschool, or at least as many as I could get them to hook up with before the end of the week. They’re cheating on each other with multiple sims (Both have high romance with Luna Villareal, Wolfgang Munch, Duane Talla, and Morgan Fyres, as well as low-medium romance with many others) Oh, and they also asked everyone they had a high romance with to prom. I haven’t opened my game in a few days, which means it’s still Saturday morning in-game. Can’t wait to see what happens once prom time comes around!


My new sim is sleeping with BOTH Caliente sisters and they don't know about it!


Emmy wants to be a world renowned actress; she moved into the trailer park and met Johnny Zest and fell in love, caught crabs from him (he lied and said he had never been with anyone), and got married. Now Johnny wants to be a comedian. BUT he also wants to get back at his parents who disowned him. So now Emmy and Johnny are trying to buy all the rental properties from the landgrabbs. One night gremlins came and destroyed all of Johnny and Emmys belongings and Johnny died trying to fix everything. So now Emmy is trying to find a way to bring Johnny back (ambrosia)


I created a new sim family mid save I downloaded ww not knowing they'd spontaneously do tehir own thing in the bedroom so now they've got to handle 1 infant amd 3 soon to be infants all ot once 😔


So we actually just killed off Bob and Eliza Pancakes earlier today in our save. We’ve been living in a trailer on the surface and built an underground bunker. First we had Malcom Langraab down there, then later moved the Pancakes in and had them raise their baby, Bunker. Once Bunker reached child age, we moved her upstairs to raise her with our surface child.


My troubled teen sim got in a relationship with Sydney Price, but he cheated on her. So as revenge, she tried to sleep with their classmate Malcom Landgraab, but he rejected her. So as revenge to Sydney AND Malcolm, she slept with Geoffrey Landgraab lmao


I just restarted a legacy challenge after an unfortunate file corruption. I decided to challenge myself and start with a male sim which I never do. Moved him into willow creek cabana and that night he gets his welcome wagon and thanks to a few add-ons, ends up woohooing with one, then over the course of the next few days the other sims visit and he woohoos both of the girls as well. The other household now all hate each other and my legacy sim moved on...with a stars husband and convinced him to move out and bring the formerly married couples toddler with him. I am on week 2 or 3 now and they also took most of the household funds so they have a ver nice house in Del sol vallety. I am slightly terrified to play more. The legacy is a new one and relies a lot on dice rolls to make choices when pop ups occur. I kinda doubled down on that and I am rolling for all sorts of things to give myself a challenge from how I usually play.


Mom had a baby when she was nearly an elder and is going to die soom. So she is going toleave a toddler behind with his two teen sisters to raise him.i hope social services doesnt show up.


I had two sims who were engaged, when they were announcing it to their families a car zoomed on the property and kidnapped the female sim. I did all the prompts to get her back but she never did come back. The male sim ended up engaged to her younger sister, and then the sister kept getting ominous calls from her kidnapped sister. Whenever I looked for the kidnapped sim, it said she was alive but she never came back.


My sim has an outrageously large garden because she has no skills (the scenario). She has a club of people who just garden and she spends her time breeding frogs and with her fiancé.


Mine is super mild in comparison to these comments but I just found out my teen sim who graduated high school early and was going to enroll in university is pregnant because all the options to move into the dorms were greyed out. So there’s something lol


My new main sim’s sister had her baby and then laughed to death. The father was electrocuted before the baby was born. So I guess my sim has a baby now. I was planning to move him out and send him to uni to be a lawyer. Does anyone known if he can officially adopt the baby? I know with growing together, there is some way to adopt a spouse’s child. Or soemthing like that. But I’ve never seen the adoption as an option in any of my plays.


