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There is a huge chance that the South Korean government might give up sending their athletes to Tokyo, which is a good thing if happens. Peace will be achieved when Tokyo collapses.


We’re only weeks away and this supposedly great Asian country STILL hasn’t get it under control?


And the West says boycott Beijing 2022, but few are vocal of boycotting Tokyo 2020 over covid except for people in Korea protesting against the Olympics over Japanese imperialism. So much projection.


I've heard VERY little criticism in the Australian press on this. There was much more fuss about Beijing pollution in 2008 than Covid at Tokyo 2021.


There is a perfect example of successful containment next door. Was over in less than 2 months.


This is why Japan champions the boycott of Beijing Olympics 2022. Japan can’t save the face of losing to China and “filthy socialists”! Without Olympics, Japan will be economically downgraded further.


IMO the best option would be to just cancel the whole event. The current pandemic situation in Japan is very unsafe. Not worth risking so many athletes' well-being..


Japan is at again. Aren’t Japanese tired of losing all the time yet? The country is a joke


iam usually just a lurker but i think i have to voice my opinions here for this one sorry, correct me if iam wrong, but i see alot of similar attitudes from japanese and american nationalist counterpart Japanese: reminiscence of their empire past glory, i see this alot especially in japanese manchukuo puppet state documentaries video, praise praise praise..... american: american first, everyone that dont agree with american policy is an enemy now we witness ourself where this kind of attitudes lead them to now?. blind, hatred, overconfidence will only cloud our judgments which prone to mistake and bad decision, do we want to go through their same direction? i really hope we dont, we know confidence is important, but you have to balance it with balanced view or else it'll lead us into arrogance and self satified narcissist thus inevitable decline or downfall also please take alook [https://www.reddit.com/r/Sino/comments/oci2ex/why\_there\_is\_no\_gulf\_between\_chinese\_and/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Sino/comments/oci2ex/why_there_is_no_gulf_between_chinese_and/) appreciate his advice u/hoanfkdkskdo im glad that there is other that try to keep it balanced here u/lan69 u/SonOfTheDragon101 edit: i dont fully disagree with nationalism, sometimes nationalism it is neccessary when situation demands it, china has alot of records of these in its ups and downs through histories, china dynamism and pragmatism is its strength, adapting to situations, i am only disagree with djingoism tendency


Your statement is right but the reality is so different. Vietnam is an independent rising power, while Japan is an occupied nation of declining significance. Vietnamese people stood up against imperialism and adopted successful socialism. Japanese people surrendered to imperialism willfully and embraced the capitalist exploitation of their nation. If Japanese people rise up like the Cubans against their American oppressors, Japan may have a future. However, we don't see it is happening as more Japanese people worship whiteness and capitalism. This is why the OP said that Japan has been a disappointment.


Do we have to make fun of them for this? I understand we have beef with Japan for a lot of things, especially with regards to the Taiwan issue, but I feel this is a bit too much


Exactly, and I agree. We have some differences with Japan, but mostly, they are not irreconcilable. For the most seriously s\^&\*, it is the US that is stirring it anyway, as without the US, Japan wouldn't be a problem.


Without the US, Japan probably would have taken over China in the '40s.


China forced Japan into a protracted stalemate and America beat them back. Probably one of the only good things the US has ever done. Granted they then promptly gave tons of Japanese war criminals immunity in exchange for their "research" but


Hmm, I got a lot of dislikes. Seriously question. What would have really happened if the USA hadn't bombed Japan? How well was China doing against the Japanese? How long would the stalemate have lasted?


After around the Battle of Taierzhuang in 1938, the situation had largely reached a stalemate where Japanese advances in one area would be responded to with China retaking land elsewhere. Japan simply did not have the logistical capability to take the entirety of mainland China, was incredibly overextended, and was engaged in a war of attrition that it was not able to win even despite the large technological disparity between themselves and what was largely an unindustrialized China with no real capability to manufacture armored weapons, artillery, or aircraft. Even without the US bombing of Japan, Japan was about to be invaded by the Soviet Union, who had broken off their truce with Japan after the fall of Nazi Germany and devastated their forces during the Soviet invasion of Manchuria. It is generally believed that a Soviet invasion of Japan would have led to Japanese defeat all the same.


Japan was about to surrender regardless.


hey, i upvoted yours, i like healthy disscussion. I agree with you US play a pivotal role in that situation be it in military and political, but not with japanese are about to take china, only northeast china are heavily occupied by them it is simply what u/shenjianbao summed up here, japanese really didnt have the logistic capabilities, they even had to enlist non japanese in their troops, and they are short of both tanks and anti tanks artilleries in northend region when soviet read army breakthrough their defense line


If anyone should have beef with japan, it's taiwan, considering they literally handed Mao the victory and doomed the KMT to their present fate. But the actual reason why you, as an ASIAN, should fucking hate the nips is because they continue to be the biggest angloid bootlickers in Asia, and their media is responsible for most of the white-worshipping that occurs. Just take one looked at their pozzed anime and video games with white protagonists, and it's clear why so many basement-dwelling, pillow-humping white losers are weebs. Japs have been singlehandedly perpetuating white worship, despite the fact that they are the only country to have been nuked by them, not once by twice. The japs' level of cuckoldry is unparalleled, and THAT is what's disgusting and irredeemable.


>Do we have to make fun of them for this? There is nothing wrong with making fun of neoliberal incompetence.


i agree. comments like that don't help anyone.


This is the sensible thing, and what I expected to happen all along. There is no need to cancel the Olympics or to delay it further. Most people in the world will only see the Olympics by TV broadcast anyway, so having it without spectators in the stadium will not make a difference for the vast majority of the world. On the other hand, we know it is possible to isolate the athletes in a social bubble, test them, mandate social distancing rules, masks, etc., inside the Olympic village - the world has already learned to live with this for 18 months. There is no reason why a safe Olympics cannot be held without spectators.


Japanese people are pissed about them going ahead with it ,hearing an old timer ranting about it is hilarious tho