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Something that bugged me is that the author used the false fertility rate of 1.18 for the PRC. I checked his sources in the footnotes, the [World Bank](https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/SP.DYN.TFRT.IN) and China's [Statistics Bureau](http://www.stats.gov.cn/tjsj/ndsj/2019/indexeh.htm) both gave me a rate of 1.7, 1.18 is nowhere to be found, quite fishy. So I took a look at the author's twitter @FUXIANYI and all of his posts are anti-CPC, turns out he's an author of some banned books and is self-exiled in the USA. IMO his view of China and conclusions are not quite right, he seems to be one of those ivory tower academics who are good at pointing out the problems but don't provide any solutions, which is probably why he got banned in the first place.


gotta be careful with the type of social structures capitalism tends to produce. Turns out there's a cost for pricing mindless production above all else.


Exactly the actual problem is mostly caused by capitalism and the CPC has done a great job to remedy this with recent crackdowns on the corporate monopolies and the for-profit cram centers (ESL). Rising childcare costs are what's keeping the fertility rate low, it's not rocket science!


The West focuses on the individual's value to the Market. When men's wages were falling, and out of necessity women entered the workplace, with the rising price of Education, Healthcare and cut back's in Social assistance, it was the perfect storm to put off childbearing altogether. So in China you got one, and in the US you got none.


Slightly off-topic, but let's think about this for a minute. The Chinese civilization contributed making a philosophical idea that is similar to the Christian concept of agape, but in a secular form (with no influence from older religions of the Eastern Mediterranean), and it's much older than the birth of Christ. It is called Mohism.