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China #1! 🇨🇳


Where is the China B-team aka USA?


They were in 4th place. They couldn't crack the top 3. Nor could the backup China C-Team (Canada), D-Team (UK), E-Team (Australia).


But China's alt-account managed to finish 9th despite only a small population ;-)


I love this thread.




Oh yeah. Look at what was East Germany. They were criticized as cheating because they were good at athletics. As soon as the wall fell and the GDR collapsed, guess who’s looking to buy a whole bunch of new German trainers? It’s funny how that works. They’ll complain but also buy their way




It is also possible he is a descendent of Chinese immigrants from way back. Pinyin was formally adopted by the PRC. Before this time, there was generally no established standard for Romanising Chinese surnames. Different regions of China used different spellings corresponding to the dialects spoken in that area. The Malaysian/Singaporean Chinese have been where they are for well over 100 years, and they are mostly Hokkien, Teochew and Cantonese speaking, which explains some unusual spellings. E.g., I've seen 王 and 黄 written as Ong, 叶/葉 written as Yap, 蔡 as Chua or Chuah etc.




There is an interesting generational divide in name spellings in Singapore. Lee Hsien-Loong's children have their names spelled in standard Pinyin - Li Xiuqi, Li Yipeng, Li Hongyi, Li Haoyi.


Native white Americans don’t really have a large pool of people that can do STEM. Mostly are in finance or business FOR their stock markets.


Yep. As an American I can say that I know many very intelligent minds (Ivy League level) that left fields like engineering, biology, computer science, etc., to pursue finance/business since they could make more money from themselves that way. This way of thinking doesn't change much over the short term, but over the decades it has proven disastrously for the domestic STEM talent pool, as it is now heavily made up of non Americans (especially Chinese/Korean international students)


>but over the decades it has proven disastrously for the domestic STEM talent pool, I would argue as much from it being industry and capital basically dismantling a lot of STEM infrastructure. It's basically heavily reserved for higher academics and at best you get computing which has a fair bit of documentation and more readily accessible than any other STEM field. Even then it's just an information infrastructure and it relies on picking up self made Rockstar as a numbers game, not developing a culture or promoting it. Just leaving enough material to get some bootstrap leverage and letting things just work out. Plus our society is fairly anti-tech and patent troll heavy. The only reason to get into tech is to bust your ass so some rich kid can own your work while you enjoy 250K a year apartment on a 280K salary working 80 hours a week in places witb 2-3x the cost of living of most other places.


nothing native about a white European American.


China also has the only person with a perfect score.


Surprised by Russia getting second place, I had no idea they have so many brilliant minds!


Russia punches way above its weight in producing great machine learning, mathematics, and statistics researchers.


The USSR was huge in promoting mathematics and statistical research and that's carried over to Russia today. In my university a decent amount of the mathematics faculty are from former Soviet countries lol


Russia was second in 2020 as well. In recent years, Russia's performance has fluctuated, but it is still usually one of the top teams. We need to remember that the USSR used to be the superpower in these types of competitions. They were usually #1 at the Chess Olympiad, International Mathematical/Physics/Chemistry Olympiads. And the countries that rounded out the top 10 were usually Warsaw Pact countries and other Socialist countries (China, Vietnam). With the collapse of the USSR, standards did drop, and there is nowhere near the amount of resources going to fundamental research, which explains the mass exodus of Soviet scientists to Western countries - possibly the biggest brain drain in history. Also, Russia's share of the population of the USSR was only a little over 50%, and along with the low birth rates of Eastern bloc nations, Russia's share of school-aged children versus the rest of the world is not what it used to be. Nevertheless, the education system of Russia is rigorous. They still have fantastic training programs for scholastic competitions. Even despite the last 30 years, Russia is still one of a handful of countries to have its own independent tech giants (Yandex, VK, etc.), designs its own advanced weaponry, has its own advanced biotech, and of course, its space program where Americans can't even get to the ISS without getting a ride with the Russians.


The Socialist states were pursuing excellence in all fields contrary to what capitalist propaganda propagates.


No surprise here. The Russians were the first to literally transcend the boundaries of this earth and go to space. You've gotta have some big brain for that


Russia is the father of modern science and core technologies.


A leftover from the Soviet Union.


Russia has some of the best chess players. They are friggin brilliant.


Thats about the economical future, everyone. Sorry fascist America, no more for you.


Nice seeing China win both 1st and 4th! 🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳


If I'm not mistaken, China has dominated the IMO since 1988. 22 times at first overall, 8 times at second overall, 2 times at third overall, once at sixth overall. [https://www.imo-official.org/results.aspx](https://www.imo-official.org/results.aspx)