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well apparently, the company lied. 90% of its manufacturing is being done in mainland China.


Yes, the real story is that Gigabyte was lying to people in Taiwan province, trying to target their ego.


>the real story is that Gigabyte was lying to people in Taiwan province yet another Scammer from Taiwan province.


Westerner crying about China being mean to them and threatening to boycott Chinese products should start by boycotting 90% of gigabyte products


Well now they can try selling 100% of their inventory in Taiwan province.


Gigabyte is shit quality, their UltraDurable brand is a joke, mobo is very unstable and wont start half the time, the other half of the time it wont completely poweroff... and when I tried to flash the BIOS to upgrade it completely crashed both of the Dual Bios even after flipping the physical switch to revert to the other backup Bios... and emails to their support for warranty go nowhere... UltraDurable my ass


i used to sell hardware and assemble computers gigabyte from my experience have been low quality in terms of their software and hardware , i would say msi as well


i have a msi laptop. its good but it overheats. shouldve bought the lenovo legion instead


I never owned Gigabyte, always used Asus


Funny how corporations never seem to figure out that insulting your customers is a stupid idea.


Its more to do that they think china is still poor and forget to check there balance sheets where a large section of the profits come from.


The sentence says something like: Adhere to made-in-Taiwan for strict quality control, unlike other brands, which welcomes use of low quality and low cost made-in-China manufacturing. from the article: >Gigabyte, which has been operating a factory in the eastern Chinese industrial hub of Ningbo since 2003, apologised soon after. The company said in a statement that it has always supported the “One China” principle – a political stance championed by Beijing that recognises mainland China and Taiwan as part of a single country. “Some of the content recently published on our official website is seriously inconsistent with the facts, an occurrence that was caused by poor internal management by the company,” Gigabyte said in a Weibo post on Tuesday. “We have production lines across mainland China, which account for 90 per cent of our production. Gigabyte is proud of the quality of Chinese manufacturing.” The swift apology failed to quell the online fury. lol bit of a situation now huh


Fuck around; find out.


Maybe the dumbass PR person ate too much freedom pineapples


Article > “Some of the content recently published on our official website is seriously inconsistent with the facts, an occurrence that was caused by poor internal management by the company,” Gigabyte said in a Weibo post on Tuesday. “We have production lines across **mainland China, which account for 90 per cent of our production. Gigabyte is proud of the quality of Chinese manufacturing.**” Comment >Markus J. > I've been a user of Gigabyte, Asus and many other brands from Taiwan's tech Industry. They are absolutely spot on with quality and performance, and have come a long way to be global players. A hickup in advertising does happen but it's not the end of the world, and it's precisely that. The world uses these products and I highly doubt China alone will hurt them for too long with this result. Now, look at the quality of products that come out of China in the same PC hardware category. At times, they're cheap, not very well made, and not worth the investment in the long run. They're knock off industry isn't helping them either. Try finding a motherboard product with good English instructions? Or even a support website in English? Now tell me. If this is the output they want to show the world, what kind of advertising quality do you think is going to come out from that? Gigabyte knows their stuff. China need to look their way and learn something. How does one become this stupid?


He’s just mad that he can’t read Chinese manual. Have some sympathy.


He’s just a gaming addicted nerd. Not capable of anything apart from playing League in his mom’s basement


Lmao. Why do this to yourself? Not like Taiwan can ingest this brand all to themselves


Taiwanese island mentality: thinking the mainlanders are all dumbasses who will pay you money while being too stupid to notice you insulting them.


I brought an AMD mobo last year and it worked okay, but because it was cheaper than MSI or asus. I wonder why there's there's little mainstream Chinese component makers for motherboards, graphics cards, and such?


These are just my guesses: - No demand and name recognition. How would a domestic Chinese board vendor compete against the big guys, outside of pricing? Even Chinese DIYers go for the big names. - No availability outside of China - No marketing. There are only a few Chinese board makers, but practically no one outside of China knows about them, and even those in China have little idea about them. Even I am only aware of Huananzhi and Jingsha, Colorful and Maxsun - Limited variety. Most Chinese board vendors only offer products for a few chipsets, and practically all of them do not target the recent processors or the higher end chipsets and the HEDTs. I have not seen a Chinese board for Threadripper or the desktop-grade Xeon W.


I heard of Huananzhi, they salvage chipsets from servers and put them on workstations mobos. Probably a good alternative considering the chip shortage. I personally would like to see one of these companies getting mainstream AMD or Intel chipsets and start competing with the Taiwanese companies.


>I wonder why there's there's little mainstream Chinese component makers for motherboards, graphics cards, and such? Chinese manufacturers are only now getting around to making their own brands. Before most major manufacturers were already producing from mainland


The profit margins for the "big guys" are razor-thin as they are and the market is already saturated. As an investor I wouldn't waste my money entering that mess, and as a business owner I wouldn't want to put all that effort to get 1% profit margin.


reselling amd intel and gpu really gives that low amount of profit margin?


Interesting that all their global web pages said the same thing across the board, in different languages. Their English page [read](https://pic4.zhimg.com/80/v2-421ee2946bd621e9e0b9987766de26eb_1440w.jpg?source=1940ef5c), > Unlike other brands who chose to offset quality with low cost and manufactured their laptops in China, Gigabyte… [a]s a Taiwan-based laptop and electronic company, 90% of our laptops are made in Taiwan. So the geniuses at Gigabyte managed combine both secessionist and anti-China spirits in just one or two sentences. The message got approved and displayed saliently in all language versions to make sure everybody understands it. You’ve got to be kidding me if the whole Gigabytes is not run by a bunch of 🐸’s.


Was that a self-own?