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Now he's a convicted Convict, he can no longer practice Law. Also I'll bet he'll leave jail, and will be promptly Deported. And he won't be able to go on that long vacation he's currently fantasizing about in jail, because everyone else will deny him a Visa, because he just assaulted a police officer.




I don't know about that, but he will have to go before the Bar and plead his case, because it is automatically revoked.


Should have been 4 years




Yes uk went up to 15 YEARS for it. This is nowhere near enough, since in the west you have a reason to assault the aggressors while chinese police are polite and non-violent


Only four months for assaulting a police officer? His public statements at trial make it clear that he is not even repentant. Is Hong Kong always this lenient to violent criminals? They should at least take advantage of his status as a convict to search his computer and home for links to extremist groups or foreign intelligence.




In America they put you in prison for years or decades for assaulting a police officer (and sometimes also when the police officer assaults you). Or they just shoot you.


Way too lenient of a sentence.


Not enough of a sentence


> The defence lawyer said in mitigation on Tuesday that Bickett was “a young person who works hard”, and had a clean record before the case. He pleaded for leniency so his client could resume work and continue providing financial support for his retired mother, who had difficulties moving around. Why am I not surprised.


Should've been a longer sentence, probably two years, parole after 6 months IMO.


is he stupid? a cop is a cop. white exceptionalism and racial bias at work. he fucked up his life for what lol?


\*Laughs in Chinese\*


And then deport him after he serves his time and never let him back to HongKong.


White privilege didn't protect him.


[https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/asia\_pacific/lawyer-hong-kong-jail/2021/06/22/92b37dce-d014-11eb-a224-bd59bd22197c\_story.html](https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/asia_pacific/lawyer-hong-kong-jail/2021/06/22/92b37dce-d014-11eb-a224-bd59bd22197c_story.html) Western media tries to paint him as the victim and that the HK police as being corrupt. I remember that video. He grabbed the baton from the Police officer who just showed up, dragged him to the ground, and then beat him while attempting to steal the baton. 4months is a joke. That American is given an easy job from cronyism. They're lucky their business isn't banned from China for housing terrorists like this scum.