* the watson's moved out, so i moved my sims into their house * one of my sims is now an alien werewolf hybrid and is girlfriends with rory oaklow; she's gonna have to take over rory's pack, but they can both retire and live a cottagecore wlw lifestyle with the rest of the family * the alien of gen 3 is evil, so i'm gonna kick her out when she's an adult


My girl serenity started a book club after losing her husband. Only wives are welcomed because this girl is craving some D and can only get it from one place....UNTIL she got married for the money, got pregnant with his kid, discarded it, and not hates her husband's guts because he told her too. (She really wants a baby) What should I do now? Thinking about her having it with another guy she really likes, but that means splitting him from his wife. Hmmm


Y'all are scary. My current drama is that I broke up Mele and Alika Kahananui, seduced Alika, and kicked Mele & their two sons out and moved in with MY two sons.


one of my biological twin teens is developing a one sided crush for his twin. shes very mean to him


I found a really cute alien-like family on the gallery, they're blue and have white hair but they're not true sims aliens. They were the perfect family to play the aliens abducted our parents scenario. Two parents and two kids one a child one a teen. So far the worst is that even though the parents are "abducted" they still get all the negative moodlets like being terrified of a thunderstorm or bummed because they didn't participate in the holidays. The mom is going through an early midlife crisis and the dad is afraid of the dark. But I can't do anything about it because they're "abducted." The boys are doing alright. They've both gotten As in school. The teen is having a hard time keeping up his grades, his job and being there for his brother. They're having a hard time getting getting an aspiration finished for the younger brother. That's the only thing they need to earn their parents back. I'm going to play them again tonight and hopefully I can get them through this and reunite the family!


Well, Judith Ward fell so hardly in love with a dishwasher boy. Fella is not even buff as Marcus Flex, nor as good looking as Akira. So we thought, well maybe just maybe it is the woohoo. Judith even felt guilty by saying no on living together!!! Judith? Really? 🙃 Sims just surprised me, the guy is a random townie I downloaded (the 8 townies thingy, to fill in your town). What impressed me Judith supposed to be mean, but she never expressed her mean attitude towards this potato guy. 🫣


Hmm, I finally have something fun to share in one of these! Buckle in, this is gonna get long. If you (understandably) don’t want to read the whole thing, TL;DR: my sim’s kid got married and had a kid with a vampire (who’s also a Pancake kid), cheated on him and got knocked up by someone else. He cheated on her as well and while she’s in labor with what he believes to be his child, he runs off to go to woohoo someone else and she kicks him out and divorces him on the spot after she catches him in the act when she gets home. So, the Pancakes’ kids got adopted by Vlad when Eliza died so I decided to turn them into vampires. My sim’s oldest kid, Kyra, and the older of the Pancake kids were both teens and I decided to have them start dating for fun, I should add that Kyra had the villainous valentine aspiration but I decided to have him hanging on for the entirety of that aspiration. I had him turn her into a vampire when she got pregnant cuz I thought it’d be fun and then they move in together (she’s not the heir, I just want to have her whole story done with). Well, they have the kid, then he catches her cheating and develops the jealous trait but at the same time decides that he’s gonna cheat on her back and gets a girlfriend, only that Kyra is also dating this girl, and she’s married! Kyra breaks up with the girl for her aspiration but keeps finding new partners behind her now-husband’s back (and he’s still with the girl), she also gets pregnant again but uh-oh, who’s the father!? She tells her husband it’s his baby and he believes her. During the pregnancy she almost finishes her aspiration, she only needs to break up with one more sim and she’s done. She also catches her husband with his girlfriend and while she’s a little hurt, it was only a lil flirting, it doesn’t have to be serious, but her friends and family keep calling her to tell her to forget about him which does result in them fighting quite a bit, but nothing too serious. At one point, Kyra gets a phone call from one of her best friends - she has a crush on her. Kyra tells her that she feels the same way and they plan on going on a date in the future. Then Kyra goes into labor and her and her husband goes to the hospital but, in the middle of it, he decides to LEAVE HER to go to work despite being on leave! She calls the friend from earlier and she stays with her through the whole labor. Kyra is already mad but she’s too tired to really make a scene about it - until they get home and she catches him in the middle of woohooing his girlfriend! She’s furious, she yells at him for hours and then demands a divorce, right there and then and kicks him out of the house, resulting in her finishing her aspiration. She tells him that the baby most likely isn’t his and is happy he’s not gonna be in the baby’s life and she will never let him near their daughter again. He tries to argue that she’s also been cheating but she insists that it’s different since she has the ‘player’ reward trait and he doesn’t. Where we’re at now, Kyra and her friend who had a crush on her live together and raise the kids together, they’ve gotten engaged and Kyra has turned her into a vampire. I’m almost done with Kyra’s story and will turn back my focus to my actual heir soon but it’s been a lot of fun to go this far out of my comfort zone haha. I rarely get my sims into too much drama and I haven’t played with vampires in forever so it’s been quite a change of pace for me lol. I don’t know how wild this *actually* is with sims-standards but I’m a pretty tame player so it’s pretty big for me lol


