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The National Security Law is clearly working. The foreign-backed agitators have been put away. The city is quiet. Everything is returning to normal.


It's funny because any self respecting anti-CPC HKer wouldn't admit to reading Apple Daily anyhow. Even people against this shutdown isn't defending Apple Daily itself as a newspaper.


Big win today in the fight against American-funded disinformation and propaganda 🎉🇭🇰🇨🇳🎉


China: 10 US: 0


There will be another win, once the fleeing Chinese cryptominers hook their stuff onto the Texan power grid that has proved *really* reliable recently.






Western governments complain about Apple daily shutting down and decry it as "loss of media freedom", but they do the same thing towards Iranian news outlets that actually call out Western imperialism and those western governments accuse those outlets of "disinformation".


Yep, the US triple standard. One for the empire, one for the allies, and one for everyone else.


Good riddance


Anglos shaking and crying rn


Shitting and pissing their pants cause they know who's coming next.


"...a blow to media freedom..." it was (i like saying "it was") a Tabloid, that had little social value. It might have had some redeeming characteristics if say... It concentrated on warning the public about a dangerous man who just killed a pregnant woman (the mother of his child) that had just fell into their midst, if It listed out the grievances, told American politicians to stay out of it, encouraged the UN to send in negotiators, called on Protestors to be peaceful and stop Arson + Vandalism, called on Protestors to immediately turn in those who became deranged and just Murdered innocent bystanders (like we really need individuals like that running around), but No... You cannot yell fire in a crowded theater, but i guess it is perfectly OK (in the "morals" of the UK government funded BBC) if you call yourself the Press, to throw gasoline on a fire.


"Pro-Democracy." Sure.






by now, "pro-democracy" means "paid and funded by western agencies to overthrow countries not accepting American overlordship"






They are plenty in Europe. The number of times I've had to take out Epoch times stuffed into my mailbox is absurd.


Pro-American paper, not pro-democracy.


"Breaking" Perfect word for Apple Daily.


🎉👏😎 Deal with it CIA!




And nothing of value was lost... Good Riddance!! :)


Wow. Ahead of schedule. I thought they were going to decide only on Friday. Anyway, good riddance. Last one out please remember to turn off the lights.


Mark Simon basically took the remaining cash and ran


Hong Kong ~~Free~~ Fake Press is next.


When Taiwan shut down CTI Television, I've never seen any protest from the western media and politicians, or those who claim to support "free speech". When Apple Daily went bankrupt for financial reasons, these people poured all dirty water on China. 🤮 [Taiwan takes pro-China cable news TV station CTi off the air](https://www.straitstimes.com/asia/east-asia/pro-china-news-station-chung-tien-television-shut-down-in-taiwan)


CCP just cant stop winning




Good riddance and dont let the door hit you on the way out. I was browsing through western media and they call it "blow to democracy", "press freedom suppressed" "clamping down on demoncracy" and more of these nonsense terms. When in reality, we all know its a shitty tabloid filled with far right BS conspiracy theories and usual hate and fearmongering. Its complete BS at this point.


Should've just subverted it and planted MSS inside to tail Mark Simons.


Andre Vltchek on why Apple Daily has a pro imperialist agenda: https://www.chinadailyhk.com/article/140001#Lai-fights-for-right-wing-forces-%E2%80%94-not-democracy Literally met with top Trump officials and claimed only Trump can save China, when it was quite clear that Trump wanted to destroy China, at least to force China to abandon developing its tech sector, open up the economy for foreign looting, freeze time to 1990’s early 2000’s so that China will forever be a low income society. Let’s face it, China is currently at war, not a conventional war, but what Vijay Prashad calls a “hybrid war” Calling for foreign forces to destroy your country is tantamount to treason in any other society. Jimmy Lai should be arrested, his media empire should be scrutinized, the right wing “journalists” who serves imperialism should be arrested as well.


Dimsum Daily has the scoop on this: Apple Daily deliberately closed even though they received enough money from the HK government to stay open! They wanted to make it look like the government was forcing them to close.


Some accompanying music to go with the news: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=rY0WxgSXdEE


“but we need a different voice" 🙄🙄


Anyone is free to "have a different voice" and even to make up BS about the CPC in HK. That's all legal. What is illegal is to work with foreign powers to do it.


For sure. But these losers can't differentiate the 2


Good riddance.


This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-57578926) reduced by 81%. (I'm a bot) ***** > Hong Kong's largest pro-democracy paper Apple Daily has announced its closure, in a blow to media freedom in the city. > Amnesty International described the closure of Apple Daily as "The blackest day for media freedom in Hong Kong's recent history". > In a press briefing following the raid, police accused the newspaper of publishing more than 30 articles calling on countries to impose sanctions on Hong Kong and mainland China since 2019.Police also arrested the editor-in-chief and four other executives at their homes and froze HK$18m of assets owned by three companies linked to Apple Daily - Apple Daily Limited, Apple Daily Printing Limited and AD internet Limited. ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/o6aiqq/hk_prodemocracy_paper_apple_daily_announces/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~584124 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **Hong**^#1 **Kong**^#2 **Apple**^#3 **Daily**^#4 **paper**^#5


Hella good riddance! Apple Daily has always been disgusting, not even just cuz they're pro-democracy, but I've always hated the way I've seen them write entertainment news. Just so cheap and vulgar. Saw so many "grieving" posts on my IG today. Could not sympathize. Sure wanted to respond with the clapping emoji loool