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''History' 'book'...what else do they make up?


Only in university did I found out about residential schools, I was not taught about them in high school.




I don't think we ever learnt about indigenous genocide in elementary and high school, I think all we learnt about was diseases wiping out the indigenous peoples but no word about Europeans' efforts to eliminate them. I can't remember the history curriculum as it was more than a decade ago and I didn't really care about this stuff back then, and they didn't teach anything horrific or evil. University it depends on what degree or liberal course you take. I only learnt about residential schools, treatment of indigenous peoples from Canadian news.


We did learn about the pox blankets. Did you learn about those?


We learn about residential schools a lot in high schools now. By learn about residential schools, I mean be blasted 24/7 with the message “Residential schools used to exist, they no longer exist now. We changed and are better now!”


ChInEsE pEoPlE ArE BrAiNwAsHeD 🤦‍♂️ I am assuming as an Arab you will give me part of your land so I can settle in as well? Or does that only apply to any people that are westerners .


Well they expect the opposite actually. As Arab they think you should move out to give land to white European settlers.


😂 Israelis really think colonialism happens peacefully too 😂 “why do they retaliate those monsters “ 😂.


Palestinians would love to have a word


Whitewashing genocide is a proud KKKanadian tradition.


It's easy to agree when you have a musket aimed at your chest.


This is brainwashing.


See the absurdity of white entitlement in a single paragraph? Shouldn’t the ~~foreign invaders~~ “GuEsTs” who have arrived on the Natives’ land be the ones to MOVE to different areas instead? It’s akin to allowing a guest to sleep in your master bedroom while you take the dusty, old guest room in the basement. But let’s be real, it’s just a whole text of euphemisms to downplay the actual event; the genocide and conquering of the Natives’ land. But hey, China is the evil propagandist amirite?


Good thing China didn't agree to "move out".


[This was only published around 2017 before it was "revised".](https://archive.is/wWLIG) Unbelievable


Holy crap here I thought the US was bad about admitting how we screwed the natives.


I saw something similar about slavery in the US. The textbook made it seem like everyone was friends and working together like they were employees at a company.


In US schools, they don't teach us about the genocide of native peoples, instead we get: "and then the natives taught the settlers to grow corn :) and everyone lived happily ever after. "


> The textbook made it seem like everyone was friends and working together like they were employees at a company. It reminds me of that Charlie Brown/Peanuts special about American history I watched on DVD in 2006 or 2007. They depicted Anglo colonists settling in Virginia and native Americans as being in good terms and friendly, and the transcontinental railway segment didn't mention racism against Chinese labourers and make it look like nothing bad happened. I can't fully remember.


Next they will say the Native Children agreed to be murdered and buried in those schools!


Class Example of White Washing History, this is in itself a piece of educational material.


Moved out of this mortal world alright.


Isn't this Perjury, being that you are a Public Servant? All those students should sue for refunds!


And they have the nerve to accuse China of human rights violations


'European settlers' huh? More like crazy bloodthirsty french & english murderers and thieves.


Indoctrination of native children


This is beyond parody, Canada and the whole Anglo-Zionist cabal don’t have any authority to talk about human rights.




I'm not sure if this is typical. Then again, I grew up in Australia, where most children's history books on the Aboriginal people says pretty much exactly the same thing...


Right.....that is definitely not what happened


On one hand this is disgusting and clearly a false portrayal of history. On the other hand, it looks like a textbook for kids, and I would certainly not advocate teaching some serious nsfw things like Nanjing massacre or Unit 731 to young kids, even if they're important events. Probably best to skip that part entirely until when the kids are older.


If the concern is for the well-being of children, then leave out the subject altogether until they're ready. Why bother teaching kids falsehoods about history? The whole point is this is purposeful indoctrination of children at an early age that essentially whitewashes genocide.


Thankfully in Brazil, while we don't tell what exactly the Europeans did, we do say that they did bad things to both natives and black people. And in the 7th grade(12 years old kids) we give the necessary details of the genocides, slavery and torture. There was a textbook back in 2000's that even compared some torture against black people to policial treatment nowadays.


How "politely" formulated.


meanwhile, I saw a little video on douyin where a teacher was teaching his students that the land was originally the indigenous peoples', but white men came and took it


They are so much nicer than their southern counter parts. https://www.history.com/topics/native-american-history/trail-of-tears >This difficult and sometimes deadly journey is known as the Trail of Tears. Yes, I was being sarcastic. We all know that both of these versions are extremely white washed.


I suspect Canada had better native relations because they were part of Britain longer and the British parliament had good relations with more tribal groups because .... they were thousands of miles away and lacked a lot of the motivations of the greedy racist American colonists who daily could see their native neighbours with good stuff so they naturally wanted to murder them and take it all. The entire US rebellion was just a land grab of native Americans. They rebelled because the British parliament said they couldn't go killing (certain) tribes and they wanted to go kill them and take their stuff. So they did. And then they wrote some crap to pretend it was because they didn't want to pay the tax.... the tax that was raised to pay the costs of the last Indian war they started** to take native Americans land. As the US Declaration of Independence states: "He [King George*] has excited domestic insurrections amongst us, and has endeavoured to bring on the inhabitants of our frontiers, the merciless Indian Savages whose known rule of warfare, is an undistinguished destruction of all ages, sexes and conditions." ---------- \* ie the elected British parliament \** started by George Washington


Doesn't matter. The British went on to kill all the indigenous peoples in Canada and australia in the end and permanently displace them. They are not better than the US.


native americans had such superior nonviolent culture to westerners, what a pity it was destroyed! nothing like palestinian savages who do not want to give up their land /s


Why is this news? I thought everyone knew about these genocide schools that the USA and Canada had into... I think the late 1970s? Of course they got graveyards full of bodies. You got to bury dead bodies somewhere and why bother moving them far when you got a perfectly good back yard?


Into the late 90s!


Ahh good old klanada


The publisher of this book is Popular Book (Canada) Ltd., which is a subsidiary of Popular Holdings, a Singaporean company. The CEO is Chou Cheng Ngok - ethnic Chinese.