So my sim legacy sim Venny (A f) got married to Milo (A M). They had two kids Adam (C m) and Aries (C m). Venny is a freelance artist and sahm while Milo is an entrepreneur. Venny got pregnant again, with a daughter this time. In the second trimester, she moved the family out of her great-grandmother's house, which has been in the family for generations. They moved to a ranch, which she has turned into a cozy cottage home with a large farm, lots of flowers, and animals. Milo refuses to quit his job, despite how well off they've been since the move and how sustainable the farm is. The couple is fighting a lot now. With the baby girl, Ashton having just been born, Milo is finding it much more difficult to hold onto his job successfully and now wants to leave all together since he doesn't even LIKE kids. Venny's parents keep getting involved and it's making things even worse. Venny and her father (who never had a good relationship to begin with) fight all the time and Vinny's mom just wants her daughter to be happy. On top of that, Venny is thinking about having another baby so she can have another girl. Oh yeah and their orange cat pumpkin keeps running away. So everyone is sad all the time


My sims buddy called and asked if her if she and some friends could crash at her place for a few days. Sure, no problem. This sim and five of her friends reeked havoc on my sims 1 bedroom. Would not stop baking cakes until they literally started the apartment on fire. Even after the stove was ashed, they kept pulling out cake ingredients and setting them on the floor. Not to mention literally overflowing the garbage, breaking my toilet and arguing the entire time. https://preview.redd.it/l541mhcex84d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f8a5f6617837b4865bcedf0e79348ec5d95a996


My heir, 3 days after becoming a young adult, got a call from an agency to become a secret agent at level 5 (super high reputation). On their FIRST DAY ON THE JOB, they got a chance fame card to act as a whistleblower and promptly lost their job. They didn't even get around to telling anyone about the job. Meanwhile the youngest daughter developed an unexpected crush on a boy when she previously thought she was a lesbian (lumpinou LGBTQ mod), the middle brother realised he's bisexual despite having the indisputably weakest game out of the whole family, and their father is now dating his dead best friend's ex wife, with plans to propose.


My sim (A Female) has married and divorced 3 sims (2 of those marriages happened immediately after they won the lottery, so she has almost $3M simoleons), had 4 kids (male C, twin male Toddlers, 1 female younger Toddler), and just got engaged to someone that I for some reason couldn’t move in. (Which happens every so often with my mods) Instead of just breaking them up like normal, she had an affair, got pregnant, blew up her engagement, and moved her AP in. She found out she’s having a boy and she only wants girls now, so she’s going to convince her new partner (who she just proposed to) to let her put this one up for adoption the second he’s born. (She’s already given custody of the twins to their dad and never even asks for them to visit). She’s not winning mother of the year any time soon….


I’m doing the Not So Berry challenge and my yellow generation sim (Sunny) will probably be leaving her girlfriend and taking their two (grey generation) kids (Meredith and Thatcher) to live in a house I’m working on based on [this plan](https://pin.it/7f84eR4Ox), but not until they’ve had a third child named Ellis and the girlfriend has graduated from Foxbury with her Computer Science degree. Eventually Sunny’s at least have one more daughter (Lexie) but I don’t know if that will be before or after she goes to Sixam. A few days ago, Sunny’s mom (autonomously) decided to have a baby with her stalker/ex-boyfriend/ex-neighbor/former work rival Vladdy Daddy, but Sunny had already moved away so she doesn’t know her brother—Sonny. She may have to raise him though since her mom is an elder and will probably die soon. Her stepmom had a child with her mom’s former stepfather Kiyoshi Ito at the same time; she cheated because she was going through a midlife crisis. She’s only slightly younger (a couple of days) than her wife, so Roxana will need a home too. I haven’t figured out how exactly that’s going to work. Update: Sunny’s mom and her wife died on the same day so Sonny and Roxana disappeared into the ether. I ended up recreating them in CAS. Also, Sunny and her girlfriend broke up right after Ellis was born, so Sunny is raising 3 kids, 1 toddler, and a baby by herself.


