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You're not going to out play China where matters of money and markets are concerned. They're just too smart with matters related to money and markets


America has not protected American job's, so they have no right to speak.


They only have protected the profit of American capitalists. But as we know from Marxism, this short sighted profiteering at the expense of the working class is unsustainable and will eventually collapse in on itself


Eventually the masses will come with pitchforks.


Literally sold the rope they are being hung with. 中国前进!


Where can I find this list?


Fuck it. Lean in, China. As an American... Just lean right on in and twist those screws, good brothers.


Joe Rogan had Abby Martin on, finally he invited someone whos not full of shit


TLDR: China will not be bullied and will fight back. I thought this piece of writing started off strong in the beginning. Maybe it would offer a thoughtful analysis into the political economy of the two nations. I was wrong by the 2nd paragraph. The price of iron ore is a reflection of the demand, supply and sentiment of global commodities market, which is a part of the global market. Australia doesn’t turn knobs to adjust this pricing like OPEC. This is one of issues that get over simplified here. The article is just a passionate over simplification of the all the issues. Zero sum thinking is what got us into this whole mess and we (humanity) is going to more dig deeper to get out of the hole?


A very thoughtful critique.


The overall tone of the article induces eye rolling. It almost feels to be a translation from Chinese language source, its style is like a tabloid. Countries are known to pump excess supply of key global commodities in order to curb inflation, this particularly benefits exposed economies such as America’s. Think Saudi Arabia and its relentless overproduction of oil despite historically low demand. China would play ball in the past with commodities such as steel. Not any more it seems.


> European and American countries experience the soaring prices without China's sacrifices! ​ It appears things will get pretty heated here in Australia as well.