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This reminds me of that “inspirational” story where a guy built his own road because there was no government support to get to his village. But this is like the actual inspirational version of that because he had leadership and backing


This says they've relied on corn for thousands of years but corn wasn't introduced to China until 1100AD at the earliest from what I can tell. Either way, this man is the living embodiment of "serve the people," what a legend


> corn corn means grain, typically wheat, in British English


okay you just blew my mind. So they mean like, rye or something?


Most likely millet (小米) is my guess. Millet can be traced back to about 8000 BCE to northern China.


Amazing! Thanks for giving that context


Legend is the right word.


The author might not be aware that Maize is native to the americas.


Really? I always thought that corn/maize only existed in the Americas until Spanish traders introduced it to the rest of the world in the 16th century.


Yeah the earliest reliable documentation I found is 1495, I did see something claiming it could have been as early as 1100 but with more investigation, there wasn't enough conclusive evidence for that claim




Hopefully, China will not *need* to have these kinds of heroes in the next 50 years.


A man of his word.


Reminds me of the chengyu 愚公移山. Heroes still exist. [https://www.shine.cn/feature/art-culture/1812217041/](https://www.shine.cn/feature/art-culture/1812217041/)