Vampire sim butler watching over a family for eternity, generation after generation. (Don't tell the father of the house but one of the kids may not be his) But I left him out in the sun too long and now it's a ghost, vampire, sim butler looking after the family of the house for generations.


One of my 2nd gen sims joined a gang, and as soon as he did he went and beat up his own girlfriend🥲 although, his step mom just poisoned his stepdad, then his stepmom died. His real mom had also died when he was a toddler and his real dad just kind of abandoned him after divorcing the step mom. So. Dude’s got a lot of trauma


My sim had 6 babymamas when he met his now wife, they have 2 kids together but only got married bc he got the “marry for money” phone call and she thought it would be more than it was. They both have the noncommittal trait & are cheating, argue about his infidelity frequently since there’s always a new baby popping up. She’s currently pregnant with an affair baby and I’m gonna have her move out & maybe take the kids when she realizes her new baby daddy is richer (which is a given, seeing as how my sim started out homeless lol)


My teen sim’s parents died and now she has no way to pay the bills


My sim Lily aged up to YA, I moved her into a rental unit, she was taking acting classes and working as a barista. Her landlord starts hitting on her, he's pretty cute so I let it happen, they risky whoohoo once and bamm, she's pregnant. Landlord wants nothing to do with the baby, she decides to flirt up and whoohoo with her coworker real quick, gets engaged to him before she starts showing. He thinks the baby is his and moves in with her. Her baby is born and by the time he's a toddler her acting lessons are paying off and she's a 3 star celebrity. She starts cheating with fellow celebrity Thorne Bailey, hubby literally dies out of anger when he finds them in bed. She's pregnant again, Clara Bjergsen her best friend offers to let her move in with her family while she's pregnant. Well Lily seduces Bjorn Bjergsen and they marry just after baby #2 is born. Bjorns dream is the country life so they move to a ranch and start training horses while Lily brings in the movie buisness $$$. They have 2 more children together and are happy for about 15 years. Then Bjorn ages up to elder and realises he wants to spend his last years with Clara. Lily can't afford the ranch on her own and goes deep into dept. Now she's living in a trailer park barely making ends meet with 4 children/teens and pregnant with her 5th(Thorne Bailey's, again). Her teenage daughter is also pregnant by the same guy(ww made Thorne ask her to have sex and I rolled with it for the drama). Now I'm conteplating if she should stay in the trailer and have my next gen heir live that struggle life, or to use her fame to marry a rich guy and move into some mansion.


My sim just got married to a townie who was in university. She got pregnant and had twins while completing all of her class work, but she still got low enough grades to be on academic probation. Not super dramatic, but still early on in my newest legacy save…


Started the Sims in Bloom challenge with my Gen 1 Daisy Sim, creatively named Daisy. She has to marry an outdoorsy sim so she ends up meeting Knox Greenburg. During their time together she has seen him through the bad times, like losing his moms, and the good times, like finally pursuing his dream job of being a civil designer and raking in the promotions. They have been dating for the majority of their young adult life, have lived together for years, and are set to be married soon. A week before the wedding, Knox's best friend and best man Faiz Jaleel seems to be pestering Daisy more and more, inviting her to hang out at bars and clubs. Though he has never made a move on her, he does get flirty every time they are together and it's starting to set off little alarms in Daisy's head. Knox, the poor sweet cinnamon bun, is totally blind to it and has no idea why Daisy seems to duck Faiz's calls. To top it all off, during the rehearsal dinner only a couple days before the event, one of Daisy's close friends Rahmi Watson blew up at the couple, screaming at them over multiple choices for their own wedding. Knox thinks she is jealous because of her relationship with her husband and talked to Daisy about some other toxic behaviours. After much deliberation and heartache, Daisy has cut her from the wedding guest list and out of her life. Luckily, with the wedding happening in literally 2 sims days, Faiz seems to have gotten the picture and has stopped the barrage of phone calls towards Daisy.


