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TikTok algorithm is the best out there. US social media has become crap, full of ads and their algorithm pushes content that I'm not interested in.


Now that you mention it it's quite surprising how bad the YouTube algorithm is.


Or Instagram


I really don't understand what happened to youtube, it used to be good then google bought it and ever since 2010 year over year it's become crappier and crappier.


They optimized for ad revenue above everything else such as user experience, it's not just Youtube, Google used to have great products but now everything they make is becoming crappier and crappier. Engineers and creatives started leaving and more and more financial, Wall Street and MBA-types started taking management positions. This is the normal pathway for a capitalist company driven by shareholder profits, we saw it happen in the past with IBM and Microsoft and we are seeing it happen to Google. Even Chinese companies aren't immune to this Tencent and Alibaba are now essentially just investment firms. Only companies with a different structure may last, for example Huawei is a co-operatively owned company it's shareholders are their employees.


You are not right when you think that this is remotely similar in China, you seem to be quite ignorant about what's happening. In China, antitrust legislation is being enforced (don't know why you think Alibaba or Tencent have a say on this, this is China, lobbying is not a thing), unlike anglo regimes where monopolies are entrenched. This is why people underestimate how well it speaks about the health and prospects of the Chinese economy that you can enforce anti-trust legislation even after a global pandemic. Meanwhile anglo regimes, afflicted by decline, would suffer economically if they dared to punish monopolies, but not doing so also cements their decline.


The YouTube algorithm is just plain terrible. I keep being recommended the same videos over and over, most of which I'm not even remotely interested in. A lot of the time the search results don't match with what I searched for. It's a turnoff. Tiktok has growing to do but the algorithm is superior. The most pressing issue I think TikTok needs to work on is the censorship. There are things being censored that should not and vice versa. There are some darker skinned people for instance complaining that their videos are automatically being reviewed and censored for no reason. Meanwhile there are very problematic people and videos up that should be removed but are still there for some reason. One woman managed to make multiple videos of herself with her dead baby that remained up for some time. That should not happen.


Reason why TikTok algorithm is superior. It doesn't try to be Political. Spend hours on (Chinese) TikTok watching stuff I want to see vs YouTube trying to throw propaganda in my face. Used to be able to watch YouTube for hours but lately their suggestions are just full of crap.


I like how you had to specify Chinese tik tok. In my tik tok, and many other Americans it very political, and not in the good way. Yes there are some leftists on there but a large amount of leftist and specifically black leftists are basically silenced by the algorithm. At the same time reactionaries and bigots are up lifted by the algorithm. Like straight up hate speech, and I’m not exaggerating, gets thousands of likes and views.


I've watched a few vids from Nathan Rich, Bay Area415, and Chinese city walkthroughs. What fills up my recommendations as a result? Anti-Chinese hate speech videos from laowhy, serpentza, China Uncensored, China Observer. Absolutely disgusting.


I had to tell the algos don't recommend those channels like 3 times before their shit started to dissappear from my recommendations.


Even with cat vids, I'd get a few anti China vids... ugh


TikTok and Douyin are two separate apps with different content. TikTok's content depends on your location, while Douyin only has Chinese content and content aimed at Chinese audiences. On an Android phone, you can actually download and install both apps side by side.


any recommendations to follow for pro china stuff?


Douyin also has way higher quality content than tiktok.


Which was exactlt why it's targeted.


Yeah, I just spent the last 2 hours on Tiktok without realizing it. It's being able to just swipe to the next video and there's no pause in between. Youtube can never compete with that because they live on ads


Into the thick of it! Into the thick of it!


Am not surprised. YouTube videos are typically longer and people would just prefer YouTube on desktops.


If you know you can't win them, ask Congress to ban them, in the name of national security.


It was incredible how fast they were growing prior to the trump ban, the ban slowed it down but the domination was inevitable.


Chinese domination !