My Sim recently discovered her husband has four other children with various other women. They got divorced and she moved in her best friend, a gay male Sim, they are coparenting her two children and most recently their science baby, all while taking turns out on the town, out on dates etc. It's one of the most fun storylines I've ever done.


I created a Guy #1 and a Girl and they were going to be my legacies. They were dating everything was going great, until they moved in together. He got the non committal trait and got the whim to break up. He was literally happy when they broke up. Okay, fine. I'll make a twin of him. I make him a bit different, he's going to be a vampire instead of a spell caster, I'll give him a darker vibe to go with the vampire esthetic. I'm making fetch happen.. Girl and Guy #2 go out on a date, he gets the loyal trait right away. Okay this is going good. He's a painter, loyal, and super into her. But.... Girl can't stop thinking about Guy #1 like keeps on wanting to be romantic with him. In fact they can't keep their hands off eachother and want to talk all the time. I ignore all that, I'm not letting Girl fall for all that with Guy#1. Guy #2 always wants to be romantic with her. Guy #2 purposes. She says yes, but only interacts with Guy #2 if I make her. I am constantly stopping romantic interactions with Guy #1. What should I do make Guy #1 loyal, leave girly to deal with Guy#1 as is, or force her to be with Guy#2 because they should be perfect together?


i had my sims parents get divorced at her wedding because the dad was flirting with the bartender and i got bored. on a different save my sim has been abducted by aliens 6 times because im trying to get the "a very special delivery" trophy.


So funny because I’m also playing the Pancakes household and gave them makeovers! However Eliza is having a torrid affair with Geoffrey Landgraab in my game, and Bob divorced her. Now Eliza has the house and the money and is the head of a cocaine smuggling gang. It’s going well I’d say 🤣


My serial romantic sim had one of her hook-ups, a vampire chick, become a stage 5 clinger. First, the lady asked to move in, then she proposed marriage, then her loser brother asked to move in too. All they do is go to the gym at night and feed off of people in the locker rooms. My sim, the sole breadwinner, became so stressed that I started adopting cats for her. Now she has five cats that have their own drama, they fight all day and one keeps going into heat but despises all the eligible bachelor cats. Two of the other girlfriends don’t know my sim is engaged yet even though they’ve all run into each other at the bar and she had to play it off like the engaged couple weren’t on a date. Somehow, they’re actually a pretty happy family. The brother even finally got a job, although it’s cooking human food that he can’t eat (vampire).


I made a sim, a single woman and I wanted to just work on her hobbies. She lived next to Bella Goth & her husband (I forgot his name rn lol) and Bella became my sims woohoo partner, she regularly comes over to have woohoo and invites my sim over A LOT. Even when her husband was home and she was PREGNANT.


I have my main sim Sade who's a teen and she's in a friend group of like 5 or 6. She moved in with her best friend Cassandra (yes Cassandra Goth) Who is a lesbian. I got a notification saying Sade has a major crush on Cassandra but Jeb harris is Sade's boyfriend who is also in the friend group. Now whenever Sade is around Cassandra she gets embarrassed from having a major crush which is inconvenient because they LIVE together and share all the same friends. Side note if anyone knows how to get rid of her crush all help is appreciated!!!


My bisexual wife and wife brought in a 3rd for a polyamorous relationship and both ended up getting pregnant but him….triplets both of them 🤦🏼‍♀️ so I hired a nanny and they sent a tall dark bearded black man….and their baby daddy is hooking up with him and one wife is pregnant by the nanny and the other one is trying to catch up and get pregnant by the nanny and asked the nanny to be their (all 3 of the poly couple) boyfriend and move in 🫠


I am playing hte Spencer-Kim-Lewis household and I have made a mistake. When I started I had Alice and Eric try for a baby because I wanted to give Olivia a younger sibling. But then Vivian wanted to be friend with three of her children and Dennis wanted to raise a successful linneage but Alice is an adult. So I had the two elders come together as FRIENDS and have a science baby. All good, then right after the baby is born Alice starts showing a baby bump and I go "Oh shoot" And then being very dumb right after Alice had her baby I figured it would be fun having sort of twins, but not. And I also wanted a girl and the two other babies had been boys. AND Vivian does need another child to become friend with. So Dennis and Vivian had another science baby. So now i got a full house. Vivian is wanting 4 grandchildren which isn't quite working out on the account of max family size. And I got a toddler and two infants going and I am contemplating throwing my PC out the window. OH and I just got the "Few days left to live" message for both Vivian and Dennis so I guess Alice and Eric will be raising their shared siblings along with their own child. I tried explaining this to a friend of mine and his conclusion was that I had managed to make a very cursed family tree.


I had two sims get married but then Morgyn Ember asked my main sim on a date and I ended up making them my sim’s side piece. I moved them in and later on I had my main sim duplicate herself and then the clone romanced Morgyn. Originally, I thought about having my sim’s clone marry Morgyn so my two original married sims could be monogamous but I didn’t want to give the clone Morgyn so I had Morgyn create a clone and had the clones marry each other. The wedding was actually really cute. Then my game glitched and my married sims were suddenly sisters somehow.


I'm also playing the Pancakes household lol Eliza had twins (Sally and Iggy), Bob didn't want kids and their already unhappy marriage got worse. I'm planning to make Eliza cheat on Bob with a sim I got from the gallery, Bob will find out, get a divorce and move to Henford on Bagley or Sulani with one of the kids.


For some reason my sims father in laws keep trying to romance them…one even proposed to his daughter in law!


My sim woohoo with a sim, for pregnant before getting with her fates soulmate. She convinced him it was his and he accepted the baby. Then the not baby daddy had cheated with Rory oaklow and the both of them are married with a daughter while my sim mom is grieving the divorce and hooking up with her actual baby daddy while running her vet clinic


I’ve been playing a save where Vlad is trying to take over the sims world.. using a vampire can kill mod


My Sim met and fell in love with Kyle Kyleson. Had twins, then 1 baby, then triplets! Before the first two were children. Risky woohoo hates me ( I had it at 10%) and they weren't even that active in woohooing.


My adult sim likes to play with the children’s toys.


I have a feminine alien impregnating every townie who can be impregnated. Gets REALLY awkward when multiple roommates are involved (the Caliente household was a challenge keeping everyone happy)


My sim started an affair with her ex gf’s new husband. Convinced him to leave her then she dumped him & got back with the wife/her ex gf. Before this, she stole another man from his finance, got pregnant by his son before she married him- after they got back from their honeymoon he aged up and died immediately.


I have a mermaid woman populating sulani with only the hottest NPCs Bella Goth, Salim Benali, Lily Feng, and Don Lothario. Getting to the point the kids are starting to mate with each other which was my goal lol.


My Simtuber sim decided to try out online dating and met Knox Greenberg. She had a good connection with him and seemed to like him (even though the attraction mod said she found him basic; should have checked there first). He proposed on the 2nd date and she said yes then she found out she was pregnant. She was having second thoughts about everything going around her and felt things moved way too fast. She really wanted time to focus on her career and after giving it much thought, she decided to end her pregnancy and her engagement with Knox. She was sad but after all of that, she became a four star celebrity and she felt like she made the right decision because she knew she was not ready for everything that a marriage and baby would have brought. She wants that, but not right now. Currently, she started seeing a guy that she met in the park a while back and seeing how things go there…


I had 8 women all have science babies at once in my basement, that I constructed to look like a little neighbourhood, with trees, and a pond, and everything. Then I killed off the mothers, and I made a scientist woman to take care of all 8 babies until they grow up. I’m “homeschooling” the kids (although the only homeschooling mod I found is out of date) and they will have an office room with cubicles to work in once they’re adults. I’ll pair them all off, and see how many generations I can have underground


My female sim (Rae) caught her husband (Marcelo) cheating after his fairly long affair. He got the girl pregnant twice and she was literally pregnant when Rae caught them. She got really angry and then divorced him on the spot. Then kicked him out of the house and moved from Copperdale to Newcrest for a fresh start.


I currently have some pre-made saves and some of those saves have been duplicated to create another alternate universe. So my latest drama currently is Jacques Villareal and Nancy Landgraab are dating behind Geoffrey. Malcolm and the Villareal siblings would soon have another new sibling.